Bought 2 gucci bag from them
they promise item is made of 100% real leather and comes with dust bag, authentic card and paper bag.
Buy when item arrives, its not the bag i wanted.
No dustbag, no paper bag.
Only a very cheap, horrible Gucci Bag made of PLASTIC.
Found them at and their website for bags is
I just ordered ipnonesets from this company on goods are fake. and contract the seller, they don't want to answer.really bad.
I have also been cheated. I bought a coach bag. They told me 100% authentic and everything is included (standard) original item BUT nothing is there. And add on, they send me the wrong model. I found then in The goods are totally fake. There are torned in the inside pocket. Everything in the email are so REAL and 100% authentic..but when receive the item is so HORRIBLE..not worth paying the price.
Has your problem been solved? Has your money been credit back to your account?
NOPE money until now has not credit back...they being ignoring me...thousands of email to them but no reply...
I bought a pair of Jimmy Choo Shoes, very bad quality and wrong number . Now I have to pay more for the exact number, but is very bad quality . What I have to do ? Pay more for the right number but bad quality?
hi not place or pay more for the item with this company anymore...they are all fake..dont waste anymore money to them...i suggest you rather get it from other seller with is 100% authentic...if you pay more again, they might also send you the wrong dont take the risk as is not worth it...
I bought 2 polo shirt and abercrombie and fitch, believing that it is 100% authentic, but when I received them I was very disappointed, very poor quality and when I looked at the delivery company was the Shanghai Yu Li Zhi Trading co. LTD. the site is these Chinese robbers.
I bought 2 polo shirt and abercrombie and fitch, believing that it is authentic, but when I received them I was very disappointed, very poor quality, and when I looked at the delivery company was the Shanghai Yu Li Zhi Trading co. LTD. the site is these Chinese robbers.
oh dear. im sorry to hear that. can we do something about this. we kept complaining to this Complained Board, has anyone taken any action. we need to stop the company now rather than many more buyers fall into this robbers..
i brought a pear of Nike air max 90s..took there time to arrive and when they did they came in bad condition..apparently they where made to be real..but i checked the stitching and the way they where badly designed and i was disappointed due to the fact that they where fake..they said 'leather air max 90s' but they turned out to be plastic..i guess I am just another victim of this fraud..its about time we find out who is this seller and put a stop to this..this seller is not stupid, the trainers came with a bill, it says the name of the company but NOT the company's address?
yes we have to stop this...items send to us are all FAKE...airway bill is only listed name and no address...if you send them email they will only respond for the 1st 2 day and after that they will really shows that they are a CONED...i suggest who ever the victim is, we should put our hands together to find out about this company details eg: address and contact. who ever found any info, you may share with me at thank you
I aslo bought a coach purse and they sent me the wrong one and i was way over charged as well the label that was sent inside the box was in chinese and i cant read it and they didnt even have a return address or any info on the box. Then the dang box was all smashed up.. how do i get my money back?
sorry to hear that. fyi, you wont be able to contact them nor get back your refund...i have been sending them thousand's of emails but only reply less than 10 emails to me...the last reply email to me was they will bring my matter to their manager. in the end, didnt come back to me...they are 100% c0ndman...pls pls friends out there dont get cond...feel free to email me at
I am speaking on my moms behalf while she is at this moment trying to sort this out with her bank.
Slendertone pads were what was meant to be ordered for around £200 but instead she received the wrong item and on the invoice say the total charge came to £734.00 and that the items were shoes, no company telephone number, address or email. I can't believe people can do this and also, get away with this!
I have read a few of other peoples complaints and this also disgusts me!
I hope this company gets what is coming to them and everyone gets their money back like they deserve. so sorry to hear this. At this moment, please pass around words to loving ones, friends and etc to beware and not to purchase anything from this company. I and a friend are trying to track this company. If anyone should have further information on this company please do contact me at or
the wesite that I bought the product from is no olnger active. Now I found out another web address with the same customer service email address (
i bought a pair of nike runners (airmax tn) believing that they were real.
when they arrived the design of the nike tn was peeling off, and the shos did not fit.
the box came all crushed and they were already ripped on the side.
when i asked the seller for a refund or exchange he simply replied "all our customers are happy excspt you, you fault"
i wass ripped off for 110 dollars and i have not yet recieved my money back
I purchased 3 Ed Hardy t-shirts for my grandson, but when the package arrived they were the wrong size. There is no return address for these people anywhere. This is a total CON. When I made an e-mail inquiry on their website, I only receive my confirmation number that shipment was made. This is extremely frustrating. I'm a senior living on a fixed income and now I'm out over $60.
Maaaaaaaaaan, I purchased a pair of air max Griffey 1s believing that I was doing business with an official Nike carrier, but when the shoes came I felt totally taken for . I dnt wear bootlegged gear and can't understand how a Chinese company can pull this off in America with their false advertising . Let's come together and start a class action law suit or something, this can't be legal .My contact : I feel you, keep up your efforts . If you need me PLEASE dnt hesitate 2 email Collectively we may be able to take these clowns dwn .
Hello Shanghai Yu Zhi Li Trading, I really interested in do some business with you, please contact me at: or please let me know your web page.
Thank you so much!
I am another victim to this company! I ordered a North Face Jacket from them and not only did they send me the wrong jacket but the wrong size as well. They are doing nothing to correct the problem and keep giving me the run around. They told me that I would have to pay and extra $60 for shipping to and from the company for the new one when the mix up was not my fault. After many emails to a guy named Benny I am at my last leg! I am not sending them anymore money and I am definitely not sending in the jacket in hopes I get my money back! I am at a loss! You live and learn I guess, next time I will check out the website more cautiously and always make sure there is a customer service number! So upset cause this was my Christmas present from my Husband! If any of you have any luck please email me as well,
4 years ago I used this company to renew my garage's floor covering. I knew I have 5 years warranty so I called them, because I have some spots in covering, but surprisingly I found out that company is out of business. I connected with Corporate Office and they said it's not their problem. Beware of them!