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CB Business and Industrial Review of Paul Fiasconaro
Paul Fiasconaro

Paul Fiasconaro review: Abusive hearing officer 8

Author of the review
6:10 pm EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Please request a different Hearing Officer if you're thrown to Paul Fiasconaro in the 24th JDC (Jefferson Parish). He is very abusive toward women & completely sides with the fathers. He will force you to use Beverly Howze as a custody evaluator & she will recommend that the father get more custody & Domicillary parent. This gives that idiot Fiasconaro the fuel to make his own judgement to give he dads whatever they want without even reading her ridiculous report & forces the moms to settle out of court in order to not lose more. This man is extremely abusive toward women & considers himself superior to others. It's a crime that our legal system continues to let him do this.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jan 12, 2011 2:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I totally agree! I had to see this man twice and I knew at our first meeting that he was predjudice towards mothers. I requested another hearing officer but my lawyer told me that we needed a reason such as him personally knowing one of the lawyers or clients. This is my second lawyer because I thought my first one was the problem. I even mentioned that my ex wanted to take my breastfeeding newborn and he said, "what's wrong with that". He also let the opposing lawyer bully me. Wow, I don't know how this man is still there.

Mar 23, 2021 12:32 pm EDT
Replying to comment of HollyG

Fed is best. It's more important for a child to spend time with both parents than to be breastfed. Breastfeeding is more for the mom than baby. Baby doesn't care how he/she is fed. Show me studies demonstrating that formula fed persons have significantly worse outcomes than persons who were breastfed. You won't find any. You'll find plenty of studies showing what happens to children who don't have two involved parents - higher rates of depression, higher levels of involvement with the criminal justice system, lower educational outcomes, etc. Your comment is ignorant and not scientific.

Jul 20, 2011 9:26 pm EDT

I just had a meeting with this man yesterday. And before I even had a chance to speak he said he was giving both parents a week with the kids. I even explained to the man that their daddys house was full of rats, the dog he has he leaves in a kennel and never cleans it so the house smells like dog crap. The father doesnt do anything with my kids and all of this was told to this man and he said what matters is the PARENTS have equal amount of time with the kids. I thought it was suppose to be WHAT BEST FOR THE CHILDREN. Could really use some advice here or where to turn or go next. You can e-mail me at Please help.

Jul 21, 2011 5:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

First of all ramelle, it sounds like you either are not dealing with a co parent who is irresponsible or you dont have children. Some parents dont want to be. Some parents use and abuse their children and are not nurturing. Therefore i do not believe it is always in the childrens best interest to be with both parents equal amounts of time. Jen i wish the best to you and your kids. Paul refused to let us see mediator which is what we desperately need. So far i had three hearings with him and two court appearances. His recommendations cost me lots of time and money.

New Orleans, US
Aug 06, 2013 6:47 pm EDT

He's verbally abrasive, unfair and fails to consider the best interest of the child at hand. Shame on JP for keeping me so long.

New Orleans, US
Aug 06, 2013 6:47 pm EDT

He's verbally abrasive, unfair and fails to consider the best interest of the child at hand. Shame on JP for keeping him so long.

Aug 09, 2015 2:53 pm EDT

Dr Howze is a fraud who needs to be removed from practice. Searvh her name on this site and read the same reports. There is an email to contact:

Sheila Alfred
Dec 07, 2022 8:17 am EST

This hearing officer is a sham. Request a different hearing officer if you get him. He will side only with the male even if you present evidence that can’t be refuted including mental health incompetence and contempt. He wants to wait until something happens to the child or children before he acts in their best interest. By then it’ll be far too late. Mothers, if you want to protect your children this is NOT the hearing officer you want. You want someone who is FAIR and he’s not it. If you research you’ll find cases where he’s been allowed to do this so if you want it seriously considered you’ll need to see a judge! He even allows the father to talk to the mother abrasively and sarcastically but says nothing about it but He’ll call you controlling even when it’s information requested by you for medical purposes and requested by medical professionals. Don’t do it to yourselves! Request someone else if you want to protect your children and your sanity.

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