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CB Talent Agencies Review of Kamera Kids/Sutherland Models
Kamera Kids/Sutherland Models

Kamera Kids/Sutherland Models review: Unprofessionalism 29

Author of the review
9:30 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Kamera Kids has the most unprofessional and rudest agents in the industry. Our child who was a client with Kamera Kids for 2 years was "X'd" from their roster because we as parents voiced our concerns with their agent. After many photo shoots and money earned by our child and Kamera Kids, there were always procedural issues. Every 2 months Kamera Kids required us to send them updated measurements and 10 current pictures. After only being a client for 2 months and sending the required updates their agent rudely responded via telephone saying "I get 100 e-mails and 10 of them are from you, we only require 5 current photos!" As shocked as we were merely following her guidelines for the next year we only sent 5 pictures along with updated measurements. At 18 months old we walked into their office and renewed our child's membership. The receptionist advised us that children at the age of 2 do not get many calls which we understood and everything was fine. About 2 weeks ago we sent their agent 5 current pictures along with measurements of our child and yet again to our dismay we get another rude phone call with even more attitude saying "you clog up my e-mail with your e-mails, I only want the one best picture along with measurements, so I deleted all your e-mails!" It just so happens that on that same day we were on our way to their office to renew our child's memebership again. When we arrived we were greeted by their agent who was shocked to see us and told us that we did not have an appointment. We said to her the previous year we did the exact same thing that we are doing now by coming to the office to renew our child's membership. She went on to say that things are different now and we don't accept 2 year olds. Again we understood that they do not accept new 2 year olds but our child was an existing client with them. We asked her why there was such an issue with the 5 pictures when we were just following her instructions and even brought up the initial incident of the 10 pictures. She then got all flustered and became even more rude and unprofessional and said "I get 75 e-mails a day, I don't have time to open up all your e-mails" and told us to go find another agency.

We left the office very upset and confused. About one week later we e-mailed the President & CEO of Kamera Kids which is a division of Sutherland Models, to express our concerns and we have been waiting for a reply from her ever since.

It seems as though the agents change their minds depending on what mood they are in on that day, and it's us as the client who suffers.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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ann sutherland
Toronto, CA
Mar 25, 2010 11:46 am EDT

Dear Mr. and Mrs.,

I am sorry I missed your email. Nevertheless since you have chosen this platform to air your dismay, I will respond as briefly and professionally as possible to your concerns without causing undue embarrassment for you and your daughter.

1) It is a fact that you have sent on several occasions too many photos to our agents and in very large formats, and you have difficulty following the instruction of 2 photos only (5 when we first register you). I believe, Mrs. , that you did not sufficiently inform your husband of this policy and that he conceded to having been at fault here.
2) We have several hundred parents to deal with and if each one showed up without an appointment our agents would not be able to do their jobs, which is to book and promote their roster. It is also a fact that your daughter has worked so very well through us, a testament to the caliber of our agency.
3) It is clearly stated on our website that 2 year olds are not encouraged at the agency as there is very little call for that age due to their challenging temperaments. For this reason, we did not invite you to renew your expired term with us as we do not think that your child would benefit at this time.
4) I too recommend that when things are not working out with an agency that you should seek other representation. I am sorry if this has offended you in any way, but it is probably for the best.
5) I do apologize if the meeting was heated and if we were part of the cause of such an exchange. We will endeavor to continue to improve in this area.

Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.


Ann Sutherland
Kamera kids

Mar 17, 2011 3:48 am EDT

I totally agree with the complainants. The person (female) that screens the kids is sooooooo rude...and this seems to be very normal behaviour as none of the other staff blinked an eye when she was making her rude comments... My friend and I took our kids (7 years) to the Wednesday open house...both our kids are typically outgoing, chatty and full of personality. On arriving there something (or someone) must have made them uncomfortable as they both became very quiet. After seeing them for less than a minute each, Ms. Obnoxious came out on her high horse aand said "why did you bring them here today to waste everyone's time"... Would it have killed her to say somthing like "thank you for coming out but we are looking for children who are more outgoing"...moral of this story, if they cannot make money on your child, don't waste their time.

Toronto, CA
Mar 31, 2011 12:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

WOW...thank goodness I read these comments first! Have you guys found a better agency? I am looking for one for my soon to be 5 year old.

Toronto, CA
Apr 02, 2011 1:34 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am actually quite shocked that Ms. Ann Sutherland actually responds on this so called "choice of platform that Mr. and/or Mrs. " have chosen to "air their dismay" and thinks its ok to start off her numbered list with "without causing undue embarrassment for you and your daughter". The client might have been overly insistant, and I understand that that might be too much for some people to handle, however need I remind you that the talent agency is working with KIDS! It's like if my daughers pre-school teacher freaks out cause my 4 year old is acting like, well, a FOUR YEAR OLD! She could have made her point a bit more professionally, apologize and explain without any sarcasm or hidden jabs. This is the second reply I have read from Sutherland on this website and both times she mentioned airing out the dirty laundry on an uknown site but how else will unhappy clients voice their concerns if both times they have not recieved any replies on their emails and have them actually replied "through an anonymous forum such as this one". If one of YOUR employees is yelling at a client you should make them pay a grand to take some ethnical and social skills. Like I said before, I do believe that she might have been a bit annoying and one of those mothers that want to push everything and be in control of everyone, however, I think as the President of a highly sought after company, you would be a bit more sympathetic and professional.

andkfl;, CA
Dec 03, 2011 2:36 am EST

Agree! Ann Sutherlands' response is extremely unprofessional. Just doing some exploring of modelling agencies for my 9 month old cutie! Unfortunately, it's responses like these that scare people away. Why do modelling agencies get such a bad rap? Here's your answer. Ah well, guess I'll have to find something else for him to do. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Toronto, CA
May 23, 2012 4:03 am EDT

I have to say that I'm also shocked to read such an unprofessional letter from the president of a big modelling agency. Maybe Sutherland is great at getting work for kids. But like the other parent said you are working with kids and I don't think any parent in their right mind would choose 'success" over their children's confidence and well being. I worked in fashion for a while and I know how ugly and shallow this seems like fabulous industry can be. To be more accurate, how ugly and shallow that the people in this field are. Ironically, they all look so beautiful from outside. I am now a teacher and wake up everyday feeling happy and fulfilled. My daughter has been excepted by an agency. But since Sutherland is so well known I wanted to explore my options. I'm glad to see their true colour before blindly stumble upon a popular agency with big name but little spirit. I mostly just want my 7year old to have fun.

Toronto, CA
Jun 27, 2012 5:37 pm EDT

I am so happy i read this before I handed over my cash! I will continue to look for another agency that does not have such a terrible wrap sheet. It makes my stomach sick when I read these comments. Thanks for your comments it will help people stay away!

Sep 07, 2012 2:34 pm EDT

I thought Ann Sutherland's response was quite measured, considering the snarly tone of the complainants. It seems to me the people who found fault with her employees are forgetting something very simple: The agency exists to make money - not to coddle your unruly child, or make you as a parent feel good about yourself. ff you slag someone's business publicly, they have every right to defend themselves, just as publicly. As the saying goes, if you're going to dish it out, you should be ready to take it too.

Toronto, CA
Jan 10, 2013 7:38 pm EST

Clearly ms1975 is Rhonda herself or any agency rep considering the tone of her rebuttal commentary. I personally have had a bad experience with this agency and cancelled our contract. For parents out there, continue to search for a more reputable company that employees individuals with some professional.

Mississauga., CA
Mar 23, 2013 9:21 am EDT

I too will find a different agency to go with as I find Ann Sutherlands response quite disturbing. I think they forget to realize who works for them and who pays their saleries and bills every month. They should treat their kids and their parents with a little more class and respect. Shame on them!

May 22, 2013 6:44 am EDT

I'm shocked at the response. Ms Sutherland put the entire blame on the Clients. Clearly, the were misinformed. From being requested to provide ten photos to five and then one. The agent was inconsistent and confusing. Secondly, the agency should make it very clear that even an existing client will not be represented after the age of two. Sutherland has been scamming people for far too long. I would never bring my child there. I would rather go to a no name agent who values their clients and sweats to find them work. I agree with tracy9923, ms 1975 is clearly not an unbiased contributor to this forum.

Brampton, CA
May 29, 2013 11:53 am EDT

I am currently looking into registering my son, possibly with Kamera Kids. I have to give them some credit -- their kids seem to get a lot of jobs, and pretty good ones too! But I am concerned about the fees. My son is 4, going on 5, and I was told it would be $350 for the first year and then after he turns 5, $750 each year. That seems like a lot of money -- has anyone else been told the same thing? Does anyone know what the money is used for? Because I was also told that while they would supply the paper for the comp cards, we would need to print these ourselves at home.

Mississauga, CA
Aug 09, 2013 1:18 pm EDT

I have never posted on a message board before, but after reading the comments on this complaint I felt compelled. My daughter has been with Kamera Kids for over a year now and I am very happy with the service that we have received. I did my research before signing with them and I did come across this post and second guessed my decision however I proceeded with them as I felt that the Client was in fact the problem in this case and I think Ann Sutherland's response was appropriate.
Someone commented that "if they cannot make money on your child, don't waste their time" but anyone looking for a legitimate agency would see this as a positive - if they cannot make money on your child, and therefore your child getting jobs and making money, then they won’t waste your time. There are countless other kids agencies that will sign every child that walks through their door just to pocket the registration fees and they are the companies that you need to worry about! I send my daughters updated photos and measurements and when they have a job for her they call and we have a 1-2 minute conversation and then they email me the details. If you want to take offence to the fact that there isn’t time for chit chat and pleasantries then you shouldn’t get into this industry. Their job is to get her gigs and they have done that, good paying one’s at that so I have no complaints and would absolutely recommend them.

Mississauga, CA
May 27, 2014 2:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm disgusted with you Ann Sutherland! Unprofessional, rude and enabling your staff's idiot behaviour. If it wasn't for our kids hard work and dedicated parents, you old timer, wouldn't have a pot to piss in. Remember that !

Mississauga, CA
Aug 04, 2014 2:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i had a horrible experience at kamera kidz. I sent in my childs photos WITH all her measurements and her height, we went to the office and waited around for at least an hour (no big deal i get that they are busy). They spoke to my very outgoing little girl for about 10min, and then she came out and IN FRONT OF MY KID said "she's cute, but she's too short". My daughter burst into tears, and the whole car ride home was asking me if she really was god, the kid is 5 years old! Take a parent aside and say something like that! Guess who the rude B*** was? Rhonda!

I called her the next day, and told her, why did i waste my time coming there? You had all her measurements beforehand...i don't understand! She was sooooo incredibly rude, abnoxious, self centered and uneducated! I will never do business with them ever...and i encourage anyone who is looking for an agency to stay clear of this one! Trust me, no money in the world is worth how small they make your kids feel without a ounce of remorse while they do it.

London, CA
Nov 06, 2014 6:32 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

All I have to say is welcome to the industry its very cutthroat and I don't feel its for you..we all like to think our kids are beautiful and to us they are but in thus industry they possibly may not have what it takes! As I read through all these complaints its just proven what I've been saying for years! These kids have no idea how to handle rejection as proven by the parents many parents wrap their kids in warm fuzzy blankets and told how beautiful and special they are...of course they are to us...but that's it to "us"...everyone wants their kids to be " stars" unfortunately not an easy feat by the most experienced actor/actress model! So get over it! Ur kids too short you're kid isn't cute enough ur kid can't sing can't act! Find something else else!

Kitchener, CA
Nov 25, 2014 8:55 pm EST

Ok yes I agree...welcome to the industry...however I think what mell2772 was getting at was the fact that the company knew the kid was too short befor she arrived, why have them vome in at all...then diss the kid right in front of was a rude waste of time...i see what she's saying

Toronto, CA
Jan 08, 2015 7:20 pm EST

Our family has been working with Kamera kids for over 10 years. Our son who is now ten does know life without Kamera Kids. Throughout the years there has been ups and downs, just like in every aspect of life. We have seen many people come and go, due to thin skin and high on horse attitudes. Our son has had way more rejections than successful moments in modeling/acting. Although he has learned through the process that life does not revolve around his young career/hobbie. He finds other success in life (education, sports, peer relationships). Now getting back to the main jist of the forum. In the past we have encountered a few uncomfortable moments between both parties (us and them). When these unplesant moments arisen, my wife or myself confronted the comments, and that is all it was comments. We are grown adults and our child doesn't live in Mayfield next door to the Beaver. This industry is not for the soft hearted, there is plenty of disapointments, but the rewards outweigh the rejections. They never remember the ones they didn't get. They remember the ones they got. Just to let you know when ask what does he want to do when he grows up, he says "Engineer".

May 08, 2017 9:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Wyz101

Hi there, I know this comment is from 2 years ago but, I was just wondering if your son is still with Kamera Kids /Talent and how it's been going? My daughter has been invited to come in and meet with them so, I just wanted some feedback on whether or not they are a good agency to go with?

Toronto, CA
Jan 13, 2015 3:18 pm EST

I just met with Kamera Kids and the woman I met with was very friendly, warm and provided me with a lot of great information. I haven't signed up with them yet because of all these comments though. I know a lot of people have problems with some lady Rhonda, but I don't think she's there any more. Are there any parents that have used them recently? Like in the last months? Also, did you find that they called you for a lot of jobs? I like that they are picky and have a small roster, i feel that gives our baby a greater chance of being called.

Toronto, CA
Feb 07, 2015 8:27 pm EST

Being rejected is just a part of life - but being civilized and knowing how to say things in a politically correct manner should be as important as finding gigs for the kids since both scenario's will happen. There is no excuse for rudeness, its a lack of effort.

Toronto Girl
Toronto, CA
Jun 17, 2015 8:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My personal experience with Karmera Kids, DON"T WASTE YOUR TIME. Go to another agency for your kids. They have this course for a few hundred dollars that they say your child has an option to be accepted once this course is completed COMPLETE MONEY GRAB. They reject all kids, not one kid is on the rooster that we did the course with and seen real potential, have referred a few parents from about 5 years ago being in the business and all rejected. Serious lack in Respect all around actually feel offended for even giving our time with effort, emailed them a few times and never replied. WE ARE HAPPY TO MOVE ON TO ANOTHER AGENCY with a partnership and respect as this is a part of our lives. I am not one to usual speak out negatively but if i can help another family from wasting there time as we did. Please go somewhere else.

Aug 16, 2015 9:14 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I don't even think that response was from the actual Ann Sutherland! It's obvious she has a team of PR moderators running her account! It was probably actually Ronda who wrote that response! Considering she said "sorry I missed your email" but she happened to see this forum post? And respond here! Seems fishy to me that the president of such a big company would conduct herself like this on a public forum!

Etobicoke (Toronto), CA
Jan 23, 2016 12:13 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Parents I have a children's agency.I respect my little clients & know without them I have no agency. Please give me a call.I was Ellen Pages agent and I am looking for my next little star. Rebecca Bailey, [protected] Thank you.

Feb 09, 2016 12:49 pm EST

If an agent asks you to pay, it's not a good agency! I didn't have to pay a cent for my son and he has done commercials, animation voice, etc. So please, don't get scammed!

Nov 13, 2017 8:03 am EST
Replying to comment of jcp1973

Hi, what agency did you go with? I am looking for one for my child.

Mar 24, 2016 4:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Interesting comments...I'm new to looking into talent agencies and have had a fairly recent experience with Kamera Kids. Here is my experience so far. I submitted my daughter's pictures via their site and they called and asked for us to come in for a meeting. The woman I dealt with on the phone was lovely (Marissa) and she advised that she would be talking to my 3 year old one on one in the meeting. Based on the meeting, she recommended that my daughter attend a workshop for her age group. This was at a cost to us (I think around $200) but it also included a photoshoot. The workshop for her age group was run over two days for two hours plus the photos. On the second day there was an audition of one line done on camera. Parents got to watch the playback. Despite the cost, I felt that it was a great experience for my daughter. She loved every minute. My outgoing daughter seemed more shy on camera than I anticipated but then again so did ALL the kids. The photoshoot was good fun and she adored it. The photos were sent via email and were extremely high quality. We opted to buy more than just the two offered as part of the workshop cost. During her workshop, parents were right next door and we listened to an info. session that was really quite informative in terms of expectations. They do not guarantee work. They do not guarantee that your child will be selected to be on the roster. But they do say that they will attempt to get your child jobs in the industry. They are obviously successful in this if you look at their roster. My daughter was called for a second audition based on her first and her photos. She had to say her line again and meet with agents. We worked on this at home and I began to see such focus in my daughter and she was delighted to return to Kamera Kids to say her line again. Regardless of the outcome we decided that we were happy for her to have the experience since she obviously had fun and learned to work hard for something. She was offered a contract and we will see what happens. We found the agency to be quite warm and inviting. Marissa, the initial contact person with the parents and kids is very friendly and has a great manner with people. We hope that this turns out to be a positive experience.

Sep 13, 2016 10:03 am EDT

Hello everyone,
I am here today on this website [complaintsboard]] which I do have the opportunity to express my self and tell you the experience with this scam company {kamera} the story begins, I met that female the fat one and she was very nice at the first meeting which you never think that was scam so anyways she had to see my son in person and she asked him 5 questions which he was good at them so I asked her if he has any chance to get into her roster she had an answer which was he will be fine because he answered all of my questions and his looking so great so anyways I went home and singed up with them right away that was before 25 days before the start there working class and she did not send any of confirmation email till I called her and remind her just before 2 day of starting the big event LOL.
Here is why I said that was scam and scammers, the first day I left my son for less an hour to have practise with the other kids and just before I leave I look at the room and found the blond lady which I never caught her name playing with the kids like she moved them around just like of wasting of time and all what the explained to us before we singed up ohh we have to teach the kids how to be stand up front of the camera and to speak but of all that was a lies, they did teach them nothing at all because on the second day we have to review how the kids did in the video recording, first of all it was awful video recording because of many things, first, it change the look of the kid like for example my son has one of the most good looking kid and after I had seen the recording of his turn it was and freaking recording, he was so shy which my son not like that he loves to be front of the camera and he always said I want be an actor like in the Utube, second, during the recording my son was itching his eye which was really an acceptable because if I was an agent I will refuse him so I asked that stupid blond ### about that she blinked her eyes at me with rude answer he is ok and the fat one was eating because she want to get more fat she was laughing and she said it depends of the agency I said ok but in the end you should directed him how to be front of the Camera that's why we are here for and paid for so anyways the were so rude and blinked there eyes as usual, I don't know what else I have I say and write down I just want to tell everybody here this company is scam and as soon they got your money they start to blink there ayes and answer your question in very rudeness motions, believe me that stupid blondie had to shut my son up just because he said one word I was so shocked, The Kamera kids company should take those complaints so serious and return the people money because if any kid don't get approved by the agents that would be of its employed fault. My advice to everyone who is thinking to go there and sing up with this company think allot before you go and if you have to choose an other company do it because these people are scammers.

Sep 13, 2016 10:06 am EDT

I forgot to tell you please forgive for my English language I tried to deliver the point more than concentrate on the grammar