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CB Restaurants and Dining Dunkin' Donuts 13320 Rockaway Blvd, New York, NY, 11420, US
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Dunkin' Donuts
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Dunkin' Donuts

13320 Rockaway Blvd, New York, NY, 11420, US
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1 complaint
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4:52 pm EDT

Dunkin' Donuts - Dirty hands of employes, rude behavior

There is a dunkin donut in my neighborhood with very untrained, rude and unclean employees. I saw them sticking there hands in the ice-cream and scratching thier heads while touching food. Talking on the phone while taking orders on the drive through.
There drive through service is horrible, with a person who cannot speak english well, no greetings when we reach. I personally always give the order on the drive through and then they always ask me again at the window and start making it while I am waiting at the window.
I went to take a mango smoothie and chocolate shake at 12 am. The guy asked the order and I told him, he asked me to move to other counter and give my order there. When moved and saw another employee who was working on drive through and talking on the phone. (no other employee was there to serve). The guy took order of another person who was behind me and gave him a large ice-cream and a large coffee. He came back to me and asked me again "whats your order" I told him. He made the shake and asked me again "whats the order" (he was talking to another employee). Then I said "how many times should I tell you the order, you made the order of a person who was behind me, you are talking to your friend while taking order, do you know the rule"first come first serve"and he replied" no I dont know, the customer's order was small thats why I served him first, you have attitude, I will not serve you get out"I was surprised at his reply, and demanded manager number, he refused and told me"there is no manager and no number and I dont care if you came first, I can ask for the order as many times as I want". This guy was incredible I must say.
His name was sam, I provided every detail please do something.

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Kevin Richards
utt, US
Jul 20, 2015 2:28 pm EDT

Before commenting on someone else for bad English I would work on your own grammar. You don't always use uppercase when you are supposed to, and these simple rules of grammar are taught in the first grade. You do have attitude and I hope your parents found out you stole their car, because with your behavior you are obviously way too young to drive.

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