This "company" posts ad's in the Temple Daily Telegram about once a week looking for employee's but they never return your call and if they answer they hang up on you. How weird is that? Also, how much of a waste of time is that? What a horrible thing to do especially in this economy. The individual who answers the phone when you call is so bizarre. Why post an ad every week offering employment if you don't want people to call you. People need work nowadays. Anyway, That's my 2 cents about it.
Take Care & God Bless!
I agree with you! We had interviews set up I drove over 45 minutes to get there and than set there for half an hour and than it was all negative from there! Than they said they would call me in a few days and I never heard from them so.than I called them and it was just bizarre. Not good business no wonder there is an ad in the paper all the time!
You wouldn't want to work for them anyways they use you until you question them about something... and don't take into consideration that you're using your vehicle so they can at least pay you for your gas... I worked almost a year with them and never had time for my family or own house so I quit once they started treating me like crap...
This is soooo true! I was a so called lead, and questioned something. I had a disagreement with a so called manager over the phone and was threatened. My hours also were not as promised after an additional person was hired since the budget needed to be cut. Total waste of time and not worth the hard work put into it.