Please believe everything you read on here. This women is breeding kittens from cats known to carry the corona virus. The kittens die a horrible death. Our kitten never purred or played despite us and her crazy kitten brother trying to encourage her gently, she had no energy to play or do anything. Fiona said she was missing his mum and adjusting to the environment. After 10 days in our care she started pooping in random places, we took her to the vets they suspected FIP and within days she had gone so downhill and was so poorly we had her put to sleep. The autopsy confirmed FIP.
Through this website and social media I have found 30 kittens so far that have died or had to be put to sleep through FIP many just days or weeks after they have come to live in their new homes.
When contacted she will blame you or your children for passing on the virus and deny that any of her kittens have died from FIP when clearly she has been made aware of over 30 that we know about. Her vets, Vets for Pets in Winton are reluctant to give her a reference so that says it all.
I too had two kittens From Fiona House who had FIP and died within weeks of getting them. We tried to report Fiona to the RSPCA but they didn’t do anything. She is still selling kittens now it’s unbelievable that someone can be so cruel as to knowingly breed sick animals and know they will die.