Bryan Borra and co-conspirators - Brian Borra, Tow Truck Guy, Arigo, Thomas Tiernan, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Zikos, H Fine, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Saperstein, Russ Scherrer d.b. a Auctions International, Wayne H. Wink Jr., et al -
high crimes against state and federal governments. Do not associate with these felons - involvement in grand theft auto, possession of stolen property, auto stripping, vandalism of personal property, illegally selling stolen property, violation of public order act. public records did indicate felony criminal misappropriation of illegal funds through key bank. Aiding and abetting, obstruction of justice. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights. u.s. c 18 section 241, 242. violation of federal oaths of office, falsification of business records penal law 175.10 and state laws"business data entries". Violation of 14th amendment, violation of 2nd amendment. Fraud! Fraud vitiates all contracts from the beginning. Everything herein is the truth! Public records do verify it's authenticity.
These Felons are also being investigated for money laundering via interstate commerce. Violations of Federal Rico Act "RICO".
All individuals need special written consent to remove documented facts to attempt to have felony exposure expunged from public records.
ALL Dependent 's/ Respondents, co-conspirators, knowingly, Intentionally and Criminally did know the legal ramifications of Breaking State, Federal Laws, Constitutional, Civil, and Trespass laws via Common Law. Police reports, insurance reports and numerous witnesses including Good Cops, NRA, USCCA due to a Collectors Flare gun Hand gun was stolen by BRYAN BORRA after he broke in and vandalized Automobile used for travel. Defendants intentional, maliciously and criminal ignored binding State, Federal and Contract Laws. Public records date back over a year investigation. Dependent never showed up in court to be confronted on there felony criminal activity. Many more co-conspirators are involved. Through independent investigations these Felons are well organized, they are masters of Falsification of business Records and making documents, property and documents disappear. These Criminals did leave a sloppy paper trail for case took longer then usual to track these fugitives down.
Omg this is hilarious. Do they LIVE inside of that Candy Van?
Also why is this being posted on an open-forum site. Shouldn't this be posted through the LEGAL system?