We are a small electric bike/scooter shop and one of our customers purchased two electric trikes form this electric bike paradise. She came in to our story for help because the seller refused to help. This is what she said:
The trike's battery would not hold a charge for very long, and the motor would intermittently stop working. After several attempts to troubleshoot the issue on her own, the customer contacted the brand's customer service department for assistance. Unfortunately, this is where the experience went from bad to worse.
The customer service representative was unhelpful and dismissive, claiming that the trike's issues were "normal wear and tear." When the customer pushed back and explained that the issues were present from the beginning, the representative became defensive and argumentative. The representative also refused to provide any guidance on how to resolve the issues, simply stating that the customer should take it to a local bike shop.
The customer complied and took the trike to a local bike shop, but the mechanics there were unable to diagnose or fix the issues. The customer reached back out to the brand's customer service department, hoping for a resolution. However, the representative she spoke with was just as unhelpful as the previous representative.
After several frustrating interactions with the brand's customer service department, the customer was left with a faulty electric trike that was virtually unusable. She had spent a significant amount of money on the trike and had received nothing but poor customer service in return.
Desired outcome: REFUND