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CB Books and Magazines Review of Keith Hudson/burt Keith Hudson
Keith Hudson/burt Keith Hudson

Keith Hudson/burt Keith Hudson review: Theft 35

Author of the review
10:07 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Keith Hudson, full name Burton Keith Hudson, never paid for work completed on his website. Please check out the following site about this guy --

He has claimed he is in the Denver, CO area, however I have not found an address for him. In my opinion, he is a nothing more than a petty thief and a pathological liar.

STAY AWAY from this guy! I would never trust that you would ever receive a book, or anything else this guy is trying to peddle. DO NOT DO ANY WORK WITHOUT GETTING PAID UP FRONT!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Denver, US
Sep 23, 2009 12:45 pm EDT

Thank you for your post about Keith Hudson, I have doubts about what I have been told and what I have read about with his million $ challenge. his web site has not been updated either with current information. His books are not available to order.

Oct 02, 2009 2:08 pm EDT

We have a long list of theft and con games played by this pathological liar. Stay away from him!

keith hater
Oct 29, 2009 2:02 am EDT

he got me for 1k...lied up a there any way to report him or sue him?

Nov 23, 2009 11:37 am EST

FYI, there are a couple of addresses and numbers for this guy up on Google Maps. You might try those in attempting to contact him. Please post if you decide to press charges or sue him. You could also leave a review (

Keith Hudson & Assoc LLC
16528 E Prentice Pl, Centennial, CO

Keith Hudson & Associates LLC
18758 E Linvale Cir, Aurora, CO

WeGo Design
Nov 24, 2009 11:17 am EST

Keith is on a rampage before Christmas. I receintly did work for Keith on, I built a complete site, did book covers, and only got paid $500 down. I was sold on the idea of what he was doing for daughters, but he's just a scam artist. I'll be persuing this legally to put a stop to this non-sense.

colorado fun
Englewood, US
Nov 27, 2009 7:09 pm EST

Keith is a smooth talker. I "invested" with him and would like to find a way to get it back.

Denver, US
Dec 23, 2009 5:33 pm EST

This guy is the lowest of the low. He's changed the names of his books now to "The Talk" series. He's blown me off for almost seven weeks. He owes me close to $4, 000. I've done editing work for him under contract, and he has ignored me and offended me. Would anyone else here be interested in speaking on my behalf in court? What can we do? My name is Kendra Palmer and you can find me on Facebook or e-mail me at

Denver, US
Dec 23, 2009 5:35 pm EST

Look at the December 22 2009/1 pm show - 3 minutes in. He starts talking about Keith. How else can we get word out that this guy is bad news?

keith hatter
cherry hills, US
Dec 31, 2009 12:13 am EST

you can go to the BBB site and post a complaint against Keith Hudson...check out his listing

Shelly B.
Longmont, US
Dec 31, 2009 8:42 am EST

Keith receives money and services from people under the guise of creating a project that will help families. he exploits everyone who can be of use to him--even his own daughters. people have a hard time getting paid, because Keith doesn't believe that he needs to be accountable--the world owes him a living. I know from personal experience that he has devastated many people financially. He takes whatever he can take, and will laugh all the way to the bank. This is not someone who simply makes stupid decisions about money--quite the contrary. This is someone who will uses religion, talk about his destiny, foster family life discussions, and exploit his own family to see his name in lights. He has taken thousands of dollars from investors, and uses freelancers and contract people with absolutely no intention of paying his bills. He moves his family on a regular basis, because he skips out on the rent. He has done this in business, and in his personal life.

Shelley B.
Longmont, US
Jan 03, 2010 9:05 pm EST

Keith has taken thousands of dollars from investors and never has a penny to pay anyone. He's got plenty stashed away while he pretends to be a humble author with a vision for making a contribution to family life.
Kinda makes you wonder what he's doing with the money--because he doen't use it to pay his bills.

Englewood, US
Jan 04, 2010 7:17 pm EST

Are any of you realtors that he has tried to take advantage of? Realtors BEWARE!

Another Keith Hater
auror, US
Jan 06, 2010 10:53 pm EST

This man is a compulsive liar! He owes EX-employees tens of thousands of dollars and continually promises the money is coming. His book "project" will go nowhere because he doesn't know how to do the right thing.

Hurt in Idaho
Feb 02, 2010 4:30 pm EST

Owes us money also and I am ashmed of him and his aquaintenances with some shady known realestate people who have left my wife and I with nothing---went frome owning our own home to trusting these guys with our life savings
they made money but we ended up with nothing-----they call it a God thing and blame the only One who could help us all out-----proud pitiful men---

colorado fun
Englewood, US
Feb 06, 2010 1:35 am EST

He will take your money and run! He will want to look at homes but will never buy one. He makes you think you can get in on a great investment, there are only a few spots, you have to hurry, he cashes the check right away at the bank it is drawn on. How many other Realtors have been taken advantage of by Keith Hudson? How can we turn this guy in?

Feb 06, 2010 6:18 pm EST

Several members of my family were taken by this man. He convinced them to be "investors" in his work. He provided a contract and a well practiced and compelling story. By the time you can research the details and determine that pretty much everything that he said was totally false he has cashed your check and you can't reach him again. I filed a report with the financial fraud unit of the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department which was forwarded to the Colorado Attorney General's office. I encourage anyone else who has been defrauded by the man to report it to the authorities. The more information they have the more likely they can shut him down.

why talk
Parker, US
Feb 11, 2010 11:59 pm EST

REALTORS: beware! this guys is smooth talking and will convince you that he is writing a book and talk series, everything that is said in the above complaints are true! I fell for his lies and CONSTANT excuses for why the project is delayed and why there is never a actual date for the investors being paid back. I am a realtor that he has contacted, his story is that he wants to buy his soon to be ex wife a house, and his assistant as well as his own house. I strongly suggest you stay away from this man, If we all can file a complaint on him, than maybe we can get him to finally be arrested and be held accountable. this man needs to be stopped, has anyone ever thought of getting all of us together and maybe talking to 9 wants to know? PLEASE follow the advice from the BETHECHANGE and file with Arap county.

Highlands Ranch, US
Mar 05, 2010 12:17 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I respectfully disagree with some of the comments I saw here. I invested with Keith last July, and although the timeframe hs not been ideal, I feel Keith has always been straight forward with me, and I still believe in his work. I have not posted here to defend Keith, but to simply express my personal experience and belief that he had honorable intentions. I feel he has not purposefully mislead me in any way. Large projects like this one have a lot of moving parts, and therefore a lot of delays. I have been involved with large scale projects before, and it is not uncommon for delays of months, and even years. I hope the best for everyone involved.

Centennial, US
Mar 10, 2010 5:50 pm EST

I too did work for Keith Hudson to create a SQL Server database in the fall of 2009. He owes me money for the work, and has never paid me for the hours and time I spent working for him. I would like to know a way we could all take this man to court to get our money back, or put a lein against his 'estate'. Please contact me at if you have any information about any pending lawsuits or ways we can do something to stop this guy.

denver, US
Mar 10, 2010 9:20 pm EST

D_H maybe you are the only lucky one because I think it's obvious you would be the exception and not the rule. Many individuals do "large projects" without making others suffer for their delays. Don't make promises you can't keep, it's a simple rule.

XpertDBA apparently you don't really know Keith because there is not "estate" or assets to gain from a lawsuit. He has nothing. He's moved 10 times in the past 4 years...good luck with that!

Mar 29, 2010 3:34 pm EDT

When Keith got evicted from a property he was "renting" the moving company seized his stuff as he had bounced a check from the previous eviction. Happened just a couple of days before Christmas.

I have filed with Arapahoe County Small Claims Court and will have my day in court soon. (Apr. '10)

Denver, US
Apr 07, 2010 5:46 pm EDT

You're absolutely right. Actually, in talking with someone recently, it seems that D_H's comment might be Keith himself. Apparently he's heard about this page and wants to pursue people on this page for slander, which is risible.

why talk
Parker, US
Apr 18, 2010 12:10 am EDT

he will make a mistake and will be stopped, we all just have to wait until it happens and be there when he has his day in court.

can't run forever :)

Castle Rock, US
Jul 14, 2010 10:00 am EDT

This guy should pracitce what he preaches. I was lucky enough not to fall for his scam and did dome research on him before writing him a check. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. This guy needs to be stopped annd he wiill slip up eventually. I have friends at the aurora Police dept that told me to stay away from him. He has a record a mile long. If you are a realtor like myself! BEWARE! He will give you a speach, and suddenly have this great investment opprotunity that one of his friends are unable to do at this time. He will have you show him houses. And just waste your time!

Sara B.
Denver, US
Oct 17, 2010 9:05 pm EDT

This guy us a well-oiled criminal and has no conscience. He lies with every word out of his mouth and some day it will call catch up to him.People are nothing more than targets to him, and he has hurt so many people. He is a thief and will never change--ever.

Robbed by Keith.

Rex Tripp
Ottawa, US
Nov 02, 2010 4:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear B. Keith Hudson or Rex Tripp (which ever name you are going by now)

I've got your number. You scammed us out of 1000.00. Your books you write are bogus.. you have no investors.. and I can't believe you've been doing this for as long as you have. I am shocked you wrote such a sensitive book a to your daughters.. and yet you write such creep drivel made for just "females" or "males" ("Let's talk about sex")

I have news for you.. I got your number and your website. You've screwed the wrong person this time. Here's my suggestion You (Keith Hudson aka REX TRIPP) and your wife Anna Hudson should get REAL jobs and stop stealing from those of us that do. You know where to find me... as I do you.. isn't it somewhere on Mississippi street that UPS store?

Here's some interesting links about this guy.. (his wife) December 22 2010 (1:00 show)

Keith Hudson/burt Keith Hudson — Theft

Lets Talk About Life, LLC, Rex Tripp
13918 East Mississippi Ave, Unit 506.
Aurora, CO, 80012

Books About Life LLC

16748-9c E Smoky Hill 197
Centennial, CO 80015 map
Hudson Keith & Associates

13918 E Mississippi Avenue
Aurora, CO [protected] map

Tad publishing (his former "self" publishing

Anna Hudson (his wife)

The Internet is a powerful tool. This is just the beginning. I will be doing a FULL Facebook, YOUtube, and Twitter sweep of your scamming life.

I'll also have letters ready with information from all the people he's scammed going to the following TV shows: Today Show, Good Morning America, The View, The Talk, Good Morning San Diego, and All the Colorado News affiliates, (too many to list here).

He's scammed people out of THOUSANDS of dollars. If he scammed you contact me at

OH and if this you Rexxie Poo.. you can contact me too.. I welcome a "slander" suit from you and "Ms Poetic Justice"

Philadelphia, US
Nov 03, 2010 12:45 am EDT

Rex Tripp
Ottawa, US
Nov 03, 2010 6:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Here's some great information.. Rex Trip was Keith Hudson was Burton Keith Hudson was James Alan Nolan.. Here is the proof. (James Nolan's My Space) One of the things I love about this.. The "Warn a Brother" when the police is coming.. HEY Rex.. Keith.. James.. I'm a warnin' you!

Hanging Without A Noose by Ivette Cambridge (now Anna Hudson)

A Letter to My Daughters by Keith Hudson (now Rex Trip)

Read more:

Semaj Publications Of Denver - Images
________________________________________ has the following info:

Convention Vendor Space [vendor]

Here at the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic
Expressions Convention have added a extra feature for our
convention/contest that will take place July 21st-July 23rd. We will be
allowing outside Artist, Painters, and other vendors in the artistic
world to come and sell their work for the price of only $300.00 for this
three day event. This price does not include entry to the poetry contest
or any of the banquets, entertainment, or any of the other functions
that we will be having for the paid participating Poets and their guest.
The $300.00 will be for table space only to promote and sell their work
(s). There is a limited vendor space of only 35, and the first 35
vendors that pays for thier space using our secure pay/pal button below
or sends their check or money order to Semaj Publications of
Denver/Vendor Space 13918 East Mississippi Ave #506, Aurora, Colorado
80012, will be the only ones allowed so that we can have room for our
participating Poets who wish to sell or promote their work(s). Any
vendor who wishes to attend all of the functions and still sell their
work (s) will have to pay the full price of $600.00, (NO EXCEPTIONS!).
there will be special identification badges issued to to all
participants, guest of participants, convention volunteers, and vendors
to identify their entry into the convention functions or into the
private areas reserved by the convention committee members. All
participants of the convention will be provided free hotel
transportation to and from Denver International Airport. Please call the
Double Tree Hotel at [protected] upon arrival. Email any questions
or concerns to jnolen@...

Our Price: $300 USD
ID/SKU: www.contest@... Reserve your space

More off that website:

Bruce George", Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam and Rebecca "Butterfly"
Vaughns Joins on as Judges with the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine,
International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000.00 Poetry Contest
January 2006 Convention/Contest News * Meet the
Convention/Contest Chief Judge Ms. PJ. Gibson
* The Color My Poetry, Color it Mine,
International Poetic Expressions Convention Vice President Mr. Dwight O.
* Our Convention/Contest Chief of Staff and
Entertainment Director, Ms. Cassandra Walton of San Francisco
* Meet our Convention Special Entertainment/Dance
Choreographer Ms. Bernadette Sanders of Miramar Florida
* Our Convention Youth Director, Mrs.Terry O'Neal
of Sacramento California
* Message from the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine
International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Founder and
* International Poet Rene Reyes to perform at the
2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions
Convention/$10, 000 Contest
* " Bruce George", Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam"
Joins on as a Judge for the 2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine,
International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Contest
* Contest Rules and Scoring Criteria
* Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns Joins on as a Judge
for this Great Event


The first annual Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic
Expressions Convention/ $10, 000.00 Poetry Contest will be held in
Denver, Colorado July 21st thru July 23rd, 2006. This will be the best
poetry convention/contest ever presented/assembled. Our convention will
include educational seminars, star entertainment, 2 sit down dinners,
executive continental breakfast on day one and day two, Poetry Slams,
door prizes, awards, and a chance to win the Grand Pize of $10, 000.00
for the Best Poet, and MORE! Enter your contest poem at "TODAY" Note: Poets who submit their
work(s) retain all rights. Check out our amazing convention/contest
staff and read about some of the entertainment that will be at this
great event.
[front card cover]
Semaj Publications of Denver

Meet the Convention/Contest Chief Judge Ms. PJ. Gibson [pj

We at Semaj Publications of Denver and the Committee Members of the
Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expresssions
Convention/$10, 000.00 Poetry Contest would like to introduce to you our
Cheif Judge Ms. PJ Gibson. Ms. PJ. Gibson is an Associate Professor of
English at the John Jay College of Crimminal Justice in New York City,
where she teaches literature, poetry, and fiction writing courses. Ms.
Gibson holds a M.F.A. in Theatre Arts from Brandeis University and a
B.A. in drama, religion, and english from Keuka College, New York. Ms.
Gibson refers to her writing a gift from the heavens given to her at the
early age of nine, and by fourteen she was an award winning writer in
both poetry and fiction. She embraced playwriting in 1970 when her
freshman classmates at Keuka College asked her to lend her writing and
theatrical skills to address a racial situation confronting the twenty
five Black and Puerto Rican students at her college. The Black Woman,
with its cast of thirty-one was Gibson's first play, and so began her
career as a playwright. As of today she has written over thiry-one plays
and is the Author of Destiny's Daughters. Ms Gibson has been awarded so many awards and achieved so much in her life that it would basically
take a novel to write her accomplishments. She writes realistic works,
placed in realistic settings, but she is not bound to this format. Her
stylistic and experimental works often break the forth wall, inviting
the audience into worlds of her plays on the other levels. You will all
get a chance to meet this great lady at the Color My Poetry, Color it
Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention!

The Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic
Expressions Convention Vice President Mr. Dwight O. Carson

Our Vice President and Committee Member, Mr. Dwight O. Carson of East
Northport, New York, brings to us much knowledge in the art of spoken
word, and entertainment. He is the owner of Nappy Edges Records Inc,
Nappy Edges Productions, Monad Productions, and more! Dwight has also
composed a Choreo-Poem entilted Expubident, which was perfromed at La Mama Theater. Other accomplishments include writing for Budda records the song Skin Diver for Norman Conner's Saturday Night Special, production and recording of Black Renaissance with Harry Whitaker as a tribute to Martin Luther King Day, 1976. Dwight is the author of Let My Children Hear Music, which is about lost and gain, livivng and loving, even in impossible circumstances. It brings hope to those whose lives have been dashed beneath the weight of addiction or any other oppression that lies outside the oneness of the soul. Dwight states that this book of poems are like musical compositions, the soft construction of some lines and the Bebop orchestration of others is due to the influence of
his being surrounded by musicians for the first 10 years of his writing.
Dwight also has a Cd out titled For My Brothers, which was arranged by
Bill Lee, the father of Actor and Film Producer Spike Lee. This Cd has
great musicians such as James Spaulding on alto saxophone, Bill Lee on
bass, Gerry Eastman on bass, Say-Uri Goto on piano, Taru Alexander on
drums, Dick Griffin on trombone, plus may more musicians and vocalist.
Not only is this great man the Vice President and a Committee Member of
the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions
Convention/Contest, he shall also be one of many of our entertainers,
speakers, and a judge at this glorious event.

Our Convention/Contest Chief of Staff and Entertainment Director,
Ms. Cassandra Walton of San Francisco [Cassandra's Picture]

Ms. Cassandra Walton is the Chief of Staff and Entertainment Director
for the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions
Convention/Contest. Cassandra is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, and
now resides in San Francisco where she has lived for 16years. Cassandra
is a respected "Spoken Word Artist" in the Bay Area, and has been termed
the Bay Area's best kept secret by local KPOO/KPFA radio personality
Avotcja. She has been called a Word Weaver, Word sclupturer, Griot, and
Word Warrior, but prefers to be called simply a Poet. She gained
additional notoriety with the release of the popular
Poetry/Neo-Soul/Jazz Cd called "Love According 2 Love", by the Love
Poets, a group she helped found in 2001. Cassandra also is the Co-Host
of a weekly program for the new and experienced Poets alike in Oakland
California. Presently Cassandra is working to release her book titled
"Cooking with Poetry" a recipe for living, laughing, and loving.
Cassandra just returned from a cruise to the Bahamas where she
pre-released her new CD titled Born To Climb. The cruise was given by
the Ladies in Red, Founder Brenda Night, National Leader in Education
(Empowerment Coach and trainer). Cassandra has been honored as the
specially invited Poet of the Bay Area to perform for the Consul General
of Japan of San Francisco, and his guest for the official celebration of
the 150th anniversary of U.S/Japan friendship. Cassandra will also be
one of the many performers at our scheduled convention. This is one
Great Poet, and you can listen to her entire poem titled "I'll call it
love" at the web site of, you can
purchase her new Cd Titled "Born to Climb" there also.You really do not
want to miss the performace of this astonishing lady at the Color My
Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention.

Meet our Convention Special Entertainment/Dance Choreographer Ms.
Bernadette Sanders of Miramar Florida

Ms. Bernadette Sanders will be the dance Choreographer for some of the
scheduled performances of the convention/contest. Ms. Sanders is the
Executive Director of Soflo Ballet, a professional dancer, dance
teacher, and choreographer. She has trained and/or performed
professionally with such companies as Dance Theatre of Harlem. Maryland
Ballet Theatre, St. Marks Dance Company, Olympic Ballet Theatre and Duke
Ellington School of Arts. She studied classical ballet under world
renowned artist such as Doris Jones, Lynne Welters, Sandra Fortune,
Keith Lee, Rosella Hightower, Walter Raines, Bessie Schonberg (dance
composition), Ann Reinking, Madam Darvish, Aurthur Mitchell, and many
more great Dance Artist. She was the first African American Female to
receice a full scholarship and be placed in the advanced/professional
level of study at the Russian Ballet Seminar at Western Michigan
University at the age of 16. She began her dance as a dancer in the
opera Aida with the Seattle Opera. Bernadette has performed in movies
and music videos, and has taught as an Assistant Professor and Dance
Lecturer at Jacksonville University and as a guest artist at Florida
International University. Her teaching and directing skills includes
working as the former Dance Department Chairperson of a performing arts
high school, teaching classical ballet at such schools and companies as
Ballet South (company classes), Ballet Theatre of Annapolis, and Ballet
Thestre of Florida (Jacksonville) where she was the Artistic director.
Bernadette is the ballet choregrapher for the clay animated feature film
Aida. Her work with Soflo Ballet has been featured on the Russian TV
Network. Ms. Sanders is the choreographer for the musical production "A
Star is Born", which will debut overseas this Fall (2005). Bernadette is
currently the choreographer for a new play titled Gone too Soon, which
is a theatrical production that relives the successes and setbacks of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movements of the 1960's
through court depositions by six of his closest associates. Gone too
Soon will tour major cities starting January 2006. Ms. Sanders will also
choreograph and dance to the poetry of Ms. Cassandra Walton. Just the
performance of these two great ladies alone is worth coming to the
convention for!

Our Convention Youth Director, Mrs.Terry O'Neal of Sacramento
Terry A. O'Neal was born and raised in Stockton California. In 1991,
she established her residence in Sacramento where she attended
California State University of Sacramento, majoring in Criminal Justice.
O'Neal is a wife and mother of four children. She works part-time as
a secretary for her husband's communications corporation. She is
also the founder of her own publications company that was established in
the year 2000 to publish her first book of poetry, Motion Sickness. The
following year O'Neal published her second volume of poetry, The
Poet Speaks In Black, that has become quite renowned in the world of
poetry and has sold over 10, 000 copies since it's publication in
June 2001. An inspirational work, it was described by Dr. Kevin Starr,
the state librarian of California, as "her poems are reflective of
African American culture and at the same time underscore our universal
humanity." In 2002, O'Neal released her first children's
book, Ev'ry Little Soul, in which she collaborated with Ms. Wendy
Robinson—an artists out of Cape Town, South Africa. Together they
have crafted a magnificent book that contains an essential message of
strength, unity and endurance for readers of all ages. As a writer of
diverse talents, O'Neal has recently released her first literary
fiction novel, Sweet Lavender- a moving story of a young girl whose
world is rocked to the core when her once loving and nurturing childhood
is destroyed by betrayal, abandonment, and infidelity. O'Neal's
work is world renowned. In March of 2004, her poetry was translated into
the Persian language. An interview and a three page article on the
author were published in one of the most popular literary publications
in Iran, "Golestaneh Magazine." In addition to her writing
projects, O'Neal is the editor of the youth poetry anthology
"Make Some Noise!" which is a compilation of poetry written by
youth between the ages of 12 and 18. She has always valued the unique
perspective of young people and has worked to encourage their energetic
yet sometimes fragile aspirations. Make Some Noise! A Youth Poetry
Anthology is the embodiment of O'Neal's commitment to provide
the opportunity for youth to have their works published. O'Neal is
the founder of the non-profit organization, Lend Your Hand, Educating
the World's Children. The organization is geared toward helping to
provide pencils, crayons, paper and other school supplies to the
children in Jamaica and across the United States. In addition, Lend Your
Hand, has a goal to gain enough resources to provide accommodations for
school visit's in Jamaica and other countries by book authors and
poets with a dedicated desire to help educate and inspire today's
youth through literacy. Her upcoming works include the children's
book, "My Jazz Shoes, " the non-fiction novel, "Making
Mo, " a moving story of a young boy's remarkable journey from a
world of tragedy to triumph; and a volume of poetry based on her own
life entitled "In a World of My Own." Not only is Terry our
Youth Director, but she shall also be a Judge at this wonderful event.

Message from the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine International
Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Founder and President
We at the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic
Expressions Convention and Semaj Publications of Denver have planned to
put on the best poetry convention ever presented/assembled. Our mission
is to unify people of all races, creed and colors, from all parts of the
the world, and let their voices be heard through their creative work(s)
of poetry. We have been working on the planning of the convention since
October 2003. As you can see from the above committee members and our
addition of Rene Reyes and "Mr. Bruce George" Co-Founder of Def Poetry
Jam, we plan on having nothing but the best of the best for all our
attendees of the poetry convention/contest.The above committee and
myself would love to see you at the convention that is scheduled July
21st - July 23rd 2006. This three day event will be packed with Poets
from all over the world. We will have two sit down banquets with star
entertainment, door prizes, executive continental breakfast on day two
and three, daily live entertainment, seminars and workshops, awards, and
more. You will have a chance to take photos with our guest stars and
convention committee members, a chance to get your work published, on
going poetry slams, a chance to be on television, and most of all the
chance to win the Grand Prize of $10, 000.00 CASH! We will only be
accepting the first 400 paid in full Poets and their guest at the
convention. The Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic
Expressions Convention/Contest will be held at the Double Tree Hotel
Denver, Colorado. You can make your hotel reservations at the hotel by
calling [protected]. Please make sure that when you make your room
reservation that you tell them that you are with the Color My Poetry,
Color it Mine Convention so that you can receive the special discount
rate of only $79.00 per night single or double occupancy. Please make
sure that you make your reservations ahead of time because there is
limited space at the hotel for this special price that we have arrainged
for you and your guest. Participants and their guest will be responsible
for their own travel and hotel expenses. Free transportation will be
provided to and from the Airport by the hotel. Those wishing to receive
a registration form can email me at
jnolen@... Please enter your contest poem at for our review. (See
convention/contest rules below) Poets that enter their poem at the
website of that are accepted to read
at the convention will be notified by email and U.S mail. The total cost
of this three day event will be $600.00 for each participating Poet and
$400 per guest of poet. Those who wish to put down a deposit of $200.00
per Poet or guest of Poet, can request a registration form by emailing
jnolen@... You must submit your complete
registration form, a copy of your poem and a check or money order for
$200.00 and send to Semaj Publications of Denver/Contest 13918 East
Mississippi Ave #506, Aurora, Colorado 80012. You will be notified if
your poem is accepted for entry into the contest. Those that are not
accepted will have their check or money order returned. Those who put
down their deposit of $200.00 and are accepted must be paid in full by
May 1st 2006. Good Luck and we the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine,
International Poetic Expressions Committee Members look forward to
reading your work, and seeing you at the convention/$10, 000 poetry
contest. James Allen Nolen (Semaj)

International Poet Rene Reyes to perform at the 2006 Color My
Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions
Convention/$10, 000 Contest [Rene Reyes]
Our convention entertainment keeps getting better and better and we
would like to announce to you the Prolific Poet/Author/Spoken Word
Artist Rene'Reyes, known globally as brewedsosweet/brewedsosweetly, from
Portugal, but was reared in Southern California. One of the hottest
Spoken Word Artist to ever bless the mic, she also has thousands of love
poems that make the toughest man fall deeply in love! Her spoken word
CD's are available in English, Portuguese and Spanish; but the real
treat is reading her poetry to unveil everything about her life. Her
delivery is DYNAMIC! Her poetry is rich in imagery, alliteration, and
freshness. A versatile thinking poet, prolific in romance, conscious &
spiritually poetry. Her poetry teaches and heals. She authored the
screenplay, 'Milk&Honey Rose and is a songwriter. As a professional
fully educated business woman, she is founder and owner of Sweet Verse
Productions. You really do not want to miss out on seeing the performace
of this great lady, or being at this wonderful event!

" Bruce George", Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam" Joins on as a
Judge for the 2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic
Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Contest [Bruce]

Please welcome "Bruce George", Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam, as a Judge
in the 2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic
Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Contest. Bruce is a visionary, executive
producer, writer, poet and activist. He was born and raised in New York
City. He has written poetry/prose and articles for over 25 years. His
work has been published in major magazines, anthologies, and literary
publications. He has written testimonials from the likes of Essence
Magazine, Emerge Magazine, Class Magazine, Harlem River Press etc. Bruce
has won multiple poetry and talent contests. He has won several awards
such as a "Peabody Award" for "Russell Simmons Presents, Def Poetry
(HBO)", "Miky Award" for "Russell Simmons Presents, Def Poetry Jam
(HBO)", an "Upscale Showcase Award" etc. for his outstanding vision,
production, writing and performance. Bruce is the Co-Founder of the
critically acclaimed award winning "Russell Simmons's Def Poetry Jam."
He's also the Founder/Managing Editor of "The Bandana Republic, an
Anthology of Poetry and Prose by Gang Members and Their
Affiliates."Bruce is the Founder/Executive Producer of a spoken word
documentary entitled: "Bone Bristle, which is in A Spoken Word
Documentary" which is in post-production. The film features critically
acclaimed writers, poets and spoken word artists. As an activist Bruce
has been and currently is associated with major grassroots organizations
that fosters and uplifts people in struggle. Bruce has served on
numerous panels (Hampton, Harvard, The New School, Fordham University,
Medgar Evers, Schomburg Center For Research in Black Culture etc.) and
judged hundreds of poetry/spoken word competitions.Bruce is a graduate
of Niagara University in which he earned a B.A. degree in Psychology
with a 3.2 GPA. Brother Bruce thank you for being a Judge at this great
event. Semaj


Here at the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic
Expressions Convention have added a extra feature for our convention. We
will be allowing outside Artist, Painters, and other vendors in the
artistic world to come and sell their work for the price of only $300.00
for this three day event. This price does not include entry to the
poetry contest or any of the banquets, entertainment, or any of the
other functions that we will be having for the paid participating Poets
and their guest. The $300.00 will be for table space only to promote and
sell their work (s). There is a limited vendor space of only 35, and the
first 35 vendors that sends their check or money order to Semaj
Publications of Denver/Vendor Space 13918 East Mississippi Ave #506,
Aurora, Colorado 80012, will be the only ones allowed so that we can
have room for our participating Poets who wish to sell or promote their
work(s). Any vendor who wishes to attend all of the functions and still
sell their work (s) will have to pay the full price of $600.00, (NO
EXCEPTIONS!). there will be special identification badges issed to to
all participants, guest of participants, convention volunteers, and
vendors to identify their entry into the convention functions or into
the private areas reserved by the convention committe members. All
participants of the convention will be provided free hotel
transportation to and from Denver International Airport. Please call the
Double Tree Hotel at [protected] upon arrival. Email any questions or
concerns to jnolen@...

Contest Rules and Scoring Criteria [world 1]

Scoring Criteria Used: 100 possible points *Originality of Subject
Matter: 20 points *Judgment from peers and audience: 30 points *Staying
within the time limit (3 minutes or 31 lines) 20points. *Presentation:
30 points (which includes stage presence, projection, and how well you
handle the mic, (reciting vs. reading from paper and within the time
constraints. No foul language will be tolerated. *There will be separate
rules for our youth. *Please do not explain how you came about writing
your poem when it comes time for you to recite your work, for this time
will be used against you and you could loose 30 points before you have
even started to recite your poem. You will have plenty of time to
explain all this during the open mic and poetry slams sessions that will
be available to you during the convention. * No offensive poems will be
accepted (Reference race, creed, gender, color, or religion). Poet
retains all rights to his or her work(s).

Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns Joins on as a Judge for this Great
Event [rebecca pic 1]

Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns has been married to poetry since the age of
ten. There are no words that can explain the passion and love Rebecca
has for poetry. She holds Langston Hughes accountable for turning her
into a fiend. Rebecca leaves audiences amazed at her ability to
freestyle poetry leaving one to think its been inked for awhile. She
impressed Bruce George ~ Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam in 2002 at the 2nd
Annual Spoken Word Expo held in St. Louis, MS when she came hard from
the dome in the midst of a cipher out in the parking lot after an open
mic session. Rebecca has tapped many of mics on various stages from
elementary schools to high schools to colleges to jails to festivals and
is in high demand for weddings, funerals, baby christenings, retirement
parties, church galas and everything else in between. She's an
International Spoken Word Artist with people appreciating her work in
Canada, The Bahamas, Jamaica, Belize, Africa, and Argentina just to name
a few. She's appeared on internet and mainstream radio as well as
underground radio. She's done live broadcasting performances on Haitian
and Spanish television locally and has appeared on various radio
stations and television in other cities throughout the USA. Her work is
supported and loved by the likes of Shang~comedian/ poet, Betty Wright ~
singer/songwriter, Floetry, MC Lyte, Joss Stone, and Robert Townsend
just to name a few. Rebecca has truly made a name for herself in the
arena of spoken word and poetry since taking the stage May, 1997.
Rebecca holds several accolades for her craft to include2005 Eliterary
Award for Best Female & Most Accomplished Poet of The Year, 2005 Black
On Black Rhyme Ms. Poetry Award, 2003 Spoken Word Artist of The Year,
two slam wins, and her work is featured on compilations in New york,
Chicago, and Miami just to name a few as well as appearances in
anthologies to include Drumvoices Revue ~ spring, summer, fall 2004 issue
with a tribute to Katherine Dunham.

Poetry contest where they SCAMMED PEOPLE Semaj Publications of Denver for black folks. All the same scam warnings apply (see listing above), plus the ones about vanity presses.

More Poetry Scams
In need of a quick $10, 000? Semaj Publications in Denver writes to say: The Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000.00 Poetry Contest will be held in beautiful Denver, Colorado from July 21st - July 23rd, 2006. This will be the best poetry Convention/contest ever presented/assembled. The Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000.00 Poetry Contest mission is to unify people of all races, creed and colors from all over the world and let their voices be heard through their creative works of poetry. Contestants will be judged by a fair and unbiased panel of judges who shall award well deserved prizes to contest participants and winners.
For info, check

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Poetry Convention scam..
2006 Poetry Convention

The 2006 Poetry Convention/$10, 000 Contest keeps getting better. Patryce
"Choc'Let" Banks has agreed to perfom for all attendees at
this wonderful event along with Cassandra, Ms. Poetic Justice, Dwight O.
Carson and his Triod, Rene Reyes, Bernadette Sanders, and other special
guest. You really do not want to left out of this convention/contest so
enter your best work (s) at the web site of
Welcome Patryce "Choc'Let" Banks [Patrice]

Patryce "Choc'Let" Banks is a rare gem in the treasure chest
of entertainers. Choc'Let carved her niche as an innovator and one
of the major players in the Funk genre. The award winning audio/visual
dynamo is the former female lead singer of the chart topping "Graham
Central Station, " Larry Grahams' (Sly's bass player) group.
Beginning her journey through music as so many top entertainers, she
started singing at the age of three in her father's Baptist church.
This early experience sparked the flame of creativity that motivated her
life as a singer. While growing up in Los Angeles, California, she
headlined a variety of local bands from middle through high school. The
beginning of her professional career started upon graduation from Dorsey
High with the "Doodletown Pipers, " an "All American"
type group of youngsters. With the Pipers she traveled the US and Canada
performing in concerts and appearing in a televised series of
"Doodletown Piper" Holiday specials. Striking out on her own,
she took her career to the next level. Choc'Let came to the
attention of Dick Griffey of Solar Records fame, who became her manager.
Propelling her career, he initiated an introduction to Sly and the
Family Stone, where she met Larry Graham. This connection was the
beginning of her successful career with GCS. While with GCS, the group
played every major venue in the US and Europe, and appeared regularly on
TV including "Soul Train, " "Rock Concert, " and
"Midnite Special" earning gold record and Grammy nominations in
the process. Always pursuing excellence, Choc'Let left GCS for a
solo career. She recorded her debut solo album "She's Back and
Ready" with T-Electric Records. Choc'Let has lent her vocal
support on tour and in the recording studio to artists such as B.B.
King, Stephanie Mills, Chaka Kahn, Wayne Henderson and the Crusaders,
Ronnie Laws, and Dr. Dre, only to name a few. During the past decade she
has performed with Rose Royce of "Car Wash" fame, as the
featured female lead singer, traveling the states and abroad performing
in concert, festivals, radio, and TV appearances.

Bring the whole family to this three day event with two (2) sit down
banquets with star entertainment, Executive Continental breakfast on day
two and three, door prizes, seminars, open mics, great networking
opportunities, a chance to be on television, and much, much more!

Here’s more.. using Russell Simmons name:


James Nolen wrote:
From: James Nolen
To: kunfiakuntair@...
Subject: "Co-Founder" of Def Poetry Jam joins on as a Judge for the 2006
Poetry Convention/$10, 000 Contest
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 03:17:02 -0500 (EST)

2006 Poetry Convention/$10, 000 Contest News

"Bruce George", Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam Joins on as a Judge with the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000.00 Poetry Contest January 2006

Convention/Contest News
• Meet the Convention/Contest Chief Judge Ms. PJ. Gibson
• The Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention Vice President Mr. Dwight O. Carson
• Our Convention/Contest Chief of Staff and Entertainment Director, Ms. Cassandra Walton of San Francisco
• Meet our Convention Special Entertainment/Dance Choreographer Ms. Bernadette Sanders of Miramar Florida
• Our Convention Youth Director, Mrs.Terry O'Neal of Sacramento California
• Message from the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Founder and President
• International Poet Rene Reyes to perform at the 2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Contest
• " Bruce George", Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam" Joins on as a Judge for the 2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Contest
• Contest Rules and Scoring Criteria

The first annual Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/ $10, 000.00 Poetry Contest will be held in Denver, Colorado July 21st thru July 23rd, 2006. This will be the best poetry convention/contest ever presented/assembled. Our convention will include educational seminars, star entertainment, 2 sit down dinners, executive continental breakfast on day one and day two, Poetry Slams, door prizes, awards, and a chance to win the Grand Pize of $10, 000.00 for the Best Poet, and MORE! Enter your contest poem at "TODAY" Note: Poets who submit their work(s) retain all rights. Check out our amazing convention/contest staff and read about some of the entertainment that will be at this great event.

Semaj Publications of Denver

Meet the Convention/Contest Chief Judge Ms. PJ. Gibson

We at Semaj Publications of Denver and the Committee Members of the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expresssions Convention/$10, 000.00 Poetry Contest would like to introduce to you our Cheif Judge Ms. PJ Gibson. Ms. PJ. Gibson is an Associate Professor of English at the John Jay College of Crimminal Justice in New York City, where she teaches literature, poetry, and fiction writing courses. Ms. Gibson holds a M.F.A. in Theatre Arts from Brandeis University and a B.A. in drama, religion, and english from Keuka College, New York. Ms. Gibson refers to her writing a gift from the heavens given to her at the early age of nine, and by fourteen she was an award winning writer in both poetry and fiction. She embraced playwriting in 1970 when her freshman classmates at Keuka College asked her to lend her writing and theatrical skills to address a racial situation confronting the twenty five Black and Puerto Rican students at her college. The Black Woman, with its cast of thirty-one was Gibson's first play, and so began her career as a playwright. As of today she has written over thiry-one plays and is the Author of Destiny's Daughters. Ms Gibson has been awarded so many awards and achieved so much in her life that it would basically take a novel to write her accomplishments. She writes realistic works, placed in realistic settings, but she is not bound to this format. Her stylistic and experimental works often break the forth wall, inviting the audience into worlds of her plays on the other levels. You will all get a chance to meet this great lady at the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention!

The Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention Vice President Mr. Dwight O. Carson

Our Vice President and Committee Member, Mr. Dwight O. Carson of East Northport, New York, brings to us much knowledge in the art of spoken word, and entertainment. He is the owner of Nappy Edges Records Inc, Nappy Edges Productions, Monad Productions, and more! Dwight has also composed a Choreo-Poem entilted Expubident, which was perfromed at La Mama Theater. Other accomplishments include writing for Budda records the song Skin Diver for Norman Conner's Saturday Night Special, production and recording of Black Renaissance with Harry Whitaker as a tribute to Martin Luther King Day, 1976. Dwight is the author of Let My Children Hear Music, which is about lost and gain, livivng and loving, even in impossible circumstances. It brings hope to those whose lives have been dashed beneath the weight of addiction or any other oppression that lies outside the oneness of the soul. Dwight states that this book of poems are like musical compositions, the soft construction of some lines and the Bebop orchestration of others is due to the influence of his being surrounded by musicians for the first 10 years of his writing. Dwight also has a Cd out titled For My Brothers, which was arranged by Bill Lee, the father of Actor and Film Producer Spike Lee. This Cd has great musicians such as James Spaulding on alto saxophone, Bill Lee on bass, Gerry Eastman on bass, Say-Uri Goto on piano, Taru Alexander on drums, Dick Griffin on trombone, plus may more musicians and vocalist. Not only is this great man the Vice President and a Committee Member of the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/Contest, he shall also be one of many of our entertainers, speakers, and a judge at this glorious event.

Our Convention/Contest Chief of Staff and Entertainment Director, Ms. Cassandra Walton of San Francisco

Ms. Cassandra Walton is the Chief of Staff and Entertainment Director for the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/Contest. Cassandra is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, and now resides in San Francisco where she has lived for 16years. Cassandra is a respected "Spoken Word Artist" in the Bay Area, and has been termed the Bay Area's best kept secret by local KPOO/KPFA radio personality Avotcja. She has been called a Word Weaver, Word sclupturer, Griot, and Word Warrior, but prefers to be called simply a Poet. She gained additional notoriety with the release of the popular Poetry/Neo-Soul/Jazz Cd called "Love According 2 Love", by the Love Poets, a group she helped found in 2001. Cassandra also is the Co-Host of a weekly program for the new and experienced Poets alike in Oakland California. Presently Cassandra is working to release her book titled "Cooking with Poetry" a recipe for living, laughing, and loving. Cassandra just returned from a cruise to the Bahamas where she pre-released her new CD titled Born To Climb. The cruise was given by the Ladies in Red, Founder Brenda Night, National Leader in Education (Empowerment Coach and trainer). Cassandra has been honored as the specially invited Poet of the Bay Area to perform for the Consul General of Japan of San Francisco, and his guest for the official celebration of the 150th anniversary of U.S/Japan friendship. Cassandra will also be one of the many performers at our scheduled convention. This is one Great Poet, and you can listen to her entire poem titled "I'll call it love" at the web site of, you can purchase her new Cd Titled "Born to Climb" there also.You really do not want to miss the performace of this astonishing lady at the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention.

Meet our Convention Special Entertainment/Dance Choreographer Ms. Bernadette Sanders of Miramar Florida

Ms. Bernadette Sanders will be the dance Choreographer for some of the scheduled performances of the convention/contest. Ms. Sanders is the Executive Director of Soflo Ballet, a professional dancer, dance teacher, and choreographer. She has trained and/or performed professionally with such companies as Dance Theatre of Harlem. Maryland Ballet Theatre, St. Marks Dance Company, Olympic Ballet Theatre and Duke Ellington School of Arts. She studied classical ballet under world renowned artist such as Doris Jones, Lynne Welters, Sandra Fortune, Keith Lee, Rosella Hightower, Walter Raines, Bessie Schonberg (dance composition), Ann Reinking, Madam Darvish, Aurthur Mitchell, and many more great Dance Artist. She was the first African American Female to receice a full scholarship and be placed in the advanced/professional level of study at the Russian Ballet Seminar at Western Michigan University at the age of 16. She began her dance as a dancer in the opera Aida with the Seattle Opera. Bernadette has performed in movies and music videos, and has taught as an Assistant Professor and Dance Lecturer at Jacksonville University and as a guest artist at Florida International University. Her teaching and directing skills includes working as the former Dance Department Chairperson of a performing arts high school, teaching classical ballet at such schools and companies as Ballet South (company classes), Ballet Theatre of Annapolis, and Ballet Thestre of Florida (Jacksonville) where she was the Artistic director. Bernadette is the ballet choregrapher for the clay animated feature film Aida. Her work with Soflo Ballet has been featured on the Russian TV Network. Ms. Sanders is the choreographer for the musical production "A Star is Born", which will debut overseas this Fall (2005). Bernadette is currently the choreographer for a new play titled Gone too Soon, which is a theatrical production that relives the successes and setbacks of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movements of the 1960's through court depositions by six of his closest associates. Gone too Soon will tour major cities starting January 2006. Ms. Sanders will also choreograph and dance to the poetry of Ms. Cassandra Walton. Just the performance of these two great ladies alone is worth coming to the convention for!

Our Convention Youth Director, Mrs.Terry O'Neal of Sacramento California

Terry A. O’Neal was born and raised in Stockton California. In 1991, she established her residence in Sacramento where she attended California State University of Sacramento, majoring in Criminal Justice. O’Neal is a wife and mother of four children. She works part-time as a secretary for her husband’s communications corporation. She is also the founder of her own publications company that was established in the year 2000 to publish her first book of poetry, Motion Sickness. The following year O’Neal published her second volume of poetry, The Poet Speaks In Black, that has become quite renowned in the world of poetry and has sold over 10, 000 copies since it’s publication in June 2001. An inspirational work, it was described by Dr. Kevin Starr, the state librarian of California, as “her poems are reflective of African American culture and at the same time underscore our universal humanity.” In 2002, O’Neal released her first children’s book, Ev’ry Little Soul, in which she collaborated with Ms. Wendy Robinson—an artists out of Cape Town, South Africa. Together they have crafted a magnificent book that contains an essential message of strength, unity and endurance for readers of all ages. As a writer of diverse talents, O’Neal has recently released her first literary fiction novel, Sweet Lavender- a moving story of a young girl whose world is rocked to the core when her once loving and nurturing childhood is destroyed by betrayal, abandonment, and infidelity. O’Neal’s work is world renowned. In March of 2004, her poetry was translated into the Persian language. An interview and a three page article on the author were published in one of the most popular literary publications in Iran, “Golestaneh Magazine.” In addition to her writing projects, O’Neal is the editor of the youth poetry anthology “Make Some Noise!” which is a compilation of poetry written by youth between the ages of 12 and 18. She has always valued the unique perspective of young people and has worked to encourage their energetic yet sometimes fragile aspirations. Make Some Noise! A Youth Poetry Anthology is the embodiment of O’Neal’s commitment to provide the opportunity for youth to have their works published. O’Neal is the founder of the non-profit organization, Lend Your Hand, Educating the World’s Children. The organization is geared toward helping to provide pencils, crayons, paper and other school supplies to the children in Jamaica and across the United States. In addition, Lend Your Hand, has a goal to gain enough resources to provide accommodations for school visit’s in Jamaica and other countries by book authors and poets with a dedicated desire to help educate and inspire today’s youth through literacy. Her upcoming works include the children’s book, “My Jazz Shoes, ” the non-fiction novel, “Making Mo, ” a moving story of a young boy’s remarkable journey from a world of tragedy to triumph; and a volume of poetry based on her own life entitled “In a World of My Own.” Not only is Terry our Youth Director, but she shall also be a Judge at this wonderful event.

Message from the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Founder and President

We at the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention and Semaj Publications of Denver have planned to put on the best poetry convention ever presented/assembled. Our mission is to unify people of all races, creed and colors, from all parts of the the world, and let their voices be heard through their creative work(s) of poetry. We have been working on the planning of the convention since October 2003. As you can see from the above committee members and our addition of Rene Reyes and "Mr. Bruce George" Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam, we plan on having nothing but the best of the best for all our attendees of the poetry convention/contest.The above committee and myself would love to see you at the convention that is scheduled July 21st - July 23rd 2006. This three day event will be packed with Poets from all over the world. We will have two sit down banquets with star entertainment, door prizes, executive continental breakfast on day two and three, daily live entertainment, seminars and workshops, awards, and more. You will have a chance to take photos with our guest stars and convention committee members, a chance to get your work published, on going poetry slams, a chance to be on television, and most of all the chance to win the Grand Prize of $10, 000.00 CASH! We will only be accepting the first 400 paid in full Poets and their guest at the convention. The Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/Contest will be held at the Double Tree Hotel Denver, Colorado. You can make your hotel reservations at the hotel by calling [protected]. Please make sure that when you make your room reservation that you tell them that you are with the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine Convention so that you can receive the special discount rate of only $79.00 per night single or double occupancy. Please make sure that you make your reservations ahead of time because there is limited space at the hotel for this special price that we have arrainged for you and your guest. Participants and their guest will be responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses. Free transportation will be provided to and from the Airport by the hotel. Those wishing to receive a registration form can email me at jnolen@... Please enter your contest poem at for our review. (See convention/contest rules below) Poets that enter their poem at the website of that are accepted to read at the convention will be notified by email and U.S mail. The total cost of this three day event will be $600.00 for each participating Poet and $400 per guest of poet. Those who wish to put down a deposit of $200.00 per Poet or guest of Poet, can request a registration form by emailing jnolen@... You must submit your complete registration form, a copy of your poem and a check or money order for $200.00 and send to Semaj Publications of Denver/Contest 13918 East Mississippi Ave #506, Aurora, Colorado 80012. You will be notified if your poem is accepted for entry into the contest. Those that are not accepted will have their check or money order returned. Those who put down their deposit of $200.00 and are accepted must be paid in full by May 1st 2006. Good Luck and we the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Committee Members look forward to reading your work, and seeing you at the convention/$10, 000 poetry contest. James Allen Nolen (Semaj)

International Poet Rene Reyes to perform at the 2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Contest

Our convention entertainment keeps getting better and better and we would like to announce to you the Prolific Poet/Author/Spoken Word Artist Rene'Reyes, known globally as brewedsosweet/brewedsosweetly, from Portugal, but was reared in Southern California. One of the hottest Spoken Word Artist to ever bless the mic, she also has thousands of love poems that make the toughest man fall deeply in love! Her spoken word CD's are available in English, Portuguese and Spanish; but the real treat is reading her poetry to unveil everything about her life. Her delivery is DYNAMIC! Her poetry is rich in imagery, alliteration, and freshness. A versatile thinking poet, prolific in romance, conscious & spiritually poetry. Her poetry teaches and heals. She authored the screenplay, 'Milk&Honey Rose and is a songwriter. As a professional fully educated business woman, she is founder and owner of Sweet Verse Productions. You really do not want to miss out on seeing the performace of this great lady, or being at this wonderful event!

" Bruce George", Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam" Joins on as a Judge for the 2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Contest

Please welcome "Bruce George", Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam, as a Judge in the 2006 Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention/$10, 000 Contest. Bruce is a visionary, executive producer, writer, poet and activist. He was born and raised in New York City. He has written poetry/prose and articles for over 25 years. His work has been published in major magazines, anthologies, and literary publications. He has written testimonials from the likes of Essence Magazine, Emerge Magazine, Class Magazine, Harlem River Press etc. Bruce has won multiple poetry and talent contests. He has won several awards such as a "Peabody Award" for "Russell Simmons Presents, Def Poetry (HBO)", "Miky Award" for "Russell Simmons Presents, Def Poetry Jam (HBO)", an "Upscale Showcase Award" etc. for his outstanding vision, production, writing and performance. Bruce is the Co-Founder of the critically acclaimed award winning "Russell Simmons's Def Poetry Jam." He's also the Founder/Managing Editor of "The Bandana Republic, an Anthology of Poetry and Prose by Gang Members and Their Affiliates."Bruce is the Founder/Executive Producer of a spoken word documentary entitled: "Bone Bristle, which is in A Spoken Word Documentary" which is in post-production. The film features critically acclaimed writers, poets and spoken word artists. As an activist Bruce has been and currently is associated with major grassroots organizations that fosters and uplifts people in struggle. Bruce has served on numerous panels (Hampton, Harvard, The New School, Fordham University, Medgar Evers, Schomburg Center For Research in Black Culture etc.) and judged hundreds of poetry/spoken word competitions.Bruce is a graduate of Niagara University in which he earned a B.A. degree in Psychology with a 3.2 GPA. Brother Bruce thank you for being a Judge at this great event. Semaj


Here at the Color My Poetry, Color it Mine, International Poetic Expressions Convention have added a extra feature for our convention. We will be allowing outside Artist, Painters, and other vendors in the artistic world to come and sell their work for the price of only $300.00 for this three day event. This price does not include entry to the poetry contest or any of the banquets, entertainment, or any of the other functions that we will be having for the paid participating Poets and their guest. The $300.00 will be for table space only to promote and sell their work (s). There is a limited vendor space of only 35, and the first 35 vendors that sends their check or money order to Semaj Publications of Denver/Vendor Space 13918 East Mississippi Ave #506, Aurora, Colorado 80012, will be the only ones allowed so that we can have room for our participating Poets who wish to sell or promote their work(s). Any vendor who wishes to attend all of the functions and still sell their work (s) will have to pay the full price of $600.00, (NO EXCEPTIONS!). there will be special identification badges issed to to all participants, guest of participants, convention volunteers, and vendors to identify their entry into the convention functions or into the private areas reserved by the convention committe members. All participants of the convention will be provided free hotel transportation to and from Denver International Airport. Please call the Double Tree Hotel at [protected] upon arrival. Email any questions or concerns to jnolen@...

Contest Rules and Scoring Criteria

Scoring Criteria Used: 100 possible points *Originality of Subject Matter: 20 points *Judgment from peers and audience: 30 points *Staying within the time limit (3 minutes or 31 lines) 20points. *Presentation: 30 points (which includes stage presence, projection, and how well you handle the mic, (reciting vs. reading

Castle Rock, US
Feb 11, 2011 8:28 pm EST

I have just been scammed by this man! His house address is 2885 Holly St. denver, CO 80207 his phone is [protected] Lets get this [censor] hole! He owes me for web design services. Post on craigslist NOT to use this man! His name is Burton Keith Hudson with Keith Hudson and Associates, LLC

Denver, US
Oct 17, 2011 8:34 pm EDT

Google Keith/Rex/Burt before you work for him.

Denver, US
Oct 17, 2011 8:34 pm EDT

Thanks for the address... how can we get him arrested?

Jay A. Buerger
Centennial, US
Dec 10, 2011 10:34 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Keith Hudson, as I can see has an extensive list of people he owes money to. He also tells the same story, especially to REALTORs. I am a REALTOR and feel rather embarrassed that I was scammed and wrote a $3, 000.00 personal check to him. A friend did as well. The next day we went to him home to drop off more paperwork, the house was vacant! So, he was able to move on with $6, 000.00 in his pocket in a hurry! Who would I go to to file a complaint. If there is something I can do please e-mail me at As many have said, working together we may be able to find him and have him experience the legal consequences. Thanks,
Jay Buerger Centennial, CO.

Stephen Mercurio
Carmel Valley, US
Oct 08, 2012 7:21 am EDT

I invested $10, 000 with this man with the promise of a one million dollar return. I know at least a dozen people in Carmel Ca who invested at least this much. This guy is a major scam artist! Report him on BBB! Really don't think I will ever see my money but this man must be stopped!

Stephen Mercurio
Carmel Valley, US
Oct 08, 2012 7:28 am EDT

BEWARE! I invested $10, 000 with this guy with the promise of a one million dollar return. He had me make the check to his wife Anna Hudson. He said it was for God & his daughters. He is a very sick man. I know over a dozen people who invested at least this much & some much more. I know we will never see our hard earned money ever again. If we can stop him from taking others hard earned money & put him in jail for the crimes he had committed! Report him to the Better Business Bureau! Lets stop this man from stealing any one else's money & being able to go on radio talk shows to talk his ###!

Stephen Mercurio
Carmel Valley, US
Oct 08, 2012 7:34 am EDT

He is a scam artist!