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Crystalead Reviews 20

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Crystalead Crystalead Review: A Complete Scam - Beware and Stay Away

Listen people, I gotta tell you about Crystalead. Now, I'm not one to write reviews, but this company has left me feeling real sore. It's a complete scam! I knew something wasn't right when all the reviews were singing their praises. Who has all positive reviews? Nobody, that's who. They're either writing them themselves or paying for them. Don't fall for it, people. I'm telling you the truth here.

When I first talked to them, they seemed legit. I was excited to invest my hard-earned retirement money with them. But then I started noticing discrepancies in what they were telling me. They kept calling and calling, pressuring me to invest more and more money. I didn't feel comfortable with that, so I refused.

That's when things really went downhill. I had a guy named Mr. Jones come on the line and start yelling at me. Can you believe it? He was telling me that I was never going to get my money back if I didn't cough up more cash. Can you imagine? I was shocked and scared.

Now, I'm out $31,500 USD. That was my retirement money, people. And I was stupid enough to trust these con artists. They've even blocked me from contacting them. I can't get a hold of anyone. I'm pretty sure I've lost all my money. It's a nightmare, let me tell you.

Please, I'm begging you. Don't make the same mistake I did. Stay away from Crystalead. Spread the word. Warn your friends and family. There are too many marketing companies out there to risk it with these crooks.

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Crystalead Beware of Crystalead: A Warning to Potential Investors

This company, Crystalead, is not what it seems. They kept hounding me to invest more money in my advertising campaigns, always throwing in sweeteners like bonuses. They promised the moon and the stars, that I would make thousands of dollars, but unfortunately, they didn't deliver.

They made me sign a form that absolved them of any responsibility, and they pointed out that there was no guarantee that I would earn a single penny. Looking back, I think they were con artists and scammers. They knew what they were doing. They took my money and left me with nothing.

They are not ethical, and they don't care about people. They will take advantage of elderly retirees, and they prey on those who are vulnerable and alone. I will never forget how much they took from me, $13,000 to be exact. It was my entire life savings and I don't think I will get it back.

Please, do not invest your money into Crystalead. They will only bleed you dry. They are skilled liars and will do anything to get your money. Stay away from them if you don't want to lose everything.

Lastly, I have this strong feeling that they are posting fake reviews online to counter all the bad ones. It's a tactic they use to lure in more unsuspecting victims. Please, do your own research before investing your hard-earned money into any company, especially Crystalead. Trust me, you don't want to be in my shoes.

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Crystalead Beware of, Click2Sell, and PurchaseGuard: Scam Platforms or Legit? My Experience as a User

So, have you heard about I was searching around for a way to file a complaint and came across this platform, along with Click2Sell and PurchaseGuard. Now, I have to ask, what's the difference between them all? To me, they seem like the same people running three different scam platforms at the same time. I mean, just look at all those positive reviews - they all have the same first names as the people involved with these companies. It's too much of a coincidence, right?

I am really impressed with the way they call from Australian landlines, yet all have South African accents. They must have some talented actors on their team. But, I have to warn you, buyer beware! Self-managed trading is a much more lucrative and reliable option. A trading account with a demo account lets you build your confidence and knowledge of how it works. There's a lot of money to be made, but definitely not with Crystalead, Click2Sell, and PurchaseGuard. These platforms are just as bad as the people promoting them.

But hey, I just had a thought - they're all a tad like Bitcoin, surviving on air with no real assets, and needing other coins to survive. And it doesn't matter what the coin's name is, it's all about how each coin is marketed and generating enough interest within the consumer market to make them want in. But we all know what goes up must come down, right?

In conclusion, avoid, Click2Sell, and PurchaseGuard at all costs. They're just trying to scam you out of your hard-earned money. Stick to self-managed trading and build your knowledge and confidence in a reliable way.

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Crystalead Crystalead Review: Shady Business Practices Warning & Slow Withdrawal Process

So, I wasn't sure if I should give Crystalead a try, but eventually, I invested $200 US in their platform. It was tough, and it took me about three weeks to finish my "campaign." But it went pretty well, and I made $450 US. My representative then said that I should invest in a higher level campaign, like the silver or gold one, which could cost me anywhere between $1800 to $2500 US. But, of course, I needed to check things out before making that kind of investment. My research revealed that some folks had trouble withdrawing their money from Crystalead. So, I decided to ask my representative to withdraw my $450 profits. I said that I'll think about reinvesting it in one of Crystalead's bigger campaigns later. To my surprise, my rep was not keen on my plan and kept pushing me to reconsider. Nevertheless, he agreed to start the withdrawal process.

After about a week, another guy called me to persuade me into investing in one of Crystalead's larger campaigns. I told him that I didn't trust them and that I wanted to withdraw my money first. He said he understood and that he would get the process started. But it's been two weeks now, and I haven't heard anything back from Crystalead. I did notice, though, that they refunded my initial investment of $200 US to my credit card about a week ago. Unfortunately, the $450 profits are nowhere to be seen. I tried to log in to my Crystalead account, but it seems that it's gone. They removed it, and I can't access it anymore.

If you're thinking of investing in Crystalead, I'd advise that you stay away. Their withdrawal process is slow, reps keep pressuring you to invest more, and their shady business practices make trusting them difficult. Proceed with caution.

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Crystalead Investing with Crystalead: A cautionary tale of promises, profits, and a painful withdrawal process

I was feeling pretty good about my investment when I decided to give Crystalead a shot. After researching a bit, I went ahead and purchased several "campaigns" and was promised a good return on my investment. It was all looking fantastic up until a few months ago when I attempted to pull out some of the profits I was told I had accumulated.

For the past 8 months, I've been waiting and waiting, attempting to get in contact with my "manager" about withdrawing my funds. Unfortunately, every time I reached out to them, I was left waiting for an answer with no response. I made at least 8 attempts over the past 3 weeks to contact them, but each time was nothing but crickets on the other end.

It's strange to me that everyone was so helpful when it came to getting me to invest my money, but now that it's time to collect, things have become impossible. I've received email after email saying they tried to contact me, but I was unavailable, and they'd get back to me soon. The problem is, my phone is always on and waiting for their call!

I invested my money with the hope of securing a comfortable retirement, but now I'm fighting a losing battle to get my hands on the so-called profits. It was pretty easy getting started with Crystalead, but the painful process of trying to contact them now is unbearable. It's starting to feel like a red flag situation here, and I'm not sure I'd recommend this company to anyone looking to invest.

My advice is to use caution if you're considering investing with Crystalead. I learned the hard way that things are not always as they seem, and there's no guarantee you'll get your money back when it's time to withdraw.

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Crystalead Beware of Crystalead: Shady Business Practices and False Promises

So, this company called Crystalead is not to be trusted, folks! Let me tell you my story. First of all, when you sign up, they give you a bonus and tell you it doesn't have to be repaid. Sounds too good to be true, right? That's because it is. Next thing you know, you're reading the Bonus Terms and Conditions and find out that you have to have 50 times your initial investment within 6 months before you can withdraw your initial investment. Let's do the math here, people. Say you invest the minimum of $250. You would need to have $12,500 in order to withdraw your original $250. That's insane!

But wait, there's more. So, I get a call from someone at Crystalead saying there were earnings for me but I had to prepare my wallet first. I do what they say and then they tell me the money will be in my account within the hour. It never came. I complain to my account manager and someone else calls to apologize and says the same thing - once I prepare my wallet, the money will be in my account. Nope. Same thing happens again with another call from the head of finance. By this point, I'm beyond frustrated. I demand that my account be closed and my entire personal contribution be refunded. But you know what? It hasn't happened yet.

I reached out to client services and they offered to settle for $2000. Do they think I'm stupid? My personal funds are over $19,000! I said no way. But get this: their General Terms and Conditions say they can use fake names, or pseudonyms. What kind of shady business does that? You never know who you're actually talking to. They could be the same person using different names. It's sketchy and dishonest.

I've reported Crystalead to multiple places already and I plan to report them everywhere possible - in every country and to every crypto exchange possible. I don't want anyone else to go through what I have. Don't trust them with your money, folks. Stay far away from Crystalead.

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Crystalead Scammed by Crystalead: My Experience with Bitcoin Trading and Deposit Pressures

So, I found myself getting into this Bitcoin trading thing and somehow ended up with Crystalead. They seemed legit and all, but then they just wanted payment and I felt pressured into depositing, so I did. I know, I caved, but I just wanted to try something new. After my payment went through, they told me that I would get two phone calls from two different people, a manager and someone else, within the next 48 hours. I only received one call so far and that guy just kept talking about how great it was that other clients were investing even more than me.

At first, it seemed like he genuinely cared about me and my life, but then it started to feel a bit fake. He eventually said that he would send me an email with my password for the platform, but then things got a bit hectic. My boys started to need my attention, and on the guy's end, it sounded like there was a party going on - men were yelling and cheering, and it was hard to hear him. All I caught was that he would send me my email to keep checking, but I never got it.

Now, I can't even log into the Crystalead website with the email I used to register. I don't know what to do, and I have a sinking feeling that I've been scammed out of $269 USD. I haven't heard from them since and I don't even know if they're legit. I'm a single mother of three young boys just trying to make a stable life, and I regret trying to invest in something to get some extra income.

Can anyone give me any tips on how to get my money refunded? Or recommend anything? I would appreciate any help! Thanks so much!

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Crystalead Mixed Review of Crystalead: Refunded Funds, but Still Not Recommended

So, I wanted to share with you my experience with Crystalead. I sent them an email through their web portal asking to close my account and refund the funds I had. They got back to me confirming that they would do so, but it could take up to 10 days for the funds to appear on my credit card. Well, I was pleasantly surprised when I checked my account this morning and saw that they had actually deposited $10,485 in 3 transfers to my credit card.

Now, you might be thinking that this means everything is hunky-dory with this company, but hold on a second. I still don't think they're very reputable to work with. There were just too many hoops and hurdles that I had to jump through to get to this point. And that's not even mentioning the sleight of hand actions that I caught wind of.

To break it down for ya, I invested AUD$8000 in February of 2021. They added a USD$6000 'Bonus' due to the amount I submitted, and over the first 8 weeks, we had various campaigns that brought in hits and enquiries that totaled up to a gross value of USD$11,700. We then reinvested that amount across fewer campaigns, but with more cash input.

Overall, I was satisfied with the result. I closed my account after 4 months and received a $3700 profit on my investment. But, like I said before, there are just too many red flags for me to recommend them to others.

I hope this review has been enlightening for you. It's important to be objective and pragmatic when sharing experiences on forums like this. I just want to give others the relevant facts so they can make up their own minds.

Thanks for reading,
Pete K

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Crystalead Beware of Crystalead's Bonus Deal Policy: A Review

So, I'm writing this review about Crystalead, a website I've been using for a little while now. It's been an interesting experience, to say the least. Recently, I had a conversation with someone from their organization, Lee, about some things related to my account.

Now, I don't want to sound too negative, but I have to admit that I was pretty annoyed after our conversation. Lee told me that because of the bonus deal I'd signed up for, I couldn't just close my account or withdraw my funds whenever I wanted. Apparently, I had to reach a certain investment level first, or else I would be hit with various penalties.

It was a bit of a shock to learn this, because I thought I had a lot more freedom in how I could handle my investments. But no, I was mistaken. And now I have to accept that I might lose everything - my initial investment, any profits I might have made, even the bonus money itself - if I choose to close my account before I've met the bonus qualifications.

I'm not trying to shirk responsibility here. Maybe I didn't ask enough questions about the bonus policy when I first signed up. But I still feel like Crystalead should do a better job of informing its clients about this kind of stuff. Transparency is important in any business, especially when it comes to people's money.

Anyway, I guess I'll keep my account open for now, since closing it immediately would be too risky. But I'll definitely be more careful in the future before I sign up for any more bonus deals. And if you're thinking of using Crystalead, just be aware of the potential pitfalls involved.

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Crystalead My negative experience with Crystalead: Poor client relations and questionable business practices

I had a recent experience with Crystalead, and unfortunately, it wasn't a positive one. I had to deal with their client relations team regarding a chargeback on my credit card. It involved a significant amount of $3800, which was drawn from my credit card on 31/03, while I was in the process of arranging for a drawdown on my account balance to be credited back to my credit card.

Initially, when I requested funds from my current balance for home renovations, my account manager James Bishop told me that I didn't have enough funds available to drawdown. He then attempted to persuade me into putting another $20,000 into my account, citing the fall in Bitcoin as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I decided to close my account instead, and I sent three emails confirming this decision.

However, I noticed that it took a week to action a request for funds removal, while the decision to invest more was instantly followed up. Also, I was unable to contact my "acct manager" directly, which was frustrating. When I finally spoke to "Lee," he promised to arrange a deposit of $1000 to my credit card, but instead, I noticed a drawdown of $3800 on my card. This mistake caused me to report it to my card supplier, which led to the drawdown from my bank.

Overall, my experience made me very suspicious of the business practices of Crystalead. I noticed that six weeks into my current campaign, which "Lee" encouraged me to embark upon, my account balance showed $0. This was supposed to be a re-investment of $20,000, but it failed to yield any positive returns.

As a customer, I believe that a $20,000 investment should be significant enough to warrant direct contact with my account manager. However, I found that Crystalead's support page took over a week to respond to my queries, which was unacceptable. Furthermore, I no longer trusted my "acct manager" when he suggested I should pump another $20,000 into the account, citing the fall in Bitcoin as an opportunity.

It's important to note that Crystalead is not registered as financial advisors nor carry indemnity, so their credibility suffered a significant setback. In conclusion, I hope that Crystalead can address these issues and improve their service standards, as they have already lost my trust and business.

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Crystalead Complaints 10

3:00 am EDT
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Crystalead Cautionary Review: My Experience with's Lead Generation Program

residents who are looking for lead generation companies. I recently had an experience with and wanted to share my thoughts.

Firstly, let me begin by saying that I was not impressed with their service. I had some profit from their Lead Generation program but when it came to getting a refund, it was a nightmare. They took their time and I had to wait for six months to see any results. I almost gave up hope, but luckily I finally received my money back.

Now, this is not to say that their Lead Generation program is not effective. I did receive some leads, but I don't think it's worth the cost. So, if you are thinking of investing in their program, proceed with caution.

Also, I noticed that they were using Bitcoin as a payment method. I personally don't have anything against Bitcoin but it did make me somewhat skeptical. I just think that there are more secure payment methods out there.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend to anyone. Their process is too lengthy, and their refund policy is not ideal. If you do decide to take a chance with them, make sure to cancel your credit card afterwards.

In conclusion, if you're a Canadian resident looking for lead generation services, I would suggest looking elsewhere. There are many other companies out there that offer better services and are more trustworthy. Save your hard-earned money and invest in a company that's worth it.

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2:33 am EDT
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Crystalead Beware of Crystalead: My Experience with a Scam Company

I recently had an experience with Crystalead ( that I want to share with others. I received a phone call from them and they were trying to sell me their services. However, I quickly realized that they were not trustworthy. They were pressuring me to invest money with them and were not being transparent about how the process worked. I decided to hang up the phone and not give them any of my hard-earned money.

Unfortunately, that was not the end of my trouble with Crystalead. I later received calls from other scammers who claimed to be affiliated with them. They were also trying to get money out of me, and I knew that they were not telling the truth. If you have ever lost money through a platform like this, you should not listen when they tell you that you need to put in more money in order to withdraw. This is a common tactic that scammers use to try to get more of your money. It is important to stay vigilant and not fall for their tactics.

When I was dealing with Crystalead, there were several people who contacted me. Ryan Baxter was the one who sweet talked me into investing with them, but there were also others such as Jared, Amanda, Laurent, Daniel, and Benjamin. I later found out that the CEO's name is Shane Evans.

One thing that I found frustrating about my experience with Crystalead was the promises that they made. They claimed that they could help me grow my business, but none of those promises were followed through on. I felt like I had wasted my time and energy dealing with them.

In conclusion, I would caution anyone who is thinking about working with Crystalead to be very careful. They are not a trustworthy company and they will try to take advantage of you if given the chance. Remember to stay vigilant and don't give your hard-earned money to scammers who are just trying to make a quick buck.

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1:04 am EDT
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Crystalead Beware of Scam: My Terrible Experience with Crystalead Online Investment

I have had a really bad experience with Crystalead and I would not recommend them to anyone looking to make money online. At first, they seemed really nice and helpful, but it quickly became obvious that all they wanted was my money. They kept asking me to invest more and more, promising me that I would make even bigger profits. However, when I tried to withdraw my initial investment, they suddenly became unresponsive and stopped answering my calls and messages.

I was really angry and frustrated, and I felt like I had been scammed. All I got were excuses and lies. It was a terrible feeling to know that I had lost my hard-earned money to these people who had no intention of returning it to me. I would advise everyone to stay away from Crystalead and their kind.

It's a shame that there are people like this in the world, preying on innocent and trusting individuals. I wish there was a way to get my money back, but so far I have had no luck. If anyone knows of a way to get justice for people like me, please let me know.

In summary, Crystalead is a scam, and I would not trust them with my money. Please be cautious when dealing with online investment companies, and always do your research before handing over any cash. It's a shame that we live in a world where greed and deceit are so prevalent, but we must remain vigilant and protect ourselves from those who would take advantage of us.

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Is Crystalead Legit?

Crystalead earns a trustworthiness rating of 7%

Stay away! We strongly recommend avoiding Crystalead.

Our conclusion: ComplaintsBoard's comprehensive research indicates that Crystalead is highly unreliable and may be operating as a scam. We advise against dealing with Crystalead to prevent potential harm. If you notice any suspicious behavior, report it by writing a complaint.

With only 0% of 10 complaints being resolved, Crystalead slow complaint resolution rate suggests poor service, lack of responsiveness, or a lack of helpfulness, causing frustration to users. It is obvious that the company has the lowest level of trust.

Crystalead protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.

The website belonging to Crystalead has a low number of visitors, which could be a red flag for users. However, it's important to conduct additional research to fully evaluate the website's legitimacy and trustworthiness.

The registrar associated with Crystalead has been found to be used by several spammers and scammers, which could indicate a potential threat to users.

Complaints Board has received reports that the website may be a possible fraud. To protect yourself, consider using a different website. If you find that the website is indeed fraudulent, report them to us, to help protect other consumers.

We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Crystalead. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • has a valid SSL certificate, while Scammers can obtain a valid SSL certificate by using fake information or by using a stolen or hijacked domain. In some cases, they may even use a certificate issued to another legitimate website.
  • has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.
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Crystalead Review: Crystalead - The Best Recovery Company for Scammed Funds

Have you ever been scammed online? Have you ever thought you were going to get help but ended up being left alone to deal with the consequences of the scam? I know I have. I was once scammed out of my hard-earned money and I thought recovery experts would come to my rescue. I thought they would be willing to help me without any cost. But as it turns out, that is not the case. In today's world, money talks and trust walks. I learned that recovery experts do not work for free.

After spending a lot of time thinking that some people would come and help me, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I searched for recovery companies online, and that is when I came across Crystalead. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I decided to give them a try. And to my surprise, I got my money back in just 3 weeks! I was so relieved and grateful for their help.

If you are ever in a situation where you have been scammed, do not hesitate to contact Crystalead. They are one of the most reliable recovery companies out there. They will help you get your money back in no time. I highly recommend their expertise and efficiency when it comes to recovering lost funds. They are professional, reliable, and most importantly, they get results.

So, don't waste your time and money trying to recover your funds on your own. Contact Crystalead today and let them help you get the justice you deserve. You won't regret it!

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Crystalead Terrible experience with Crystalead: Lost $25k and regret ever responding to their false promises

I have recently had a terrible experience with Crystalead ( I fell for their false promises and ended up losing a substantial amount of money. Over the course of eight long months, I lost $25,000.00 CDN. I regret ever responding to their advertisement in the first place. I feel really down about the whole situation. They kept making promise after promise but nothing ever got better, it only got worse.

It feels like they are just trying to squeeze more money out of people. Each time I sent more money, they promised it was going to make things better, but nothing ever changed. They are really good at confusing people with their talk and talk tactic. They lead people on, only to rip them off in the end.

Now, I have drained my savings account and I'm struggling to make ends meet. I'm 62 years old and I feel like a fool for ever getting involved with them. I'm working longer hours than ever before just to get by. It's really taking its toll on me. I feel down, depressed and hopeless.

I sincerely hope that Crystalead gets what they deserve. Karma's a b***h and it's only a matter of time. I wouldn't even give them a fraction of a star, but unfortunately, I had to select one in order to submit this review.

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Crystalead Beware: My Unpleasant Experience with Crystalead - Not Recommended for Investment

So, when I came across Crystalead, I was a bit hesitant. However, the website looked professional and the reviews were good. I thought to give it a try and signed up. The registration process was simple and straightforward. But after that, the troubles started.

The representatives of called me almost every day, relentlessly pushing me to invest. They were aggressive and persistent. I may admit it was a bit intimidating. I told them that I needed some time to think over. Finally, I gave in and invested. That was a mistake.

Initially, the website showed the profit growing, but after a while, the communication stopped. They never reached out to me or provided any updates. That was strange for me. I was thinking of withdrawing my profit and contacted them. The withdrawal request process was simple until after I submitted the request. The message stated that someone would contact me within 48 hours, but that never happened.

My concern is that I have faced a similar situation before, wherein I invested in a similar company that was fraudulent. They showcased impressive profit on the screen but never returned my investment. Eventually, I lost $4k to them.

Overall, my experience with Crystalead has been unpleasant. While the website looked professional, the customer service and communication were lacking. Despite promising updates, I have not received any responses from them concerning my withdrawal request. I would not recommend anyone to invest in solely based on the negative experience I had.

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Crystalead Warning: Crystalead Scam Review - Don't Do Business with Them!

I decided to give Crystalead a try in December 2020 and invested $3,000 with them. However, when I requested to withdraw my money, they refused to do so. Their reason was that I had received a bonus that I had not in fact received. I was very disappointed and frustrated about this situation.

I want to warn other people out there who are considering doing business with Crystalead. Please don't ignore other reviews that mention they are a scam. I made that mistake and now I regret it. So, if you have already been scammed by Crystalead, please report them to the fraud prevention department. In my case, I reported them to the fraud prevention department in Canada and the United States, and I plan to call the UK fraud prevention department as well.

It's important to note that Crystalead asks for your government documents, which can make you believe they are a legitimate business. But their real intention is to show these documents to the bank to make them think you signed a fake agreement, so they won't help you with the situation.

Lastly, I strongly advise you not to put any of your money into Crystalead. It's simply not worth it.

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Crystalead Not Trustworthy: My Experience with Crystalead's Business Services


I recently tried using Crystalead for my business needs but unfortunately, I had a very unsettling experience. They seem to have all the money in their control and it concerns me because when I requested proof of my profit, they didn't send me the full amount. This caused worry about what could happen if they had a large amount of my money in their hands.

What's worse is that I had to push them for a response to my request for my money and they keep calling me at all hours, even early in the morning, which is quite intrusive. They also push for me to invest more money and promise me big profits, but it's unclear if they can deliver on those promises.

When I looked more closely at their disclosure documents, I saw a paragraph that states "you understand you can lose your money" which made me feel as though this is not a trustworthy place to put my money. The fact that I even have to agree to this when opening an account is concerning.

Overall, I got the impression that they were trying to lure me into investing more money for bigger profits and returned some of the money from my profit when I pushed them for it (see screen shots). It's disappointing to have such a negative experience but I can't recommend using Crystalead based on my personal experience.

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Crystalead WARNING: My Experience with Crystalead Investment - A Serious Scam Alert!

I gotta say, I wanted to make a bit of money, so I tried investing with Crystalead. It's been 7 months now, and let me tell ya, it was a bad idea. Looking back, there were so many signs that things weren't right, but I ignored them all cuz I was hoping for a big payoff. For one thing, I never even saw their faces on those Zoom calls they set up. And it was kinda weird that they reached out to me first, instead of the other way around. Plus, they were always flaky when it came to scheduling calls, and they didn't even have any paperwork to send me except over the phone. I must've missed more red flags than I even realized.

It wasn't until they started pushing me to invest AUD6500 that I really started to get suspicious. So I decided to do a lil digging, and I asked them if I could withdraw my money to test the system. Since then, I haven't heard a word from them. I've been emailing and messaging support like crazy, but no response - nada. It feels like I'm never gonna get my money back.

All I can say is - STAY FAR AWAY from this scam. They're just gonna take your hard-earned cash and run. Do not make the same mistake I did.

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Crystalead Avoid A Common Scam Luring People in with False Promises and Guarantees has been a topic of debate among investors, advertisers and shoppers alike. They say that this website does not deliver what it promises and many people have been scammed. It's a common story - people invest their hard-earned money into campaigns, which promise an incredible 25% to 30% return each month, but are left with nothing. Even though the website claims to offer guarantees, it's just a trap to lure people in.

However, a select few have managed to fight back and recover their investment, but without any profits. Sadly, most people are not so lucky and end up losing everything. Those who shop on this website have also reported not receiving what they ordered. It seems to be a problem across the board.

While the advertisements on this website may appear to be effective, the truth is that clicks on the website are meaningless unless they result in real orders or customers. is not interested in providing business services but rather, is only interested in taking your money and giving you nothing in return. This type of business may seem like an obvious scam, but it still manages to be successful simply because most victims are too afraid or embarrassed to report it to the government for protection.

In conclusion, this website should be avoided at all costs. It's a con game that will only result in disappointment and financial loss. Don't be fooled by false promises or guarantees that are too good to be true. Stay safe and protect your investment by avoiding

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About Crystalead

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Crystalead is a reputable and trustworthy marketing company that offers businesses of all sizes effective and efficient lead generation services. Established in 2015, Crystalead has become a leading name in the industry by delivering top-notch online marketing solutions that help businesses increase their online presence and brand awareness.

The company has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing clients with tailored marketing solutions that meet their specific needs. Whether it’s social media advertising, search engine optimization, or pay-per-click advertising, Crystalead has the experience and expertise to deliver results-driven marketing strategies that drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions.

Crystalead offers a user-friendly platform that is easy to navigate, allowing clients to manage their campaigns in real-time. The platform allows clients to access detailed reports, track their marketing campaigns, and optimize their strategy based on real-time data. Crystalead uses cutting-edge analytics and data-driven insights to ensure that clients receive the highest quality leads and a high return on investment.

At Crystalead, client satisfaction is paramount, and the company prides itself on providing exceptional customer service. The team is available to offer support and advice throughout the marketing process, ensuring that clients receive personalized attention and an exceptional level of service.

Overall, Crystalead is a dynamic and innovative marketing company that delivers exceptional results to businesses of all sizes. Using the latest marketing techniques and tools, the company helps clients achieve their marketing goals and increase their bottom line. If you are looking for a reliable and effective way to generate leads and grow your online business, Crystalead is the ideal partner for you.

Overview of Crystalead complaint handling

Crystalead reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 15, 2023. The latest review Crystalead Review: A Complete Scam - Beware and Stay Away was posted on Jun 3, 2023. Crystalead has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 20 reviews. Crystalead has resolved 0 complaints.
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