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CB Financing and Loans World Finance / 403 A N McCoy Blvd, New Boston, TX, 75570, US
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World Finance /

403 A N McCoy Blvd, New Boston, TX, 75570, US
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1 complaint
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9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

World Finance / - Illegal harassment

Tara Holcomb, manager, and Noel, are guilty of telling me they would press charges on me for an overdue small loan. "What do you mean, have me arrested?"
"Yes maam, " said Tara. "I will take your legal file to the station." Noel agreed. Threatening arrest is against the law. I have paid this loan in full. I paid the full amount shown on the last receipt whereupon Tara Holcomb demanded $6.50 more gor a "late charge." The due date of the loan was not for another ten days. I beleive Tara Holcomb should be informed that this is illegal, threatening to have a customer arrested, so she doesn't keep doing it to others. I have loans with others who have never threatened me with arrest. This needs to be stopped. Unfortuneately, I was the only customer in the office when this occured. They have also harassed me at work more than once a day.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Stop the bullys
Jan 06, 2015 11:36 am EST

I have a loan (my name only) at a local company World Finance Corporation. I am behind by two months. Do I have to listen to him say "He hates liars". That "It's people like me that tell him they will be there and then don't that makes him hate his job"..."Gotta have it by 5:00 today"..."Just get somebody to write a post dated check and we will hold it until a certain day"...I told them on the Dec. 22nd I would make a payment on the 31st but they wanted me to get somebody to write a check for them to hold until the 31st. Now tell me what the difference is?

I have been unemployed for a year and they know it yet they call and come to my house and harass me. What are my rights and why do they get away with talking to me that way, calling everyday and showing up at my house? Honestly my rent, light bill and water comes first then I pay them when I can. If they do a re-finance to supposedly help me out, the payment stays the same amount. I even offered a partial payment (half) on Dec 22nd and they said it wasn't policy to accept partial. Then said they would take a post dated check? So how is that helping

The line of credit on this loan as of renewal on October 24, 2015 is $1429.53 plus other charges that add up to $1845.00. My personal collateral (TV, window unit, DVD player, printer, vacuum cleaner, & one cell phone) is valued at $2100.00 on paper. Why do they also have my car listed as collateral? And charging me for monthly insurance premiums on my own car.( Paperwork states they cover the car with their ins. $500.00 coverage 15 month term $31.00 premium) as in paperwork. I have my own insurance.

Branson, US
Oct 03, 2013 7:19 am EDT

I also have an account with this company, it was originally a $500 loan, but they have managed to convince me over and again, to renew this loan with promise of more money, especially at times when I needed it. I have paid it on time until the past payment, and they are hounding me everyday by personal phone, and my work phone. They can argue with you no end, make you feel like you aren't worth a dime. I have become extremely frustrated with this company, as they will not listen to anything I have to say, take it out of context and turn it completely around to satisfy their version. Anyone out there know how to get out of this company?

Oct 29, 2010 1:30 am EDT

I live in Jackson Tennessee & the local office of World Finance has gotten to be a total nightmare! My wife & I are involved in a debt management company, trying to get all of our bills in line, like everyone else across the country. According to Lakiesha, Angie, & Terri Burnette, of the World Finance office in Jackson Tennessee, they will not accept anything less, than the full payment. Now they are calling my work number & leaving messages. This part, as far as calling your work, is against the law, under the Federal Trade Commission. In a day & time, when everyone, is having financial trouble, this company is just not willing to work with anyone, nor any company, to resolve financial problems. World Finance is creating more havoc, than trying to help with todays financial problems. I urge anyone that is considering using this company, for any type of fianacial help, to think twice before signing up with them. I have already registered a complaint with the Federal trade Commission, &, I am going to register complaints with the Tennessee Consumer Protection Agency, as well as, the Better Businness Bureau in our city. I urge anyone, that is considering, doing business with this company, to check out all the negative issues with this company, before signing on the dotted line. The entire process, from start to finish, aint as grand as they make it sound.

yours truly, in helping to protect our people,

jessica p. jones
Caryville, US
Jun 03, 2010 10:09 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I get calls on my cell phone daily from this company. They are looking for someone named Jason and numerous times I have asked them to take my number off their list as I am not Jason ( I am a woman) and instead they have someone else from the exact same number call and harass me. The office I am referring to is in LaFollette, TN. The employees are rude and upon talking to the police about pressing phone harassment on them I found out that the manager comes to peoples homes and jobs to collect the debt. I thought that was illegal.

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