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CB Home Decor and Furnishing Review of Dontre Jones - Evergreen Landscaping
Dontre Jones - Evergreen Landscaping

Dontre Jones - Evergreen Landscaping review: Breech of Contracts and Warranties 3

Author of the review
12:33 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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See this person's complaint and mine at Rip-Off as well - Dontre Jones of Evergreen Landscaping is a Scam Artist! He not only was paid for work never completed after the fact, but was also renting my property and abandoned the house "in the night" while I was away in training with the military. 2 months into a 2 year contract that HE wanted with his family, he stopped replying to my emails after rent was paid late for the first 2 months and then stopped answering the phone too. I found out the house is empty and he currently owes over $2k in back rent and bills and is moving around on the run.
He will be sued by me and read the BBB's complaints against him, these complaints and DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH HIM! He takes your money, lies to your face and runs out knowing that he will not show in court or honor his promises, even in writting with a legal contract!
His wife is Nikita and works for Keller Williams in the Clarksville or Nashville, TN area as well as a realtor, oddly selling homes and moving out while her husband bails out of legal contracts with the kids in tow!



The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Sep 13, 2009 4:57 am EDT

Warning Business Owners & Renting Families-Andew Steffensmeier is evil and money hungry!
Andrew, if were going to tell we will tell it ALL! After so much verbal abuse I have broken my peace on this matter. I am a mom of two babies and Dontre is my spouse. This man and my husband made an agreement on contract and we rented and painted the entire home and intended to buy it. My husband also did his landscaping with was 100% completed and paid in full before we resided in 1859 Darlington Drive Clarksville, TN 37042. There was an agreed grace period 12th-20th every month due to our nature of work and not having set pay dates-Andrew was fine with that. This issue was clearly explained to him and he stated it was fine.Two months into the contract Andrew Steffensmeier emailed my husband being very rude saying its not his problem we chose this kind of work and how its not a convience for us to be living in the property and eliminated the grace period and rent to be due on the 12th period. Andrew stated that if rent was paid ONE day late again that he would evict us from the property. He also stated that he wanted to basically sale the property anyway, Andrew purposely had come up with cruel terms to leave me and family homeless. He has outragoues terms his late fees are $140 PER DAY!

How is someone suppose to make it in these times with people trying to beat them out of money. Andrew does have our $1400 deposit and the $2500 dollars that we spent painting, repairing ceilings and walls throughout his home. We also remulched and kept up the yard while we where there, we loved the home and did intend to stay until he changed the terms. Andrew has called my job several times concerning this matter and also placed reports like this throughout the internet. That is fine because I may need to make some phone calls myself. He has also left verbal abuse messages on the phone "calling us chicken [censored] son of a bit*hes", saying how he would destroy my career as a realtor and my husbands business. We are a small business and it is unfortunate that we are dealing with this, I wish that we would have not came into contact with Andrew, I thought he was a nice person but through these vindictive emails and calls I see and evil and selfish person. I recieved a call from him and he told me that if they went to court the judge would rule in his favor just because he was in the military.

Andrew -get real, God Bless You for doing your job but facts and documentation are what holds up in court not your occupation. He also told me that he would settle out of court for $3000 plus our $1400 deposit, then sent and email saying $4500 and another lastnight saying now its over $8000! Are you kidding me!? Anyone please drive by this property and view it INSIDE & OUT- it is perfect condition we lived there 2 months and did not cause damage to Andrew's home- he admited on the phone but we owe him over $8000? That's beyond highway robbery. He continues to send personal emails and try to cause damage in our places of employment. Andrew you are wrong and you know it, maybe I should start calling your job and try to ruin your reputation so that you cannot provide for family. You are heartless and evil. You can print this off and add it to your file have a ball!

To the readers-We are not scammers and were not running from this man we are NOT going to let our kids hungry paying his $140 PER day lates fees while were out busting our tails on commision based jobs during these tough times. Sorry Andrew if thats a problem I know that your seeing that your kids want for nothing also. So Small Businesss Owners- Beware of Andrew Steffensmeiser and his evil ways and Families-DO NOT RENT FROM THIS MAN-go through a company, if something doesn't go his way he will 1.TRY TO TAKE YOUR MONEY 2.RUIN YOUR JOB 3. TRY TO LEAVE YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES HOMELESS 4.VERBALLY & MENTALLY ABUSE YOU BY PHONE AND EMAIL. WARNING!

Andrew-Done with your games.
Andrew I'm taking all the voicemails and emails to the police department today. I'm done with the games and you calling my place of employment. Dont worry I'll take this report too to show what I have written. You called me and laughed in my face telling me how me and my kids were going to suffer and that is a NO NO to any mother. I don't have anything else to say to you. If court is the way to go than just do it. SAY what you want but anymore forms of contact are being forwaded the POLICE DEPARTMENT! FYI- If I'm supposedly in this lawsuit then I can reply. DO NOT CALL ME/EMAIL ME OR MY JOB ANYMORE. If my report is removed yours will be too because you are not telling the truth. SLANDER IS SLANDER & you started it, I only responded to seeing something written first!My job legally has nothing to do with this and my name is not on your CONTRACT! FYI- IF you are so sure that you will win in court, jeopardizing my job will only delay the bogus $8000 or $100000 that you claim we owe you...140 PER DAY is a bogus late charge and you DID breach the CONTRACT first. Have a blessed day and see you in court.

Clarksville, TN Homeowner
Clarksville, US
Jan 04, 2010 8:30 am EST

Well, Nikita, your husband has a terrible reputation around town and all of us --his former (FORMER) customers are getting the word out. He really should be put out of business. He totally abandoned his $4k+ contract at my house and has refused to call me back and sent me a BS email not answering any of the questions I posed. Now he is evading me. You might want to get a hold of your husband and shake him or something. You'll be reading more about my complaint at /link removed/ and getting a court summons here shortly.

Also, when responding to complaints on this website, ad homimem attacks do not support your argument. They make you look like an angry housewife. From reading your response -- it looks like he has a valid case against you for not fulfilling your end of a contract.

Aug 30, 2011 4:15 am EDT

Thanks for providing the name of his sposuse. It will be much easy for the summons to be served as it was so easy to do a background search!

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