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CB Timeshares and Vacation Rentals Review of LVRenta Mansion
LVRenta Mansion

LVRenta Mansion review: online vacation rental 11

Author of the review
6:40 pm EST
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This is how is works so beware of this eponymous site which also supposed does "catering, wedding planning, special events, and arranging for show tickets, transportation as a package deal; and now has spanned to other Do not do business with Camille Milke, her "partner in crime" Brian Milke, or anything related to LV Renta on the web and located in Las Vegas.

Here's the scam, they offer a "mansion" for rent for $300/night. It's supposed their vacation house which they rent out. LIE #1. While searching for a birthday party spot in Vegas over the weekend of Halloween 2008; and they were everywhere on craigslist, the Web. I did due diligence by calling and speaking with both of the Milkes, inquiring about more pictures of the property. I also did a quick Google search and found their names associated with rental-type problems in New Mexico and Nevada. BAD BAD STUFF . The red flag went of here. STOP reading this and check their names NOW.

It was MONEY, MONEY, MONEY first; they created one-way electronic contract and started calling daily at work and home. They wanted $1400 in advance (pay in full before arrival) which was part of a refundable security deposit.

Brian Milke indicated the website was new to PayPal but they had a personal PayPal account to which the money had to be sent 30 days in advance. I did it - got very uncomfortable and wanted verification of payment and access to the property. After several calls from each, the developed a "code" that would be unique for me to gain access.

This left me unsettled, and after a few days, I decided to cancel. I could not, in good conscience, ask valued friend and colleagues to fly from different parts of the country, based on a few web pictures and the a "code." I emailed a cancellation 3 weeks in advance - and they kept every cent.

No services were ever provided, they simply kept the money, decline further communication, and fought tooth and nail when I tried to void the transaction through VISA.

As a last ditch effort on 12/24/2008 I tried to request at least a 50% refund - and the PayPal request was CANCELED. The $1400 really just that - money. The point of my post is to warn other avoid CAMILLE MILKE or BRIAN MILKE, anywhere they may be located.

The entire suite LV Renta-mansion/wedding/concierge and all they supposed offer is not true and they have scammed others. STAY AWAY!

And if you somehow read this Camille - know this: you lied about everything including a daughter who "supposedly committed" suicide. Enjoy the money and remember, "suicide is a message to those left behind."


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jul 04, 2009 6:01 pm EDT

terrible woman to deal with we booked a villa with her in las vegas for 12 people for our wedding (from london). I paid $1300 up front and when i e-mailed her to pay the remainder of the balance (another $1300) i noticed that the villa had changed i checked my reservation status and my reservation had been cancelled when i questioned her all she said was that i paid late (no i didn't) besides she was going to let me pay without telling me my reservation had been cancelled, it also turned out she had the villa up for sale and therefore we couldn't stay there, she wasn't going to inform me of this until i paid the rest of the money. do not deal with this woman, unless your happy to lose a lot of money she ruined my wedding we had to pay out another $2000 to get everyone into a hotel at the last minute. I WANT MY MONEY BACK!

Jul 20, 2011 1:59 am EDT


Mar 23, 2012 9:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was amazed to find this 5 year old complaint here. Such an obviously bogus post about someone I recently had a wonderful transaction with. If any of these claims were true, I'm certain they could have been handled in a legal manner but after searching court records, I see there was nothing ever presented. I guess everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but the anonymous nature of these complaint boards is certain to bring our the "inner weenie" in many. I mean consider the source here people! For example I did further research to discover Will Elder of California actually works for NASA! So, is this his real name or is this a front? If this is his real name I fear for our space program. I shudder to think that someone at NASA is the kid that got picked on in school and never quite got over it. The evil "take over the world and that will show them" type. What an embarrassment he must be to his colleagues who have integrity. Imagine what kind of a despicable human being would actually stoop to leaving negative comments on someones dead child. If you truly are Will Elder and if you truly do work at NASA, I fear for all humanity. As a member of the human race that does have a few social and civil graces, I am ashamed of Willie "Will" Elder. Freedom of speech is a right that should only be exercised by those who are not crybaby weenies but who actually have something productive to say.
I invite others who know Camille Milke to post here because for every whack job Willie Elder out there I'm certain there are thousands like me who know the truth. Lastly I ask that NASA give ol Willie a Psych eval before it is too late.
Michelle's Husband
God Bless America

Las Vegas, US
May 24, 2013 9:07 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Camille Milke and her Husband Brian are frauds. They are true scam artists who take advantage of people for a quick buck. They will try to take advantage of people through buying/selling property and renting property. Camille will state that she is very experienced broker, upholds the utmost standards, and in good standing with various real estate organizations. Fact is that she lost her licenses due to unethical practices. From what I know, she is still being investigated and complaints continue to rise from her and Brian's transactions. It is amazing that such a supposedly "successful" person does not actually own any property in NV or NM-just do a property record search.

Albuquerque, US
Nov 06, 2013 1:19 am EST

These people are scam artists. BUYER/SELLER/CHILDREN BEWARE!

Las Cruces, US
Feb 12, 2015 9:16 pm EST

Camille and Brian Milke are in fact frauds! They are currently residing in Albuquerque New Mexico doing the same thing to people, in fact Camille lost her broker's license last June 2014. If you need further information about all her upcoming court dates go to or district court in New Mexico and request to be present at the court via phone to give your testimony, these people need to stop scamming people.
I can also guarantee that "Michelle's husband" that wrote the comment about them is in fact Camille or Brian. They are currently doing business with an escrow company in Las Cruces, NM named Mountain Estates Escrow. This is their current phone number [protected].

Albuquerque, US
Feb 24, 2015 10:20 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It's time to start setting the record straight. This is Brian Milke. The complaints listed on this site are pure garbage. There are numerous people who give glowing reviews of Camille Milke and for each of those, there are several other very happy people who have rented, purchased or are in the process of purchasing a home from Camille. One of the best indicators that the complaints are fabricated is the lack of a real name. The only person here who posted their real name is Will Elder who did book a vacation home for his birthday (not a party as he stated he would be the only guest). He said he was going to "treat himself" with a nice home on his birthday. He made the reservation within 30 days of his arrival and, by policy, was required to make payment in advance. By the time he called to cancel the reservation, the arrival date was a couple of days away. He was informed that we could only refund half of his money (which was done) due to the late date and that, if we could find someone else to fill his spot, we would gladly refund the remainder of his money. This is common practice when you cancel a reservation within a few days of your arrival date. The spot was not filled but the money was taken out of our account by Paypal and eventually we agreed to allow him to keep the money. He has nothing to complain about but yet here he is making false claims and horrendous comments about our daughter. That shows you what kind of a man this is. The complaints on this page are pure fiction and I welcome anyone who has a legitimate gripe to contact us so we can clear it up. The bottom line is people enter contracts and, for whatever reason, the can't or don't fulfill their obligations and, consequently, need to move out. When you don't pay your house payment for months, you have to move. That only makes sense. If you don't pay your car payment, they will repossess your car. It is no different when you enter into a real estate contract. Why does that make us the "bad guys"? The true crime here is people like James Gibson who doesn't make payments while residing in our home for 4+ months, which in turn causes the home to go into foreclosure! Then they have the nerve to complain! Or Adriana Nava who writes a bad check to the escrow company for her mortgage and then lives in the home for free before abandoning it and leaving it destroyed. These complaints make a legitimate business appear like a scam because people default on contracts and then blame someone else. It's a shame that these people need to make themselves out to be victims instead of taking responsibility for their actions. There is some truth to the fact that there are some court dates. This is an unfortunate necessity for us to have a Judge order someone to leave a home they are not making payments on. We always try to work something out before it gets to this point and welcome communication at all times. Most of our buyers are extremely good people and easy to work with but there are always a few that would rather make up false complaints under fake names or screen names just to start trouble. Camille is the face of the business and is the one to send you a text or give you a call, in an effort to fix any problems, if payment's are not being made. She is also the one that must ultimately send you a letter or take you to court if necessary. Because of this she is an easy target for people to blame. She does, however, have other people she is responsible to including seller's, partners and mortgage companies to name a few. When someone stops making payments, it hurts many people not just Camille. She has a responsibility to ensure timely payments for everyone's benefit, including the buyer. She has helped an untold number of people get into a home when they could not by conventional means. She has taken on great liability to herself for the benefit of others and is being persecuted because a select few people are not honoring their obligations. If someone has a problem with their contract, they are welcome to contact her to work something out. That's what most mature and responsible people do instead of making reckless and thoughtless complaints to make themselves feel better. It's easy to make someone out to be a monster when you don't have both sides of the story. Feel free to call us at [protected] with legitimate complaints. One last comment is about Camille Milke's real estate license. She stopped using her license a long time ago and voluntarily turned her license in to the real estate commission. This is normal procedure for an inactive license. Her license was not being used because all of the properties she was dealing with were her own privately or with partners. You don't need a real estate license to sell your own property but the presence of a license was always disclosed. Several years ago, when Camille was an active broker, a buyer came to us wanting to get into a home. Camille showed her both properties that we owned and properties for sale by others. This buyer ultimately settled on a property that, everyone involved agreed, would be purchased by Camille and then sold to the buyer. The contract with this buyer clearly stated she was not being represented by Camille. There was, however, a previous buyer broker agreement that had not been formally terminated, so the real estate commission deemed this as inappropriate. Rather than drag this issue out, regarding a license that was due to expire in less than a month and was not used, Camille did not contest the alleged breach of duties and agreed to have her license revoked and not apply for another license. This was an easy decision as the license was not something Camille wanted to pursue. In fact, she proposed the idea of not applying for another license. This is hardly the chain of events that was so inaccurately reported by the real estate commission but the facts are available to anyone who wants them. Please take all negative comments with a grain of salt and contact Camille or myself at [protected] for more information.

Albuquerque, US
Mar 30, 2015 10:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Look them up on NM Court Case Lookup's website. There are NUMEROUS cases that are about fraud and Debt and Money due. I sold a house to CAMILLE MILKE in Albuquerque in 2011. She then "sold" my $300, 000 home to a 24 year old named ALEX LACKEY who then destroyed my property for over 2 years before I could get out of the contract Camille left me with. It has taken us 4 YEARS to recover and we had to sue and are still owed damages from Lackey. Meanwhile, Camille sold her contract to Lackey and skipped away with the money FOR MY HOME. In the meantime, there were SIX! Debt liens attached to my home in the name of CAMILLE MILKE (which I could not sell until I filed other paperwork to show she was no longer attached to my home) - costing me additional time and money. This couple preys on people who are not very knowledgeable about the loopholes in Real Estate contracts. Camille knowingly rented my home to a deadbeat that she herself would NEVER have rented her own home to. They have operated under many different Real Estate names and entities over the years: Milkey Way Realty, Realty Authority, Hurricane Realty- always folding up when they get caught. They also spend a lot of time posting fake comments and cleaning up their real estate presence on websites. This website clearly cannot be cleaned hence, the LONG winded post above by Brian blaming everyone else and just issuing more lies.

Homestead, US
Jun 15, 2015 5:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My name is Sophia King, my husband and I also "sold" our house on a real estate contract to Camille. I paid her first months rent, spent $500 to have my home professionally cleaned. After Camille took over the home she did not post payments for two months, that's when she finally resold my home on another contract to the Gibson family. She finally started making payments, but still not consistently, this went on for months and months, my bank was calling constantly. I hired a lawyer. He looked over our contract and we were told that we had signed a very well done contract with a con artist. At this point I contacted the family in my home. They had made a hefty down payment to Camille, and we're making monthly payments directly to her. She had told them to not send payment to mountain states escrow, just to send payments directly to her. I had been in close contact with mountain states escrow and they informed me they were having many problems with Camille and Brian and all their other contracts. According to the escrow company, none of the payments were being ran through the Givsons account. I informed them payments were being consistently made two months delinquent, and my bank was threatening to foreclose on my home. At this point the Gibson family contacted the local news. I spoke with local news reporters for several days. Camille and Brian are indeed frauds. They will never own up to their wrongs. My home is in foreclosure and she simply voided our contract. She's now selling Ponzi scheme weight lose and beauty products.

Feb 17, 2016 3:33 am EST

The only thing that needs to be set straight is to clarify the lengths these complete and utter FRAUDS will go to get your money! Brian Milke up above challenged anyone with any "real complaints" to come forward with their real identities. Challenge accepted.
My name is Janine Grant, and my sisters and I were duped into entering a Lease Purchase Agreement with Camille Milke and yet another dubious "partner" of hers, Jeff Monka, supposedly of Rio Rancho Homes, LLC. We entered into this agreement for the property located at 1023 Pinatubo Pl. NW in Albuquerque, NM on October 24, 2012. As it was a Lease Agreement with the option to purchase the home after 1 year, we were required to pay a $5, 000 payment designated as "Option Money" in addition to our monthly lease payments of $1, 820 per month. We were absolutely in love with the home when we saw it, so we agreed. Something seemed very "off" about Camille when she met us at the house to sign the necessary paperwork and deliver the cashier's checks (one made out to Jeff Monka for the lease payment amount, and one to Camille Milke for the "Option Money"), but at the time, she had some children with her, so I figured she was probably just a bit distracted. I have since learned after dealing with this woman to always trust your instincts.
We had problems with the home from Day 1. The gas company red-tagged the lines and would not connect our service until the furnace lines were properly connected. We told Camille, and she sent some sketchy dude named "Jose" to come "fix" it. We were able to get the issue resolved and the red-tag removed within a couple of days...
Next, our central heating system shut off about a month or two into our lease (just in time for the holidays). It turned out that the two furnaces, air conditioning units, and the entire HVAC system were COMPLETELY COMPACTED WITH DEBRIS, so the circuit boards overheated and blew. Camille was quick to point out that in our lease, the "lessee will, at their sole expense, keep and maintain the PREMISES in good, clean and sanitary condition and repair during the LEASE Term and any renewal thereof; as well as normal servicing and seasonal requirements for the furnace/heater, air conditioner/cooler and sweeping of the chimneys in any and all fireplaces and/or wood burning stoves." I could understand our obligation as the Lessees to ensure that the property is maintained, however, it was quite clear that the entire HVAC system had been SERIOUSLY neglected prior to our taking possession of the property. When we did our walk-through inspection of the property prior to signing our lease agreement, the furnace and all the workings appeared to be clean from the outside. I don't know anyone who removes the faceplates of a furnace when they're checking out a place to live, but after this horrific experience, I'll be sure to do so moving forward. There was a gaping hole underneath the downstairs furnace that was large enough for wild animals to crawl up under there! When I called the HVAC tech to take a look and assess the problem (at my own expense), he was visibly DISGUSTED and said he'd never seen anything like that in the 20 years he'd been doing this work! I asked if it was in any way possible that we could have done that in the short 1 - 2 months we'd lived there, and he said, "No, this is from years of neglect!"
Two months, several electric space heaters warming up a 2-story, 5-BR house in the dead of winter, and electric bills which soared upwards of $600/mo. later, we finally got Jeff (as Camille diverted our housing maintenance issues to Jeff directly) to agree to replacing the circuit boards in the furnaces and clear out the debris from the units themselves, however, the duct cleaning was our responsibility. Given that the compacted heating system had given everyone in the house sinus infections before the furnaces keeled, I knew that the entire system needed to be cleared out and agreed.
You'd think this would be the end, but this was only the beginning of this nightmare...
During our 1-year lease, we experienced various issues with the house. Electrical issues in the downstairs master suite, an upstairs toilet that sounded like pressure was building up and was about to explode, a whole that developed in the downstairs ceiling from apparent water damage (which is a great trick for a 2-story!) directly above a light fixture...some we reported (the leak in the ceiling), most we didn't because Camille and Jeff seemed rather insistent that maintenance was our responsibility. The straw that broke the camel's back happened during our last month of our lease agreement.
On October 7, 2013, we reported a major plumbing problem. The downstairs master bathroom became completely FLOODED WITH RAW SEWAGE! What started in the master bathroom spread out to flooding the entire first floor with at least 2 - 3 inches of sewage, as well as the back yard (so much for my organic garden). As we were supposedly responsible for maintenance, we called the City of Albuquerque to assess the situation. As we were not the owners of the home, the field techs would not inform us of what was going on. Well, it turns out that the contractor that built the house NEVER CONNECTED IT TO THE CITY SEWER LINES, so any waste coming from the house was just collecting underneath the house and the neighborhood THE WHOLE TIME! We had just paid our final month's rent, and the home was clearly uninhabitable. Here's the kicker to all of this... the City of Albuquerque had the owner listed as a Barri L. Rosenblum of Los Angeles, CA. On October 16, 2013, the City of Albuquerque Planning Department, Code Enforcement Division issued a Notice and Order With Appeal to the rightful owner of the home regarding their inspection of the property which occurred on October 9, 2013. The description of the Code Violations found on the property are as follows:
Faulty materials of construction, holes/cracks on interior walls, improper or lack of connection to sewer and/or water supply, general dilapidation or inadequate maintenance, nuisance as defined (in this case, "raw sewage is surfacing onto ground area, sidewalk ans street which poses an extreme safety and hazard condition for the occupants, general public, and surrounding neighborhood"), and hazardous plumbing.
Following our exodus from what we have dubbed "The Crap Shack", Camille and Jeff did eventually agree to give us a pro-rata refund of our rent for October and our 3-night stay at a hotel while we found another home along with a Settlement Agreement and Termination of Lease Agreement once they realized that we had hired a lawyer to try to get our "Option Money" back as the condition of the house was grossly misrepresented, and we had reason to believe that they were NOT the rightful owners of the home and had no business trying to sell it to us anyway.
Camille kept our $5, 000. We tried contacting the news stations about our story, but they apparently weren't interested until recently.
And before Brian tries to say anything about "deadbeat tenants", we were never "evicted". We paid our monthly lease payment ON TIME, EVERY TIME! "Where does your paycheck go to?" To anyone reading this that may be involved with Camille, Brian, Jeff, or anyone else affiliated with this woman, RUN! Go find a licensed Realtor that can provide maintenance records on the home you want. There are plenty out there who are willing to help you out if you have bad/no credit. Find one and save yourself the troubles you'll inevitable have dealing with these unscrupulous people!

Albuquerque, US
Feb 16, 2022 6:04 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

These people are scum. Thats why Camille's license was ultimately revoked. I dont know how these people are not in jail.