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Southern Dream Pups / Martha Herren

Southern Dream Pups / Martha Herren review: Won't warranty dead puppy 11

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7:14 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Purchased a yorkie puppy from this breeder. Within days the puppy was very sick. We spent over $1000 on vet bills but she was dead within 10 days. Breeder will not refund the $721 we spent on the puppy.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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martha herren
sparta, US
Jan 08, 2011 6:18 pm EST

This lady that wrote that got A puppy from me took it to her vet the next day and had it check out by her vet and it check out healthy. She did not follow my directions on A tea-cup puppy the puppy she got was 11 weeks old at the time she purchase her and did not die until she had her 10 days. A puppy that is sick when purchase would not make it 3 days much less than 10 days without dying if it had been sick. This puppy became ill or I receive A call from her the day after Thanksgiving and I feel something happen during that time that cause the puppy to become ill. My warranty does not cove coccidia nor hypoglocemia both of these can be prevented and are due from high stress that is why we do not cover it. NO breeder covers this because it is determined on the care they get when taken home. All of the puppies from the litter that they got their puppy from are alive and healthy. Anyone that has questions please email me instead of believing her on this matter . I have been raising dogs and showed dogs in the past and I assure you all buyers are welcome to our place to see all of our dogs and puppies we have been breeding dogs for over 35 years.
Southern dream Kennels
Martha Herren

Watkinsville, US
Feb 03, 2011 1:25 am EST

They purchased a yorkie of the same litter as mine, an followed all direction given to me by BREEDER or OWNER to insuse this little guy would grow up to be all he could be as a small bred. If there would have been any sign of illness, my dog would have been at her breeding house that day not ten days later dead with a sorry story as this . SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS.

martha herren
sparta, US
Mar 17, 2011 8:37 pm EDT

This lady and I have resolved the case in court on February by trial and I as A breeder one the trial. As of yet AJ Watson has not paid the judgment to me that was ordered by the court. I promise anyone reading this if you get A sick puppy that your vet tells you it is not healthy it will be replace. I have been in business for over 30 years and this is the first court case and it was rule in my favor. This lady also failed to mention that she had the above puppy euthanized and it did not die of natural causes. The puppy on the autopsy report did not show any damage to any main organs and she knows that. it showed ecoli which more than likely was cause by it stepping in its feces . I feel if the puppy had Ecoli when leaving here it would have died in A matter of days maybe 3 none of my dogs have every check positive for ecoli please go to internet and read on ecoli and you will find that most dogs with it will whelped early or have A miscarriage that is the information I found out when I read on it. The puppy had sugared completely out when it arrive at the vet I think she told in court that the count was 26 . I gave her good instructions when she bought the puppy on caring for it making sure it ate and had karo syrup at least two times A day or more if needed. This puppy was 2lbs 4oz when it left at 11 weeks old all ready had two of its vaccination which if the puppy had been sick would have not survive the shots. I just felt it was necessary to let everyone know it was work out in court because of the fact that she decided to do A charge back on her credit card aganist my paypal account she paid through. Let this be A warning so no more breeders out there will do business with paypal knowing they will honor chargebacks and take the money out of your account and then notify you. They will not allow you to talk to the buyers credit card, they handle all of that as well.I will no longer be using paypal for this reason I feel they are A high risk and it is not A secure way of payment when they accept charge backs. This lady also cause all of these problems before she even had A autopsy report back on the puppy .I was found through USDA to have A clean facility they check me out immediately and found all my dogs to be in A healthy condition.The lady all ready knew that because she came to my place and purchase the puppy and I spent A hour are longer with her & her husband before letting the puppy go. We always strive to sell A healthy puppy to all people at all times. My puppies have been to the vet two times before leaving my place and are well check by my vet and she call me the day after she got the puppy and told me her vet check it out and found it to be in good health. The above party that made the negative comments I do have AKC dogs and AKC has been to my place and I am check by then yearly. I breed dogs with champion pedigrees because being A former show person I know breeders that breed them will not breed bad genetics and I found these to be the healthy dogs. My crossbred dogs are out of AKC/CKC dogs that way I know what I am breeding is two purebreds . Yes I do breed puppies and sell for A supplement income we have love for animals and people like the cross breeds they are beautiful puppies as the purebreds are. I tell my people that buy Yorkies off of me that there is no such thing as A tea-cup puppy they get that name because people tag them with it under 4lbs . I sell quality pets no human is PUREBRED either we are love as well as A designer breed dog.I am sorry the lady lost her puppy that is why I do not warrant anything after their vet examine except genetic issues because I can not home with the person and see the dog is taking care of by my instructions. I never heard back from the buyer after her vet visit until she call and told me 10 days later it was in A emergency clinic and of course that would be much more expensive than taken it to a vet office. I feel if she was having all of these problems that she would have call and wanted suggestions from me for care she did not something happen that made it A quick emergency Again I said she had the puppy put to sleep!

Ludington, US
May 16, 2011 2:46 pm EDT

I bought my puppy "Willow" from Martha .. I had many questions, and Martha answered each and everyone of them. We live in Michigan and when we got Willow home I still had tons of questions and I called Martha and she was VERY helpful.. Willow was only 1 lbs 9 oz when we got her. I followed her instructions, And today Willow is 21 months old and 5 lbs. I still keep in contact with Martha, we send pictures. I will buy another puppy from Martha, Thank you again Martha ~ Julie, Kory and Willow

City of Ignorance, US
Jul 02, 2011 1:23 am EDT

Maybe You - Martha - Should keep your smaller ones till they are older - Maybe 6 months old? That way, the pups will have all vaccinations and some weight on them. Go up on the price of the smaller ones too. If I was you - that would be way too much anxiety for me. To put that responsibility on to another person for a smaller puppy; just can not trust people enough for that.

People will pay more money for the puppy even if the puppy is older if they understand why you have kept them. Also, buyer will not have the expense of vaccinations.

Your puppies on your site look VERY HEALTHY. Some are GORGEOUS and others are just cute as can be. All the puppies looked very happy - impressive.

Sorry that your customer lost a pup. Best wishes to the both of you - buyer and breeder.

Rilee's Mom
Sep 02, 2011 5:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Four years ago I visited the Herren home and purchased a Morkie puppy from Mrs. Herren. I would like to say that the "cross-bred mutt " as it was so ignorantly put in an earlier post is the LOVE of our lives! His name is Rilee and he is amazing! I would also like to say that I am a Vet Tech at a very busy Veterinary clinic so I see a ton of crap that comes from alot of so called breeders. What I saw at their facility when I went to look at their dogs and purchase mine was way above the standards of alot of breeders I have seen and encountered! Martha and her husband showed us every inch of the kennel and and it was cleaner and more organized than what I have seen some people let their children live in! Adult dogs and puppies were all very well taken care of and loved! My Rilee has the best temperament and is such a sweet boy and has been since day one! We have never had the first health issue with him since we brought him home! I have even refered friends to them to purchase puppies and they all felt the same way and have beautiful healthy dogs today.
It is very sad that a puppy died, but I do not believe that it was any fault of the Herrens, their facility or otherwise! As a Vet Tech and someone who is in my final year of nursing school...if that puppy had a glucose level of 26... it was because it was either not eating or being feed often enough! I see these multiple times a week... people go out, get a new puppy when they are not responsible enough or do not have the time to take care of the puppy as it should be. Puppies are essentially babies and they need alot of care! They need to be feed 3 times a day at minimum especially small breed puppies! When you do not do this...they become hypoglycemic and as a result they develop all sorts of issues very fast (within hours not days and certainly not over 10 days)...respiratory, cardiac and central nervous system. If it is taken care of quickly and the blood sugar is raised by feeding it does not become and issue and will correct itself. If it is not recognized and resolved quickly you may have an animal with permanent neurological damage! You can not just throw food down and assume that a puppy has eaten... sometimes they need to be coaxed to eat...this is where the time comes in! Another thing I will say is that "Emergency Vet Hospitals " from my experience are always quick to suggest euthansia when alot of times there is no need for it and it is completely medically unneeded! They especially will start pushing it if money becomes an issue for the pet parent! I will now decend from my soapbox! I just wanted to say that I know there are always two sides to every story but from what I am reading and what I know about Southern Dream Pups from my own personal experience...this was most likely not a sick puppy when it left that facility! I LOVE my "cross-breed mutt" and I searched for him for a long time and payed good money to a reputable breeder when I finally found him! Feel free to go to her website and look at a picture of him if you would like! It's Rilee the Morkie puppy who lives in Tn with his family the McCoys, he has on a green shirt with white stripes and that was taken approximately a year after we purchased him. We actually went with a friend to their home to look at /purchase a puppy and took him back to visit with us! Nothing had changed, it was still as clean as the first time we walked in and my dogs parents were still there and happy as ever! I will in the near future buy another puppy from the Herrens without a second thought and know that I have received a puppy who has been very well taken care of and loved while it was in their care! I would recommend these people to anyone who wants a nice puppy with a great temperament and who is well taken care of prior to going home! Especially if you want a "cross-breed mutt like the Morkie!

Cookeville, US
Nov 07, 2014 12:16 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought our beloved BooBoo from the Herren's over 4 years ago. He was born on 10-24-2009. He is the sweetest, most beautiful little man. BooBoo is part of our family and is spoiled rotten, he brings us so much joy. When we first got him home I followed Martha's instructions to the T and he has never had the first health issue, except he has allergies and takes an allergy pill every day. Other than his little allergies he is healthy as a horse. He is so well behaved and loving. The Herren's kennel is so clean and nice I was very impressed when I bought BooBoo how well all the dogs were taken care of. I know with out a doubt I will buy another puppy from Southern Dream Pups and only Southern Dream Pups, because of our wonderful experience with them. I am sorry anyone loses a puppy but I do not believe it was lost due to anything the Herren's did. My little "mutt" is a very handsome Maltipoo BTW and he is pretty awesome. This is a picture of my daughter with her little "brother", BooBoo.

Beth _ gillentine
Livingston, US
Apr 14, 2015 6:44 pm EDT

We have purchased 2 dogs from Martha. Her and her husband are awesome and answer all my emails with the so many questions I had. Our tea cup Yorkie is 6 years old now and we just got our Maltese a couple months ago. She stresses the high care involved in taking care of a tea cup baby. If you follow her instructions you should have no problems. When I decide to purchase a baby. I will only go to her and Eddie. Great people!

Brenda Lusk
Oct 02, 2016 5:30 pm EDT

I bought a yorkie from Martha Herron in March. She was extremely tiny but I did everything Martha told me to do and Brandie is healthy and one of the sweetest and most beautiful yorkies I've ever owned. I have had yorkies for over 40 years and I would definitely buy another dog from Martha.

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Buni Bleu
Aug 31, 2017 7:02 am EDT

We love our little maltese/shih Tzu puppy...DORY GRACE... who is the sweetest and smartest dog we have ever had even though she is terrified of water and baths... so I let no one else ever bathe her... Possibly from quickly bathing and handling...having so many pups and dogs to bathe at Marthas? I don't know... but we have had many dogs over the years and never had one so timid and afraid of water running... BUT, I do have to admit Martha explained so many things before we took her home and went over many precautions and dos and don't (more than anyone ever has) and was very concerned about her doing well and she did great! I will say though that we expected her to be MUCH SMALLER (and had asked that before getting her) so that I could comfortably pick her up and carry her when needed ... We were told one parent was 4 lbs and the other was 8 lbs so she was expected to be about 6 lbs...
We even called later and asked again when she seemed to be getting much bigger, and were told again ... 6 lbs... She is now 9 months old and weighs almost 11 lbs and is not pudgy but more lanky and tall... Of course, we love her no matter what but just wanted to share this with others. These pups WILL get bigger than what is thought and I feel the parents must be bigger also. The mom and dad of the pups are never seen. But, over all, we had a good experience and are in love with our dog. Good luck to all... Buni

Sharon Ligon
Lebanon Tennessee, US
Oct 09, 2021 2:11 pm EDT

We purchased a MaltiPoo recently from Southern Dream Pups and could not be more pleased. He is a joy to our lives. They go the extra mile to give you instructions about their care and encourage you to follow up with any concerns or question. The kennels are immaculate. Very caring and professionally run. We are so delighted that we found them. Our vet was very complimentary of their service.