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Penbrook Productions

Penbrook Productions review: I have New Information On Penbrook 179

Author of the review
7:37 am EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Those who have contacted me thank you very much for your information. For those that have not contacted me yet I am a private investigator, investigating Penbrook Productions.I have new information concerning Penbrook Productions. You may contact me at m.[protected] and for those contacting me for the first time any information you can leave me would be great as my investigation continues any and all information is helpful ie. phone numbers people you have contacted (names) positions in the company ect.

Thank you for your time, Marty Jorgensen (PI)

Update by Marty Jorgensen
Apr 25, 2008 7:14 am EDT

Hello every one I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am a Private Investigator and was hired by a couple that had been scammed by Penbrook Productions. I would like it if everyone who has lost money with this company email me with as much information as you can about Penbrook Productions and all peoples names and phone numbers that you have had contact with it will help in my investigation and in bringing these people to justice. I will keep you all posted on my findings and progress. My email address is Don't give up, these persons responsible will pay one way or another.

Sincerely, Marty Jorgensen (PI)

More Penbrook Productions reviews & complaints

Penbrook Productions - It's a fraud 1
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Mar 05, 2008 4:52 am EST

On or about 3/1/2008 I paid $197.00 to after I received my first instructions on how to receive the rebates I followed them to the letter. After that it said go to the web site to see if my ID had been placed on it. It was not, so I went over the instruction again to see if I had done anything wrong. I had not. So I thought I would contact customer Service since the email was right with the instructions. I click on it and sent a email for help. after two days I sent it again.

Then I started getting the emails returned I went back to the letter and click on the email again and sent three more emails they came back. So I called customer service and got know one and know way to leave a message and no help. That's when I thought I been had for $197.00. How stupid can you be anything that sounds to good is probably not. So now I am out of $197.00. So I figured I would report it so maybe it would not happen to anybody else.

Mar 05, 2008 8:18 am EST

Yes, it's definitely a scam. I fell for it too and I should have known better, but things happen.

But don't just sit back and do nothing... FIGHT IT. I am. I've called my bank to dispute it. I'm gathering evidence as we speak to report them to every agency that will listen. It might take a couple of weeks to get my money back but it's worth it. I won't be had.

diana ocampo
Mar 05, 2008 11:36 am EST

O M G! I Thanks God I saw this messages because I was about to pay $197.00.

Thank you for posting this... so other people lke me don't fall on this scam.


Scott Johnson
Mar 05, 2008 8:17 pm EST

You shouldn't have to "pay" for getting a job, in fact the companies that give rebates contact with other companies, and the second company pays the workers. For example, Best Buy would contract with Sam, Inc who then hires many mail processors to process rebates for Best Buy and perhaps other companies. I highly doubt they would let you do it yourself, plus ask yourself WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY TO WORK? That just sounds crazy.


Mar 06, 2008 7:58 pm EST

Thanks for posting! You saved me $197.00. I thought it sounded too good to be true. I just wonder why after it is reported that this is a scam that is still allowed to be posted and people are still allowed to be ripped off. Why don't the internet police get this crap offline. So that good people who are trying to make ends meet don't end up worse off than they already are.

Daniel Delvalle
Mar 07, 2008 6:21 am EST

OMG! Thank you for posting, you saved me $197. I could've been had. Thanks for posting. Remember, people like you who have ben robbed decided to take action by posting this comment. I'm sorry you lost your money, but you have helped and still helping thousands of consumers like myself from being defrauded. Thanks so much!

Mar 07, 2008 8:20 am EST

Thank you thank you thank you, I have been thinking about doing this for several weeks and decided to go google the name and the complaints came up, I am trult blessed. I am sorry that others have been taken but you have all help several others. Mary

Isaac Keyes
Mar 07, 2008 12:52 pm EST

The same thing happen to me I payed them $197 and all I got was just a BS newsletter pretty much. Then I started reading things like this. I got burnt but I'm not sure if there is anything I can do about it now .

Don Sorrell
Mar 07, 2008 1:26 pm EST

I had pretty much the same problem.I paid $197.00 and the only thing I got was a call from a guy that sounded like he got his training in a boiler room operation.I sent many e-mails with no response.I doubt there is a person named angela penbrook.I finally got them on the phone [protected].They gave me a website[] that is impossible to get on.Ihave my bank working on the fraud part and I will be calling them often to try to get my money back.I hope you will call them repeatedly and jam up the phones.

Mar 07, 2008 6:36 pm EST

We experienced the same thing and reported them to our credit card company, who is now investigating them for fraud. We closed our account and got a new card.

Serenity Complaints
Newark, US
Mar 07, 2008 8:44 pm EST

Thank You to all of you who have posted a comment on this. As some who owns a Home Based business, it's so frustrating to see people like this out there taking advantage of good honest people looking to make extra income at home. But like others have said, if they require you to pay money to get a job, there is something very wrong with that. And never feel that just because you put it on your credit card that you cannot get your money back. Every person that has been had like this needs to dispute it with their credit card company. Do not allow them to walk away with your money. Report Them. That is the only way to stop this nonsense.

Mar 12, 2008 7:47 am EDT

Thank goodness I found this site before giving them my $197.00 Thank you so much!

Carrie Hedden
Mar 12, 2008 8:08 am EDT

Thank you for saving me $197.00. For those of you who were taken, I highly recommend that you all get together, locate and find an internet investigator. They can trace the website, see who owns it, uses it etc. All of you go to your police dept. and file fraud charges against the individual or contact the FED's so an arrest warrant can be issued against this individual or individuals. Your credit card companies will investigate but they have thousands upon thousands of complaints to handle. It might be worth the couple hundred bucks to go thru an internet investigator to track down this scam artist.
Besides, if you all share the cost, it will be minimal and you'll feel justified.

Mar 12, 2008 9:30 am EDT

This really sucks I fell into the trap but i will report it to my bank and imediately close my account. Its so stupid excuse my language that one wants to get ahead and scammers like these people come and take what we only have they are thieves and i never should of fallen for this. Thanks to them im broker than broke!

Catherine Houck-Clemente
Mar 12, 2008 1:25 pm EDT

I wish I had found this website BEFORE I sent my money! Again now, like some of you, I am out the $197 -- and that is an amount I cannot afford to lose. I am about losing my house and everything in it as it is for debt payments.

One thing I did learn and might be a cue for someone else, if you pay by VISA or MasterCard AND THE CARD IS A DEBIT CARD rather than a credit card, it's up to the goodness of the issuing bank whether they will reimburse the lost funds.

Good Luck everybody!

Mar 13, 2008 7:24 am EDT

I was all the way to the page where you put in your credit card information and was about to send in my money when it hit me that i had not researched the company's claims. When I put in the name Penbrook Productions in Google it came up with a ton of sites with Scam Alert and complaints. I am so grateful for people like you who report these things and I am sorry you had to go through it even if it does benefit a lot more people.

James Napper Jr.
Mar 13, 2008 10:31 am EDT

I fell for the Penbrook scam yesterday, and yes I too knew better. At least some of you got something. When I got up this morning and still the only thing in my email was a flaky receipt from EZINTERNETINCOME I knew I was had. Called my credit card company and here is how they handled it. We closed that account ( so no other charges to that credit card could be authorized) and they are issuing me a new card and a new account number. The Penbrook transaction is pending so I have to wait till it posts before I can fully dispute the charge. Hope against hope that they try to bill me again. Then we can turn the tables on them. Jeeze all I wanted to do was earn some extra income. I did get a hold of them this morning and they gave me an authorization number for my refund. So I called my credit card company and asked if what Penbrook had given me was any type AUTH code. Absolutely not!

Like I said, the only thing I got was an email for the credit card charge, no down load of info, didn't even get my WELCOME EMAIL ! Thats what really hurts... no kiss!

Mar 13, 2008 7:50 pm EDT

Thanks to everyone who responded! This helps all of us who are seeking ways to improve our current situations etc! Tell all your friends... to investigate ALL internet offers... when in doubt, GOOGLE it out!

Allen H
Mar 14, 2008 7:17 am EDT

I feel like an idiot.I should have known better.Yes,I had $197.00 STOLEN from me also.I've put in a dispute claim with my credit card company and hope I can get my money back.I seems that someone should be able to shut this scam down so others won't fall into the same pit that myself and others have.Someone Please STOP this company!

Mar 14, 2008 9:29 am EDT

Has anyone received their$197 back as 'promised'?

Mar 14, 2008 10:06 pm EDT

Unbelievable! I can't believe that I almost fell for this scam too! My partner suggested that I do a simple search for credentials and after a general search on Google I found this and other websites detailing the scam behind this "certification" program! Thank you all for sharing your experience and enabling the rest of us from falling prey to the same con.

Joan McIntire
Mar 15, 2008 9:21 am EDT

I paid out the $197 yesterday, and haven't been able to get online since. The phone number to "Penbrook Productions" works [protected] . You get people who can barely speak English telling you that "the system is down," and when you ask them when it might be fixed, they say they don't have access to that information. Neither does the supervisor. That went on yesterday and today, before I finally wised up and googled Penbrook Productions, and saw the scam info. Why was I so gullible?! Just needed the money, and it sounded like a good idea. Somebody suggested we hire an "internet investigator." What is that -- how does one find one (that isn't a scam)? Sigh.

Dan Hinton
Mar 15, 2008 2:14 pm EDT

I paid the $197 start up fee on Thursday, 03/13/08 and immediately received an e-mail to welcome me to the business and stated the required steps to get started would be e-mailed shortly. After 3 days of calling, waiting for several minutes for anyone to answer, I have spoken with individuals with broken english, no customer service skills and filled with excuses. I was told Friday the info would be sent shortly, then called back and was told the e-mail would be sent in 24 hours. Today speaking with an uneducated female, she was responding with lies and excuses for every question asked and said that their system was down today and was unable to process the order. The number to reach them given to me is [protected].8042.


Vickie Preston
Mar 15, 2008 2:45 pm EDT

I have learned a hard lesson here. I was looking for a home based job Paid 197.00 to start my own business. I was sent an email welcoming me to this company that I would receive and email from Angela with the steps to take to start the business. I never received the email I called the [protected] put me on hold then went to busy signal
I have sent emails making them aware that I had not received anything yet. I am now trying various ways to expose this scam. ABC NEWS, BBB. etc

Vickie Preston
Mar 15, 2008 2:48 pm EDT

Also there has been over 101 people that have fallen into this scam as of 03/15/2008 at the site rip off google it

Webb Bowie
Mar 16, 2008 12:03 pm EDT

Thank you for posting this information!

I was about to "join" in the Rebate Processing business, but did not see the company name for their side of the agreement, so I looked in the window for the website and found Penbrook Productions, then used a Google search to find numerous complaints of rip-off.

Nick R
Mar 16, 2008 7:15 pm EDT

I'm there with you guys. I'm working in a pizzeria now and I was trying to make some extra money because my friends and I wanted to go to Europe after Graduation. I only had $480 in the bank before today and now I am far below that after signing up for Penbrook Productions and losing $197. I wish I had done some research first. I couldnt even log into the site, access was denied as soon as I finished the register page. Now I'm going to have to work extra hours to get that back. Stay away from the site!

Mar 16, 2008 7:56 pm EDT

I had the same problem. I filed a affidavit of fraud at my bank. My next step is to go to the Better Business Bearu. It stinks when something sounds so good and it turns out it is a scam.

Mar 16, 2008 9:44 pm EDT

I am there with all of you! However I did manage to get 6 days of info. from her site, before she shut it down. Angela Penbrook has no complaints with the Better Busines Bureau for the las t 36 months...but I do believe that is about to change.
I used the Number on the site (2008 WealthDCI | Contact Us -[protected] and got the same song and dance as the rest of you. System down for upgrades and so forth.

Mar 17, 2008 5:34 am EDT

Thank you all for saveing me the money.

Mar 17, 2008 6:28 am EDT

I too just fell victim to this scam. I've been trying to contact them for a week and a half to get my damn money back but NOT one single reply back. So I guess I just got took as well! Oh man just when you actually have a little faith in something that sounded so legit.

Is there anything we can do to stop these scam artist?

Shannon (Minnesota)

Mar 17, 2008 6:54 am EDT

You all saved me the money, thanks! How can people just STEAL from others in this way? I hope they go to JAIL...

Anyways, IS THERE ANY REAL home-based opportunity? Or are they ALL SCAMS?

Mar 17, 2008 3:16 pm EDT

I too feel for this scam. I am on L&I needing some more cash. I signed on , recieved the "welcome e-mail" unable to log on then after numerous phone calls was told today (39hours later) I could recieve module 1 and the web site problems were being resolved. Talk about being ripped off.

Mar 18, 2008 8:59 am EDT

For those of you that want to know how to get your money back:
the contact email for customer care is FAKE!
the phone number [protected] gets you a busy signal
the phone number [protected] did contact someone who could hardly understand English - BUT she said she'd issue a refund. By law after making a purchase we have THREE DAYS to get out of the deal. It will take a few days to show on the credit card. Also contact your crdit card company to let them know you've been scammed and they will make record of it on your account in the disclaimer department. When the actual charge gets posted on your account, you then call your credit card company to remind them of the scam, and that you have made every effort to cancel with the company, and you will not be paying that charge and proceed with the instructions they explain to you.

Mar 18, 2008 10:08 am EDT

Same thing. I should have known better. I hope I haven't given them my bank account numbers. AmericanExpress will refund $197.

Mar 18, 2008 1:53 pm EDT

Hey do me a favor we got ripped off too , goto this website its part of the FBI ... they deal with internet scams

The more of us that report her the chances are better of them doing somenthing about her.

Thanks ,


Mar 18, 2008 7:06 pm EDT

Thanks for the warning. I was thinking about joining and deciding to do some research. You just saved me $197.

Mar 19, 2008 12:49 pm EDT

I am so glad I read the complaints on Penbrook Productions, thanks, you saved me alot of worry and the $197!

Mar 19, 2008 1:11 pm EDT

I fell into this scam also, & I have contacted my credit card agency & opened an dispute about this company. I wish I would seen this information before I had purchased & paid the $197.00. I hope others see this before falling into the scam artists clutches.

Holly Byrd
Mar 19, 2008 6:56 pm EDT

OMG... I wish I had seen this site before. I thought well I will try again to contact Penbrook to get assistance with logging on to requested site, and this complaint board can up. I guess I'm not alone in feeling like a fool. Now I need to try and get my credit card company to stop the charges and request a new number to my account. Wish me luck and good luck to you all too.