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CB Scam and Fake Checks Review of Easy Saver / Money Edge
Easy Saver / Money Edge

Easy Saver / Money Edge review: Take money from my account 27

Author of the review
8:49 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Easy Saver and Money edge both took 19.95 from my account. They were affiliated with Shoppers Select. Which also took money from my account. Shoppers Select refunded my money after a lengthy phone conversation where we reviewed my audio tape were i cleary said i was not interested in signing up for anything, but since the phone operator convinced me to enter in my last for digits of my telephone number. It automatically processed all three company transactions. After reviewing she refunded my money. Then i had to track down these other two companys. When i google i found alot of complaints. finally found a number to call. [protected] for money edge and easy saver call talk to a manager. She proceeded to tell me that. " Sir we follow all federal guide line in this process so im gonna give you your money back as stated in the federal guide lines" WOW Thanks ###. But Please people dont do business with EASY SAVER, MONEY EDGE AND SHOPPERS SELECT.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Eye On Second Meta
Austin, US
Feb 19, 2009 9:51 pm EST

better watch out for the other names they go by as well...foreclosure agency, national repo network, Regent group, bargain network, American leisure, Second meta of Austin Tx. Second Meta, Llc 3018 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78705-2031Contact Phone: [protected] This company covers itself on the internet as being a MEDICAL company. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MEDICINE OR MEDICAL PRODUCTS AT ALL!
This guy, possibly the owner of these front companies, got pegged by the Feds for over 100K for scams in California and had to scoot to Texas. Christian Hunter, http:( // ) of AUSTIN, TX. The Austin operation is run by a group of drunken pot smokin thugs from California. Mike Mahoney(35), his brother SHAUN PATRICK MAHONEY, (Age 29). These two clown not only scam unsuspecting callers, but also scam from their OWN EMPLOYEES! ***One can only hope the Federal Trade Commission, The Texas Attorney General and the Postal Inspectors will kick in their doors and put the whole roving band of theives in Prison!

Nogales, US
Apr 02, 2009 3:38 pm EDT

When I first called them, I was told that I would only be charged $8.90 for having the service, when I looked at my account on line I noticed that they had charged me $29.80 + $8.90. I called them to cancel and the representative who I spoke to was very rude, he told me that I might as well keep the service for the whole month since I had already been charged for it and that he wasn't able to credit me the money back. Today I called again and actually cancelled the service with agent#1490. All three times that I have called this place the representatives have been SUPER RUDE! I was ok with it when I first signed up for it because I was in desperate need of a vehicle and was thinking that maybe this rep was just having a bad day. I just hope that they don't continue to charge me as it has happend to other people. I ADVICE EVERYONE INVOLVED WITH THIS COMPANY TO BE CAREFUL...THEY ARE A BUNCH OF RIP OFF'S! After my experience with them, I WILL NEVER ADVICE ANYONE TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH NATIONAL REP NETWORK!

Corpus Christi, US
Jun 07, 2009 8:08 pm EDT

i dont understand how can they get mosney out of ur account do tyhey have to agree to something or what i just saw that they were taking money from my grandpas account

Jun 17, 2009 1:47 pm EDT

thanks i called and told them i didnt get the letter to cancel til after i was gonna be charged so they refund the two 19.80 charges to my credit card.

Jun 17, 2009 9:26 pm EDT

No ### Forclosure Agency/ Second Meta / National Repo Network is a complete scam ! They prey on unsuspecting callers who genuinely want to buy a car or home and all they do is clear their bank accounts. And I should know I work there... Unfortunately I have just recently found out the truth about this so called business and unfortunately they do screw their own employees over. Its really sad that how the company sucks us employees in by saying "The money is here, you can make up to $1000 a week !" Thats ### that only if you work over 12 hours a day. Beware people of the scams by this company no matter how good they look !

Jun 27, 2009 3:15 pm EDT

All I got to say this have happen to my mother from easy saver & money edge whom I found out the owner name is Christian Hunter. This guy need to get to prison for 20-30 years for scamming over 400k if not more.

Leslie Neiwert
Jul 02, 2009 2:11 pm EDT

Umm... I have a question. I just recently set up my bank account two months or so ago. I didn't even spend any money on the internet. I went to my bank one day and here I found so many different names that I don't even remember doing. Today I'm losing a total of over $285/500 since the month I opened my account. I don't understand how they even got my card number. Can I just shut down my account and they would stop charging me something I didn't even authorize?

Jul 08, 2009 2:19 pm EDT

i just found out that i am having 19.80 taken out from my did they get access to my account . i only pay my phone and netflix online...what can i do?

Cami Lee
Pleasant Grove, US
Jul 16, 2009 2:29 pm EDT

I signed up for Bargain Network's trial. I called and canceled before the trial was up, they still charged me $49.80. Then I got charges from MoneyEdge and EasySaver, both for $19.80. Thanks for your complaints everyone it helped me to know what was going on.

Jul 25, 2009 2:46 pm EDT

well i too just had money taken from my checking account without my knowledge. i just discover that for therr months mone edge has taken 19.95 form my account. . i have no ideal who these people are . i think its a plot when they get you to agree to the 30 day trial membership for 1.95 and they tell you you can cancle within thrity days if you are not satisfied.. i have never log on to any money edge wed cite. . i have had a trial membership with bargin network. but i cancel before the thrity days was up. but they were still sending information as if i had not cancel before my trail member was up.. i would like to know if bargin network is also affiliated with money edge?

sincerely mr. moses

Austin, US
Aug 03, 2009 5:48 am EDT


Seriously, thank God for the internet, I wouldnt want to work for these guys, nor use their services.


Secondmeta — employee pay

Dave Martin
Austin, US
Aug 08, 2009 6:17 pm EDT

I just completed the first week of training at 2econd Meta in Austin. I'd already discovered all the complaints as well as the indictment against Christian Hunter in California back in 2000. From everything I learned during training, they are back to the same scam, just calling it "direct sales" rather than telemarketing.

I'm supposed to go in to work tomorrow (Sunday 08/09/09), but will go and tell them I quit. I'm also going to let them know that I'll be writing letters to the Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Attorney General, the Texas Attorney General, Mayor Lee Leffingwell of Austin, the Austin-American Statesman and the local television news.

And make it clear that if I do not get paid for the training, they will be hearing from the Texas Workforce Commission since I will file a wage claim against them. Since we were told in orientation that the president feels that nobody should get less than $12/hour, I will hold them to that. I have witnesses - the other people hired when I was.

Brisco County
Austin, US
Aug 12, 2009 4:49 am EDT

Hey Dave Martin, I was in your training class. I realized the entire operation was a scam the first day I was on the phones. It's surprising because the building they're in is high-end real estate on Lamar Blvd., and the floor managers all seem like decent people. Looks are deceiving.

Lansing, US
Aug 17, 2009 8:00 pm EDT

It seems that most of the people claiming fraud and self-righteous indignation can't even spell while whining. I have worked at this company and there are tons of laws in place that the company must abide by since the FTC and other government watch dog groups are just waiting for companies to slip up or be caught as fraudulent. All of you who claim fraud were recorded, asked a series of legal questions seeking your expressed consent for every move made within the conversation. I look forward to working there again as soon as I move back to Austin. $$$

former haband customer
Sep 14, 2009 1:34 pm EDT

I ordered clothing from Haband; rec'd charges on the card I used to pay Haband from Regent and Haband Perks - while my credit card company and I were working to get the erroneous charges deleted, would you believe I received an e mail from customer service rep with Haband offering me an Easy Saver plan with my next order from Haband -what a deal for $1.95 trial and $14.95 monthly; I had already told Haband would never buy anything else from them-not because of the merchandise but because they "shared" my credit card with their affiliates even though they state on their website they never pass on your information- a frustrated former customer of Haband

Trudy Cunningahm
Indianapolis, US
Sep 21, 2009 1:14 pm EDT

Thank you Jarod Horvath, the first complaint listed on this site. My mother just noticed that she had been charged $19.80 twice a month since April for her "memberships" in Easy/Saver Money/Edge. When she went to the bank, they could not help her at all because they had no number for them and only suggested she close her account. I than googled "easy saver money mover bank scam" and this list came up. Thank you Jarod for the 800 number. I was able to call they company, explain the situation, let them know I had been researching their practices all morning and knew they only needed a conformation on my mom's phone number to start charging her money. Since Jarod had provided such good information, I sounded like I knew what I was talking about and they reversed all 13 of the charges they had made to my mom's account since April. I must say that I talked with two different people on the phone and they were both very nice and polite.

My parents are at my father's bank at this time trying to find out about charges on his account that he did not authorize. I guess we just need to say "no thank you, you have the wrong person" politely to any call we get offering these "great deals" to avoid these scams.

Feb 27, 2010 3:41 pm EST

Wow, what a weird set of complaints here. I happen to know Christian Hunter and worked with his early comapnies. All very positive experiences from the level of being a junior customer service rep, and up to a number of other business relationships at a higher level. I feel like I should clear things up on this site, and some other sites that seem to be slamming him and his companies pretty hard.

My understanding is that the guy built a company that, within 2 years of starting up got caught in the big FTC sweep of California telemarketing firms, and of the dozen or so companies that got sued by the FTC, but I think it's the only one that was able to reopen after a year or so of all kinds of scrutiny. The operations were not only legal, but could be proven to deliver the service it . It must've worked out, because A much larger company out of the East Coast bought the whole operation for something to the tune of 65 million dollars. During and after Christian ran things, Bargain Network was huge in the Santa Barbara area and countless thousands of locals were very gainfully employed with hefty medical, dental, and 401k plans all of its employees (even the part-timers and temps), and they required no training walking into the door. The sheer boost to the local economy there is hard to ignore. It's no surprise some of those thousands of people might have had complaints about their job (who doesn't) and if people are going to unfairly blame this guy for every bad experience they had at work, they may as well give him credit for putting countless UCSB students through college, because it's just as silly to blame him for their failings as it is to give him credit for their successes.

The fact that he got rich, retired, and then started new companies in the middle of a recession shows all sorts of guts. Thank god some entrepreneurs are willing to take those kinds of risks. I wonder how many people in Austin TX are staying employed and afloat because of his new companies out there.

Rich girl 2000
Kalashes, US
Mar 04, 2010 8:43 am EST

I think that everyone who is complaining wasdnt listening. I listened closely when I signed up and I was fully aware of all of my charges and so were all of you. You are just lying becaue its a recession and your broke as hell and need your money back because you realized you dont have the money to even think about buyiong a dam house. Well me, I thank Forecosure Agency because I knew what I was paying for and They found me a 5 Bedroom # bath for 38, 000...But of course... I had the money..

Apr 21, 2010 9:21 am EDT

Hi Minuet...err, Christian.

Hah. You can always tell when Christian Hunter writes fake replies on sites like this. He must spend one hour per day looking for the hundreds of sites that expose his pathetic, greedy nature so that he can write a fake response as "fotofix" or "Minuet."

So you wonder how many people in Austin are staying employed and afloat? Oh, you don't remember screwing every single one of your Austin employees out of two or three paychecks? Do you remember deducting money from our paychecks for health and dental insurance but not paying the premiums for several months? You also owe money to several janitor services and the owners of the vending machines in the break room.

That does take guts. If you don't end up dead or behind bars, then there's something wrong with this world.

Apr 21, 2010 9:27 am EDT

Check out this article about Christian's company in Austin shutting down without paying its employees for a month or more.

Fresno, US
Apr 21, 2010 5:36 pm EDT

I had signed up for Bargain Networks Motors service last year and canceled my service a few months after as I was not getting out of it what I wanted. I received a cancellation notice from Bargain Networks along with a cancellation number. I thought that was the end as it was explained to me that I could quit any time.
Long story short, I recently noticed that I was still getting charged by Money Edge a total of $19.80 a month. I called Bargain Networks customer service line and spoke to two reps who just transferred me to a voice message to leave your number and someone will call back within 48 hours. Great service.
I decided to research this and came upon this site. Thanks to Jarod's posted 800 number, I spoke to two reps from Money Edge who assisted me and were both extremely courteous and are refunding me 8 months of those payments. In my conversation with them, she informed me that Bargain Networks should have told me that canceling their services DOES NOT cancel the billing as they are two separate entities. I went back to my sign up notes and I only had Bargain Network's customer line. Interesting that Bargain Networks cant do so much as send an email to Money Edge when someone cancels their services. I hope this information helps someone and thanks for the information Jarod!

Jul 05, 2010 7:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Christian Hunter has been a professional scam artist since he was 17 years old, thanks to his cohorts Thomas Adams III and Antoine Bordeaux. They've managed to bend the rules of commerce to get rich, probably with the help of Judge Adams of Santa Barbara, CA, who happens to be the father of Christian's buddy, Thomas Adams III.

Mr. Hunter was definitely lying when he said, "I had no idea what exactly was going on." He may not have shown up at the office very often, but he was always in full control of his fraudulent company, My Town Media (formerly known as Second Meta). He would often stay up all night working on ways to make his company look more attractive to investors, even if this meant lowering the pay of all his employees. He held conference calls from his mansion several times per week with the managers of My Town Media. One of the sales managers even lived in his guest house. He was constantly hiring and firing employees. He was frequently changing PO Boxes, bank accounts, web site domain names, and even the name of his company--probably because his merchant accounts were always being shut down for having too many charge-backs from angry customers.

When Mr. Hunter did manage to show up at the office, he would sometimes be accompanied by armed guards...because he was afraid of his own disgruntled employees. He loved to take money from his own employees. He would frequently decide not to pay contractors, whether they were construction workers or computer programmers. He talked several people into moving with him from California to Texas to work at Second Meta, making them think that they would all get rich. However, many of these people actually lost money when Christian decided to move money around and bounce paychecks several times. He also convinced several employees into paying for tens of thousands of dollars worth of business expenses with their personal credit cards, such as advertising and web hosting. Of course, these people were NOT reimbursed when My Town Media suddenly when out of business in April 2010.

Christian knew EXACTLY what was going on at that company. His life revolves around credit card scams, and that disgusting call center was his primary doorway to easy money.

Here's some follow-up reading:

angela w. morris
Gaffney, US
Jul 23, 2010 7:38 pm EDT

this is like opening a diary and reading your lifes story! i too noticed these two companys were drafting $19.80 from my account . when i went to my bank they had been doing this since november! they said i had bought something from one of their affliates and JOINED their company. i stopped him right then and told him i never joined anything. and the bank advised me if they didn't deposit the money than i could sign a affadit but they could only rinburse me two withdrawls so now i'm going after the companies. the bbb is where i'm starting and then the federal trade commision. i will get my money back! angela morris

Bristol, US
Sep 10, 2010 8:40 am EDT

This "company" should be shut down and sued for all they're worth and I wouldn't mind helping with that. I need MY money back as well as the next fellow who got scammed into this. The next time they try and do this to me through a different name, I will call the authorities and the person in charge of this "company" will do jail time! Thats not a threat thats a promise. I am sick of getting run out of my account and thrown into the double digit negative due to stupid scammers like this one. There should be a petition for all those who want this "company" to be shut down and ALL of their money returned to them that was taken by them from this "company".

Lake City, US
Feb 06, 2011 5:38 am EST

In response to richgirl 2000... if you where so rich [censor], then why do you live in a $38, 000 house and rely on this phoney realestate bargain company to find you cheap homes. I never signed up for any of this money edge or easy saver [censor], I live in my home bought and paid for with no easy saver money edge [censor] involved! They have been stealing $40 dollars a month from my husband and I. My husband works in the oilfeild and works his [censor] off to provide for our family, just to have these [censor] of the earth convicts take it from us! But I guess thats how the world works these days, for a while it was just the government taxing us poor so that the lazy people who take advantage of our welfare system could sit on there [censor] all day and smoke pot now its this money edge, easy saver [censor] doing it. Go on and talk your [censor] "rich[censored]", but i agree with everyone else on here...I dont like anyone stealing from me!

Michael Shankles
Desert Hot Springs, US
Mar 05, 2011 12:20 am EST

They charged my mother 2 charges in 1 day of 16.95 1 for easy saver and 1 for money edge..We called the number found in the complaint here and they said they are cancelling the membership and refunding the 2 charges..My mom is a 71 year old woman who was just diagnosed with lung cancer, I personally am in the mood that the owner of this so-called company better thank god he is not in my reach right now

Jackson, US
Mar 24, 2011 1:02 am EDT

I just found that moneyedge were taking 19.80 out of my account also. Thanks for the 800 number i have been looking for about 8 months so i could cancel which i never even remember applying for it. I talk to two of their workers which refunded 39.60 to my account and cancelled it. Also thanks to the first complaint i ask for a call back call which lets you listen to your recording. SO now they will review it and when it comes back that i didnt agree they have to refund me my money back. SO thank all of you for stepping up and doing the right thing not letting the wicked get away with stealing from hard working people.