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CB Unauthorized Charges Review of Lean RX / Extreme Burn
Lean RX / Extreme Burn

Lean RX / Extreme Burn review: Lean RX / Extreme Burn made unauthorized charges to my credit card! 45

Author of the review
12:00 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Jan 2007 three separate charges to credit card $79.95; $69.95; & $74.95 between Leanrx and XtremeBurn. Phone numbers provided on bank statement request only credit card account number; email address no good either. Not any way to reach anyone to discuss the fact that I have never done business with either one or that the charges were not authorized. Bank has reissued account, investigation ongoing to allow return of money. Possibility of future charges may be precluded for now, but I want my money back. These people have made it all across the country according to the Consumer Affairs website, and probably not ready to stop without a little help from law enforcement of some kind. I know the internet is nearly impossible to control, but this is fraud. I hear that's still illegal in this country, and these people need to be stopped NOW.

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Bridget Craig
Feb 07, 2007 12:00 am EST

This scam charged my cc 69.95 for something I never ordered or received. The ph # is some crappy automated service that ask again for your cc # and gives you a fake web add and e mail. I had to cancel my cc to make charges stop. My bank is aware, and money was refunded.

jimmy l fetters sr.
Feb 16, 2007 12:00 am EST

I got my bank statement and this charge from my bank card for 79.95 was on there from extremeburn? never heard of them for one, and they took 79.95 out of my account, totally unauthorized by me on 1-26-07. How can i get my money back. I'm on ssd, disabled American.

No Dummy
Feb 20, 2007 9:10 am EST

LeanRX in the process of being sued! LeanRX using my credit card without my approval in a felony and I will prosecute LeanRX ... I'm sick of people like LeanRX doing this to people like me and excepting to get away with it... LeanRX HAVE MESSED WITH THE WRONG PERSON THIS TIME !

Darrell Todd
Feb 22, 2007 2:26 am EST

Lean RX / Extreme Burn two company names I put them together, because the phone numbers are the same and the same fool come on the line telling you to give your account number. I do not know what they sell but I have three charges 1) $74.95, 2) $69.95, 3)79.95

None of which were orders for anything this company sell from anyone in my household. Which could only be me, hubby do not use the computer. Xtreme Burn and need to be STOPPED !

Carol A. Gedeon
Feb 22, 2007 2:12 pm EST

This is fraud, product was sent to me which I did not order. I don,t even know what this is. A credit card was used with my name on it and I don,t have this credit card and never did have it. Credit card company was called and investigation is going on. Product sent back. There is no way to get a hold of these people. They have to be stopped.

S Stingo
Feb 22, 2007 4:13 pm EST

The exact same thing happened to me!

Jeff Christensen
Feb 22, 2007 7:05 pm EST

Same with me. Only mine is $89.76. They charged me this for 2 months now.

I've never utilized this service or product.

I'm wondering why some federal agency isn't involved yet, since this could be interstate fraud of some kind.

I intend to get it back!

Michael Haley
Feb 24, 2007 2:33 pm EST

Exact same thing happened to me!

Jan 2007 three separate charges to credit card $79.95; $69.95; & $74.95 between Leanrx and XtremeBurn. Phone numbers provided on bank statement request only credit card account number; email address no good either. Not any way to reach anyone to discuss the fact that I have never done business with either one or that the charges were not authorized. Bank has reissued account, investigation ongoing to allow return of money. Possibility of future charges may be precluded for now, but I want my money back. These people have made it all across the country according to the Consumer Affairs website, and probably not ready to stop without a little help from law enforcement of some kind. I know the internet is nearly impossible to control, but this is fraud. I hear that's still illegal in this country, and these people need to be stopped NOW.

Sue Schmidt
Feb 24, 2007 2:43 pm EST

My credit card was also charged the same three charges from Leanrx and XtremeBurn in January 2007 that Michael Haley noted. I am disputing the charges as they were never authorized.

Linda Diehl
Mar 01, 2007 10:47 am EST

This sight has been very helpful to me, at least I know I'm not alone in this. My credit card company had been very cooperative in helping me handle this problem.

Mar 02, 2007 5:25 pm EST

We got the same first 2 charges from LeanRX and XtremeBurn for 69.96 and 74.95 in January. I called our credit card company who stopped the charges, refunded us and closed the card. But just today we got in our mailbox a package from LeanRX. It sounds like pills (we haven't opened it yet). They sent it with USPS confirmation receipt. I don't know how to get this back to them and get them from sending anything else.

Anyone else with this problem?

Margaret Stigers
Mar 03, 2007 10:37 am EST

The exact thing is happening to me. They are charging the same three charges on two of my credit cards. I have been working with both companies to get the charges removed. I have been charged in December, January & February. I had to close the charge account in order to stop them billing me, however they wound up on my new card as well. There needs to be a class action suite against this company

Barbara Gallyot
Mar 06, 2007 4:48 am EST

The same scam happened to me, 3 charges on my credit card. I challenged the charges, and my credit card closed my account to avoid this continuing.

I received a package of Pills in the mail 2 weeks ago, which I promptly returned by mail with return signature receipt. I received the receipt with a signature of L. Smith.

I wrote to the BBB of Nevada, did not get a reply.

How do these people get our Credit card numbers ?... There's a leak somewhere.

Anita Pierce
Mar 06, 2007 1:33 pm EST

Wow! Looks like these two fraudulent companies are busy ripping off people.

Leanrx/Xtreme Burn, also ripped me off by charing my credit card with charges of $74.95, $69.95 and $79.95.

Hurrach for the person that is in a position to sue them, Pray you get results.

I agree with all of the complaints that have been listed here.

Chris Cranford
Mar 14, 2007 10:36 am EDT

Wow. Same thing here. I got the bottle of pills a month ago and wondered where they came from. Finally I get a chance to sit down and do some research and guess what, same 3 charges on my account. Going through the motions like everyone else now. This is the second year in a row someone's got my number over the net, and I've got everything but a titanium safe between the internet and my wallet.

Donald Ingold
Mar 16, 2007 12:23 pm EDT

Have had two separate charges from Lean RX that were disallowed by the bank and credited back to my account. Have never ordered anything from this company. Today, my wife received a package from Lean RX that we did not order. Return address is a small stick on label that lists return as American Fork, Utah 84003. The first class mailing label shows it was mailed from zip code 73109. I called the consumer affairs office in the Utah governor's office to let them know this scam operation may be in their state. There is no phone number listed for this company in American Fork. Utah gov. says they will forward it to one of their investigators. Please watch your bank statements!

This operation needs to be closed down and its operators in jail!

Barbara Gallyot
Mar 23, 2007 4:53 am EDT

I received a letter from the Better Business Bureau, that serves Southern Nevada. Regarding my complaint about this company, saying that my complaint was '' Forwarded to the Bureau serving the company's geographical location".


BBB of Coulton
Po Box 970
Colton, Ca. [protected]
Phone [protected]
Fx [protected].

Please send your complaints to the above, so we can close down this fraudulent operation.

Will Hutchinson
Apr 21, 2007 7:36 pm EDT

Well the same thing just happened to me. Three individual charges just as everyone else here. I contacted my CC company and disputed the charges. Thanks to everyone here for spreading the word about this company.

Apr 30, 2007 2:08 pm EDT

Tried to buy lunch today and was declined. Went home to find my ATM card had been used in the amount of 106.90 and 84.97. These charges were shown as Revenueshield86 and the other was CJW Holdings Inc. The phone number for both of these companies were the same. I called it and it was just a female recording for Extreme Lean Rx and it cut you off. I went to the website and the link to contact them doesn't work. So I have closed my account and filed the necessary paperwork. So beware as it seems they are using different business names than the ones they used in 1/07 noted by others above.

May 07, 2007 10:12 am EDT

I just received a charge of $84.97 from CJW Holdings Inc. It appears I have been ripped off just like you all. This couldn't have come at a worse time.

May 09, 2007 8:33 am EDT

Add me to the list...

Yesterday I found a charge of $84.97 from "ALD Enterprises Hoodia" on my charge. I called the number attached to the charge and got a recorded message from stating that all support issues had to be dealt with through the support system on their site. I went to the site, opened a support ticket and surprise, surprise as one of the options for your message subject from the drop down menu is "Unauthorized Charge." I demanded a full and complete refund. I have been checking the ticket and waiting for someone to appear on their support chat system with no luck, though I did also leave a message on the chat system that actually connects to I went to that address and what do you know? Their support system is exactly the same as that for extremeleanrx, but they showed an agent available for chat. I attempted to chat with the support rep but kept getting busy messages, try again later and then nothing. The agent showed as online for me for exactly ten minutes and then I believe I was blocked from further attempts to connect.

I have NEVER ordered nor received any samples, product or whatever from any of these sites, NEVER even visited these websites until getting that charge.

I have filed a complaint with and suggest all affected do the same. The BBB has no law enforcement capabilities and in effect, does nothing except forward on reports that these companies ignore.

dawn scioli
May 15, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I never signed up for the hoodia, got the sample and cancelled, i am a recent widow and didnt look at my charges for a while, i have tried and tried and tried to call i have been getting bills on my charge for i think 9 months they have taken 74.95 and 69.95 now as i have never received any product this is stealing, and for many months, i never wanted th e product and when i called a very long time ago the woman said i would never be billed or get the product, so i get the bill, what do i do i cant reach them on the numbers they have on my charge receipt and they keep stealing my money.

Tho Tran
May 15, 2007 11:23 am EDT

Add me to the list. I got a statement from my credit card charging me twice for 106.90. For something I have never heard off or approved of. This is BS!

Robert Brady
May 17, 2007 9:21 am EDT

I received a charge for $84.97 on my credit card that I had not authorized to extremeleanrx I was not able to contact them to find out any information. My credit card company is working to get the money back. If a person did not check the statements then the scamming company would never be challenged and would be paid. That is cowardly, work for your money - don't be a cheat.

joe cooper
May 17, 2007 9:46 am EDT

I was just charged 84.97 as well. If anyone knows how to stop this company please email me at These people need to be stopped!

candace lopez
May 21, 2007 5:53 pm EDT

I just received the product and am sure they charged me somewhere... haven't discovered it yet.

Maure R. Bunch
May 23, 2007 5:16 pm EDT

I couldn't agree more with the other complaints listed here. I was also charged two amounts that were never authorized by me or anyone else in my house.

ALD HOODIA was the first for ... $ 84.97
REVENUESHEILD was the second for $106.90
these two amounts total $191.87

I like many others called the number listed under both charges and was redirected to a website via recorded message. In the message it is stated that a response would come within 24 hours .. NOT TRUE!

It has been more than 2 1/2 weeks without any response. I received the Hoodia in the mail and returned it certified with a receipt to insure it gets back to them. Fraud is definitely what these people are all
about. They are gambling that no one will spend the time or resources to go after them. I hope someone does something about this soon.. I have changed my account to stop any further charges. I also filed a claim to have my money refunded by the credit card vendor.

I would love to see these people go down for this...

May 25, 2007 7:44 pm EDT

I was charged $84.97 like most people here. I contacted my credit card company and they told me I had to try and resolve the matter with the company. They gave me the phone number that they showed attached to this charge. It was: [protected]. It is only a recording stating you must log on to "" or "" and click on "Customer Support or Knowledge Base." This all avails you nothing! There is NO customer service and no person you can actually communicate with. I am now in the process of trying to put a freeze on this credit card so no one, not even myself, can charge on it. I, too, will submit a complaint to the BBB but I realize they won't, or can't, do anything. My credit card company now has this charge in "dispute" status but I doubt I will ever see my $84.97 again.

Michelle Smith
May 27, 2007 4:00 pm EDT

Looks like we were hit with this scam too. A bottle of this extreme lean rx was sent to an old business address. I did a search on the web for this product to see what it was. After reading the posts we checked our credit card statements and sure enough there were 2 charges for 106.90 and 84.60. I hope we can get this resolved. Thanks for posting!

julie keefer
May 28, 2007 6:46 am EDT

On May 26'th I received a package containing a bottle of pills. On the same day I got a statement from American express with a charge of $106.90 for these pills. I hadn't used that card in probably over a year and have no idea where they got that number. I immediately cancelled the card and alerted AmEx of the fraudulent charge. Hope this adds to the case that should be building against them.

Angula Burnett
May 31, 2007 6:20 am EDT

What the hell is going on. I am so pissed off because it seems as though I can't do anything about the fraudulent charge of $84.97 on my account from Extreme Lean Rx until it actually post on my account. This has overdrawn my account and like someone else said they are cowards and should work for a living and stop taking advantage of people. I have know idea how they got my information. Who ever is involved with this company should be sent to jail for a very long time. These people should be stopped for good.

victor metcalf
Jun 01, 2007 5:35 am EDT

Add me to your list as well, they scammed me out of $170.00 and I never even heard of, and yes i do believe the root of this problem is how they acquired my digits to my bank card in the first place. If anyone gets a lead on these jokers please pass it along.

Nicholas D Vaccaro
Jun 05, 2007 12:29 pm EDT

Same thing happen to me i need help how do we get rid of this

Amanda A
Jun 06, 2007 7:13 am EDT

Same thing. My AmEx was charged $106.90 and $84.90 by RevenueShield. I have never done business with these people. I reported it to AmEx and they invalidated the card.

Barbara Gallyot
Jun 16, 2007 4:01 am EDT

I was one of the folks that was scammed, so I canceled my credit card, and now only use "Virtual Account numbers ", a service that my credit card company provides. These are Dummy numbers that are changed each time you make a purchase on line and interpreted by the credit card company.

A few weeks ago QVC emailed me to say that they could not use my credit card for a purchase (which I did not make ). So, I responded that I did not purchase anything... and my card was canceled.

So they are trying other venues to scam us!

bill miller
Jun 19, 2007 6:12 pm EDT

You can add me to the list as well. I received a cc statement from my business credit card company stating revenueshield86*******american fork ut. $106.90 I contacted American Express and they took care of the charge. If anyone knows how to get up with these losers let me kn0w. Thanks

Jun 20, 2007 8:35 am EDT

And they're baaack...

I wrote that I was charged a couple of months ago. I disputed the charge, received my money back without issue, well, except for the fact that I had to file in the first place, cancel that card, change my billing information that I used that card for previously.

And today they are at it again...

This time though, I was able to speak to someone via their phone number. The woman I spoke with claimed she was only a CS rep working for a multitude of companies, assured me I would receive credit and pass along a "note" to remove me from any and all "customer" lists.

I have contacted a friend of mine who is a fairly high-powered business person in Utah who has promised to check out the address of CJW Holdings - that is where the phone number for ALD Enterprises Hoodia traces back to and see what he can come up with.

I'll update if I can use any of your experiences and information to nail these jerks.

K brown
Jun 22, 2007 5:49 pm EDT

In April 2007, the same thing happened to me... $106.90 charged on my Discover Card from this so called Revenue Shield company in Utah. When I reported this to Discover they said that this was showing up on a lot of people's credit cards. Shouldn't the credit card companies have fraud alerts on the these losers so they can't charge us in the first place? Of course, Discover is investigating and for now credited the charge, but I am still so angry. Thanks for all the information.

Preeti Chaubal
Jun 29, 2007 9:11 pm EDT

The exact same thing has happened to us. Received some sort of iet pills in the mail. Didn't order them. Not able to return them. called the number on the bottle... doesn't work. Website on bottle doesn't work. Charge has come through on my credit card today for $84.97 in favor of N and N labs II. Never heard of them. Called the number on my credit card statement for this company. Is simply an auto prompt to order some Hoodia Diet pills. Called my credit card company, disputed the charges and shut down the account. Somebody needs to get these guys!

Phil Knight
Jul 06, 2007 9:47 pm EDT

I was charged $106.90 in April and $89.90 in May on my Discover card and I have never heard of Revenue Shield. I have contacted the Fraud unit with Discover card to investigate this matter and they have refunded my account, hope they find these f#>k~n fools! I guess it pays to Discover (WHOSE IN YOUR WALLET).