My daughter is insured with Florida Healthy Kids / Vista and they are refusing to cover a surgical center and general anesthesia for a procedure she needs to have done and are giving me the run-around and sending me letters with Florida Statues as to why they are refusing. And these statues are contradicting. The reasons stated in these statues as to how this procedure would be covered, is exactly the same reason as to why coverage is being requested. My premium went up from $20 a month to $108 a month just because I became a state employee. I'm a single mom, and just because I became a state employee does not mean I'm earning more money. As a matter of fact, I had to take a pay cut from my previous job. These people are difficult to deal with, unprofessional, and down right stupid. They keep on re-adding my dental coverage to my policy which I have asked them over and over to delete and keep on sending me new premium books to my house to the point that it feels like harassment. And I can't afford to put my daughter under my work's health because it is too expensive. I have spoken to supervisor after supervisor and they do nothing. Please file a complaint against them. Thank you.
I totally agree with you on how stupid and unprofessional they are. And the whole run around thing I think they do that on purpose because they totally disregarded all my information I had sent and didn't even let me know they needed more info until 2 months later when I decided to call and find out the status of my account. I never received any letters from them regarding the missing info after I had sent in my check and it was cashed on November 19, 2007 now we are in January 2008 and my daughters coverage can not be started till March when I was told back in November it would start in January. I think something needs to be done about this Kidcare Company because they are not doing what they say they are! Which is to help the kids of this country be healthier and make in affordable! They just keep putting people off like they don't CARE about our KIDS and the future of them in this Country! Very dissapointing!
I have made at lease 10 attempts to contact kid care. This has been going on for almost 90 days. Ever time I get some on the phone I’m being told my application is being processed and the last thing I need is an employment verification My job has not received anything. The last time I called I was told I would receive a call back “to my surprise” I have not received one yet. I called back on 06/10/2008 and again I need verification of employment but my application has been resubmitted. This is crazy I think there some one over there that eating faxes. And the processing team is sleeping.
Healthy Kids for me has been nothing but a scam!
I have four children. My girls were approved and began coverage while my boys applications were sent over to CMS. They stayed tied up in the system somewhere for for three months and all the while had no coverage. I then got a letter telling me that my oldest son was elligable for medicaid and would begin coverage a month later. He did and was on it for a month. I then received a letter that he was not elligable and was dropped. The next month he was on Healthy Kids. today I took my kids to the doctor and my youngest had no coverage. I spent 2 hours on the phone with Healthy Kids. Their reason is that her application had been sent to CMS. I called there and 3 hours later found out she had no coverage with them either. Nothing has changed in our finances or with their health and they have been taking my premiums since January. I have never been late, never missed a month! So, what gives?
They cover them when they want to and take my premium every month.
I know have 300$ in doctor bills that Healthy Kids should have covered.
That says scam to me.
Healthy Kids have the worst people running the company. my mother had appointments for me to go to but a few days befor they said i couldnt go because of a problem with paper work. an i have been on their system since i was 9 and im almost 18 now and nothing of my information has ever changed. and they pull that ### with the paper work and i havent been able to see any doctors, had to cancle all the appointments i had set up. and my mom spent over about 10 hours on the phone all together trying to talk to someone there.
I've been searching the internet to find people that had problems with Healthy Kids. My renewal information was sent 2 days of my letter. That was the middle of May. On Aug 2, I recieved a letter stating my children were cancelled. I was very upset about this. I called Aug4 and asked what happened. As she looked it up she told me that there was an error on their part. States missing signature but she sees it there. She says she will resubmit it to be reinstated asap. It should take 4 days. Well I emailed once during the 4 days with no response. Today Aug 12 I called again, nothing is done. They don't know anything and there is nobody I can talk to. My children need health insurance. Unfortunately they have had to go to the doctors and their RX was over $250. I couldn't afford it and never got it. From reading other postings on here, there has to be something or someone we could send our complaints to. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Thanks
I think Healthy Kids is a joke, just a money maker. I have tried for days to get someone on the phone and I can never get anyone. I have had Healthy Kids for over 9 years now and now I am paying almost full price for health insurance so I have decided to go to a private health insurance so that I can get better customer service. We are all paying customers and I feel that we are treated as if the program is doing us a favor. The moment you miss the due date on the payment they will waste a stamp and send a letter out to you right away that your insurance will be cancelled if payment is not made. Well I must say if the US government think that this is the way to help our children then they are honestly mistaken. Something should be done. I have had all of the above issues and I am one glad to hear that I am not the only one but also sad to hear that all of us parents have had to go through this. The website is rubbish I was once able to get on line and view my account and payment history now I have nothing..! No proof to show account balance this is awful. I always make sure I stay on top of them, they just want you to give up so that they can walk away with your money and move on to the next victim. Parents do not give up!
I tried applying for Healthy Kids, when we first moved here. I hadnt found a job yet, so they forwarded us to Medicaid who enrolled us without our application. Then once I found a job and was no longer elligible for Medicaid, Healthy Kids enrolled us. Every time we went to the doctor it was a hassle, Medicaid would say we werent elligible, and Health Kids would say that we were sent to Medicaid.
Now Medicaid wants us to pay $7000+ in benefits for which we didnt really want because they screwed up.