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Dream Serum

Dream Serum review: consumer be aware! 5

Author of the review
8:24 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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You order the two products - calm serum and calm eyes- hi and just for 95 each for shipping; you are automatically signed up for a monthly program with a charge of $89.87 per month. I was not aware of this until this amount cleared my bank. When I contacted dream serum to complain I was told that it was past my 14 days trial limit. Again I was not made aware that I was entering a monthly program. I was very angry! The product itself is not all that good either! My advice do not order this product. It is a scam!

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Aug 09, 2018 4:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Do not even start the sign up process. I've received 15 calls in 2 days because I started and decided not to buy. When I finally answered and asked to be taken off the list I was harassed by the caller.

wrinkled gramma
Sep 17, 2018 3:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just spent half an hour on the phone trying to get credit for two months supply (sent within about two weeks of each other) that was charged to my credit card. I thought I was getting a trial sample for the cost of shipping and ended up being charge almost $400.00! This is such deceptive advertising I can not believe they can get away with it! I did not like the product so I called and cancelled it before I even realized how much they were charging me. I will try to contact someone (BBB?) because I am so upset. I have a million other things I could use that $400.00 for.

Carla Hardt
Oct 11, 2018 11:37 am EDT

I am very angry because I thought I was just getting samples for the shipping cost and did not see anything about their cancellation clause within 14 days. My credit card company said they had to honor the charge because they sent bogus documentation, so now I am out the two charges of $89+ for small samples that aren't worth 50 cents. DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE ALMOST $180.00 TO JUST THROW AWAY!

Oct 20, 2018 6:10 pm EDT

The same thing happened to me and why are they allowed to rip off the public.

Ngoc Huynh
Oct 23, 2018 7:53 am EDT

In June 2018 I saw Dream Serum add about free trial for only $4.95 for shipping so I ordered this free trial. Once I filled out the information on my credit card and hit the button to finalized it, another charge was attached to it for a $4.95 on Calm Eye Serum. It’s very sneaky! I called them to cancel it because I only want to pay for the shipping of the free trial. On September 8th to my big surprise I found out that I was charged three times by Dream Serum. Each charge was $89.87. A total of $269.61! This product is not worth at all and to pay $89.87 for a tiny worthless sample container! This is ridiculous. Dream Serum is a fraud and deceptive company by using the credit card number for my shipping payment and entering me in their monthly payment. I called Capital One and wrote to them explaining my case. Capital One said I had to be in the conference call with them and Dream Serum. Dream Serum said that since I did not cancel the subscription after 14 days, therefore, they had to enter me in their monthly program. There was nothing mention about this 14 days period whatsoever.
Beware of Dream Serum, a fraud and deceptive outfit. It’s a crime for using and charging people’s credit card without their authorization.

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