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Jaynee Brown

Jaynee Brown review: Eviction 9

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8:11 pm EDT
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Landlord/Owner Jaynee Brown is demanding $1388.00 from me. The drain in the house clogged and she is blaming me for by saying I used the garbage disposal for food. I did not.
I have written her a letter twice, with no response, asking her for all of the documentation from the 3 companies who performed work on the drain. None of the 3 invoices state the issue as food in the drain.Instead she has threatened me with a letter of intent to evict me. I have tried to resolve this but she is not reasonable. I do not want to move. I would like her to supply me with the information I requested. It is clear to me that she does not want me to have this information because there is nothing that supports her claim that it was my fault. My lease even states that my responsibility of the drains is only for a routine snaking at under $200.00.

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Boulder, US
Feb 06, 2014 10:09 am EST

The above complainant flooded the basement by putting a full teabag plus a plastic bottle cap down the drain plus wads of hair and food and grease. They snuck in a cat and violated the lease immediately upon moving in. They were rightfully evicted in County court and a sheriff's move-out was performed, but not after imposing upon the landlord well over $20, 000 in attorney's fees and property damage. This is immediately after incurring $20, 000 in damages to their prior landlord, which shows on the bankruptcy petition. They then proceeded to file bankruptcy whereby they proceeded to lie to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT about income, length of employment, and several other items in order to qualify for bankruptcy. They had also lied on the lease application about income and past rental and residential history. This person is a pathological liar, and the only thing they can come up with to defend themselves is to file a complaint in an unrelated website and on the BBB website. They are in a lot of trouble. Seems like the best landlord for this person would be the warden of the women's county jail...

Aug 06, 2015 4:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

OMG! I'm sure we're talking about one and the same person as Jaynee is not a very common first name. Let me start off by saying RUN Away as fast as you can from this person. She has bilked me out of hundreds of dollars and has no conscience whatsoever. She's no dummy; she clearly knows how to beat the system but she'll feign stupidity just the same. I REPEAT, absolutely DO NOT engage in any conversation with this gal and stay as far away from her as possible. Do NOT have any contact with her ever again. This comes from experience and the truth. She's TOXIC!
Also, I personally wouldn't stay in a rental of hers where her home has been vandalized, not looking too good for the community!

Sep 18, 2016 7:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The negative reviews posted here seem severely skewed. As a colleague of the landlord for 20 years, I can honestly state she is a considerate business person. I would even go as far as to state she has a heart of gold. She is an accomplished real estate investor and industry associate. That does not make her a poor landlord.

Nov 18, 2017 6:24 am EST

Who wrote this above comment? We musn't be speaking of the same person although Jaynee Brown of Denver is not really a common name. By night I think she's a l;wyer and if anyone is thinking of renting her place you should hire your own lawyer to go over her contract with a fine tooth comb.
All I can say is that she stiffed me in the past, has no conscience, and takes NO responsibilty for her actions, said and done. If we're speaking of one and the same person, maybe she's got a dual personality?

mia butterrick
Dec 16, 2017 11:18 pm EST
Replying to comment of miome

To Colorado California above, ask her this: my friend said she reversed (or canceled) travel charges on her credit card, took money that didn't belong to her, said she was going to sue the travel agency and sue the police department for trespassing on her property and said she lost thousands of dollars worth of equipment stolen from her garage. Ask her if she ever sued these people or ever retrieved her belongings from her garage. If she denies everyting, she's even more of a loser than my friend makes her out to be.

Denver, US
Feb 29, 2024 1:36 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

She is a poor landlord. From personal experience as well as all the other people you can see on this thread.

Elizabeth Hoch
Nov 20, 2018 12:53 pm EST

Anybody interested in seeing this physical information about how Jaynee Brown is a thief and kept money of mine that rightfully wasn't hers? In her letter she proceeds to tell me how I'm not equipped with any knowledge about the areas of Playa del Carmen, Maya Riviera area, although I have been a travel agent for 30+ years. Yes, a large music festival was taking place in the Playa del Carmen area, NOT in the Riviera Maya area where I was finding her accommodations to "decompress." That's like saying, 'I don't want to go to downtown Denver becasue there's a music event taking place in downtown Littleton?'
Anyhow, I have ALL this written information (I'll be kind not to post it on Facebook) if anyone who really thinks she's a great person, can explicitly see how she's written the letters to Me, not all that nice. I've kept this information for 3.5 years as I need to keep it another (sad to say) 4 years.


Elizabeth Hoch, CTA

Elizabeth's Travel, L.L.C.

Nov 16, 2019 6:00 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jaynee Brown — Horror of a Landlord

Jaynee Brown is a criminal and should be jailed at this point. She is a thief. We received our rental dirty. We started to move in, and she hired cleaners and repairmen. Within 7 days of us existing and not even fully moved in, we were BILLED FOR REPAIRS. She made multiple attempts to rob us during our stay, and I even caught her in our yard using our water when we were not home one time. I was forced to LEAVE the home during the last 60 days of our lease for 16, Yes, 16 different "house showings, " where she left our lights on, let our dogs out who had just had surgery, and went through our personal property. She lied continuously and never gave us our FULL deposit refund, even With video proof of property that was taken on day one. She is a criminal. This is nothing compared to how much money and time she has stolen from me and 2 other roommates. She forced us to do manual labor for her "PER THE LEASE, " like "removing a tree, " in the front yard. The neighbors in the homes next door both WARNED US after we moved in that she had been court ordered in the past to hire management companies because of her impulsive and illegal behavior. I intend to take her to small claims court to sue her for harassment, fraud, and I want refunded for the times I had to leave my home (AFTER HAVING IT SPOTLESS CLEAN AND ORGANIZED while moving out, PER the LEASE). I had no car and she put me out during a snowstorm. I cant even imagine if I had children. She let me know that she has taken advantage of multiple people and she's been doing the same thing for 30 years, so there is no stopping her. In my over 30 years on earth, I have never had a worse rental experience. And I've been on my own since 17. She made comments about my occupation and social status regularly in order to threaten the notion that I didn't belong in HER HOME, renting it. She takes advantage of low income people so they cannot fight back. She is a fraud, and a liar and I hope she gets her licenses and privileges taken... or she just needs to be treated like she treats others.

Jul 18, 2020 1:50 pm EDT

I believe I'm talking about one and the same person. She knows how to cheat people out of their hard earned income and she's totally UNETHICAL! I'm quite sure by now she's sued the Denver police department for trespassing on her property! I don't know how she can live with herself or sleep at night?
I think she's got a split personality because people only want to see one side of her. Maybe she'll leave Colorado, that would be a blessing in disguise!