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CB Retail Stores Dollarama 4735 Rutherford Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 5S5, CA
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4735 Rutherford Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 5S5, CA
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1 complaint
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Working hours
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
6:24 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dollarama - Abusive, discriminatory behaviour by an employee

I went to buy a few items at Dollarama, 4735 Rutherford Rd, unit 102, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 5S5, last night the 9th of Match 2021 and was verbally abused by the ship assistant when I was trying to explain to her that I had a medical exemption in regards to wearing a mask. She told me that it was store policy not to let anyone in regardless of anything that I was trying to tell her and demanded to see my proof of exemption. Whilst I do have a letter from my doctor, I have no legal obligation to show it to her as she is not a person of authority. This made her even more furious and nasty. I told her that I have shopped at other Dollarama stores without a problem and that I had a legal right to be in the store and to be able to shop without being discriminated against, as it states in the mask exemption section in the disabilities act. She started to yell at me that I shouldn't be arguing with her, that I was making everyone feel uncomfortable (there was only 2 other people in the store at the time, so she would have been referring to herself) and that I have to get out of ‘her' store now! She was very aggressive and rude. I fully understand my rights and the law surrounding mask exceptions and I am acting within the law whist this hysterical employee was not and with her attitude, she has no place dealing with the public, if she is bullying and acting in a threatening manner working at your store. We all have the right to shop in peace.
Whilst I did not take down her name as I was in shock at her behaviour, I do have my receipt which should have her employee number. I strongly believe that this type of behaviour is not acceptable in any environment as we should all be working together in such uncertain times. I would like Dollarama to send out a memo to all its stores to advise their staff that their own personal opinion on mask exemptions should not be tolerated and they should be adhering to the government mask mandate which included mask exemptions. Also staff need to be advised that mask exemptions do exist and that they should respect them and abide by them.

Thank you and I look forward to your response and please let me know how you will deal with this matter, so it doesn't happen to me or anyone else in your store.


Andrea Sedgwick

Desired outcome: Greater education of your staff, especially the abusive individual in question

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Storm Radar
May 09, 2023 9:27 pm EDT

Hey I was in Nathan shop and did same thing to me. They said had to put my mask on I told him I have had COPD and have am exception I am allowed to not were one I can't breath. I was told that's fine but you will have to leave the store. The Dollarama best me the staff treat it like it is a place to pay get paid the store is discustingly dangerous as have Dolly's packed at least 3 or 4 feet high and take them to am apply and leave them there isn't just one they are everywhere in the back they leave boxes and garbage ask outside the door in the store. Being in a power chair I go down an aisle looking for something only to run into a dolly packed with boxes and I can't get through. Have to turn around go for 3 aisles out more to find one that doesn't have a dolly sometimes can't find one. I take a deodorant off the shelves it says on shelf 2.50 I get up to the no till it's 4.00 I told her where they were on the shelf says 2.50 oh that's the new workers and I told her need to price things right looked at me like I was a disgusting disease when most of them are laughing and gesturing on that's funny the staff there are young the manager is this young guy who thinks the job is happy and does nothing that you would think of as a manager and staff as well. I reported someone said things in there bag or backpack as they walk out only for staff to say well we can't do everything. Wow. This store needs to be shut down.

Retail mng. retired
Hamilton, CA
Apr 11, 2022 9:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You should consider protecting yourself with a face shield in the future. Maybe the staff will accept that if you are unable to wear a mask. Ask someone to ask the manager whether they would approve of that as a substitution. The phone number will be on the receipt if you still have it. Then you can choose whether you want to shop there.

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