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CB Other Review of review: Loan for military school

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12:30 pm EST
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November 10 2022 i asked to get a loan and stated it was an emergency when i emailed them to revise the situation. i used the chat service and the person on the phone also told me that the correction was already made. Then the response was again in the next email returned and rejected. I worked for a country wide anti narco purpose with influencers. hundreds of million were arrested the influence war term influence was coined by me, i wrote a lot of world beneficial things and they are trying to kill me to steal the intelectual property i made the biggest companies in america the government departments were unintentionally or ad verdantly participant and made me worth about 200 billion dollars at least. i am very worried because no one answers the emails or contacts me seriously, i loose the jobs the police toss me in psychiatric wards and i closed 10,000 clandestine jails in another country i dont have a home because of these losses.

Desired outcome: contact with the media to join with very serious looks and talent, someone who can respond all the way to the independent formation of another country.

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