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CB Fast Food Chains Tim Hortons 1325 Trafalgar St, London, ON, N5W 1W6, CA
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Tim Hortons
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Tim Hortons

1325 Trafalgar St, London, ON, N5W 1W6, CA
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1 complaint
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Working hours
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
8:28 pm EST

Tim Hortons - horrible customer service

Nov.26/19 @ (between 5:05-5:15pm)
Only car in line @ drive thru
Supervisor: catherine (asked brianna to speak to at time of order but catherine never came to window)
Employees x 3 :
Took drive thru order - a blonde girl (name was not offered by brianna)
2nd to enter service at drive thru window - brianna
3rd employee wasn't involved - was there witnessing everything but said nothing so will not be mentioned in this complaint.
-pulled into drive-thru to order
-ordered 1 lrg coffee when (blonde girl) promptly asking "is that everything?"
-calmly I replied "no"... And asked for a blueberry donut... (blonde girl says "no... They were discontinued... Is that everything?"
-once again I calmly replied "no.. Do you have any strawberry muffins/donuts?"
- (blonde girl) replies "no they are discontinued... Is that everything?"
-I replied "really?, as I was surprised that everything we were ordering was discontinued...
- I replied"no and asked for 3 oatmeal cookies... Order completed I drove to window
- (blonde girl) was at window and visibly mad asking me "is there a problem with the order?" in very ignorant tone
-I replied "no... I was just surprised that they-tim hortons - took off menu is all"
(blonde girl) replies "yeah well they did and it's not my fault so dont blame me for it!"
Then gave my order and quickly closed window and walked away on me! So rude and unprovoked... My passenger 50 yr old brother and i (45 yrs old) were just looking at each other like what just happened here?
We never did anything to provoke her anger other than ordering items that weren't on menu... Unknown to us until time of order.
-motioned for 2 girls standing there to open window to ask why the attitude from (blonde girl)
Enter brianna! Also high attitude and super rude... Accusing my brother and I of saying something rude to them after ordering... Which never happened at all...100% fabricated... At my age I have no reason to be rude to these girls nor was my passenger rude at any point.. She said "we can hear you when you drive away ya know?"
-I denied the accusation and asked what it was that they thought i'd said... Brianna had no comment on what it was I said...
-I asked brianna her name... Which she gave me and asked to speak to manager... And asked for (blonde girls) name
-brianna continued to be very confrontational with us insisting we said something over intercom. Very untrue.
-brianna wouldn't get manager or give me (blonde girls) name
-explained to her that (blonde girl) had very bad attitude and simply asked what her reasoning was... That's when brianna accused us of saying something rude through intercom to (blonde girl)
-I explained that i'm the customer and deserve a little more respect than the way we were being treated and brianna said "good night guys smiling and shut the windows on our conversation...
As a long term tim hortons customer of many years... I've never been hassled and accused of such childish nonsense as I experienced at this tim hortons location and staff! Ever!
My passenger and I were dumbfounded... Wondering what had happened right then... Totally uncalled for.
Some patience of staff at time of ordering would be appreciated... Sorry we are ordering 2 items consecutively that were discontinued... Unless we as customers ask at drive thru... How are we to know?
It doesnt give the permission to be rude and start accusing customer of things that never even took place. These girls are young... I get it... But I expect a certain amount of respect as a paying customer... Probably will be returning to this location in future and I hope to get treated in this fashion again! Next time I won't drive away. I'll go into store and deal with the attitude and false accusations in person. Im sure customers inside would like to listen.
Adolescent behaviour on behalf of these staff members. Grow up.

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