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CB Department Stores Dillard's 1504 Harvey Rd, College Station, TX, 77840, US
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1504 Harvey Rd, College Station, TX, 77840, US
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2 complaints
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Working hours
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:54 pm EDT

Dillard's - Closing time 7:58

I did not know the post oak mall closed at 8 pm but I parked outside Dillards in a handicapped parking space because I am disabled and have severe arthritis. I arrived at the door at 7:58 and the doors were already locked. I tapped on the window and after about5 minutes a woman came to the door. I told her I was there before 8 and needed to pass through to my automobile. She said it was too late and for security reasons they could not open thd doors to let a handicapped person walking with a visable limp pass through. Well I used to work at the dillards at post oak mall 25 years ago and we waited til ten minutes after to pull our drawers back then and even after that security walked with people through the store to get to their cars. I called the store and asked for em the manager anc the girl said she would ask him or her for me. She came back on the line and said I was lying about arriving at 7:58 even though my phone is on satellite, that I arrived at 8:03. They had me on cameras.8:03 was when I finally got someone’s attention. So this woman just hangs up on me. I cannot believe Dillards would treat a handicapped person so callously. What has happened to your customer service and caring attitudes. You just hang up on disabled people and make them limp a half mile at 60 years old and unprotected outside the mall by themselves. Will you please address this matter? ReginaTurner [protected]. I will not be coming back unless you do. An employee who worked at Dillards in the days when they cared,

Desired outcome: Apology for not opening door for handicapped person and calling her a liar and just hanging up in her.

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12:24 pm EDT

Dillard's - flagrant actions of colege-station store manager

We have become convinced that dealing openly and directly with the facts about this store manager is a matter of urgency for us all. The intellectual difference between right and wrong does not bring on the emotional sirens and flashing blue lights for her that it does for the rest of us. Without the slightest bit of blip of guilt or remorse this person continues to destroy human lives. But not to care at all about the effects of her actions on employees .

Conscience is our omniscient taskmaster, setting the rules for actions and meting out emotional punishments when we break the rules. This person does not have a conscience. The ability to reason or act as a normal human being is beyond anything she has ever shown in College-Station, Texas. We truly believe she has an empty hole in her psyche, where there should be the most evolved of all humanizing function. She is not an ordinary bully. She is a sociopath with the blood lust, and opportunity to destroy with intimidation all of us at Dillard's in College-Station, Texas. She falls into sulky and rageful moods we can not begin to understand. She has ensconce herself in a niche where she has control over a group of people and attempts to ruin employees and simply steamroll over groups who are dependent, helpless and vulnerable. This satisfies her desire for power. Other times she will pursue you with a cold calculating passion that tolerates none of the moral code of conduct associated with being a conscience human being.

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houston, US
Nov 28, 2010 10:21 pm EST

You think she was awful, the new store manager is even worse. How she gets away with not following directives, firing ten people in a week- but keeping the ones that don't even know how to do markdowns/steal from the company- I will never understand.

Nov 30, 2008 9:19 pm EST

look like all managers same.

Jane Long
Sep 30, 2008 6:35 pm EDT

I also worked at the Dillard's store in College-Station. The above information is so true at this store. Many, many people have left due to the harsh treatment by this store manager. I worked in the junior department for approximately a year. This last year of going to A&M and dealing with this persons raging fits was too much for me . When I graduate in December O8, I have made a commitment to go back and see her disgusting red face. And say: "Howdy, remember me" "I no longer have to see your "Grubby" and "Disgusting Face" "Your "Growl" don't work No-more. Long live the Texas A&M Aggies!

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