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puretimewatch Replica Watches

puretimewatch Replica Watches review: Be Warned!! This is 100% I can prove it1 7

Author of the review
8:58 pm EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I bought a replica watch from this site for about $570 including the watch box set for another $70. I had seen their name as a trusted Replica dealer on forums like RWI. A couple of guys had said they where a trusted dealer and that they accepted Paypal. I thought this would be safe as I would be covered under Buyer Protection anyway. When I first contacted them they where adamant that I pay via Western Union or Bank wire. I wouldn't order without Paypal so finally they accepted saying that they had a problem with paypal and could only receive small amounts of money so they sent me a e-mail saying that I had to pay in two increments $270 and $300.. So I did they promised QC pictures within 3-4 days and the watch shipping immediately and I would receive it within 10 days. I didn't receive pics for 10 days, it took exactly 1 month for me to receive the watch and it was BROKEN! The chronograph hand was completely broken and swinging freely. The box was cheap plastic that was dried up and ripping (See attached photo), Contact customer service which took 4 days to get back to me a guy named Francis, he said that I needed to pay for shipping send the watch back to him and he would fix it and send it back. I'm not paying to send some cheap peace of ### back to China when I already paid $570 of MY MONEY! For this fool to send me cheap broken watch, The movement THE MOST IMPORTANT PART breaks that easily when it was wrapped in 12" of bubble wrap. A watch- smith won't even look at the watch and work on it as the movement is a $15 Chinese replica movement which their time and cost isn't worth the effort. Even after being so angry that I told this guy Francis that I was going to dispute this charge with Paypal. He threatened me by warning me that my address, phone number, all information was going to be passed down to all the Forums and that I would be banned and no one would do business with me.. Like I give a ### and I'm really going to get ripped off by these guys.

So listen you have all been warned, Go ahead and order if you want but understand that it is a crap shoot if you get a watch that is broke or defective you are ### out of luck and have to go through an ordeal of head aches. It isn't worth it if you are spending $500-$600 of your well earned $$$. Just get a quality Swiss watch like Steinhart, Tissot, Kadloo etc... The reason this company didn't want to accept Paypal is because they go through this all the time... They also pay these Replica blog sites $$$ to put them as trusted sellers so do all your homework these guys are illegal a form of organized crime so understand they will spend money unethically to make money and fool the consumers. They will also have their people troll and log on and leave replies to discredit you like "I order from Puretime and they are great, this guy is crazy" So BE WARNED! Don't put yourself through the trouble and headaches learn from my mistake!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Conned Puretime Customer
milton keynes, GB
Jul 21, 2014 2:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please read this if you are considering buying a replica watch from,,,
and all other variations of the Puretime Watch company

I have just been conned and scammed by Dong Yan Jie, Angus, Nikki Chen and the rest of the staff at Puretime watches, and I want to warn anyone else who is considering buying a watch from them – PLEASE DON’T!

I am a private person living in Britain and a little while ago I decided to buy a replica watch. I spent several months reading every replica watch review site on the net and a litany of other internet articles, including ones written by some of Britain’s national newspapers.

I decided early on to abide by several criteria, one being that I would not pay by bank transfer or Western Union, only by Visa because then I could claim on the card if the company was a scam. Another, that I wouldn’t spend over $250 because several site authors who had bought a cheap and expensive version had been told by jewellers that the two watches were identical.

And so using my self imposed rules and everything I learnt from the review sites, I whittled out the more unscrupulous replica watch sellers, but I became disillusioned over how impartial these ‘reviewers’ actually are as most stick to one Chinese company and its subsidiaries and condemn all others. Anyone can say what they want about themselves if they are paying for an advert or if they are perhaps, incentivising a reviewer.

So in the end I found myself going back to several replica watch forums especially “”, “” and RWI forum. These are every day, unbiast replica watch enthusiasts and so I felt that anyone they recommended would be based upon real experiences. So I spent hours everyday on this site, in particular reading everything ever said about Puretime, Angus, Dorris and Nikki Chen.

I noted that yes, there were many bad reports of where transactions had gone wrong, there were numerous postings of clients unhappy with the quality of Puretime watches… BUT the company and its owners were also praised repeatedly by the regular forum members. They seemed to love Puretime watches and all the actual members had good experiences. I didn’t dismiss the many complaints I’d read, but Puretime had seemed to explain some of them away (in ‘replies’) or simply accused the complainers of being “rival companies out to slander them”. Many forum members agreed.

Wow, I regret that decision. I emailed Angus and begged to be allowed to pay by card. He said no. In hindsight, I should have asked myself why he can’t take Visa when so many fake watch companies can… the only answer would have been; because Puretime and Angus (Dong Yan Jie) has committed fraud, conned the Visa payers, and after those customers got refunds from Visa, Visa stopped allowing Puretime to use their facilities! I was reluctant to break my own rule about only paying by Visa, but the high praise of the forum members kept ringing in my ears.

And so my nightmare began. I chose a watch that was far more expensive than I'd intended to spend (again, I felt that I couldn’t lose as I could see forum members discussing and praising Puretime’s better, more expensive models), and I went to Nat West bank and transferred $750 plus fees to Dong Yan Jie at Puretime (Industrial and Commercial bank of China, Laioning Provincial Branch, Gold Star Hotel, Floor 3). That was on the 13th June 2014. I sent it 2 day transfer and eagerly waited for the quality control photos.

None came. Dong Yan Jie and Puretime continuously told me that the “money had not come”, but added it was “OK and that I was to be patient and the money would arrive”. 4 weeks went passed with Puretime fobbing me off and making excuses and swearing the money hadn’t arrived. I scanned and emailed them all the Nat West documents, showing the account name, account number and swift/bic number etc. Puretime didn’t acknowledge them and continued telling me to ‘wait’.

In the end I paid Nat West £25 to do a full investigation into where my money went and a week later they told me they had investigated the payment all the way to China and that it had indeed gone into Dong Yan Jie’s account. They had even been told by the Chinese bank that they money had been withdrawn soon after, and that “similar occurances had happened before, but that was between the sender and the account holder”. My bank were 100% sure that the money had been successfully transferred a month ago and to the right person. And then the told me that I had been conned and that the whole Puretime company was a fraud. I'd lost my money.

Now Puretime don’t even bother to reply to my emails, not even to lie and say it’s not been received. And they were never brilliant at it in the first place, never sending more than a one-liner.

I've lost my money now and realise I've been scammed. What was I thinking! As one newspaper article wrote “these replica companies are criminals, pirates who steal brand names – don’t ever kid yourself that they actually care about the quality of what they sell or the people to whom they sell”.

And all this makes me wonder about the forum members. Why were they sent “superb quality watches” and why was my money was stolen by Dong Yan Jie?

Well, Puretime’s con is quite clever; On their website they say “we made our reputation in the watch forums” and I think that’s correct. They sell decent watches to those ‘in the know’, to those who they can see writing in the forums, to those they know are members, and who are obviously serious about replicas etc. Then, they sell trash quality watches to other, generic buyers who wouldn’t know a quartz from kinetic (which explains the thousands of internet complaints of broken, rubbish quality Puretime watches). And there is also a section of would-be buyers to whom they don’t even send anything, and just steal their money, and I fall into that category. They know that my cries will be drowned out by those vocal forum members who’ve received decent watches. They almost play us buyers off against each other, using the knowledgeable forum members to (innocently) reel us suckers in.

The perfect scam. And if one does complain, Angus and Nikki Chen and those who have received good watches will accuse me of being a “libellous rival” or I’ll be explained away as “nuts” or “mistaken” in the forums. And Dong Yan Jie gets another $750 for nothing.

And as I said, I'm not the only one. Please, please Google Puretime, and all the variations and you will see complaint after complaint (especially if you search using the word ‘scam’). I wish I had listed to those thousands of people rather than to the forum members who got the few ok watches the company sends out.

Please don’t buy from this company! You will lose your money and even if you get a watch, it will be trash! These people are criminals and if they don’t care about breaking Chinese law and stealing brand names, then they certainly won’t care about you!

Dong Yan Jie, Nikki Chen and Puretime are a massive con, so be warned!

Aug 25, 2023 1:14 pm EDT

I was scammed too. I think the positive reviews are from the company itself.

I'm going to buy a rèaĺ TUDOR..ènouĝh of this scam nonsense. It doesn't take 6 weeks to deliver a watch, with no return emails.

Don't use thèm!Total frauds.

Oct 13, 2015 4:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Guys i have been cheat by
Watch out for they..
They take my many and just close the website

Oct 13, 2015 4:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I havw been warned by
Watch out for they ..
They just cheat me for 250$
3 month of my student pay.

Alessandro Guarda
Jan 02, 2016 8:22 am EST

Guys, you have to take care of 1 thing: they (replica sellers) change web address quite frequently for obvious reasons. NEVER EVER search their names on google because there are dozens of mirror scam site out there (like the ones of the comments before mine). Also beware of the fake "feedback sites" which quite frequently are managed by the same people of the scam sites.
The real working addresses can be got only over the 2 or 3 replica forums where these dealers are considered "trusted".
I've actually got not less than 10 watches from Angus, always paying with WU (which in Italy, where I am) is quite cheap if done online. It is true that they are a bit messy (too many people handling the phases of the purchase that sometimes aren't properly coordinated, plus the language barrier that doesn't help for sure) and also they are not my 1st choice of dealer, but they are not scam in my view.
You just need to well prepare yourself to deal with Chinese counterfeit goods seller (that's not amazon guys!) and carefully select them.
Cheers, Alex

I am patient
Warsaw, PL
Jan 26, 2024 4:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello, I ordered a replica rolex from over 4 weeks ago for 926 USD.

First they said they had received a broken clock from the maker.

Then they said they would not be able to send me the watch I ordered before CNY.

I just now wrote to them asking for a refund.

N.B The last replica from a "trusted dealer" arrived but the on the rotating bezel, several numbers fell off. When I asked if he/she/it would send me a new bezel they said no.

Am I being scammed?

I am becoming less patient
Warszawa, PL
Mar 17, 2024 11:55 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello, for anyone ordering from It is march 17 now and I still do not have the watch I ordered. They are offering me another because they say they are sorry, we cannot get the NOOB watch. Before they claimed that NOOB factory was the best and had sent them a broken watch?It is pathetic and shame on them.

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