As a former employee with ProCore Solutions I succeeded in the high nineties in terms of Quality Assurance scoring. At one point I had obtained more than 15 100's when the entire team was struggling to even get 5 100's. I worked in Acquisition Sales as an inbound sales representative for one of their many clients. During my first 6 months I had a supervisor name Tamara Forbes who created a hostile work environment by making false statements to my coworkers about me, and talking very negatively about me to my other coworkers. At one point under her supervision Tamara told another employee, "I though you were going to slap her because I woulda went true New York on'er..." All of this while the other employee, Denise, expressed her desire to throw me into Lake Allatoona. Then Tamara proceeded by saying, "yeah you can do'er like they do on the wire..." There was another time when one of my coworkers was nice enough to offer me a ride to work each day since my only means of transportation was to take the bus. This employee, Marlo, shared many details about gossiping lies in which Tamara Forbes fabricated about me. She told Marlo that I was not good company to keep. In Marlo's words, "you need to watch the company you keep..." She said this after finding that Marlo and I had lunch together. There were several other instances. I met with Greg Steele, the COO of ProCore, and Angie Jones, the Director of HR. But Mr. Steele made light of the hostile work environment by saying, "Angie and I kid all the time so how do you know that she meant to threaten you..." I filed grievances noting the following:
- Falsification of my records
- Hostile work environment created by Tamara Forbes and James Davis
- Threats by my Supervisor and peers allowed against me.
- Vindictive management procedures
- Retaliation (when I email a concern to management in lieu of my concern being handled you retaliate against me by placing entries into my file)
Then prior to December 3rd when I sent an email to my manager letting him know that one of Tamara's cohorts had started to push my chair as she was on the way to the exit each day (although there was an exit closer to her, she used the one closest to me for spite) I was terminated saying these words, "Your employer fired you because an employee had a negative perception of you. The available facts show that you were performing your job as required. The facts show that you did not fail to follow employer's rules, orders or instructions...".
I took was a former procore solutions employee. There is tremedous pressure for qa points. I was given an choice to get terminated or resign due to qa was scoring me at eighty-three but was unsure of the call I refused to listen to the call due to qa was unsure of what the call was inreference to because I stood up and stated that I should not get repermented for something no sure of. This company also lies and munipulates customers I actually got tired of lying to customers this is a high stress company you have to intake alot you are pressued by management and customers basically you are caught in the middle of helping the customer or losing your job. There is pressue when you don't have the right tools to work with and qa for a cup that company trying to win-new QA person came in trying to get a John Powers award pressuring employees to have high qa scores when company does not have right tools or running equipment, also you have to sound robotic by repeating yourself and frustrating the customers Company is suppose to please the client and in this case not happening If I could find the right attorney to present me and listen to me I would make changes to the employees but because Georgia is at will state and does not give employees much rights it allows companies like this to harrass employees and munipulate customers .
Call attorney Alan Garber in Atlanta. He has experience representing others who have had similar issues with ProCore.
This company is a affiliate of COBB EMC. There billing practice is unforseen. They add 10.00 late fee on your account before your bill is even due from a working standpoint. They allow you to go into collections when you've paid the past due but not the full balance. They work with AGL and have their technicians turn your gas off even when you've paid the bill. They charge a reconnect fee of 50 dollars and bill you. They change your billing cycle because of new meter upgrades without notifying the customers first therefore for 1 month your double billed. They say they don't charge you a deposit fee for new service, but in reality when you get your fist bill they base the charges off the last person that lived there before you, so that you have an enormous first bill. Their company practices are outrageous and should be looked upon. Their affiliate company Cobb Emc bought them out Procore use to be a temporary service company. Now their a third party billing company. Procore Solutions are not with BBB. Their employer practices are worse to name a few details: Procore hires you under false pretenses thinking your hired for one job, like good sence and in reality they tell you or ask you to move to another department for gas or electric side. They pay for night shift .50 cents more but if your transfer to another position in the day they take the .50 cents away from you. If your get promoted into another field like accounting temporary, they would not allow you to get your old position back and they take away your current benefits. Procore does not pay the same as if you work for Cobb Emc their sister company. The pay is 12.00 to start at Procore Solutions but if you work directly for Cobb Emc or their third party companies like Greystone Electric you can make at least 17-21.00 per hour. The benefits are not the same as Cobb Emc, the owner its much less and out of pocket cost to the employer. When you work with Procore and their practice is a verbal for first time late-although they say that if your late 15 minutes you can make it up by staying late after your shift. Then another no no is you cannot stay after your shift pass time or you will get written up without permission. So the first time your late and do not make up your 15 min, Its a Verbal or if you messed up on a phone call and got an error or QIT, that counts as extra. The second, is a Written, on probation for 90 days. And the third is a 2 day suspension without pay, so the Final time you mess up late, with no paid time off-that is not offered to you as an employer, your FIRED!...For example, one associate (white-spanish) refused to sign a write up notice and she was told you need to leave and she left...another example, A black female was told she had 2 errors and 1 mistake and mistakes don't count, but she was written up and suspended for 2 days without pay. And the final example, is a black male worked for Procore 3 years in and was FIRED due to a background check after 3 years showed something in another state that was expelled. This company has poor work ethics and standards. There is a new trainer, black female who is from another state with no Trainer experience, she ofter forget what she is saying in mid sentence and doesn't know the material or computer system. She been employed since July of last year, and on the phones only for 3 months before she was Promoted to a Professional Trainer! Procore solutions lure with promotions, but when you work there its unprofessional, tacky people who goes behind your back and lie on you to get what they want. Thats the kind of people that work for them. The previous Trainer who had 10 years experience, Quit on them due to untrained and professionalism. The head bosses hire these black females who are so called running the call center, they hire mostly black females who are not professional and their staff treat you like your 10 years old, conducting micro managed practices. For example, if your taking a long call, you will get pop up on your screen as to do you need help, why are you on hold! you must respond or they will document you. If you go over your break time by 1 minutes, they have managers that come looking for you in the breakroom or restrooms. Procore also have cameras on site all over except their offices. The cameras are there to watch you, in the breakroom, outside by the light poles and parking lights. Once in Jan of this year it snowed, and the sidewalks was not sand off, people were slipping and sliding on the ground and the company did nothing especially when the ice over froze that night. They did allow people to spend the night at work, which is ridiculous and stay at the nearest hotel. When people called out because of the ice, they decided to get a Van and drive to your home to make sure you came to work by short distance! So if your thinking of working here or getting gas or electric service, think again. And we all know about Mr. Brown formal CEO who stole money from paying customers at Cobb Emc. Procore takes up for him by saying, he didn't steal money, he just didn't give the customers Rebate checks to the deserving customers who paid on time all year long! Mr. Brown was indicted then released. The board of directors rehired Mr. Brown back on the Board and said he did nothing wrong. As a matter of fact, Cobb Emc gives out capital gains, collected electric overages and that money is used for maintenance. However, since 1976 Cobb Emc hasn't given out any monies until now, when Mr. Brown got sued. Be careful who you work for, some companies do not have your best interest as a customer or employee.
ProCore is the worst company to work for they lie about everything, They expect you to be a robot or a computer with all the clients they have and no room for mistakes, there is to much favotism, they have the code of conduct but its only for certain people. They want pay unemployment, they over work the employees and stress them out, thats why they are sick and so many on FMLA due to stress killing everyone. They change QA scores and phone logs to fire people on a yearly basis especially if its close to time for you to be vested in the company, They are linked to COBB EMC and just as crooked as they are. The bathrooms are backed up under ground the utility stinks all the time it is a health hazard to be in there. Its a joke. They will get shut down because they have done a lot of good people wrong. They will reap what they have sown for so many years. I HATE THE PEOPLE AND THE PLACE.