We started working with Pro Business Plans in early November. I made the deposit after what I thought was a short kickoff call but Chase assured me that he had what he needed to start my pitch deck. We got the first iteration two weeks after making my deposit. The writing seemed like it came from a first grader and the design was low quality. The work I received does not seem like it came from the same company that delivered the monster energy business plan or that was on ABC News. I did a reverse search tonight and noticed that their address comes back to a virtual office and there are no advisors besides on their Linkedin that work there.
Does Chase have over seven years or over 10 years of experience? On our call he said that he's been in business for over 15 years which would have made him around 15 years old? As per the BBB Pro Business Plans in NY was just incorporated their LLC a couple months ago. See attached.
either way he's lying.
With all these people complaining about Pro Business Plans I found it hard to believe that he has any positive reviews until I actually read the reviews and the names. It seems like Chase is buying Google and Trustpilot reviews from people in other country's. I took screenshots of all the strange reviews. See attached.
The designer in Bangladesh left a review.