Stay away from this credit card company! They are full of money making schemes. This company has raised interest rates on both of my cards for no apparent reason, I always make my payments on time, and always pay more than the minimum. The raised the rate on one of my cards to 29.99% because they couldn't track down an electronic payment that I had made, I even gave them the confirmation number, but still they argued that I never made a payment. They also canceled one of my cards without telling me(when they cancel your card they lower your credit limit to $5.00) two days after making a $500.00 dollar purchase, therefore putting me over my credit limit, they charged me a $35.00 over the limit fee and sent me 4 nasty letters demanding payment to bring me back down to my new credit limit of $5.00, yes five dollars is correct, this is not a typo. The reason for closing my account was based on derogatory information that they supposedly found on my credit report, I checked my credit report and no such information was listed on it. My credit score is in the mid 700's with no derogatory information on it, I figured this would be more than adequate to meet HSBC's credit terms, but apparently they have a credit manager in training that makes rash biased inappropriate decisions. The kicker is, I called them to pay off the balance on this account and they wanted to charge me a $15.00 check fee for taking my payment over the phone, I couldn't make my payment online because you are not allowed to pay more than twice your credit limit at one time(which would be a whopping $10.00 in my case). I have rotted on hold many times with this company for up to 30 minutes while being passed around from manager to manager, nobody gives a crap what you have to say or how long you have been a customer, they read their responses off of a dialog sheet and apologize over and over to try to get you to give up and hang up. There is no way this company will continue to stay in business if they continue to treat their customers like dirt, this is absolutely the worst credit card company I have ever dealt with. Again, stay away at all costs, pay higher interest rates with another company that values your business, HSBC is absolutely pathetic! I am also pulling my monies out of my online saving account with HSBC , as I can no longer stand to give my hard earned money to these misanthropes. I could go on, but please heed my warning and stay away from these jokers! Stay away!
This company HSBC Card Services will stoop to horrendous levels to racketeer money out of their customers. I received this card very young, still in college and many of my friends did the same. I have been a stellar customer for over 10 years and now they decide they need to make a few extra dollars off of me.
Essentially they told me the statement I received was not correct and that they processed my next month's payment for the previous month. Ridiculous really since my statement does not reflect this but according to their brilliant CSR's my statement must have been sent early and check processed that night.. Oh please.. I pay my bills before I receive my invoices because they try to get you by giving you no more than a week to get the bill and send them the payment. Now they are resorting to unethical things like claiming my most recent payment went towards last month's invoice,even though this is not shown anywhere on my statement. I'm now afraid of what else they will do reading to the man's statement above because i am raising hell with them. Writing letters to their CFO, to Direct Merchants Bank who's name is on my card and my senator to pass legislation to protect people like us.
Now that the market is not doing well, credit card companies are not making as much money. They are now resorting to these completely unethical practices to make a buck. Well I wont sit down idily, I will fight them and I hope others will as well.
I may not be rich but I'm smart and the debt I have is from educating myself. When are we the people going to stand up for each other, demand corporations run business ethically and insist our representatives protect us, the peasants! Email me if you want to join the fight!
HSBC Card product devision.
Dear Sir,
I am to state that I hve not received my last month credit card statement and as a result the payment could not be made within the due date. I was also out of kolkata for my official works. Since the similar insident happend many times during past and I have been using your card for almost last 12 years!
You also have many times waived the late payment charge on my request for which I am obliged. I once again request you to kinldy do not charge any late fee this time considering the stated fact . I am enclosing a cheque for the payment as per my eastimation considering a higher margin for the min payment.
Thanking you,
Best regards,
Kaushik Majumder
Cell No [protected]
Both my husband and I have a credit card with this company, I had done an Electronic Payment for the ENTIRE balance owed on both cards. Apparently something went wrong with the electronic payment and they called me SEVERAL TIMES, I then personally hand wrote a check for the original amount, mailed it out and thought that was it, well it's been 4 days, which usually takes between 7-10 days for them to receive but nope they waited only 4 days and the phone calls began. Today SUNDAY alone I received 6 phone calls in regard to this payment now mind you they should get it by Monday but no they can't wait 6 phone calls within a 2 hour span. I informed them that they are in violation of the Fair Credit Act which protects consumers from this type of HARASSMENT. I am now planning on contacting my Local authority in regard to this harassment and then mail HSBC their cards SHREDDED and WILL NEVER AGAIN USE THIS BANK.
It is very bad that financial and credit card institutions like this will get away with virtually anything. Their customer service is nothing to write home about. So insulting, rude, sarcastic and nonchalantness about customer complaint. I was with them for a little over a year. It was a bitter and excruciating one year experience. They messed up my credit just because I wanted to know why they were charging me 33% interest rate. Granted that I was late in my payment once when I went overseas. They said that if I maintained my payment for six month without late payment they will bring it back to what it was suppose to be. After six months, I called them back to reverse the interest rate but they never did. I felt stupid and unintelligent to go on paying 33% on a credit card with this present economic condition, so I resorted to writing them a cheque for the balance of their money. They even wrote me telling me that I payed more than I was suppose to pay. I knew I did but I figured out that it is better to pay more to avoid getting a letter in future telling that there are some money that has not yet posted at that time. My attitude was they can keep it since they need it more than I do.
This credit card company is a disgrace. The people who are employed by them should be ashamed of themselves.
I am really upset because of the services HSBC banks are providing. They assured quick process and took all the documents from me long ago that is two months back. After everything was processed they sent me a mail stating that they have dispatched the card to my mail ID which I have not received any intimation from those people. When I try to contact the customer care the service is still worst.
So I am really in confusion what to do?
HSBC is the number one looters and robbers of the innocent customers, get out of this company and go to some local and trustable banks for your banking.
Yes. I had them for many years. I didn't get them directly. First, my card was with Republic Bank. Then it was changed to something else... I think Astoria Credit. I am not sure. Ive had this card for over 10 yrs. They keep hiking my acct APR for no reason at all. They claim that I was suddenly using it too much... I used it to buy gas only. Occasionally, the store for small purchase here and there.
I when from 5.99% to 29.999%. I asked them how far up they'd go. They said 29.9999% (helloo!) I am working on getting rid of them altogether.
YES! YES! YES! These guys are true scam artist, why haven't the Fed's moved in on them, it's the same M.O. every time. They are flat out CROOKS. Same crap over and over.
If anybody is interested in get a Class Action Suit together, let me know!
I love HSBC I pay my bill on time every month and guess what my interest is the same. I am not delinquent like some others on this page so i don't receive phone calls on sundays overal a great company!
Out of the blue I receive a notice from them. They are raising my interest rate from 12.24% to 27.24% due to information from Equifax. I pulled a credit report and could not find anything that could have raised my rate.
I called HSBC and they said my credit score went down... It is the same as it was last year, and the same as it was the year before when they issued me the card... I have never been late with this creditor or any other for that matter...
I sent them a letter telling them I wanted to opt out, which will keep my rate at the 12.24%, but now I am worried they will F&%*-UP my credit report...
I chose them over Capitol One because I thought they has their ### together better... I guess I was wrong!
Hsbc card services is one of the most terrible cards ive ever had I applied online for and I was declined so they said two months later I get a phone call from them stating that my payment is past due the charged me a $100.00 yearly fee on a $400.oo credit limit so I paid by mail the late fees and the$100.00 yearly fee and several times I sent payments they held them and didnt post them to my account where I had to do an over the phone payment which cost $15.00 then the next day after making the payment they then posted my original mail payment I sent to my account I advise alot of consumers to stay away from hsbc card services this credit card company is a rip off there out to destroy peoples credit and take away your money and charge you a whole bunch of late fees and anual fees and to report you to the credit beru as paying late!
I wonder how long this "I love HSBC" guy is going to be singing that song.
ANSWER - Until you get the notice I got today!
8.9% HSBC Credit Card, paid on time, NO Late payments, paid minimum payments the last few months but never over limit and not used very often >>>>>
29.99% rate notice increase!
REASON - Something in my Credit changed. Lets see, paid off 2 big loans but did buy a new car - all current and in good standing.
HSBC can kiss my butt. EVIL and Predatory - What else can one say?
GOOGLE HSBC Sucks in Quotes and you'll find 2600 returns for that term alone; thousands more with other variations.
Where are the FEDs when the banks begin to turn on Americans?
Customer Service? An American Oxymoron.
Greg Vail
I have written several letters and have not receiveed any satufiction on my behalf. I writing you once more to state that I cut your card in half and mailed it back to you over two years ago. You continue to send me statements and I do not owe you anything, so I intern return the statements return to senders. I now found out as of 12/28/2007 you have sent negetive information to my credit report. I would appricate it very much if you would clear my credit report as that you had someone debiting my account without my permission. I have tried to clear this matter with one of your respensentives but it seems as if we have a communication problem. I do not want one odf your credit cards ever again because you people do not listen to your customs. All I want is to be clear of you and a clean account with my credit report.
I have received a letter on 12/18/07 in which I was given notice that my credit card account had been closed due to inactivity. I used this card on a fairly regular basis but I never went over my limit. I always paid my credit card bills in full and on time. One of the reasons I didn't use it the past month is b/c I was afraid if I did that I would go over my limit. Instead of being rewarded for my merit and responsible payments, I am being punished for not generating interest for them to collect. Not only that, but canceling the credit card is going to sting my credit even though I have done nothing wrong.
I might have considered using it more and plunging myself into debt for your benefit oh dear HSBC if you had extended my line of credit to something less affordable for me.
Thank You
Emily Edmonds
Same thing here as Emily above. I admit I never used the card except for a balance transfer and so they never did make more than $10 off of me (balance transfer fee). But still, an awful company for not letting me know before they cancel the card.
Rubbish, all of it. Who ever heard of a company cutting their cardholders loose for lack of activity? None of the other cards I have do this. Not even the terrible Bank of America.
I received an HSBC card last year with a nice credit limit. I don't like using credit cards in general but I do like to have one on back up in case of any emergency situation that I might need the extra money for. I didn't use the card for the past 6 months and received a letter last week that my account had been closed due to inactivity. In all of my years of dealing with credit card companies I have never come across a company that just closes your account at random for no activity! This is a red flag to me and proves that they are only it in for the money. Not the consumer! Luckily I never used the card so I didn't have to deal with any of the billing issues like others and now I'm glad I didn't. They can keep their stupid card and high APR's. I've already wrote a letter to the BBB about these fools.
I absolutely agree with the complaints here , I have 2 of there cards with Excellent payment history. they sent me the same letter.. Im paying it off right now... BUT MORE IMPPORTANTLY...WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO ? LETS MOVE FORM COMPLAINTS NOW TO ACTION.
Anyway its time for CHANGE no more raping the average guy get our politiicans off of thier pay rolls and stop seeing only elepahnts versus donkeys !..America is starting to look tlike the apakalyptic movies..LETS FIGHT BACK !
My experience with this company is that i may have looked at an add on line and put in interest enquiries which lead them somehow to my bank account which they withdrew a transfer balance without authorization. Now i must wait until there is an investigation as to how this Ashley Simmons of HSBC was able to get at my account before the monies will be reinstated, all the while i'm overdrawen on accountts and receiving charges as well as delaying other bills and having late fees pile up. The time amounts to damages and this sounds like a case to go class action. I have till the end of this week to avoid child support delinque charges, at which time if the monies have not been restored i will seek legal protection. This is the only action a company like this will understand, action in the form of united legal representation before a court.
I had an account with Household Bank that was in good standing and that was closed without my permission, approval or even noticing me. The only notice I received from Household Bank was that they had closed the account. In this day, with the importance of credit scores, I find this practice absolutely inappropriate! By closing a good standing account, and reducing my overall available credit Household Bank has reduced my credit score 30 points! Their only comment to me was that if they informed people holding cards that had not been used recently, "they would run out and use them." Is that not the point of a credit card, to use it? Why is this credit card company dictating to me when I may use my credit card?
I have sent them a payment in January and one in Feb. But they have called me every day, 7 days a week, 3-5 times a day.Since January 1, 2008. I have sent many letters, requested by phone and email that the phone calls stop per the fair credit collections act. They tell me the act is wrong and someone gave me the wrong information and they have the right to call my PRIVATE number as many times a day as they want. Mind you I have not missed a payment. I am now checking with my phone company to see if they can document how many times they have called my home. I will file a complaint with the bbb, ftc and attorney generals and I have told them if they phone calls continue the payments will STOP. If that does not work I guess I will finally have to change my home phone number.
Does anyone out there have an address for this rotten company, where I can send a cease an desist letter for all their threatenting phone calls? Thank You so much!
I sure wish I had seen this site before getting this card. Two weeks ago I called and canceled and paid off the balance. Due to a bank mixup that was partly my fault. the payment was rejected. I called and asked them to re-submit after resolving the bank mix up. "No Sir, we can not re-submit the payment you will have to re issue it. I did. 5700 bucks worth. Today I checked my online bank statement and find they did in fact resubmit and have been paid twice. They insist that the only way they can refund my money is by check or a written afidavit from my bank. Either case they claim will take up to 30 days. Meanwhile my account is 2000 bucks over drawn as a result of their stupidity and dishonesty. They will have use of my money for up to 30 days and will not pay me interest on it. I have written to the president of the company but do not expect to get a reply...I agree they are the worst!
HSBC cancelled my credit card and didn't even bother to inform me. I use this card ALOT and had just purchased some airline tickets a month earlier, not realising that they had, without my permission cancelled the card.
I have ended paying a substantial sum more than I would have in the first place had it not been for their error. I refuse to let this matter rest. I have never defaulted on my payment, yet they have not refunded money that was on my account. This is left, plain and simple. I am taking this matter further and I do insist on my compensation.
My wife and I have never been customers of this bank. Someone named "Jason" supposedly gave my wife's cell number to them. Yesterday they called 6 times after she told them she knows no Jason. I called their 800 number and abused some poor souls in Calcutta (manager named "Christopher Cabrel", yeah, right).
Not even a customer and I hate them!
Aren't they subject to US collection agency anti-harrassment laws?
I have an old (one I don't use much) HSBC card which I don't use because the interest is too high. All my other cards are MUCH lower in interest rate. Today, I tried to call the Co because I wanted to renegotiate the interest rate and get rid of the annual fee. This is the only card I have that has an annual fee. If they checked my FISA rating, they'd be obliged (provided they are honest) to reduce my rate. But, after reading these pages about complaints about this company, I want to add my own complaint which came up today. BTW, when I first got this card, it had a low interest rate, and I did pay on time all the time. But, they claimed that my payments were late. I had a suspicion I was being played, and started using "delverey confirmation" for the payments, and the problem stopped! Gee, imagine that. By that time, my interest rate had been jacked up to its current high rate rate. I found out later that they had been pulling this prank on everyone.
I tried to call the number listed as "Cardmember Service Center" on the bill for the annual fee they sent me (since I have long since paid off the balance) to talk them down to a lower interest rate, and, if they wouldn't agree, cancel the card since I don't intend to use it at this high interest rate, and was first told that the number had changed and was given another number. I tried the new number, and was told it had been disconnected! Some service center, huh!
For the person who was asking for an address for this outfit:
Mail payments to: Payment Center, P.O. Box 17313, Baltimore, MD [protected], and Mail inquiries to: Cardmember Services, P.O. Box 5250, Carol Stream, IL [protected]. Hope that helps you.
And, in addition, I googled "HSBC card services" and came up with,
By phone customer service: [protected] (I haven't tried this yet so don't know if it works.)
Technical support: [protected]
Payment address:
HSBC Card Services
P.O. Box 60102
City of Industry, CA [protected]
Lots of luck.
I had a saks 5th avenue card for 10 years with a 20, 000 limit and i faithfully paid over the min due every month and one day I went in to the store, only to have them tell me my acct was closed! Now, I had a good credit score, and for over 10 years I was NEVER late on ANY credit card bill, none, so you tell me why I was closed?
HSBC Card Services is the worst of a heinous lot. They ignore FTC laws regulating debt collection and are nothing more than organized crime operating under the guise of establishment.
Banks depend on the public (Federal Reserve) for funding rates, currently at 2%. They have successfully eliminated most state usury laws, encourage consumer's to take debt through teaser rates that are marketed to college kids, then use fine print to jack up rates to 30% if their own fees put a consumer over a credit limit in a given month or a payment hits a couple of days late. I lost my job and tried to keep up payments as I had done for 20 years without fail, even though I have no medical insurance now and a terminal disease, but the combination of fees and accelerated finance charges will now probably lead me to bankruptcy. I tried to enter a hardship program and continue to make payments at a normal interest rate without excessive fees added, but the banks would rather jack up the fees going into the bankruptcy process and pay lawyers to represent them since they have changed the rules so successfully in the last 8 years by paying off Congress and Bush through campaign contributions. The irony is they have created their own problems through incredibly bad business practices. They are losing hundreds of billions of dollars through their own stupidity and now look to the public (through the Fed and Treasury) to underwrite cheap publicly guaranteed acquisitions of investment banks and insurance companies while they screw the same public out of their lives, homes and work.
I received my Household credit card back in 2006 and it came with a $2000 credit line. I used it a few times and around December 2007 I had paid it off leaving it for future use. In March 2008, I was all set to buy a carport for $2500 and planned to split the amount between Household with the $2000 limit and another card. I checked my statemment online only to find that Household had lowered my limit to $305. WTF?! I called to complain and they said there was some negative information on my credit report so I ordered a copy of all 3 agencies only to find Equifax showing me owing $50, 000 in vehicle loans. I had recently refinanced my truck and somehow the old loan ($25K) and the new loan ($25K) showed up as both being active. This one error sent my debt to credit limit to 99% so I filed a complaint with CSC (Equifax) to try and get this error removed. As of October 2008 I thought it had been corrected but Household just sent me a letter saying they just cancelled my card for lack of use. Well, with only a $305 credit line, it's a joke. I also received a statement from WAMU saying they were raising my APR to 18% because of negative information on my credit report, so I cancelled that card and will pay off the balance at the current 9.9% APR. Now I have to figure out why Equifax continues to show this error. Both Experian and Transunion show positive information. I have spent the last 25 years maintaining a good credit rating and just a few months ago had a FICO score of 705 but now it's down to 660 all because of someone else's mistake and not mine. I pay my bills on time and always have.
I opened an account with HSBC Card Services a year ago with a $750.00 limit. I have paid every month with payments exceeding the payment due. I have paid over $500.00 on a debt that did not reach the account charges. I have not charged in 11 months and have consistently paid. Instead of my bill decreasing it has increased almost a $100.00. I have paid from $30.00 to $100.00 monthly. I have spoken with several people and they have given me two charges that I incur each month: Daily Discount $9.95 and Account Security $9.95. This is in addition to the interest and because I am overdrawn, I am paying late charges. No one has been able to tell me who authorized these charges. I am totally frustrated and upset about these unethical and unwarranted charges and the underhanded practices of this company. At this rate I will never be able to pay this account off. What can I do?
I stopped using their card 3 yr back.
when I was out of country they sent unwanted card to my home & then collected 10, 000 rs from my mother by constantly sending some gunda type recovery agents.
I couldn't do much since I was in US.
I still get emails from them saying my statement is ready. I never receive any statement or have any online acc to check what is happening. I I call them without any card number they keep me on hold for hours.
Where should I file a complaint ? Now I am back in India.
This has been the worse credit card company EVER! I have had this card for a little over 2 years. i payed on time every month. Last year I moved and changed my address with HSBC and haven't yet to recieve a statement. I have been sending in regular payments on my own to the Baltimore address for payments. I have been getting tons of calls (over 10 times a day) from 8:00am to 9:00pm and they said they haven't recieved a payment from me! I explained numerous times i am not recieving statments, going over my address with them and it is not getting any better! It is absolutely ridiculous. I have a Capitol One credit card and haven't had a single problem with them. I am warning everyone DO NOT GET THIS CREDIT CARD!
HSBC Sucks... I had paid up my credit card and therefore was not received a bill or statement from them for months. I used my card a couple of months ago and I guess they forgot my address and I was late with a payment due to the statement being returned to them. So along with the late fees and the fees to pay over the phone, they doubled the interest rate. I informed customer service and an I diot named Kunjo basically told me to go fly a kite. Amazing how our government can bail theese companies out while they continue to screw their customers out of their hard earned money. NEVER DO BUISNESS WITH HOUSEHOLD BANK!
I just canceled our HSBC card because I am done with this company. We were fools enough to get both a credit card from Household Bank and a line of credit from Beneficial (same company) and they have made our lives hell. My husband lost his job (worked in the housing industry) and it took him two months to find another one, with considerably less pay. We used the line of credit to pay our bills during that time, but still got behind on all of our bills and debts. Every single one of our creditors worked with us through these last months as we got back on our feet, with the exception of this company. For three solid months, they have called our house eight to seventeen times a day. They generally began each day by calling every 5-10 minutes for 30-60 minutes, then would call every 1-2 hours for the rest of the day. They refused to speak to me because the accounts were in my husband's name only. Several employees told me that they were specifically harassing me all day while he was at work to make me force him to pay his bills. I told them they have only accomplished the reverse because I do not take being bullied by anyone and I am the reason nothing has been paid on the account since their harassment started. I have refused to allow my husband to give this company a penny when they are making my life hell day after day. We were not in a position to pay them off, so regardless of how much we paid them, they would have continued to call me all day long, so why give them anything?
I tried several tactics, none of which worked. First, I told them that we would pay them $150.00 in one month if they stopped calling, but for each phone call, the date we would mail that payment would be delayed one day. The calls were cut in half, but still getting 5-10 calls a day was not satisfactory and with their actions the payment was getting delayed a week per day.
Second, after two weeks of the first attempt not working, I told them for each phone call, not only would the payment be delayed one day, but ten dollars would be deducted from the amount we would pay them. Suddenly the calls stopped. For two weeks, then they started up again. They called 2-5 times a day for about two more weeks, then started increasing their calls until they were back to calling 10-20 times a day.
Third, I gave them three verbal warnings that I would begin setting off my burglar alarm while hold the phone up to the alarm. I got yelled at and cussed at for threatening such action, but the calls did not stop. After the third warning, I started doing just that. After I set off the alarm three times, the calls stopped that first day. The second day I only got a few more calls, but then it seemed as if the company could have cared less about their employees and ramped up the phone calls and called me sixteen times that third day. Obviously, not even this was working.
Finally, we just told the company that we will never pay them, that we have records of their harassment and would be sending that to our State's Attorney General's office. I told them I knew that the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, so they did not care about fair collection activity because lawsuits from their customers would be useless. However, the government always gets their money. I know that the government uses your call logs/diaries and fines companies $10, 000.00 per phone call. So even if we can't get any satisfaction from them, at least we know they will have to pay an enormous amount of money for the harassment they've caused us. The calls practically stopped. Since I told them this a week ago, we've gotten just one phone call from them today. (maybe they're gonna start back up, who knows).
We did fax them a cease and desist letter last week after we canceled our card. In that letter, we told them that we are personally assessing a fine of $1, 000.00 for every phone call from that moment on. We are also requiring them to zero out both of our accounts to pay us back for all the harassment they have caused us. If they ignore the cease and desist order and continue to call us and we are forced to take court action, we will be asking the court to award us monetarily for all their harassment.
This is the fax number to send your own cease and desist order.
Research online what needs to be included in such a letter. You have to state very clearly what the penalties will be if the behavior continues and so on.
HSBC is just like Bank of America credit card!
lowest financial organization to suck blood of american people.
I just applied today for the card and was approved but after the complaints about this company. I will immediately close this card and go with first premier.
Thanks alot folks...
I applied today for card but will immediately sed card back onmce I receive it...I will go with first premier even though the interest is high they will treat you like a human being. These complaints have me wishing I had done my research before getting a approved with this company
I've had similar dealings w/ Household Bank & HSBC. poor form.
Oh my goodness. I actually just got off the phone with this company. My husband and I have had this card since 2007, with nothing negative on it EVER. This month I get online to pay the bill and my account is closed, no notice, no nothing. So I call! The first guy says he doesn't know let him talk to his supervisor (insert hold #1 8 minutes), he comes back and says the supervisor says they don't know. I ask to talk to someone who does. He transfers me to his supervisor (insert hold #2 11 and a half minutes), the supervisor keeps apologizing for the inconvienience, I say it isn't an inconvienince, I just want to know why and why they didn't notify me. Never was given a direct answer but told that in my cardmember agreement it says they can cancel at any time without notifying you and you agree to pay any fees that are incurred from their cancelling your card. My agreement doesn't say that...we wouldn't have gotten the card if it did. They are crooks and I have already contacted my lawyer. I have a copy of the card agreement, so I have a legit case. Should I aplogize to them for the inconvieniece. You guys should seek legal aide, I may not get anything done, but if enough people take this seriously, instead of just complaing to others, they might change their ways or be forced into bankruptcy.
Over and over I have called this company to either cancel or send me my monthly bill, they have not done so. As a result they want to charge me $15.00 to make a payment over the phone.
Something very fraudulent is going on with this credit card company.