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CB Collection Agencies Review of Collection Company
Collection Company

Collection Company review: Collections 3

Author of the review
1:35 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

This collection company had purchased my medical debt from my local hospital from my ER visits. At the time my insurance we flip flopping back and forth from Medcaid to Medi-cal and they hospital had filed the claim to the wrong place. Now they have sold my debt to these people and I have advised them that I am working with both my social security office as well as my county welfare office to request documents showing I was covered at that time and by who. They are still calling my house everyday three times a day. They are not calling out of the allotted call times but they are being rude telling me I am irresponsible for mot paying my bills and so on. I have requested over the phone for them to not call me anymore but they keep calling. I am sending a letter and faxing one as well requesting that they only contact me via mail so we will see how that goes. These people are just plain rude. NOT everyone is dodging a bill, I am trying to get them paid for them.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Always be alert
Always be alert
Feb 28, 2013 8:16 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They way they are treating you is abusive and are violations of the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act). Keep track of when they call, date/time, what they said to you, and always, always tell them to cease and desist when they call you. Write that down too. Fax them a cease and desist letter (you'll have proof that it was sent successfully, even if they say they never got the fax.) Here is a search engine to find their fax number. Make sure you find the company name with the same address as the one on the letters you've received.

yuba city, US
Mar 01, 2014 1:24 pm EST

I called to clear up medical bills on my credit. Rash Curtis made me a settlemet offer and split it into two payments and will remove the items from my credit after the second payment is made, one in Feb and one in March. I made them put this in writing as I have heard of their reputation for unfair practices. I paid the one in Feb. and the March payment isnt due until the 30th .I woke up this morning with an alert from my credit monitoring company stating my score had dropped 45 points due to negative activity. When I checked my report it showed that Intead of reporting the payment and balance update; they re reported all the account to my credit and stated they were seriously past due and no payment has been made. My credit score droppped 45 points overnight. PAYING YOUR BILL AT RASH CURTIS DIDNT HELP MY CREDIT SCORE IY MADE IT WORSE! So why bother

Always be alert
Always be alert
Mar 05, 2014 6:20 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Paying a debt collector 'restarts' the clock on old debt. Here's what happens: The older the debt is (the closer to the 7-year mark it can stay on your credit report), the less 'weight' it carries on your over all credit score. Once you make a payment towards that old debt, it becomes 'current'; (the 7-year clock starts again) which carries much more 'weight' towards your overall credit score and thereby drops your credit score, rather than raising it. Also, because the payment was made, the old debt will remain on your credit report for another 7 years. Paying a debt that has already been written off and sent to collections is a personal preference. That being said, paying an old debt that is close to falling of your credit reports WILL damage your credit and keep the old debt around for 7 more years.