I started taking the EZ Body Slimmer pills last year and had an AMAZING result with them! I was ecstatic to see 20 pounds lost within the first month, without exercising even! I ended up losing 30 pounds in a month and a half, which I thought was great! I had tried many gross and crazy diets before and nothing really worked. The only reason why I stopped taking them was because people were telling me I was starting to look too skinny. I could not have been happier, even with the ridiculous dry mouth I got from the pills! Lol!
I had gained a few pounds back a few months later so I decided to go on them again and lost the few I had gained plus about another 7 pounds. I was back to my pre-baby weight! I had not been that thin in 8 years... Then I decided I was going to enjoy my holidays and not take the pills. When the new yer started I went back on the pills to lose the weight I had gained and the results were so disappointing! I even went and tried the next powerful dosage of their pills and it still was not the same. I bought the greens and still...not much change :( Things got a bit sketchy when they would only accept cash to sell it to you and then one of the female employees did not give me a receipt. I asked where my receipt was and she told me they were in such low supply that they kept them to send it to the manufacturer to show how in demand they were... Hmmm...
I don't care about the price change, if they bring back the original product I would pay double for it, they WORKED! Please EZ Body Slimmer, go back to the original combo!
Everyone noticed how much weight I was losing, went from 163 to 123, how could you not?! So, I had tons of people asking me what I used and I got many of them taking it also, only to look stupid when they did not get the results I had :/
Please bring back the original!
Get off my post then and you do the same! I don't have much to lose so your comment doesn't matter to me!
Lol! Go ahead and write what you want then, I will just ignore you from now on. I have better things to do with my life :) Have a great day!
Thanks @father of triplets! Enjoy your day!
@cj1966- they never told me anything about taking two pills instead of one. When would you take them then?
I agree with you Tasha, when someone writes a review other's are free to share their opinions and feedback. However there is a difference between sharing your feedback and opinion and plain being nasty and disrespectful to another poster and you are doing just that.
Don't worry about wanttheoriginalback she is a 15 year old troll. Ignore her.
I know a lot about this product . The good news is the starter Supreme is the old formula, just decreased in half for those who may be sensitive to the product.. So you should order that and take 2 in order to get the same feeling and result you had when taking the original supreme. There is also a maximum strength one. As an former fitness trainer, I have to say, that eventually your body would have gotten used to the Original Supreme and you would end up in plateau status.
I think you will be happy with the results by taking 2 of the EZ Body Slimmer Starter. In each bottle they give you 60 vs. 30.. The reason they do that is so those who are used to taking the Original Supreme, still can have the same amount of formula, just by taking 2 instead of one. Hope that helps you..
I took the body slimmer supreme over a year ago and lost right around 30 pounds, I did eat right and started working out. I have had some stuff going on so I have not been eating right and not going to the Gym. I went and got a bottle of it the other day and started taking it again, I also got a bottle of slimmer2 for next month. Has anyone take the slimmer 2 and how were your results? they said it is stronger then slimmer supreme. I will keep you up to date on my progress, as of yesterday the 1st I weighted in at 189, ( DID NOT WANT TO HIT 190 LOL. oh and the bottles I got DO NOT HAVE HOODIA.
I sell and take the product and I still loose weight. I agree with cj1966, just double it up everyday and that may help you boost your metabolism again.
Hey "wanttheoriginalback" have you had any good results? I agree with evertyhing you said in ALL your posts. I started gaining back weight and weight to purchase ez body slimmer, but unfortunately 30-days later my results are nothing like before. I'm pissed that they are tricking customers into buying this product, although I have to admit the capsules did look completely different. Anyway I'm going to visit the health store over the weekend, so I think I will purchase the starter kit along with the colon pills and green powder.
Has anyone tried taking two Starter Supreme pills at a time and if so how were your results? Does anyone recommend the Slimmer 2 Maximum Strength taken the same way (2 pills vs 1)?
Where can I find the original if there is any?
Ok so I think I know what the difference is. I tried the pills many years ago and decided to keep the original bottle because I dropped a ridiculous amount of weight! Then I ordered the same pills, or so I thought, recently... didn't work at all! So I compared the ingredients. The original formula states it has GOJI in the ingredients. The new bottle states that it has GOJI BERRY. Idk if it makes much of a difference but I thought I'd share what I discovered.