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CB family integrity program

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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for family integrity program. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with family integrity program.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used family integrity program's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with family integrity program, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with family integrity program. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

10:59 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

family integrity program fraud, waste & abuse

These people fraud millions of dollars designing fraudulent case plans with unwarranted treatments and launder money through the county commission & the j& D court system!

WE feel they should be prosecuted for violateing the constitutional of famalies. They are MONEY GRUBBING LIARS!


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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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2:12 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

family integrity program INCOMPETENCE/fraud

These are the most INCOMPETENT PEOPLE in the state! They can't spell; they falsify documents and records; lie in court and assist their CONTRACTED SERVICE PROVIDERS fraud thousands of dollars from federal programs for WORTHLESS SERVICES! They slander people, kidnap children, hold them for ranson (CASE PLANS WORTH MILLIONS IN FEDERAL FUNDING!) Induce (coerce desperate parents to surrender their constitutional rights using a DOCUMENT MARKED BY ASTERISKS that you are about to GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS/LIBERTY if you sigtn the document. They practise law without a license; write and file papers using DCF; Department of Children and Famalies attorneys (Whom will sign any piece of GARBAGE/Trash these idiots COMPOSE and slide before them AND THEN FILE IN A COURT RECORD! They should all be PROSECTUTED UNDER THE RICO ACT! (Along with the CONTRACTED SERVICE PROVIDERS WORKING FOR THEM, , , It's ALL FRAUD!) Even the court appointed attorneys working for the parents know it's FRAUD! Everyone should read the AMERICAN FAMILY RIGHTS ASSOCIATION (AFRA) web site. It does not matter what ABC agency you're3 dealing with... whether they call themselves CPS, FIP... ting... tang... or child protection. It's all FRAUD for millions in Federal Funding into state and county COFFERS! SHUT THEM DOWN CHARLIE CHRIST AND SEND OUR CHILDREN HOME! FRAUD, WASTE, ABUSE, KIDNAPPING, EXTORTION, HOSTAGE HOLDING! They do it all at FIP! Courtesy of the 1974 CAPTA ACT!

Read full review of family integrity program and 8 comments

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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chilkoot charlies ex-wife
Saint Augustine Beach, US
Nov 15, 2009 4:11 pm EST

Anyone having a promblem with this group of unethical charlatans; actors ect. needs to read the following website: AMERICAN FAMILY RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. Get an education... just read this entire website and then send pink slips to your congressmen and ask them to: SHUT THEM DOWN!

chilkoot charlies ex-wife
Saint Augustine Beach, US
May 10, 2010 4:00 pm EDT

What happened to the big mouth FRAUD from JUSTICE FOR KIDS? Got a BOSTWICK stuck up your butt? Or are you one of those money grubbing social BIGOTS that just want to get your hands on a few dollars yourself... tell you what... why dont we let some kid accuse you of molesting them just for the pure hell of it and see how your [censor] feels later on. Then add on the convicted ex-husband who really is an ALASKAN SEX OFFENDer and his CHILD MOLESTING ADOPTIVE MOTHER FROM WEST PALM BEACH who tried to bribe these kids and GOD ONLY KNOWS WHO ELSES>>>>>>>>>>>

I forgot to mention all the money mooching GALS, Attorneys, unlicensed and licensed therpaist this and that's; the colluding judges, and the scamming ex-wives; ex-husbands; then the kids get BRIBED BY THE STATE with free college funds; free apartments and moving expenses plus free furniture supplied at COUNTY PAID EXPENSES plus a check for $800-$1, 200 per month... (Not to mention their FREE LOADING HOMELESS BOYFRIENDS who actually are child molestors themselves since the children in question are under 18 (YOUR KIDS THAT IS>>>>>) and the state is paying for 25 year old men to live FREE with the children... pay no bills... get your kids pregnant... and people like Justice 4 Kids think it's all okay! #@#@@##@ all you dumb [censor] BIGOTS! Before all you intelligent child protecting snobs; groupie homers and FOSTER MONEY GRUBBERS put your 2 cents worth into someone elses HORRROR let us do the same thing to you that was done to this family and see how you feel later on!

Also for all you bleeding heart BELIEVE THE CHILDREN PEOPLE... KIDS LIE... YOURS LIES... MINE LIE... THE JUDGES KIDS LIE...SOCIAL WORKERS LIE... It only take one bribe no matter how big or small... to get the job done! Need we remind you that there used to be a sign in the court house that read, "BELIEVE THE CHILDREN". They took it down! (SALEM WITCH TRIALS!) Does anyone need to remind the idiots about how many people were torchered and murdered because a few creative kids accused people of witchcraft! LA TE DA! So before you start running your mouth, walk a mile in someone elses shoes before your step kids accuse you of molesting them so granney molestor will leave them a CHATEAU in ALANTIS! I don't feel sorry for you BOSTWICK! What goes around COMES HOME-R. These kids don't even respect their own mother and have no concern for how much GRIEF THEY HAVE CAUSED HER! I happen to know the kids and the parents and I met the evil witch from west palm beach! SNOBBO DE BOBBO DE' VILLA DE' VILLE! Shame on you!

chilkoot charlies ex-wife
Saint Augustine Beach, US
Nov 28, 2009 6:29 pm EST

I forgot to mentionthis but try reading the 10 commandments again maybe you missed something important. Who is like god? YOU MAYBE?

American Family Rights Association member

chilkoot charlies ex-wife
Saint Augustine Beach, US
Nov 28, 2009 6:02 pm EST

It's amazing what whacko family members will do to each other for no reason except to get out of paying child support and/or to collect child support or get a welfare dollar. Thing is that now the county commission/cps/fip and everyone else to include the social workers and therapists have also figured out how to REEM a buck from federal programs under CAPTA. I feel sorry for kids everywhere even their money grubbing half sisters and ex-wives & husbands and barren adoptive grandmothers want the kids for FOSTER CARE MONEY! The entire system called child protection is ALL FOR THE MONEY and that includes all you CARE< CARE< CARE whacko's.
Even the Guardian ad litems, the dependency court attorneys and the judges only see every child that shows up as another return to court paycheck and money channeled through the county as REVENUE! You are all sick ### people and should GIVE BIRTH not KIDNAP AND SELL OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN WHO HATE ALL OF YOU ANYWAY! The children don't respect what you have done; they don't like you and the only people who do like you are cronies and other publicly corrupt money grubbers. DOLLAR SNATCHERS>

Saint Augustine, US
Nov 13, 2009 5:36 pm EST

Excuse me but you must be his psycho ex. or psycho sisters. or are you my psycho ex and his child molesting mother. Oh... I do believe that since my children have been in states care they have been molested by state paid care givers to include one child moved in with drug addicts & prostitutes; then moved into a state paid apt. with a 26 year old man who got my 17 yr old PREGANT. ALL AT THE INCOMPETENCE OF FAMILY INTEGRITY PROGRAM WORKERS! THANK YOU BIG GOVERNMENT PHONIES! YOURE DOING A FINE JOB HARVESTING BABIES FOR PUBLIC AUCTION (ADOPTION INCENTIVES TO THE STATE!)> Check your own spelling perves yourselves! None of this counties (Saint Johns, Florida) incompetent money grubbing child protection teams should be re-elected; paid from federal programs and they should have to finance my daughters illigitimate baby as the 26 year old bum the state moved her in with doesn't want to marry her. Why should the bum... all his FRELOADING EXPENSES ARE PAID BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA! FREELOADING FRAUD & INCOMPETENCE.

INTERNET STALKING IS A FEDERAL CRIME. Stop stalking my family you PERVERT! You are the one who should be in PRISON!

justice for kids
bostwick, US
Nov 03, 2009 10:03 am EST

You need to check your spelling :) and I praise them for removing your children from you and your sick a@@ child molesting husband!

Oct 22, 2009 9:40 pm EDT

My brothers psychotic ex disapeared with his 3 week old baby and all their belongings while he was at work. She was a runnaway as a teen and several times while they were dating. She has since been seen wondering the streets at 2 am with the baby and dropped the baby 2xs on it head. Once on concreate. She screamed at her grandfather when he tried to call 911. Her family and ours have all made several complaints with DCF and they all have been brushed off. They said she has a roof, 4 walls, running water, and electric so there is no harm. Though, the house has a convicted fellon living in it, drug atticks and she is having sex with guys infront of the newborn! His attorney was the one who said go to DCF first, what help! He is now working on getting an emergency injunction since she is planning on running to Texas tomorrow with the baby and new boyfriend. He is also suing the state and DCF. I am looking for more stories like this to give his attorney and him. The baby is less than 2 months now.

shannon l. sexton
nathalie, US
Sep 08, 2009 11:02 am EDT

Child protective services agencies deserve REFORM! Charlie Christ should shut down both DCF and Family integrity programs in the entire stete especially in SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA! These are BABY-SNATCHING CHILD BROKERS WHO SELL OUT KIDS TO ADOPTION ATTORNEYS!

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