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CB Plastic Surgery Review of Dr Barry Eppley
Dr Barry Eppley

Dr Barry Eppley review: Surgery gone wrong 76

Author of the review
2:11 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I decided to let Dr. Eppley operate on me in 2008. This was after much research and getting up the nerve to go through with it (oh and saving up the money). I thought he was great after our first and second consultation. I won't bore you with the gory details of the blotched surgery, but what I will say is that I left worst off than I came in. The aesthetic outcome missed the mark; not even close to what I requested/expected or was promised. In an attempt to correct a blotched cosmetic job, he caused physical injury and left me with permanent scar tissue. So clearly I went from bad to worst, all the while trying to hang in there and continue to trust my surgeon. Furthermore, there was blatant denial of wrong doing even with physical evidence that something went drastically wrong during surgery. I was made to feel like the anomaly, which according to the complaint board and other reviews, I am one of many walking wounded. When I complained about the lack of follow up care I received after the complication, I was advised that it was my responsibility to schedule follow up appointments. I agree; under NORMAL circumstances. Protocol changes when something has gone wrong. At that point, I expected Dr. Eppley to be proactive in tracking my progress, checking in periodically and not waiting to hear from me. Again, it's the lack of accountability and empathy that bothers you after you've entrusted your health and well being to someone that seemingly could care less. That is, of course, unless you're one of the lucky ones that got what they paid for. I didn't - Just My Luck

Update by justmyluck
Apr 01, 2010 4:24 pm EDT

My research obviously was not thorough enough. I really take issue with the online referral services who sung Dr. Eppley's praises and stated there was no action against his license. I later found that he PAID to be a part of the service and that there was no high level of scrutiny to be in their database as they touted. Interestingly, they dropped him about three months later due to NON PAYMENT! REALLY? the purpose of a doctor referral service is to help screen for the public/ patient. This can't be the case if anyone can pay their way in. What about that TOP DOCTOR award that's in his office? To the layman person it would appear that he has many accolades. Was that too based on financial contribution to some foundation? How does one get that award if there are so many patient complaints? This is where the public is being mislead and deceived. There needs to be a better way to screen doctors and scrutinize them to find the ones that really have the expertise and skill they claim to have (not just able to talk the talk and have a good bedside manner) A patient shouldn't have to find out the hard way- trial and error. Of course, the referral service doesn't want any parts of the complaint even though they clearly referred me and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED him.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Saga of twisted sister
May 10, 2010 12:22 am EDT
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I read some of her e-mail on Lucille's blog about Hubbard Hospital where her sister, Arlene wrote the nasty e-mails from. Arlene taunted Lucille because Arlene got a restraining order on Lucille but in Mass, the person getting the RO can abuse it by actually taunting the person they got the restraining order on, like phoning them, e-mailing them, going to their house etc and the person they got the restraining order on gets in TROUBLE if they even say one thing to them on the phone even if Arlene is taunting and harassing.

Worcester, US
May 10, 2010 12:54 am EDT

Yes, and all an evil b***h like Arlene has to do is LIE and cry crocodile tears before a judge to get one. This law is mostly abused by women against husbands to extort money and manipulate, but Mulley knows how to "work" the legal system. I'd like to see her evil deeds come back to bite her backside.

Saga of twisted sister
May 10, 2010 8:50 pm EDT
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She even called the court while they were doing the case and left a message there. It's in one of those documents but I forget which one. Clearly, she wants to get Lucille in trouble. But I guess Lucille sued her first and she's mad about that. Have no idea why Lucille sued her though.

Worcester, US
May 10, 2010 9:15 pm EDT

I have it on good authority that Lucille sued Arlene AFTER she got the restraining order. She sued her for abuse of process. Because in Massachusetts, committing perjury to get a restraining order is ALLOWED, even though perjury is a criminal offense, Mass has NEVER prosecuted anyone for committing perjury on a sworn affidavit, even if the defendant (Lucille) can prove without any doubt, that the plaintiff (Arlene) did commit perjury.

The only recourse the victim (Lucille) is to file a civil suit for abuse of process and intentional infliction of emotional abuse. I also have it on good authority (someone close to Lucille) that she felt she had to resort to that action because Arlene would not stop STALKING her online and anyone Mulley viewed as helping Lucille.

So Lucille is the victim all around here. Arlene is an aggressive CYBER BULLY, as you know since you read many of her postings as she STALKED Lucille on every messageboard, blog, etc., where she found Lucille's posts, including on her own website and on her former MSN Group site, which was up for many years before MSN stopped that service.

Mulley is obviously a very nasty, angry person who hates the world and especially her sister. There's a page up somewhere on Photobucket of her posts to a disability message board back in [protected] where she makes fun of disabled people. It is thoroughly disgusting. She's obviously been at this form of attacking vulnerable people for a long time.

Worcester, US
May 10, 2010 9:42 pm EDT

Check out the last 2 images in this album:

Lucille must be keeping images of all Arlene's postings, blogs, twitter posts, etc., for documentation purposes. These albums on Photobucket appear to be for this:
(Posts here are ironic, since Arlene accuses her sister of doing all the things SHE is guilty of doing! She posts under AM of Douglas AND AT of Douglas)
images of Arlene's blogs
Arlene's Twitter

Saga of twisted sister
May 11, 2010 10:26 pm EDT
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OH my F***ing word!

I thought Arlene was BAD from reading the posts I read from her but these new documents just make her a million X worse. Have not finished reading all of them yet. But boy is she hell bent with malice to destroy Lucille in any way she can.

Yes, I did notice Arlene stalked Lucille; where she posted and added taunting and harassing entries. But from your documentation, clearly that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Worcester, US
May 13, 2010 7:48 am EDT

I made a mistake about the first album in my last post. It should have said to read the last 2 images on the first page of that album. I just looked at that album again and there are 2 more images of a forum where Arlene posted to this disability forum:

Farther on in the album are other letters showing that Arlene has been attacking her sister for years, and appears to have used the same tactics throughout. There's even mention to some email which Lucille denies sending to another party that Arlene is involved with somehow! Looks like she has been using the same tricks for a long time, right down to threatening a disabled guy on the disability forum with suing him and threatening to have Lucille arrested if she called her on the phone.

I don't understand how someone so obviously mentally unbalanced can work in health care where they are responsible for vulnerable patients? It's dangerous.

Saga of twisted sister
May 14, 2010 11:29 pm EDT
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I saw that on the other links. The direct links you gave show a lot of Arlene's entries on Lucille's photo bucket site. However, when I go to Lucille's photo bucket site on my own (without those links) all that stuff is not there.

Anyway, yes, it looks like Arlene has been doing this crap for years and even harasses disabled people on a disability forum. She is very IMMATURE. It's almost like she has the brain of a 10 year old girl taunting and taunting someone not as well off or advantaged as she is. In effect, Arlene is an IMMATURE TROLL. She is always trolling Lucille for trouble. Thing is she knows Lucille 'bites' and that's why she does it.

For example; Arlene gets a restraining order on Lucille and with it, TROLLS every site Lucille is on (and makes up her own TROLL BLOGS taunting Lucille), and sends Lucille harassing e-mails. She knows Lucille with 'bite' by responding back to her and she knows the screwed up terms of the RO will get Lucille in trouble if she even RETURNS her e-mail or tells her during a harassing phone call; 'Don't call here anymore'.

What Lucille needs to do is to have a 3rd party; maybe even a lawyer?, to forward all of Arlene's e-mail too (especially if Arlene is abusing a restraining order by sending it) and then have the 3rd party write to Arlene to tell her something like: 'The following e-mail sent to Ms. Iacovelli has been forwarded to me. Please cease and desist sending further'

Likewise with harassing web entries. Lucille needs a 3rd party to respond to Arlene and if it's a lawyer, he/she can instruct Lucille not to 'bite' or not to say anything.

Even if Arlene drops the restraining order (at say request of older relative), Lucille should avoid responding to her at all directly and instead have a 3rd party do it or have a 3rd party let her know that all of the harassing e-mails are being documented and logged.

What Arlene does is TAUNTS Lucille and GOADS her to respond. She GOADS like a TROLL.
So with trolls like Arlene, it's important not to 'bite' which is the same as 'feeding a troll'.

Saga of twisted sister
May 24, 2010 11:26 pm EDT
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Has anyone heard from Lucille?

Mandy Moore AKA Quackbuster
Beach cities of Orange County, US
May 26, 2010 11:37 am EDT

Yes, I would love to hear from Lucille on this site. The public need to thank people that post botched horrible surgery stories on this site and other complaints sites.

The public is not interested on all these amazing results from plastic surgeries. NO one really knows if testimonies or the pictures posted by plastic surgeons or doctors are real or fake.

One thing I know for certain is plastic surgeons and doctors over sell themselves.

The public is interested in knowing about people's botched work done with or without informed consent.

We don't need to hear anymore positive stuff on this board cuz I know most are posted by the dr. himsel/herslef f or someone very close to the doctor.

Saga of twisted sister
May 29, 2010 12:41 am EDT
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I guess maybe the court order forbids here from writing more about this?

Forestdale, US
Jun 23, 2010 12:41 pm EDT
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My thanks to everyone posting here for your interest in the lawsuit which I am prohibited from writing about. Your continued concern regarding freedom of speech issues as well as deceitful actions by both medical and legal professionals involved is important.

Those who have followed both the legal and medical aspects of my experience with this doctor recognize a tragic truth: People with lots of money and power are able to silence truthful reports and sharing of facts about their own experience with a particular doctor, clinics, hospital- and beyond that, with members of the legal system set on maintaining a facade of professionalism and respectability.

I appreciate each and every person here who has taken the time to read and research my case and posted what I am prevented from doing myself. Your identity is unknown to me; therefore, by no stretch of the imagination can you be labeled as "working in concert" with me.

It is important to keep this issue alive... not for my sake, but for every person willing to speak the truth so that some good may come from the misfortune of every patient who suffers injury and loss at the hands of negligent medical professionals. People like me have nothing to gain in exposing the facts of our own experience. There is no financial gain here.. In reality, we are further drained of every imaginable resource, physical, financial, social, by those who are willing to stoop to any level, including legal dirty tricks, to keep the facts from reaching the very people who need to know them: the medical consumer.

Please keep up your own courageous work in assuring that cases like mine are not forced into oblivion. Thanks your activity on boards like this one, and to my own website server, who continues to host, there may still be a chance for First Amendment Rights to prevail.

Formerly Saga of Twisted Sister
Jun 28, 2010 12:31 am EDT

Complaints about Eppley and this ordeal are still high in the search engines. Although the one in the squeaky wheel that comes up in a Google search for Eppley does not directly link to the complaint. Did he have them remove the "Barry Eppley Unscrupulous Operator" from the Squeaky Wheel complaint site?

Forestdale, US
Jun 30, 2010 12:27 pm EDT
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Yes, he did. At first, they did not knuckle under to this ILLEGAL court order, but now they have. I'd like to mention that this site also received multiple threats from Eppley's legal team, but are standing their ground and should be commended. My server for also decided to resist and has stood by me.

I think this really demonstrates the integrity of some Internet sites and servers to serve the public good, even under pressure.

Saga of Twisted Sister again
Jul 03, 2010 12:36 am EDT

I'm glad this one still shows the complaints about him.

Jul 13, 2010 2:05 pm EDT
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I'm just catching up on this thread and in review of some older posts, I Saga said something that needs clarification:

"Lucille sued her sister. Ever since that, her sister has shown great determination to do Lucille in.---

---Later she got a restraining order on Lucille. ""

It was the other way around. Lucille sued her sister because Arlene got a restraining order by perjury. Arlene delivered the first blow with that. Somewhere I read Lucille's account of how that whole estrangement played out. Lucille once had a blog called Evil Sister or Twisted Sister she started when Arlene got the restraining order. It was like a diary where Lucille kept track of all her sister's nasty email and other stuff. There were harassing phone messages Arlene made to Lucille and Rich Bergeron. Some pretty mean stuff.

The blog had everything about the restraining order and links to websites about the laws in Massachusetts and how easily it can be abused by anyone who will lie to get one. They had a program on the Boston news a while back about how women abuse this law and get husbands and boyfriends put in jail when they are innocent of any wrongdoing. the woman just has to shed a few crocodile tears before a judge and the guy gets slapped with an RO.

I'll do some searching to see if I can find any remnants of that blog and get back to this thread with what I find. But I'm sure Arlene's RO came before Lucille's lawsuit.

Anyone know if Lucille's lawsuit is posted anywhere?

Jul 13, 2010 2:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hey! Just noticed the post by Lucille. How are you?

Jul 13, 2010 2:12 pm EDT
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Sorry, Lucille. That's what happens when you're too much in a hurry to have your say. I didn't scroll down beyond the post by Saga that I wanted to clarify.

Any action in the Eppley case? I'm glad to see your website and photos still online. You should not have had to take down some of what is gone now. Eppley and his legal team are breaking the law. So is Judge Barker. You've been screwed, big time. But at least you're still fighting the good fight, thanks to Rich Bergeron.

Good job, Rich.

Sag of Twisted Sister again
Jul 17, 2010 10:23 pm EDT

I thought I wrote about all the terrible stuff Lucille's sister did to her.

On another note, this site seemed to be down for a while and I could not get to it.

Jul 19, 2010 3:48 pm EDT
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Yes, it was down yesterday, I think. The first thing that entered my mind was that Eppley and his lawyers somehow forced a takedown. Those Indiana sleazeballs seem to have some dubious connections. They've already thumbed their noses at the letter of the law by forcing certain legit info off the Internet. They're willing to compromise professional standards and basically do anything to keep complaints about Eppley off the Internet.

He's racking up quite a long list of patients he's harmed. He can't get away with it forever. I predict he'll screw up big time very soon and his colleagues on the malpractice review boards will begin to worry about not holding him responsible when he obviously screwed up.

Saga sister
Jul 23, 2010 10:10 pm EDT

I was afraid Eppley got this one to go down. At least the ordeal has some history on this thread.

Her struggle ended
Aug 13, 2010 12:33 am EDT

Lucille died.
This is really hard to fathom and I write this with shock. I know she would have wanted this notice placed here on the string about her struggle with Barry Eppley .

Lucille M. Iacovelli
| Visit Guest Book

Lucille M. Iacovelli, 60, of Forestdale, died Monday, Aug. 2, 2010. Born in Milford, she was the daughter of the late William A. and Mary M. (Mancini) Mulley. She was a graduate of Milford High School and attended two years of junior college. She was a professional gardener and enjoyed wildcrafting, cooking and spending time with her dogs, especially her cocker spaniels, the late Keshia and Sierra. She is survived by a sister, Arlene Mulley of Douglas; and her uncles, Frank Mancini, Anthony (Helen) Mancini and Emilio Mancini, all of Milford; and several cousins. She also leaves dear friends, Diane Izzo, Erika Hahn, Richard Bergeron, Maryann Wyatt; friends at the Mashpee and Sandwich libraries; and the rangers at Nickerson State Park and Shawme-Crowell State Park. There were private family services. In lieu of flowers, contributions are suggested to Cocker Spaniel Rescue of New England (CSRNE), P.O. Box 162, Greenfield, NH 03047.

Abington, US
Aug 15, 2010 8:10 pm EDT

So, Rich, if you are reading this, maybe you could salvage your book and write a mystery fiction novel (based on real life) while she is still ALIVE and call it something like: "The tale of 2 sisters. The lesser evil". Lucille could be portrayed as the lesser evil; someone disabled by the medical system where defaming it is her only option for justice. Her sister could be portrayed as the greater evil, actually enabled by the medical system to disable her sister even more and get away with it. You could call Dr. Eppley; "Dr Inadeptly" in the book and his law firm; Lewis and Kappes as "Dewey Cheatam and Howe".



Abington, US
Aug 16, 2010 11:19 am EDT

Lucille also never DEFAMED anyone.

She spoke the truth, and the truth will speak for her:

Donate please
Aug 30, 2010 8:45 pm EDT

Please help Rich keep up Lucille's site which will go down if it can't be paid for. He needs $50 by 1 September or Lucille's site will be lost for ever. Please send him a paypal payment to:

chicago, US
Sep 14, 2010 10:04 pm EDT
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Yeah Dr.Eppley has every right to sue that crazy [censor] if you aks me!she might very possibly be suffering from BDD(Body dismorphic disorder) u know how i know? because she was Beautiful* before she had a nose job and a facelift(she didnt need) ok now shes complaining that her face hurts well BDD is very common and people that suffer from it do acctually feel pain even though its all in their head!.So yeah did i mention lucille didnt even pay for her surgeries!so how you know that she didnt just make all this mess up to avoid going to prison?Shes making it up you guys its sooo obvious.She done been to doctors they all said nothing was wrong with her.The woman has no friends cuz she tries to ruin all they lives.Now shes tryin to ruin poor dr. eppleys reputation...well guess what? she didnt because hes still booked up with surgeries makin money.Because hes one of the best!

chicago, US
Sep 14, 2010 10:31 pm EDT
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Lakeland, US
Dec 15, 2010 11:33 pm EST
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dgjkhnj -- look at the number of days old these posts are, this is from over three months ago. The original poster appears to have died.

Lakeland, US
Dec 16, 2010 2:26 am EST
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The post was from her, oh now they are horrible? After your post about the sex change? Learn to read. Confused? Yes, it is.

Abington, US
Mar 10, 2011 5:49 am EST

Evie is out to lunch. I think maybe she has BDD: Brain Dysmorphic Disorder.

Lucille may be gone now, but her story lives on, and her book will someday be written and will contain her own words. I plan to file a federal suit this year against the judge in Indianapolis, the lawyers, the health care company, and Eppley. The most recent 7th Circuit ruling seems to suggest I do just that, so as soon as I get the time to work on it, I'll get it done. I also had an opportunity recently to give tribute to Lucille on Fox News 11:

Oxford, US
Mar 28, 2013 11:27 am EDT

Here are the warning signs I should've noticed before driving to Indianapolis to see Dr. Eppley: He does not schedule a follow-up consultation post-surgery. Reputable surgeons do this. I had to sign reams of disclaimers and other legal papers stating, among other things, that I'd pay for any future surgeries (huge red flag). His staff was very aggressive in trying to secure payment, including the $500 deposit which was supposed to "secure my surgery date", but somehow didn't secure anything- it had to be rescheduled. Dr. Eppley's tone during our Skype interviews seemed quite arrogant, but I hoped that his level of arrogance matched his skill level.

The real problems began after I reached Indianapolis. I couldn't find IU (I had passed it but didn't realize it, after driving 8 hours) so I stopped and called Ology. The staff there was no help at all. I described where I was (which turned out to be less than 2 miles away), but was simply told the intersection I should go to- as if this would be helpful to an out-of-town patient. I called his other office at that point, in tears and hoping to get some kind of real direction, only to be curtly told that I had "called the wrong office". Being treated like a ### was not exactly what I'd hoped for at that point!

When I finally made it to his office (an hour late), the first thing I noticed was that the examination room lights were turned down strangely low. Secondly, there was only one tiny mirror- in a corner! I was there to discuss surgery, not get a massage. Post-surgery(two days later, at the same place), I turned up the dimmed lights before he entered the room, and he dimmed them again! His "assistant" also stood in the background creepily nodding the entire time he spoke, especially when he told me the swelling in my neck wasn't noticeable. I didn't expect it to be unnoticeable after surgery, but I didn't appreciate being fed a clear untruth as if my intelligence level were ridiculously low.

My experience at Meridian Plastic Surgery could fill a novel. As I was about to go under, a nurse complained that my IV was on my left arm (that's where my only decent vein is). Another asked me if I knew so-and-so, and when I replied "no", she said "Isn't ------a small town?", as if I'm a loser who doesn't know anybody. I live in a town of 40, 000 people, pardon me if I don't happen to know the family you've mentioned- and even if I did I wasn't exactly in the mood to discuss them. Then, I mentioned a traffic ticket I'd received on my way to surgery and the fact that the officer and I knew the same person, and the anesthesiologist smirked and said "Did you get out of the ticket?" just as he was putting me under, instead of something more appropriate such as "Good night, see you in a few hours." He gave no warning whatsoever, which is not the norm, as I know from past surgeries. I was told by Dr. Eppley's staff that a caregiver (whom I'd pay $350 for her services) would meet me at 6pm at my hotel, but that a member of the Meridian staff (Summer) would drive me to my hotel. When I was ready to leave the surgery center, I asked Summer to take me home (around 11am). It was immediately apparent by her facial expression that she was angry. I walked down the icy surgery center steps (unassisted, after having been under anesthesia only a few hours before!) to her car, which she had pulled near the stairs. She literally folded both arms. turned around to face me, and said with a sneer, "So, where is the Holiday Inn? I mean, I don't know where that is!" When I later told the caregiver, she replied that she had actually texted Summer the name of the hotel and the street the night before! It is literally less than a mile away from the surgery center. At that point, I said "I thought this was all taken care of", and she replied "I'm not Jamie!" (the name of my caregiver). Andrea, the lady who had to follow us since I had driven to the center (Summer made sure I knew she was upset about that, too) also said, with the same strangely rude attitude, "I don't know where that is, either". I offered to drive myself, and Summer yelled "You can't!", as in "Haha, you're stuck with me and I'm going to be as rude to you as possible". We finally made it to the hotel (after even more ridiculousness which I don't have the energy to elaborate on at this point), and Andrea half-heartedly offered to come with me to my room, while Summer just sat in her car. I had ended up letting Andrea drive me in my own car, rather than deal with Summer anymore. Of course, I declined Andrea's insincere offer, and walked across the icy parking lot (no, she didn't drop me off at the door!). I took the elevator to my room, and someone spoke to me during the ride, of course not realizing that I'd just had surgery and couldn't speak properly- because who'd think that a surgery patient would be left alone to fend for herself? I wandered the hotel looking for ice for my chin, then collapsed into bed, wondering if I was still under anesthesia and was having the most realistic nightmare of my life.

My caregiver mostly just did homework and slept- she filled the ice bucket when she arrived (several hours later) and when she left, and she brought up something from my car when she went to hers. That was definitely the most pointless $350 I ever spent. When I told Camille, a member of Dr. Eppley's staff, about my experience at the surgery center, she mentioned that I had saved money by not staying there that night (it would've cost $700), which was extremely laughable considering the circumstances.

Am I happy with my post-surgery results? Well, I feel that my chin looks slightly better than it did before the surgery. I told Dr. Eppley that I didn't want it too vertically long, and he only reduced the length that he had planned on making it by 1mm, but of course if I decide to change it I won't go back to him. I consider myself lucky to have made it through the ordeal in one piece, and without obvious facial deformity. During our second pre-surgery Skype consultation, I asked Dr. Eppley about adding a dimple to my chin, for which he added $500 to my estimate. It was gone less than two weeks after surgery. When I smile, there's some strange dimpling to the right side of my chin, but I don't know if this is permanent- it has been almost 2 months since my surgery. Also, a few days after surgery, I realized that my whole body was strangely sore, especially the area just under my chest, as if someone had set something very heavy on that chest/rib area and poked me all over. Having had previous surgeries, I know that this is not normal.

Not all plastic surgeons are created equally, and apparently a Skype consultation (or two) is not enough to judge whether someone is professional, knowledgable, and trustworthy. If Dr. Eppley were the talented genius he believes himself to be, he'd have his own surgery center, and not have to work out of a one-story hole-in-the-wall filled with unprofessional staff.

Mobile, US
May 06, 2013 1:53 am EDT

This poor lady. I saw a video of her on YouTube and you can tell she was suffering. The change in her face over those years of agonizing. My heart really went out to her and I am so very sad to hear that she died. I hope you do get to the bottom of this. As a health care professional I'm drawn to her story and am ashamed that she was unable to find more empathetic people to care for her.

South Bend, US
May 10, 2014 6:05 pm EDT
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I think this stuff about Lucille Iacovelli is a bunch of c***. This woman has sued Dr. Eppley and Dr. Joel J. Feldman. She had a mental problem and it is sad that she committed suicide but it was not because of botched surgeries. Both Eppley and Feldman have had to sue her because of her complaints and both judges have found her to be harassing the surgeons and her complaints unfounded.

Aug 06, 2014 1:25 am EDT

I had upper and lower eyelid surgery by Dr. Barry Eppley. The scars were sewn the old fashioned way on the outside of the lid. They look terrible.He must have been in a hurry I will go get them fixed but not by him.

Sep 27, 2018 12:36 am EDT

Dr. Eppley was my surgeon a few years back. I went to him for laser resurfacing and blepharoloplasty (eyelid, upper and lower). The laser resurfacing came out great even though he burned off some of my hair in the process. The eyelid surgery outcome was bad. I went to another surgeon to have it fixed.

Nicole Natasha
Dec 28, 2018 11:32 pm EST
Replying to comment of McAllengm

Who is the Doctor that fixed you eyelids? Thanks