First, Colt Ledger & Associates, Inc., Has filed 33 Criminal Fraud and Money Laundering complaints against Cunningham Energy with the Federal authorities for review and prosecution. We cannot control the speed with which they will progress. However, I have been in contact with all three of the agencies now involved, over the past several weeks. They will not provide much information regarding their progress, but they have asked that we forward some additional information that has come into our possession, so something is happening.
I believe, that, with this next piece of the legal team coming together, this will be your last shot at recovering your investment from Ryan Cunningham.
Please remember, we have beaten Cunningham in civil court, we have Cunningham field people that know what has really occurred in the "oil patch" and to the wells that Cunningham sold to you and they have agreed to testify on your behalf, we have Cunningham employees that will testify against Cunningham, we have recently found brokers/salespeople that sold you the projects, that will also testify, regarding, all of projects were, allegedly, designed to fail and we have tape recordings of Cunningham salespeople pitching the these projects to fellow investors; which will verify your complaints.
Therefore, everything that can be done with Cunningham has been done, up to this point.
But I have always wanted to move CLA to the next level! And I Have!
Second: Class Action Suit:
We are working with a law firm who has beaten Cunningham previously and is currently reviewing our Cunningham complaints to initiate a possible Class Action Lawsuit.
This is not an advertisement for a law firm. It is illegal for a law firm to "split fees". CLA is retained by the law firm for services provided on an hourly rate, ONLY in the event that civil litigation moves forward.
A word from my legal team: everything contained herein is, obviously, based on my educated opinions, trained observations, intense research, client's sworn statements, materials provided by Cunningham, and public documents filed with the State of WV and the Federal government, all of which, are protected under the First Amendment and the Communication Decency Act. No one has been charged or indicted at this time. My opinions and my observations, are based on years of experience in working in this profession, court results, including Cunningham's court fiasco, prison sentences handed down, investigating and preparing over 1250 complaints, working with State and Federal agents and the best track record of money recovered and people in prison, by any private firm or citizen in the country! Fortunately, in America, at least, at this time, everyone is considered innocent until proves otherwise in a legal forum.
Lost 172k lies.
Have recordings. Email. Text.
Patrick Childs
Cunningham Energy/ CE Energy / Viper Capital is 3 years late on drilling wells and cant keep the wells they have producing more than 5 barrels a day.
Colt Ledger is of the same reputation.