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CB Travel and Vacations Review of V. I. P. Travel Reservations, Inc.
V. I. P. Travel Reservations, Inc.

V. I. P. Travel Reservations, Inc. review: travel scam and bogus gift 85

Author of the review
8:50 pm EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I can't understand how the law allows this kind of business to exist with the body of complaints that are out there. I just spent 90 minutes listening to some guy go on about how spending 9-10K+ for vacation membership was "putting money in my pocket". (He said that at least 5 times) I knew it was all a joke, just do the math -- you'd have to take 5 BIG trips a year to "break even". but when they try to get your guard down by asking what you do and then they say, "my wife is a nurse" that is all part of the reeling in. The want to make you vunerable, playing on your hopes, dreams, wishes and sense of guilt. "It cost me $500 for you to sit here..."

My 23 year old son and I, however, shut them up pretty good and left them to say nothing to us. First, the guy asks my son who probably looks more like an easier mark, "What are your travel plans? My son kind of smiles and replies, "Well, I have a different type of travel plans" The guy then asks my son what he
does, (me, to myself... this will be good, ha, ha) My son answers he's in the army to which I add, "Yeah, he enlisted when he was 17" And the guy says, "Me too!" (Sure, sure, buddy!) The guy is slick, "I was in the Marines" so I ask him, "Really? Did you go to Iraq the first time?" Now he's sweatin' "Well, no, I was on an island". My son rescues him and says, "Where, Barain? I was just in Jordan." and I look at the guy and say, "yeah, Do you have any five star hotels in Bagdad? Needless to say, we get jettisoned out to recieve our "free" plan tickets. Of course we got the same form all of you got and when you see "send
money order or chasiers check only" it automatically should raise suspicion. In retrospect, I should have known; there wasn't even a website on the promotional coupon I received in the mail (a good question to ask when they say, "Any questions?) I
could have saved myself the grief by googling this before I went but I did get to share a good chuckle with my son and we had quality time in the car.

In the end, YOU decide how you are going to spend your money and nobody else. There is no way you "save money" or have "extra money in your pocket" if at every turn, they are asking you to shell it out. It's a complete scam.

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Ronald Wagner
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Apr 20, 2008 12:12 pm EDT

I agree 100%. These people should all be in jail with other criminals. Do not give these crooks any money... save yourself some grief and time... Stay away!

Lori S.
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May 30, 2008 11:57 am EDT

My husband and I also sat through a "90 minute" presentation at Colonial Crossings in Williamsburg, Virginia with a man who was very personable and we basically went through the same thing. We even ended up buying, that is how good he was. Anyway, after thinking about this a little more, we realized we would basically be spending a lot of money in the long run because of maintence fees, etc. We ended up cancelling. We did get our so-called free gifts. There were so many rules to this and I thought I had followed them as best I could. I unfortunately did send a regular money order instead of a U.S. Postal money order. Because of that my offer was void. I am sure many people have done the same thing. I am so upset right now because of all the work into just trying to get that free gift, I could scream. We also got a supposed free rental car for the week. We had to give a 75.00 deposit, which is supposed to be returned. Well, after getting the reservation request form, we saw that we would have to pay an additional 99.00 for all the so-called insurances and taxes. This is the biggest rip-off I have ever seen. Nothing is free. You end up paying for certified mail, taxes, etc. I cannot believe they have places like this associated with a classy place like Colonial Williamsburg. They are truly criminals and it is just not fair.

Ben D.
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Jun 08, 2008 8:15 am EDT

Same kind of scam as reported on other sites. Just Google [protected] or [protected]. Besides VIP, names used include Global Travel or something close. The one I got is at 1950 Old Gallows Road, Tysons Corner, VA 22182.

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Jun 19, 2008 11:34 am EDT

Received card in mail with congratulations for my birthday next month with complimentary round trip tickets to any airport in the continental US. Call [protected]. Used old US Airways logo (instead of US Air). Card was usps Paid Permit #850 - Daytona Beach, FL.

Insert in card was fake boarding pass, with the following contact information on back:

Travel Provider:
Global Travel
1950 Old Gallows Rd
Tysons Corner VA 22182

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Aug 15, 2008 12:29 pm EDT

I think these people must have taken the course offered by the late W.C. Fields entitled, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." My wife and I were offered $100.00 in gas, airline tickets and a Marriott vacation package. Needless to say, there were significant strings attached to each portion of the "free gifts." We decided to check out each provider on-line and were not surprised to find out there were many problems with each of them. We got away without any loss of money but feel bad for those who were not so fortunate. Sure makes you wonder about the companies which were selling (in our case it was time shares in Virginia) something. If their "giveaways" are that shady, what does it say aboout their products?

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Sep 03, 2008 9:08 am EDT

Just received the Marriot offer and free airline tickets, really thought it must be a fake, but was tempted, instread of calling them I googled them and found all this info, glad I didnt lose any money, why isnt Government trying to close this jerks down?

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Sep 18, 2008 4:10 pm EDT

I got a piece of mail wishing me a happy birthday from VIP Travel Reservations, Inc. I was offered a stay at a Marriot Hotel, a $30 dinner and "a $100 gas." One hundred dollar gas what? Card? That slip up is what clued me in first. Also, the offer was supposedly from American Airlines, but the AA logo wasn't to be seen anywhere on the certificate. I didn't see any mention of this on the AA website either. I typed the phone number into Google as well as "VIP reservations, Inc. Birthday scam" and found out that this offer is indeed a scam.

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Sep 20, 2008 6:29 pm EDT

Well add us to the list of suckers who wasted 90 minutes and were subjected to 5 different pressure sellers before receiving our "free" ticket. Same **** as what everyone else got. After the group presentation I admit it "sounded" pretty good but thankfully I never buy anything of real value without sleeping on it. That's when we started getting handed off from one to another salesperson, with each cutting us a better and better deal and once they started doing that I knew it was a scam. After the last one who was supposed to give us the tickets and said to us that he hoped we weren't feeling pressured! I had to laugh. He then proceeded into another sales pitch to where he went down to $2, 000! I couldn't stand any more. They did give us the "free" ticket request and the first thing we noticed was that a money order had to be sent. That sealed the deal SCAM ARTISTS! I think the reason they can get away with it is because they are nationwide (not interstate) and would have to be investigated and prosecuted by the Federal Goverment (FBI) and we all know how reliable the Fed is at the moment! Hope this post warns some poor suckers. Oh and by the couple while we were still there went for it at the $8, 999 starting price! They won't be taking any vacations for a long... while.

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Sep 22, 2008 1:37 pm EDT

I also got a wonderful offer from VIP Travel Reservations INC. I called the number [protected]) and talked to a guy named Antonelli. It was a 3 day/2 night stay with hundreds of Marriott locations, plus a $30 dinner and $100 in gas. Antonelli told me the dates and times they had available for the 90 minute travel presentation. We aggreed on 5:30pm Sept. 19th. I told him that I have a one year old son and asked if that will be a problem. He told me my son can't come, but for my trouble they will throw in the "Wanna Getaway" offer which is another 3 day/2 night stay at one of 60 of the fanciest resorts in the country. Then, his supervisor got on the phone to confirm everything with me. SO, we payed a baby sitter for the night and drove all the way accross town (the motel was in Albuquerque, NM...I live in Rio Rancho, NM) and showed up at the Clarion Hotel 30 minutes early. We asked the receptionist where the Rio Grande Room was and he asked if we were here for the VIP deal. We said yes and he said that people had been coming in for 3 days for this meeting, but VIP Travel Reservations INC. had never even registered there. So, I called the customer service number they gave me [protected]) and asked the guy what the deal was. He said that that offer had been cancelled and that they called everyone and told them it had been cancelled and left messages on the machines for the people that didn't answer, and that they even mailed out information about it...which was all faulse. I asked him why people would come to the motel for 3 days straight if you guys had called everyone. He had no answer. Well, I guess I lucked out only spending money on a baby sitter and gas.

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Oct 06, 2008 9:46 pm EDT

I received my "invitation" today in the mail. I called [protected] and spoke with Vicki. She was "unable to answer' most ofmy questions on the phone. I would have to attend some sort of seminar at the Marriott in Concord, Ca (Probably the Marriott in Pleasant Hill, Ca. as I don't think there in one in Concord.) I have researched this "company" VIP Travel Reservations and can't believe the number of compliants against this "company". I also an blown away that Marriott Hotels are allowing this company to use the good name of Marriott in this type of SCAM.
I may go to the Marriott with a tape recorder or maybe even a video recorder ( placed in the front of my baseball cap) and then post it on UTUBE for ALLLLLLL to see. I am also contacting Marriott and will provide them with copies of all of the complaints I have found online.

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Nov 05, 2008 1:21 pm EST

Don't forget, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't."

My "incentive" was also Marriott's Hotels, $50 meal and a $50 Visa card.

Thanks to all, you saved me an hours trip to Concord and basically a wasted afternoon.

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Nov 12, 2008 11:18 am EST

Thanks for the heads up. I knew it was too good to be true. From your responses it doesn't sound like much of a birthday present. I'm glad I had enough since to google the agency first only to find these comments. Doodad Suisun City Ca.

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Nov 12, 2008 5:51 pm EST

I just got one of the birthday offers. 3 days/2nights, $50 meal, $50 charge card.

Postal fraud complaints can be filed at (Vacation offers is the last category on the pull-down menu.)

DeLand, US
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Jan 19, 2009 9:37 am EST

I totally disagree with all of you! I've booked with them twice now, once with airfare and once with a car rental. and both times it worked perfectly! It amazes me that all of you are complaining because you didn't follow the terms and conditions. VIP fufills these, not solicits you for them, I will agree the presentation I had to sit through to get the certificates was rediculous, but in the end, totaly worth it as the program DOES work if you let it! Furthermore, to the people who have only received the offer and read all these people's nonsense and thought "better" of participating, keep in mind that everyone wants only what they want and have a predetermined way of how they feel they should get it, that said when people don't get their way they complain... very rarely do you hear from the happy people, and the ones doing all the whining are ruining it for others, blame the company responsible, and don't complain when you CHOOSE not to read what you sign!

Kim Andersen
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Mar 07, 2009 4:14 pm EST

How can y0u get out of the timeshare? Are there limitations that can cause you to lose all of your money completely?


Morristown, US
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Mar 27, 2009 11:23 am EDT

My wife and I responded to a mailing where we were offered FREE... 2 round trip airline tickets, 2 nights stay at a Marriott hotel, car rental, $50 gas voucher and $30 restaurant voucher for attending a 90 minute presentation on a "discount travel" company. The presenter Phil is nothing but a b.s. er. He does not answer questions and tries to portray what he is presenting into something it is not. The presentation was full of fluff (they do not want any questions) and sounded too good to be true (when it does sound too good to be true... it is). They have individual consultants (my consultant's name supposedly is Tab?) where they seperate the people into boiler rooms where they now do everything they can to get you to sign an agreement on an offer that is only good "today". They start off at $7, 995 and move down to $5, 000 in a just a few minutes and if I didn't flat reject it so quickly they would have come down to $995. What you are paying for is of "NO VALUE". They do not tell you their last name and do not offer you a business card even after asking for one. TONY MARINELLI (I only obtained his last name by doing some investigative work) who calls himself the Sales Director again with no business card plays the slick Mr. Charmer who is a smooth talker until you start to question him on the details of this scam. He then shows his true colors by getting confrontational. He doesn't like to be questioned and then challenged on what he is offering and the fact that he is lying to your face. In fact, this is a scam and fraudulent operation and they try to distance themseves from the fraud by blaming the marketing company which is owned by the same people. STAY AWAY FROM "FIVE POINTS TAVEL", "VIP TRAVEL RESERVATIONS, INC." AND "INFINITY INCENTIVES GROUP" WHO ARE ALL IN ON THIS FRAUD TOGETHER. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN OR AGREE TO PAYING THEM ANYTHING AS YOU WILL REGRET IT. I am now turning this information over to the authorities to unravel this fraudulent operation and get convictions by fraud by deception.

Morristown, US
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Mar 27, 2009 12:14 pm EDT

I failed to mention that there is NOTHING free about the "so called free offers" they promise to get you to this 90 minute presentation plus the additional time you spend in the boiler rooms where you now spend add'l time talking with the consultant who tries to deceive you into paying $8, 000 for what... nothing of value! PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCAM/###. I PROMISE THAT YOU WILL LIVE TO REGRET TRYING TO GET SOMETHING THAT THEY SAY IS FOR FREE BUT IS NOT. This is nothing more than a cattle call and they adhere to the phrase that "there is a sucker born every minute." DON'T BE ONE! Don't even try to redeem the so called Free gifts because they are not free! At the Parsippany office [protected] located at 4 Century Drive Parsippany, NJ is the Sales Director... TONY MARINELLI who is a slick [censored]ter and con artist along with his associates by the name of TAB FERGUSON. These guys are transients who prey upon their victims. Don't be a vicitm and just save your time and money because they are not selling you something that is tangible. IT IS A FRAUD. TONY MARINELLI THREATENED TO KILL ME WHEN I ASKED HIM QUESTIONS ABOUT THE OFFER THAT HE LIED ABOUT AND SHARED WITH HIM THE FEEDBACK FROM THIS WEBSITE AND OTHERS CALLING THEM SCAM ARTISTS. The Police went called and took a report about the incident only to find out the Police were there earlier in the week when someone who signed up discovered they are a fraudulent company and wanted his money back and TONY refused so the Police were called in. This story will not end until they are brought down and convicted of their criminal activity.

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Apr 01, 2009 7:20 pm EDT

I also have been waiting for a refund from VIP TRAVEL we were given airline tickets incentives for a 1 hr presentation and after that we were given information on how to get our tickets which was by sending money to VIP Travel we then sent them money but could not reserve dates we needed so we cancelled and requested our refund for $100 sent them cerified mail with cancellation request as of 02/01/2009 they have received mail b/c they signed for it and as of today we have had no refund they say will take 6-8 weeks but it looks like we will be waiting a long time..VIP CROOKS!

Seaford, US
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Apr 10, 2009 12:11 pm EDT

I sat through the 90 minute presentaion with my wife. We have been planning a Greece vacation and was very well aware of what the costs were going to be outside of this scam. So, I put them on the spot and said price out this trip for me to Greece. The showed me brochures of the couple of hotels they are affiliated with in Mykonos where I would be for a week. I told them to get me the proce of the room, plus a couple of nights in Athens, transfers, etc. He said he couldnt do it that night and aksed me to come back in a couple of days. I said "fine." I come back and was basically told the company would not price out the trip for me. The salesman starts giving me some nonsense analogy about joining a gold course -- "do you get to play on the course before joining." I said "of course you do." I asked him "do you buy a car without test driving it?" I got my travle certificate which after reading the above, am debating whether to take the chance. I am limited to when I can travel die to children. I sense any date I request will beundoable.

Athens, US
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May 07, 2009 4:39 pm EDT

I traveled with VIP, the presentation was a crock of ### to be frank. But once I followed all the rules, which some were rediculous, I might add, it worked well. It's now been a little more than 10 weeks since traveling and I just received the balance from my car rental not used for taxes ($53 of the original $75). So yall do as you wish, but I'm happy and would use VIP again if I had the chance. It was a good way to get something reasonable in this economy. I guess my only advice to all of you with not such great luck is follow the rules, all of them... and don't worry with how it was originally represented where ever you received it... FOLLOW THE RULES!

Kim at VIP
Port Orange, US
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Jun 11, 2009 1:37 pm EDT

I am one of the supervisors here at VIP travel, and to the original message I would like to point out that we in no way have anything to do with the company you went to the presentation your speaking of. They simply bought one of our certificates from a marketing company to help get you there. Unfortunantly in many cases it doesn't seem as if these companies offering you these "travel deal" ever really read the terms and conditions of these certificates. You also said that it was questionable that we only accept certified check or money order. This is for the same reason you can't pay for gas with a check... people are dishonest, not all of them, but it ruins it for the ones that aren't. everytime someone sent us a personal check in the past, when they were accepted, about 1 in 8 came back NSF which cost us $35 each. So unfortunatly now, yes, we do have to protect ourselves from that.

Furthurmore, for those of you waiting on a refund, call us, we are human, and I have no way to check your reservation from a complaint board complaining about a totally different company that we have no control of. Give us a call and at least give us the chance to fix any problem you may have with US.

Antioch, US
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Jul 30, 2009 12:59 pm EDT

ok got a couple things to say... first and formost the majority of you all are complaining about the presentation and the people who gave you the certificates you had... not even VIP travel, which is extremely frustrating since this was the first thing I saw when looking for them and it's bogus!

2nd: I traveled now on 2 certificates, air line tickets and a car rental, both were booked and went well... no complaints.

and finally: not to defend the people who put on the original whiners presentation - because frankly mine sucked, but ended up worth it, but how dare you sit there and ASSUME that that man wasn't in the military... and how dare you post that here, you don't know him, and just because YOU beleive that what he had to offer you was bogus you think you have the right to say things like that! I'm an army brat and with much of my family serving right now and with a lost friend and cousin very fresh on my mind, I feel it very necessary to "shut you up pretty good!"

If you have a problem with a particular company, make sure your naming that company, and keep your personal vomit to yourself!

In the mean time thank you VIP!

mc cordsville, US
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Aug 03, 2009 5:24 pm EDT

I just got my confirmation in the mail! ;-) And I started this whole process with VIP Travel Reservations, Inc. in Port Orange, FL, EXTREMLY skeptical because of some of the stuff I'd been reading... but I promised myself if it went well that I'd give credit where it was due.

Not sure what's changed, if it was just dumb luck, or what but it was a very pleasurable experience working with them and I would be pleased to do it again. Not to mention my vacation ROCKED!

Warren, US
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Aug 12, 2009 11:54 am EDT

We had a fantastic experience with VIP Travel, I live in New Jersey and wanted to go to Charlotte, NC - I had to pay $25 in addition to the regular taxes because there was no major airport there, but other than that it went very smoothly. VIP had no problem working with me and they made my summer vacation with my kids a reality. Thank you VIP

Elkton, US
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Aug 18, 2009 2:15 pm EDT

I didn't have any problems at all, they booked flights for me from baltimore into ft. lauderdale 7/23 - 31 and I used a car rental from them at the same time. For the tickets and the rental it was like $214, which is great considering, saved me about $500 when I looked into it on my own. Not necessarily free like the people at the time share said, but whatever, it was great! Thank you VIP

New Roads, US
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Aug 22, 2009 4:17 pm EDT

I too booked with VIP travel on a certificate for 2 airline tickets, and just check in at for my flights that leave New Orleans tomorrow! I'm thrilled, and very thankfull I didn't listen to alot of the stuff I've read online. I think VIP Travel provides a great service to the community, and I appriciate all they did for me and my family.

Greenville, US
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Aug 26, 2009 12:03 am EDT

Please note: The "GOOD" VIP notes started well into this post... since the first a flood of others... WHY WOLD THOSE HAPPY SEND IN TO A COMPLAINT BOARD THAT IS HARD TO FIND? Trust all the negative comments... they are the true ones, the rest are hawkers from the rip off company trying to cover their butts...

Michael pet
Concord, US
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Aug 27, 2009 10:11 am EDT

Shawn, I'm glad you feel the need to speak for others, I'm not a "hawker" whatever that is supposed to mean, and this "complaint board" that's so hard to find is the 3rd one that comes up when you type VIP Travel Reservations in the search engine, so check your facts and shut your mouth. Furthermore, you are also commenting on this well into the post, and most of the post I've read start with well bc I didn't follow the rules in some way VIP did blah blah blah, so no negative is not always true... so, whats your point?

I would imagine the reason for the good comments is because once MY reservation WAS booked and I said thank you for all your help the lady on the phone asked if I felt that they did a satisfactory job would I please go online and post it to one of THESE boards, which is what I'm doing.

Maybe, they're trying to clean up a reputation illegitamite whine bags much like yourself have created for them by asking us to do this, but whatever, I'm all for giving credit where it's due... I think you're an uneducated idiot, and I think VIP Travel did a great job fulfilling my travel certificate.

Kim at VIP
Port Orange, US
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Aug 27, 2009 10:38 am EDT

Good Morning to all, while yes we do look at these boards daily, we do not post on them unless someone leaves a complaint that we can address.

Yes as the last poster stated, in his and in many of our customers cases, if they go out of their way to call and say thank you, we do ask them to post on here. Yes, this is in an effort to help our reputation, because unfortuanatly most of the feedback we have are ones like 2 up, here, from ShawninNC, ones not steeped in fact, but just in skeptical assumption.

I would also like to mention that no where in our system do we have a Shawn in Greenville, NC at all, so please know for yourself through personal experience before adding empty comments, if it is a legitamite complaint we would love the opportunity to correct it.

We are a legitimate full service travel agency, as well as we fulfill travel cetificates, providing extremly discounted vacations to the public. Our certificates can be received through travel club and time share presentatios, car dealerships, charity events, mary kays sales representitives, and even raffle give aways.

Barbara Adler
Napa, US
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Sep 21, 2009 3:53 pm EDT

I am totally convinced that VIP Travel Reservations, Inc. is not a reputable company. While the literature in the mail looks convincing, the sales repreresentatives were not polished with their know-how and my husband and my answers were never really met at the 90 minute meeting. I've never known of any company with having today's technologies who would deny folks from calling or emailing their requested travel dates. I've received three of the same letters and I've filled them out correctly. I've requested a refund by signing my name at the bottom of a form letter. Instead of a refund, I received the same identical form letter twice. It seems to me that VIP Travel has nothing but incompetent individuals working for them and I do feel that I've been ripped off for $175. This is a scam operation if ever I've seen one. I'm grateful that I did not buy into purchasing points from them.

Sandra O'connor 2568
Napa, US
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Sep 24, 2009 1:01 pm EDT

I have just returned from a trip set up by VIP travel and called to thank them for everything and to find out how to get a refund. Along the way they mentioned me putting a nice note on here since only the mad, mean and nasty people seem to write, so here I am :) I sent in for the form and filled it out as it explains, i wanted to do it by phone but they explained that due to the large number of clients they must have it by mail in order to make sure everything is gone over. Anyways about 2 months before my travel Kim called and told me of the availability and I accepted. I payed for the remainder that I owed and was told to waite for a call from the car department. Around a month before the trip they called and sent everything up according to my flight itinerary. Everything worked out great for my family, VIP even recommended a great hotel that we did end up staying at. We are extremely happy with their service and I think they are very competent nice people when all of the set rules are followed! I hope this helps people to realize that just because a mad individual didn't follow the rules and get their way, dosn't mean that a company is scamming them, it means they didn't do what they were supposed to!

Kim at VIP
Port Orange, US
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Oct 13, 2009 10:52 am EDT

Ms Adler... Your requested travel was not available because as the "form letter" you recieved states, and the terms and conditions state in three different places: You MUST chose major airports, which acoording to the United States Government and the International Association of Travel Agents, Huntsville, AL does NOT have a major airport. The ONLY request you have sent in per the terms and conditions (where city is concerned) were the most recent, however you did not follow the terms and conditions AGAIN only having one location when two are specifically asked for, and it not being 60 days advance notice as required, which is why the October date was not available. We will be checking you December date, unless of course you cancel, which I see you have for your car rental, but have NOT for the airfare (as you stated you did above). And incase you do not follow up here, I will also be calling to advise you of this shortly.
Thank you

Guntown, US
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Oct 20, 2009 1:18 pm EDT

As I read through alot of these, I see that VIP Travel seems to respond when given enough information, and it baffles me that once VIP tells their side you NEVER hear anything else from the person complaining... It's just amazing that they take the time to complain about something but once called out can't either prove their accusations or admit their guilt.

I on the other hand am not complaining, VIP Travel booked my reservations as promised to me. I was very satisfied with their services.

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Oct 26, 2009 7:37 pm EDT

I guess it's still true "nothing is free." Even the dining certificates involved accessing a website with an insecure certificate. We would not suggest going to VIP's Travel presentation, nor joining the travel club. Our experience has been that it's a high pressure, not up-front, low-end sales organization. Don't waste your time.

Trane, US
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Nov 16, 2009 9:26 pm EST

VIP is a total scam. Complain to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services under which VIP and Julie Johnson's business is licensed. Also complain to the FTC and the BBB. Also, contact the local and national media, lots of media outlets like stories about consumer fraud.

Wilkes Barre, US
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Jan 21, 2010 8:35 am EST

Is VIP legitimate? I have no idea. I didn't really deal with VIP. Much like many other individuals, I sat through a sales presentation for a $7, 500 travel club membership and was handed VIP literature on my way out the door. I will say that it was made clear to me (my wife asked who VIP was, since it was different from the company doing the presentation) that VIP was not affiliated with the company doing the real scamming.

We didn't fill out the certificates because we didn't trust the people who put on the presentation. If VIP really wants to repair their reputation, they should stop selling their stuff to people like this. I have no doubt that many people traveled with VIP and are happy. But if scammers are handing out your literature, well, stand by for the negative fall-out.

The key difference is that VIP clearly states that they are a travel agency. So does Infiniti Travel and a variety of other companies whose names appear on various "gifts" and "Bonuses." The group that suckered us in didn't actually offer anything except for membership in a "club" that promised ridiculously cheap hotel rooms.

Give credit where credit is due, but also assign blame where it is warranted.

As to the gentleman who claimed military service, Derrick925, I believe if you re-read the post, you will see that the poster's son, who is currently in the military, poked holes in his claims, thus their assumption that he did not serve. As a veteran myself, I find this all the time with salespeople. I say I was in the Navy, and they claim to have been as well. However, when pressed, they do not recall what type of work they did in the Navy, where they did it, or know anything about Navy culture.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

DeLand, US
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Jan 21, 2010 10:54 am EST

TimofPA ~ yes VIP is legitimate and you'll see me periodically monitoring these because of the fact, like you said we do in fact take the brunt of the promotional companies that purchase our certificates and seemingly represent us. The people handing out these certificates do range from mark K sales people, car dealerships, travel clubs, and timeshares, as well as a wide variety of other companies. The problem lies in that they purchase our certificates through third party marketing companies so we don't have really any contact with the end sponsor, unless the off chance they call and ask us how something actually works. We are in fact a full service travel agency in Port Orange, FL. We travel hundreds of people a week on our certificates, but all terms and conditions must be followed. I hope that helps, feel free to contact me with any other questions.

Kim at VIP
Port Orange, US
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Jan 21, 2010 11:33 am EST

not sure why I was logged in like that before, I'm on a public computer, out of the office for a bit so I must of done something wrong, but moving forward.

Higgs: I'm not sure what you are dealing with but 1) our dinner cards are just that, and are purchased directly from the restaurants involved, the same as if you would purchase one for your mother at Christmas... whatever you have has nothing to do with us. 2) VIP doesn't have presentations, or travel clubs, or sales organizations.

VIp SCAM: we have no one listed in Trane, AK... please don't post assumptions about our company with out ever even having sent anything into our office. I'm sorry if how you recieved your certificate was not to your expectations, but that has nothing to do with us. We travel hundreds of people a week and are not "a total scam". Usually the people who post comments anonymously with no details as to their experience with US, are not legitimate, if I'm wrong, I apologize.

New York, US
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Jan 23, 2010 6:30 pm EST

Before sending the $50 for the "reservation request" forms alone, it would behoove us to know what those "reservation processing fees" and "air booking fees" translate to, dollar-wise. Then one would want to know exactly when "peak season" starts and ends, since there's a surcharge for booking then or on/near holidays. If I can get a decent answer via a phone call (last week in January), based on information I give them pertaining to our two choices of destination, I will re-post the results. VIP: Testing, testing...1, 2, 3...

Kim at VIP
Port Orange, US
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Jan 25, 2010 8:33 am EST

DoubtingThomas_CarefulCarla: If you've left a message your call should be returned shortly, or we are open M- F 10-12 and 1-4... the reservation prcessing fee is $35 per person on a booked reservation, $25 on a declined offer. Your other responsibilities are the state and local taxes, sec fee, and fuel surcharge. Total cost can run $120 - $240 usually with no peak/holiday surcharges. When your welcome package comes after activation, it tells exactly when peak/ holidays are which tends to be when children are out of school and such, just as a guide line. Peak/ holiday surcharges can run from $10 - $75 depending on the holiday, the flight, etc. Hope this helps, any further questions please give us a call.