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CB Mortgage Companies Review of Donna Price Team/Price Team Mortgage
Donna Price Team/Price Team Mortgage

Donna Price Team/Price Team Mortgage review: Donna Price Team Mortgage 8

Author of the review
6:44 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My wife and I swent to High Profile Realty in Gledale for a home loan. We were givvn th beg fast talking speach by Chris Hanson on how we could get our loan and Donna Price Team was the master at getter it done. There was even a testimonial about this crook woman on their High Profile web site about how she should get you a loan for no matter what. What we go instead was railroaded into a loan, interest only, Ms. Price demanded, because it was in our best interest - or should we say HER best financial interest. What happened next was total chaos after we closed on our Peoria area home. The loan The Donna Price Team sold us as bogus, had fradulant languange and she in lied lied lied to us the day we walked into High Profile's door for a loan. We got the bad loan and not cannot refinance it. Yhis is destroyed our lives and I am looking for others out there who have been ripped off by Donna Price Team dba Price Team Mortgage. Her web site still seems to be, although her address is fake and she was evicted from that Lake Pleasant Address some time ago. I have talked to reputable mortgage brokers and loan officers since and they have suggessed that I reach out to all of you who have been victimized by this compulsive liar of a mortgage broker and have her license stripped away. Please hope others read this so a class action law suit can be get rolling.
If you have worked with this criminal at any other mortgage company and can share your horror stories, please add to this soon-to-be growing letter of complaints.

Anonymous victimized loan holder from the hands of Donna Price Team/Price Team Mortgage
in Peoria area, Arizona, USA


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Donna Price Security Mortgage Victim
Oct 05, 2009 10:29 pm EDT

She ripped people off at Security Mortgage too. How do these crooks stay in business?

Donna Price Security Mortgage Victim
Oct 05, 2009 10:31 pm EDT

I workd with her at Security Mortgage and she is a compulsive liar and will do anythinh for a sale. Donna Price is a Low Example of what a mortgage broker should be and should be removed from the industry before she cheats someone else

Donna Price Security Mortgage Victim
Oct 05, 2009 10:34 pm EDT


Glendale, US
Nov 30, 2009 6:16 pm EST

I'm sorry to hear about the money you were scammed out on. They are many companies that are legitimate and can help homeowners stop foreclosure and keep their homes.

Mortgage Assistance Group is one of those companies that holds an "A" rating with the BBB and has help over 500 homeowners keep their homes.

They give a discount to the homeowners who have been scammed and treat each client with respect and dignity.

You can reach them at [protected] and at

Thanks and good luck,

Randy D.

P.S. If you know someowner they can help, They will pay a $100 referral!

Broke because of Donna
peopria, US
Aug 13, 2012 2:32 pm EDT

Donna price will do and say anything to get a few $ in her own pocket. She lies, cheats, steals if she sees fit. she has made several comments to myself on how she knows how to beat the system. So she doesn't get in trouble. How sad... She still lives in Peoria. She still ripping people off... Why can't there be something done about this? There has to be a way.

arizona citizen
Aug 14, 2012 2:42 pm EDT

Donna Price has 100's of satisfied clients and written testimonials to the same effect. She has helped 100's of people get into homes and even save their homes from foreclosure. If you have proof of fraud you would have brought it to a legal action and not writing information anonymously on a website.

arizona citizen
Aug 14, 2012 2:45 pm EDT

Donna Price is a very honest person with high integrity. Here of late there is a woman trying to slander her for her own vengeful reasons. She found this old post and posted it on face book, and then added a comment of her own. It's really sad that she has nothing better to do.

Immediate Removal Demanded
Oct 09, 2012 4:29 am EDT

This previous post is demanded to be removed. It was written in poor reponse to a facebook post, was NOT ment to be submitted, which was in error. The poster has already contacted the appropriate channels to remove these extremely innappropriate and unfair statements. The poster deeply apologizes to Ms. Price and will continue to pursue this until it is removed.