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First Progress Card

First Progress Card review: Closing an account

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8:37 pm EDT
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I had an account with first profess card. I contacted them in May 2023 twice and told them I wanted to close my account. I wanted to use my security deposit towards some of the balance and I would pay off the rest. They told me it would take 2 weeks to process. June 30th 2023 it was still not close and no record of request. I Spoke with account supervisor the same day and he told me I needed to pay $49.94 so I had him take my payment right then. He assured me he put in a request to take off any extra fees since I had been trying to close the account and it wasn't done. He told me I would not have any other fees and that my account would be closed. My account was actually closed on Aug 9, 2023. Since then they have charged me $41.00 per month for late fees and interest on the late fees. Now they have put in my credit report I have not paid anything since May of 2023. And reported I owe them $171.00 They also changed the remarks on my credit report from account closed at customers request to account closed by credit grantor. I have made contact several times over the last 4 months and 4 people one of them being an account supervision agrees with me and says I'm right but they are waiting for a response from they're back office. And this is the only answer I get. While they continue to add late fees and interest on an account that is closed. While I made the final payment on June 30th 2023 it doesn't show on my credit report that I made this payment. But it does show at my bank that they processed it in July 3rd, 2023.

Desired outcome: Credit report updated that account was closed in good standing and has not been late since June of 2023 and to show zero balance owed. Remark on credit report to show original remark of account closed due to customer request.

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