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CB Employers Review of Marchant Marketing
Marchant Marketing

Marchant Marketing review: Scam Pyramid Scheme 30

Author of the review
5:22 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I worked for this company for over 13 months, I started off by attending an interview and was surprised when I was called into the office to discuss a position as "an executive trainee marketing manager" with the managing director (Mr Dave Marchant). I was told my CV was very good and that I was "shortlisted" out of 80 candidates and was competing against a final 20 for a position. After my first interview, I felt as though I had failed and lost the job; however much to my surprise later on in the day I get a call from Dave himself saying I did brilliantly. I was called for a second round interview and Dave said I would be able to "learn more about the business", however, this second interview day turned out to be a clever trick to disguise a days training and work as an interview.

I was taken out to the middle of anywhere with someone I had not met in my life and was told to start cold-calling on doors, the area was a run-down area and I felt as though I had been lied to, nevertheless I carried on throughout the day. During lunch the individual I was cold calling with explained that he was a team leader and then began to divulge in the "business development programme" in which he stated that I would start off as a distributor (door-to-door salesman, then move up to accounts manager and earn £300 - 400 per week and then to assistant manager in which I would sit in the office and earn £500 - £1000 per week and finally reach managerial position in which he stated I would earn in the region of £100, 000 - £150, 000 per annum.

Intrigued I carried on the day, he then told me to go back to the office and meet with the managing director for a final interview, I don’t know why, but even though deep down I did not want this job, curiosity drove me back to the office and seated in front of the managing director he explained again the programme and told me I would become a manager in 10 months. He then hired me! I went home spooked by the entire experience, something drove me to go back the next day, I continued with the job for a few days and completed 5 days of training. All the while I noticed how aggressively the company was recruiting; they explained that this was because the company is growing at 2500% during the recession. The fellow team leaders did not appear to be what one would assume "normal", they suffered from mood swings and could be very authoritative, aggressive and to be honest; idiotic at times, they seemed entirely driven by the managerial position and explained how they had left loved ones to live with fellow team leaders in flats etc and how all they wanted was to "retire by the age of 30". They explained to me how "they liked me" and told me that I would make management easily; what I did not realise is that team leaders were desperate for people like me to stay long enough to make team leader myself. The people I worked with explained how they had often gone weeks earning as little as £50 a week, they explained about bad debts, life problems and how all managers of the organisation had been through the same thing and are now earning in upwards of £150, 000 a year.

As I progressed I noticed the level of turnover here, people would come in the business and walk out after 5 days, most people walked out on their first day; we had meetings with the head manager or VP or whatever, a man called Tai Hussain; this individual, would use the same past experience stories on different sets of individuals in the organisation again and again, he would continually emphasize how other professionals such as doctors, lawyers, dentists and accountants had to work as hard as they do, and that it takes 10 years to become either of the major professions, but that this was an "easy way out".

If there is one individual who should be investigated in this company, I believe it to be Tai Hussein; I progressed through my time and after my 4th week I was making on average £120 per week; I had not reached team leader and was invited to attend an opportunity meeting in which some leaders and managers all met up and told me about the business, they asked me what I wanted from life and talked endlessly about vice presidents and how much I could earn as a manager. After this meeting I knew I wanted to stay with the company until I got to management, I would become close to my leader and learn his entire sales pitch, I was driven, I hit the law of averages everyday and ensured I was working my territory everyday, I worked so hard, I would come home and my mother would be in near tears trying to understand what I was doing with my career; I was spending so much, hundreds a week on transport, food and shelter for road trips etc yet making £50 - £150 per week and working 11 hours per day, I had to succeed, I told my mom what the managers told me, I told her to believe in me. She explained how rent was due and she could not get overtime at Tesco, my father was also suffering at work due to the recession.

I went to work every day with a positive attitude yet dying with pain and question on the inside, I was spending so much on his job with the belief I would gain it all back when I got to manager, after 2 months of working I had still not reached team leader. But I persevered, with all the spiel of the managers and team leaders I somehow had it drilled into my mind that one day I would be a high flying marketing manager, hands behind the head in an executive seat looking out at New York City with dreams of expanding into China, India and the like. Of course this attitude was most welcomed by the organisation, and the team leaders were enthralled when I informed them of such intentions. I was in the grip of the DS – MAX mindset which, from my perspective now, could easily be understood as a brainwashing cult designed to exploit the virtues and aspirations of young, gullible graduates whom have just entered the job market.

After pursuing the career for a further month, attending many costly road trips in which I would be required to pay for all costs incurred I was finally informed that I had made team leader, such news thrilled me and I quickly had ideas of what to call my crew, how large it would be and how much extra money I could make with this new promotion. Of course becoming team leader was not all it was cracked up to be, I was required to employ new recruits into my crew, train them, take them out on the field and show them the ropes, this almost always happened on a regular basis as most new recruits would leave on the first day. So on top of trying to get my sales, I was also trying to train salespeople; to which most of my efforts would be fruitless, although I was told I would earn more as a team leader I was earning less. Management soon “invited” me to another opportunity meeting in which I was told again the same lies.

What a load of rubbish, I dropped out after realising the whole thing was a rehash of the scam American DS-MAX corporation, the company puts its employees into a brainwashing state cult in which they believe they will all become managers, load of rubbish, you have more chance of winning at Vegas I was told by a failed manager.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Chichester, GB
Aug 15, 2009 2:52 pm EDT

It sounds to me Jason, that you were probably a very lazy person. Most sales and marketing companies rely on a great possitive mental attitude, something i think you didn't have. The company did nothing wrong in my eyes, you just probably had a bad experience and your bitter about it now.

Anyway mate cheer up and look at the brighter side of life, at least you had a job, even if you were only earning £50 per week, it's better than sitting at home collecting the benefits from tax payer like myself.

Looking For Work
Nottingham, GB
Aug 17, 2009 9:58 am EDT

(Ignore GYNA views above)

Thank you so much for saving my time & money! I had an interview scheduled today with the elusive -

Premier House, Floor 4
Darlington Street
Tel: [protected]

I'm so glad I found this article before I attended, having looked into the company further it is part of a group. I believe there is one in London and also Brighton more details can be found here -

If you do receive an interview here (which you DEFINITELY will) if you applied save yourself time and money this company among others is a scam praying on jobless graduates who are desperate for any type of employment.

Aug 17, 2009 1:52 pm EDT

GYNA is obviously a good future employee for this place who sound excatly the same as AMM direct another scam org in wolves. You are self employed with these companies so they can get around the employment laws. Better to work on the high street than these dodgy companies. Thanks for saving me time, when I read the mis-advertised job thought better check if it was one of these!

Birmingham, GB
Aug 18, 2009 6:26 am EDT

Iv got an interview today but I'm sure they've already called me up last year! It's all a scam, jus big hype to get U to earn them money while ur broke! But still smylin!

Wolverhampton, GB
Aug 20, 2009 8:22 am EDT

Yep. Nearly fell for it myself.
I've seen these things done in a less sohpisticated fashion, so they can have points for at least having a brain to kick around up there. Still, I feel sorry for the people that're clearly hopeful that their "Business Marketing" degree is going to get them an easy ride up the corporate ladder.

Birmingham, GB
Aug 21, 2009 6:21 am EDT

I went for an interview at Marchant Marketing yesterday and before going there I came across this but thought I would still go to see what happens and stuff...the lift was out of order so I walked upstairs and infront of me was this girl and she asked if i was there for an interview and said she used to work here so I asked her what it was like working for the company and she told me it's not the best thing you want to be getting into :-| that worried me more...but anyway I went into the interview and just agreed with whatever this Dave guy said (I really hated his accent). I shall not be going back!

Wolverhampton, GB
Aug 29, 2009 4:47 am EDT

I thank you so so so much sharing your experience you had with this "company". I have an interview scheduled for Monday (Bank Holiday!) and I now know that I won't be attending it thanks to you. I thought it was a bit strange that they fix interviews on Bank Holiday anyway..

I'm paranoid now, GB
Sep 17, 2009 6:44 am EDT

I'm so glad I saw this, I've got a second interview with Marchant Marketing in an hour, LOL. They won't be seeing me.

It was all a bit odd from the get go, the reply to my application was very quick and very positive. The interview was also odd, the receptionists were very unprofessional, listening to loud music and talking about topics which a school girl should be participating in, as a matter of fact both receptionists although very friendly looked very uneducated and for the lack of a better word dumb.

The manager was a joke, there was no way this kid could be a manager, he lied to me endlessly, he told me the were located in London and that they had branches in Spain and that they were now just entering the American market, however from looking on their website it said they were located in the office I went to for my first interview. He also lied about their clients, which included Barclays and Talk Talk.

The thing which really sent alarm bells ringing was the fact that he told me that I could become an assistant manager within 10 MONTHS, LOL, LMAO, ROFL.

Also the range of applicants was vast, from university graduates to housewives, from recent GCSE students to foreigners.

Even if this was a legitimate graduate job earning £18, 000 a year I would still stay away, as the office was a dark, dingy, depressing and generally unwelcoming space, the employees were people I would really not like to be associated with in general let alone the work place.

This is the address, STAY AWAY.
Marchant Marketing
Premier House, 4th floor, Darlington Street
Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England
United Kingdom
Phone: [protected]

Coventry, GB
Sep 17, 2009 6:36 pm EDT

Thanks for the post...have an interview booked for tomorrow with this Dave guy. Thought it was strange that 'Laura in HR' wouldn't tell me the salary. They sent me a very clever e-mail to start with saying that they had been passed my CV through a company that I had registered with on the internet, as they felt I would be suitable for the position with them. They are quite believable, but its obviously a scam so thank you.

Chester, GB
Sep 21, 2009 5:34 pm EDT

Glad to have found this. Getting fed up of weeding genuine jobs out of these sort of scams. Have had to repeat myself several times (despite Laura in HR's emails) that I will not be attending the interview with them. The fact that she clearly hadn't even read my covering letter, stating that I would be willing to relocate, and asked me if I was looking to commute halfway across the country should have been an early warning sign!

S ss
Sep 25, 2009 5:03 pm EDT


I had an interview too Thank You SO MUCH for sharing these views - what a great site - it has saved me my diesel money - ### am I going to that interview. I have been to a similar one before and ended up cold calling on doors - felt like a ###... they herded us like sheep into a room and put on some dance music and got everyone to dance for atmosphere LMAO what a joke! I am not gullible and do not believe lies and will steer clear of them.

Thanks again,


cj tomkins
Birmingham, GB
Oct 06, 2009 7:22 am EDT

My friend has been a recruitment manager for over 20 years, and has stated himself that this is bottom line pyramid system. Although employees are not required to pay into the system to begin with... It has all the hallmarks of a pyramid scheme. Like jason stated if you make 12 sales you get promoted... and they say leader earns 300-400 but remember the job is only performance related therefore if you make 10 sales in the week after you are promoted to leader then you would only earn the same basic as a distributor along with having the hassle of training new employees, running trips etc... Along with the high turnover rate how long will it take you to build a "crew"... leaders when giving interviews will employee absolutely n e 1 for themselves to progress quicker... if you was given the opportunity of earning 100k a year wouldnt every single person be applying for this job... the public are not stupid, if you were to type marchant marketing in a search engine, you would not find any excellent reviews from trusted sources such as times online, guardian, bbc, top employers... instead you have negative reviews about the place. I feel sorry for the people what work there who are actually quite intelligent and friendly but so gullable. They say that you are able to claim money back for transport costs, clothing etc... However i do not think such people understand the hassle of actually claiming this money back, the inland revenue will turn round and say claim the money back off your employer... but wait... you cant! as you have no employer, they consider you to be self employed remember! its all brainwashing and when something else is too good to be true it normally is. People leaving school/college etc... need to be careful not to be drawn up into such a scheme just because of that big round figure at the end. The company says that people who have left were lazy (Out of 100 people, it is likely that only 5-10 will remain, so that is a harsh assumption to make that the other 90 odd others are lazy or could not look beyond the door to door element). But i believe current employees are looking too much beyond the door to door element and are fixated on that 6 FIGURE SALARY WITHIN 12 MONTHS... with a view to opening your own business... something in which the company does not really teach you about.

Birmingham, GB
Oct 07, 2009 9:22 am EDT

how are they getting away with advertising these jobs on recommended job websites, such a Anyone who gets back to you within an hour and continues to hassle you to ring them has to be dodgy, glad i read this too, luckily i didnt even answer their calls. Would like to know how one of the 'managers' would respond to this!

Stay safe.

edgar frogg
Telford, GB
Oct 07, 2009 11:50 am EDT

I didn't end up going to an interview as I saw these comments. I work in the recruitment sector and we get bad press, but this is just awful. A lot of door to door sales jobs are like this. Its remotely possible to make money in jobs like this but you have to be of a certain personality to do it, and basically have no life outside your job. If you are prepared to give up all of your spare time thats fine. Although this company seem to be making it sound way easier than it is and its totally unfair. As Jason said he was working 11 hours a day, so you could hardly call him lazy! Its also rather exploitative when there are a lot of people who are desperate for jobs at the moment.

" If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is"

Birmingham, GB
Oct 07, 2009 6:43 pm EDT

Ok I need some feedback on this, quicker the possible. I have to attend the "2nd interview" tomorrow, but the thing about me is, I’m not interested in the "pay", its a requirement for me graduating to get 11 months "work experience". My question is, if I was to go ahead with this job, they tell the University I found experience, can I then just not turn up since its "self employment" and maybe get another job just to make money in them 12 months? This way everyone is happy, i get the so called "experience" and make money on the side, and University will let me graduate? Is there a way to scam a scam?

cj tomkins
Birmingham, GB
Oct 07, 2009 7:09 pm EDT

Your uni will probably assign you a personal tutor who checks up on you to see if you are actually in the job. TBH i wudnt bother going, its not the best thing to have on your cv and would not do your prospects good after graduating working for a multi level marketing company with a bad reputation.

Liverpool, GB
Oct 14, 2009 11:12 am EDT

There are loads of these companies around. They are a complete and utter SCAM!

I worked for this company a while ago but it was called TH Nationwide then, run by the illusive Tai Hussein.

The way the company works is to prey on desperate youngsters who are unemployed and get blindsighted by the prospect of earning alot of money in a short space of time. Overlloking the fact that they are working 70+ hours a week on 100% comission.

To be honest, I made not bad money some weeks, sometimes £300 per week, but when your compare this to the amount of hours you work, minus travel costs etc. It works out alot less than that!

Tai Hussein is the ultimate scam artist! He has such a way with people, he can make you feel so good about yourself and make you want to live his life. But he is just a good salesman and an exceptional liar!

At the time, he was a manager of several offices so was a V.P which means he gets a small over ride of the money made by a few offices. But after working there for a few months, I started to see several flaws in his attempt to make everyone thinks he is filthy rich.

He claimed to be earning over £250 grand per year. Now, you may not know anyone who earns this kind of money, but you will know that someone on this serious coin does not drive a Toyota Corolla, which was about 3 years old. Also you wouldnt be wearing a suit from Next or Primark or wear a fake Cartier watch.

There are several people who work for Tai who can only be described as FOOLS, Tai is the closest thing some of these people have to family, and he abuses this scenario and has them working like dogs for him.

My main issues with this company are:

The way they advertise the jobs, not mentioning that its door to door sales, its comission only and you are self employed.

The way they lie to you from day 1, about how much money they earn. My guess is that TH is on £30 grand, max.

This TH Nationwide is also operating under the following names:

AMM Direct Marketing Ltd

Merchant Marketing Ltd.

One of Tai's minions is a young scamp who goes by the name of KEVIN O'NEIL, who operates the Liverpool office.

Kevin goes under names such as KPJ enterprises Ltd and JPK advertising Ltd.

Kevin also lies in job adverts and lies about how much money he earns. I have attatched links to other discussions on Tai's so called empire!

Have a look at other peoples comments and links before you go for an interview with one of these jokers!

Hello Tai! hows the old corrolla? ahahahahahahaha!

Birmingham, GB
Oct 15, 2009 10:15 am EDT

I worked alonside Tai hussien for a few weeks - the guy is very shrewed - he is indeed probably the biggest conman and I highly doubt if Tai Hussein is really his name, he says he is called "tai" because its easy for people to remember him (lol) but I seriously think this guy just moves around the country conning the living daylights out of people, I'm sure of this because his background is VERY hazy, he is a fantastic liar but if you watch him closely and really monitor what it says - it just doesnt add up.

Shame so many grads are falling prey to his ways, Jason is indeed right - everything he said is an exact description of this company, they had me fooled for a while, I worked there for about a month and then left when I got to team leader because I wanted to pursue a career in social work. Anyway im glad to see this page is getting good views, it should be out there in the open though - people need to know.

Birmingham, GB
Oct 15, 2009 10:27 am EDT

At the address for Marchant Marketing, there are three other companies also working there running the same scam, Tai Hussein is probably head of all three and (as stated by welovedodgymarketing ) gets a small override from the sales of the lower companies (classic pyramidial structure) the real losers are the poor guys at the bottom doing door-to-door sales in the freezing cold for 11 hours a day with the belief they will get a 100k job in 10 months if they just work hard now.

The admins on reception are just oblivious (priya and laura are the two) - but I think they may have an insight into what this company is playing at; the companies are based on the 4th floor of premier house in wolverhampton, they have a locked front door which can only be opened by the admins once they confirm who you are, what you want and if you have an appointment - why? I guess either Tai might be a bit paranoid or for general security of the higher managers.

Regarding Tai Hussein id be glad if welovedodgymarketing could get back to me on this with a reply - but I seriously think this guy has done some bad scams in the past and messed many lives up; I worked alongside this lying thug for weeks, I would hate to be his next victim, let alone the hundreds of grads he uses as slave labour - this guy is just running a slave camp here. I remember once when Dave called me in the office and said he felt like a holiday and plumped £2000 cash on the table infront of me. You see? All their job involes is to make sure you're still chasing the carrot - I have to admit, I felt motivated afterward, but now when I think back all Dave probably did was either empty out his entire savings or use cash generated within the business with Tai's permission.

Thanks for reading people, keep the faith.

Bromsgrove, GB
Oct 24, 2009 7:08 pm EDT

Hi Guys!
I am in total agreement with you all on this. I worked for Marchant Marketing just before Jason arrived and they even got him to get in touch with me as I was good at the sales and the quickest promoted team leader (so i was told).
I was taken in by the whole managment thing after being made redundant and needing a good job etc. Little did i realise that i was jus a pawn in their game. It is totally unrealistic, although i did see people get promoted and earn a better life for themselves (apperently!) it just did not add up at all.
Nobody acted professional, the managment were incapable of doing just that; as in the product we were selling was well past is sell by date, areas were not properly picked and you lied to customers.
Just so all know they have not entered spain. I was the only fluent speaker of spanish in our office and they wanted me to go and this is where they got me... They have not gone as im still in contact with people that left a while after me and a couple who are still being conned there. I also know a contact at Telefonica SA (who thy say they will be working for) a
Just please be wary, i got attacked and was off work for 3 months and Dave and Tai did nothing to help me just said my job was gone as i wouldnt be makin g money and that this showed my negative attitude to the company. I would also like to take this time to tell them
"sorry i got stabbed guys, i realise i was being selfish lay in hospital and not making my team or you money!"
The reason i say be wary is that you wil work long hours for a rubbish breakdown of pay, earn no tax credits or NI contributions, and you will not get a reference for your precious time wasted.
The worst thing is that i was quite a successful team leader and you are FORCED to lie to the interviews, I told a very good friend of mine who worked in the company to leave so she was not wasting anymore time, I had had enough of lying to people.

So remember if you have a soul/mind/heart this seriously is'nt the job for you... it will break you in the end and you will be like "why the hell did i waste my time for?"

thats how i feel anyways ...

Bournemouth, GB
Oct 24, 2009 11:44 pm EDT

Had a couple of interviews organised for tomorrow with what i now know to be a similar company. Both of the companies are strangly located in the same place and one of the emails is from the infamous Tai Hussain so i seriously doubt that any of these people use their real names.

Having read others articles on this site and others i got the impression that this was a professionally run scam however in my case their is nothing remotely professional about it. They organised 2 interviews for me within 2 hours of each other in the same place under two different company names. They would not answer any of my questions on the phone and got very defensive when i suggested i could not blindly trust a company that had shown no proof of any rash claims of their get rich quick "marketing careers". When the person arranging the interview calls the job a "trainee manager scheme" and an "entry level marketing position" in the same call you know to steer well clear, (when i picked her up on this she said she was the one offering me a interview and she was not on trial. HOw can she expect me to turn up for an interview for a position that shes not even sure what it is and what it entails).

Sorry for the rant, the brainwashing, lying ### make my blood boil

wolverhanpton, GB
Nov 02, 2009 5:04 pm EST

HI GUYS i totally agree marchant marketing is a scam along with most other marketing companies in Wolverhampton. For anyone who enjoyed the sales part I reccomend to email Their comapany is called RHMarketing and they do door to door sales but the pay good basic wage and commission and are always on the look out for good sales people. They do have team leaders aswell who earn a basic wage, commission and £10 from every sale their team makes so it makes it worth while being a teamleader.


Nov 09, 2009 9:24 am EST

hahha i love you jason :) Guess what i use to work there and survived a month and a half. They promoted me within 8 days(i was like wow i couldn't beleive it) they said it was because i was consistant with my sales(ok then) anyway when i was younger i worked for a similiar company (Cobra) whom seems to be there rivals so they where wuick to promote me. Also i couldnt beleive i fell for it again after what i went thru at Cobra but as u said Jason i was curious. This credit crunch puts you in a desperate situations :( Anyway Everything u said is Indeed very true, i left cause i got sick off the crap and the lies, but close to when i was leaving the office started to crash down(so little people left in all... charaties etc) Infact after i left a friend rang up and told me the office have closed down. HMMMM closed down. And now it has reopen doing business to bussiness sales, i saw a fellow worker in town pitching to a small shop. Poor things...
Those that are left are completely brain washed...thank god we made it out in time lol.
I really think an investigation should be done on these so called jobs, they mislead people and convince you that there is nothing wrong with that.
They also target young individuals(college and uni youths). I have seen some people choosing between education and this job as young as 18 and they are so brainwashed tears are seen regularly because you are not making enough sales, get slagged of our teased about it by the manager or u are making the sales but been promised a promotion although some one new come in the business and get promoted before you and then told your not professional enough(speaking on behalf of a friend lol) whew! I have so much to say about these people!
And then the have you lieing big time to the customers just for a sale...u could injury yourself and bleeding walking back to the office(you tell them) then they say ''oh sorry to hear'' ''So how many apps(sales) you brought back for us'' WTF!

I'm glad i left :)

Jan 24, 2010 6:55 am EST

Guys if you get easily brainwashed it's your problem.
i had been working for TH Nationwide, located in Premier house for some time(about 4 or 5 months), doing b2b. from the very first day i got what was behind it - using easily brainwashed people as a money making tool, promoting smart people to managers and help to expand the company.
Tai is a short version of his long full name, i've seen his documents and plane tickets, this person exists for sure :))
Moreover, i know where he lives, i've seen his wife, his daughter and his son. I've been to his house and had dinner with his family.
i saw jessy young and jilian o'brian and all other people you should've heard about if you worked there.
the company offers people to make fast money, pays cash every day and gives you the opportunity to grow IF you want to and if you can. their trainings ARE powerful, interesting and useful. If you didn't learn anything from being in this company, even for a short period i can only say - sales are not for you.

I'm paranoid now, GB
Jan 25, 2010 8:22 am EST

it seems you have been brainwashed 'v'.

you are the only person giving this company a positive comment and on your profile why does it say that you are living in Afghanistan.


looks like Marchant marketing have infiltrated this complaints board.


Stourbridge, GB
Mar 31, 2010 6:20 pm EDT

I have had the same experience... Applied Via a Jobsite . Got a Phone Call ..Interview where i said next to nothing got asked no questions just got told to come back for a second interveiw where it would be about 20mins . so i thought great went ended up going round into the middle of ###iing nowhere .. got back to the office at 10 o'clock on the night ... after seeing one of there 'so called managers' got offered the job ... thought nothing of it as the people i worked with said ' oh today was just an experience you wont be doing sales you will be in the office gettin about £400 a week' .. so i thought great excepted the job .. didnt get home til about 12 on the night (family and friends worrying)... went back the next day ..did some dodgey meeting in the morning with some music on ' create a good atmosphere' more like Brainwash people. did the same ### for a few days ... at the end of the week i realised im getting nowhere ... no-one had mentioned when or how much the pay is after working for 5days. they all seemed brainwashed idiots. so i told them to STICK THERE ###ING JOB!. Its All a Scam...! AMM DIRECT or Whatever they like to call themselves (* Scam Direct would be sutible) Should be shut down. as the way they work is against the Working Laws and Regulations.

And the funniest thing is the manager will try and tell you ..' people say its all a scam its just people from other business's trying to poach staff and custom.'

Note To Everyone ... if you get an interveiw DONT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY ON IT.

Apr 07, 2010 9:27 am EDT

Please could someone help me! I have my first interview with a company called PEP Enterprises, who refers to Cedar Direct in their job advert. There doesnt seem to be anything about this particular company online or in blogs, but it seems similar to other scams.

Has anyone heard of PEP Enterprises, or Cedar Direct? Do you know where I could get info?


xxfdasd, GB
Jul 29, 2010 11:13 am EDT

All these marketing companies in the UK are all umberella companies of a company called the Cobra Group. These companies have three maybe four different marketing companies in large cities such as Manchester, Birmingham and London. When someone builds a crew of sales persons and hits a certain monetry target they become whats called an outside deal for there promoting owner(the owner of the office that you build your crew in) after this they take over rides from your office and you would then try and promote from within your crew so you to can make money off over rides. The cobra group does work on behalf of some big organisations including charities gas surpliers digital tv companies and credit cards. You dont recive any basic and you recieve around £9 for every sign up you get they will tell you that you get nearer £20 this isnt true as part of the money gets put into what is called a bond system and as donars usually felt pressured into signing up to whatever your selling so they cancell what they have signed up for. Chris nearkcos is the owner Ali mir runs Oracle Advertising in Manchester bit of a scam

John Thwaites
Birmingham, GB
Sep 01, 2010 10:41 am EDT

It's not a scam - these marketing companies are legitimate businesses, doing nothing illegal. I agree that it must be awful working as a door-to-door sales rep on 100% commission, but some people may enjoy it, or be successful at it. I would recommend telesales/callcentre work rather than this, atleast you would get a salary.

Aug 09, 2011 11:07 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Any one heard of red five? Think i was nearly conned by them until my sister found some info on forums. I think it is very much part of same company.