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CB Online Scams Review of Crown Courier Service
Crown Courier Service

Crown Courier Service review: Fraud and scam

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12:29 am EDT
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From: AGENT RICHARD GREEN ([protected]
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
Sent: Mon 7/14/08 11:23 AM
Reply-to: [protected]
To: [protected]

(Thanks for contributing to our Financial Success)

REF: YAHOO6/[protected]/27
BATCH: 15/623/UK.
Registered Lottery No 220949

Dear Melba Bradsher,

Thanks for your email response. This is to inform you that we have successfully confirmed the information you sent to this office to enable us process and remit your winning amount to you. Firstly, I want to use this medium to once again congratulate you for being a winner of our email lottery programmed organized by YAHOO here in London, United Kingdom.

Please note that this Promotional programmed tagged "Thanks for contributing to our financial Success" was sponsored and organized by the Yahoo Corporation in view of the Financial benefits YAHOO have received from its numerous customers either through adverts, hosting and personal emails.

It is also important that I inform you that there was no sales of tickets as the draws was conducted by assigning various Individual email addresses to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. Please note that this email addresses is normally supplied to us by free email services providers such as yahoo, hotmail, aol amongst others.

In line with this, your e-mail address attached to ticket number [protected]-5319 with serial number 7263-267, batch number [protected] which drew lucky numbers [protected] which consequently won in the 1st category.

However, we clearly spelt out in our lottery terms and condition various modalities which those who emerged lucky winners are to use in collecting their prize money. For the remittance process to be carried out, those who are residing outside the United Kingdom are to use the services of a courier service company whose duty is to deliver their cheques to them in their house address while they are to bear the cost of delivery. Please note that for this option, delivery cannot be carried out to P.O. BOXES.

However for the Courier delivery option which is for winners who do not reside close to London, i.e, United Kingdom, you will be required to contact a courier company who will then ship your cheques or transfer their winning prize to them in their respective countries while they in turn pay the delivery expenses and proceed with the cheque to any bank in their country where the full value to the cheque will be paid to them.

Therefore, because you are not residing close to the United Kingdom, we have have forwarded your winning cheque and Certificate to the courier company who will be delivering it safely to you in your country. In line with this, you are advised to contact the courier company for the cost of delivering your winning cheque of $500, 000.00 safely to you in your country for cashing. Please find details of the Courier Service Company below:

Crown Courier Service.
TEC House, 7 Pioneer Business P ark,
Amy Johnson Way, Clifton Moorgate, England
United Kingdom
Handling Officer: Mr. Dean Christopher
Email: [protected]

Please note: All Correspondences should be directed to Person:

Crown Courier Service.
TEC House, 7 Pioneer Business Park,
Amy Johnson Way, Clifton Moorgate, England .
United Kingdom

Handling Officer: Mr.Dean Christopher
Email: [protected]
Direct Tel: +[protected]

Please note that Contact should be established within twenty four hours of receiving this email so that details of the delivery of your cheque will be communicated to you. In establishing contact, the number: CRC/[protected] should also be included, in your email amongst your full names, contact address, direct telephone numbers so that your letter can be honored.

Furthermore, the number CRC/[protected] is a very important and confidential order number which is to be included in your email to the courier company and carefully noted. Also, I must inform you that to avoid unwarranted abuse and wrongful claims, you are to keep your winnings confidential. Once again we formally congratulate you for emerging a lucky winner of the YAHOO PROMOTIONS.

Your's Sincerely,
Agent Richard Green

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