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CB Holiday Autos

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On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Holiday Autos's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Holiday Autos, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Holiday Autos. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

4:01 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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Holiday Autos hire car costs

I booked two cars for collection at Dubrovnik airport through the holiday autos site on the understanding that all the information provided after booking was true and accurate and the price was correct. I have issues with the following statements on our booking information.
1. Breakdown assistance is included with the car. Sixt do not accept this cover and would not release the car without further payment.
2. Fuel pick up - Pick up, return full. This was also untrue. Sixt demanded up front payment for a full tank of fuel and were told to return it empty. We knew we would not need it and as expected only used just under half a tank but did not have the option for buying less fuel. This is why we chose an agreement of 'pick up full and return full'.
In order to be able to take the cars away we had to agree to pay a further 90 euros per car or walk away without cars and pay for the booking anyway.
I request a refund of roadside protectionm - 16.80 and half the fuel costs - 27.60 + 25% VAT. A total of 55 euros per car. 110 euros in total.

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Update by S. Newman
Jul 02, 2018 4:03 am EDT

As above


Being dealt with by the car company directly

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6:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Holiday Autos car booked and paid for, not available

I booked a car rental through holiday autos online, ref GB926016840, for collection from Easirent Crawley, Gatwick, on 3rd April 2018 at 1400 for two weeks. Shortly before my trip, Holiday Autos sent me an app called travel buddy, for my iPad which they stated would make collection of the car easier, and paper free. Travel buddy stated clearly and listed four mandatory items that would be needed to collect the car, namely 1. Confirmation car hire voucher. 2. Photo proof of ID such as a passport. 3. Driving license. 4. Credit card with enough available credit for the deposit.
When I arrived I was told that I also needed to provide two original copies of utility bills or bank statements with proof of address on them, and nowhere apart from the very small print on the car hire voucher was this stated. I must add that I have never in years of hiring cars in the UK, had to produce these documents, so I was unsuspecting of this underhand trick. Easirent refused to hire me a car, and by the time I had argued my point, my pick up time had expired to my booking was then cancelled. However the Easirent employee said that if I could somehow provide these documents within the next 24 hours I could still hire my car that as far as I was concerned I had reserved for two weeks. AT extra expense and on the advice of the Easirent employee, I hired a car for the day, drove to Dorset where my mail is being forwarded to from my tenanted property, collected the necessary bills, and returned to Easirent the next day. I was informed that my booking was cancelled, but that they could reinstate it. This was done, and I was then told that they no longer had the car for me, and that they could not refund my money for the booking. They could however rent me another car at extra expense for the two weeks. This booking in total has now cost me £328 in extra car hire, not to mention the extra petrol involved in travelling to Dorset and back, and it seems to me that Holiday Autos have pocketed my original payment without having to hire me a car at all, while Easirent have not provided me with my requested car, and charged me again for a replacement.
All this because the requirements are not made clear on the Travel Buddy app, when it would be very easy to make clear the need for the proof of address paperwork. This seems to me to be a cynical omission, designed to catch people like me out, and get money for nothing, and leaving no apparent way for me to get a refund for services not provided. Four other people had the same problem while I was dealing with the employee at the Easirent counter, so I am not alone in having had this problem.
I would like to request a full refund of the extra expenses incurred in this debacle of £228 plus £40 in petrol, and I would also like to request that it be made clear on the travel buddy app that these extra documents are required.
As it stands this whole arrangement feels like a scam, and very consumer unfriendly, and although this sum of money is not a huge amount, the whole experience was unpleasant and frustrating, and I will be taking the matter up with the consumer watchdog, reporting the matter on Trip advisor, and in my capacity as a travel writer, I will be publishing the matter in every publication that wants to know about it, cannot reach a resolution.
I am sailing in Greece for the next 18 months, so can only be contacted by email and I would appreciate a prompt response.
Sara Lane

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7:22 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Holiday Autos Charged for a car that they didn't have

I found a car on Holiday Autos and didn't realize this was apparently not an car rental agency? Had a terrible time actually getting to the car rental company which I guess is called Green Motion. Since we were late they said they no longer had a car for us and wanted to charge 90 British pounds in addition to what we already paid. Absolutely ludicrous to spend that! Went to Enterprise and rented a care for a third of that! Do not go through these companies they take your money up front and screw you. It ruined the end of our trip! Use a company you know and trust even if it costs a little more. It will be cheaper in the long run. I lost my money and I don't know who to talk to about it! I bought insurance also and their is no record from the insurance company that I bought but the money was taken out of my bank account.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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9:34 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Holiday Autos Misleading quotations

If you look at the pic of my recent quote from this company, a couple of things stand out. Total Rental Price is GBP 46.00 and "No Hidden Extras". Surprise, surprise on triple -checking it turns out that they were planning to levy an additional GBP 35 because it is a one-way rental. Now it states right thre on the quote that this is a one-way rental, and that the TOTAL price will be GBP 46.

But then there is that 'important information' link; what does it have to say on the subject?

Under "What's not included?" there is a line "One-way rental charges where applicable". And there are 2 lines under Delivery and collection/one-way rentals: "One way rental could be on a request bases with the supplier." (Whatever THAT means!) and "There could be a one way rental charge depending on the location and the supplier."

But obviously not in my case right, I mean they know my location and supplier and the TOTAL price is GBP 46.

So if this doesn't qualify as a hidden extra, what would exactly? Don't give these people your business, it will only encourage them.

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London, GB
Aug 16, 2013 6:25 pm EDT


I was charged an insurance excess fee on returning a rental car allegedly as sandstorm damaged had occurred to the vehicle.
The car rental broker through whom I made the rental and took out the Total Damage Excess waiver policy, is now refusing to refund the cost claiming the damage amounts to negligence in my driving through a sandstorm.
I fully refute the claim I was neither negligent - I found myself in an unavoidable and unexpected weather situation and more importantly, I maintain that not withstanding the alleged damage (which in itself was unidentifiable), my purchase of a full insurance waiver product provided protection in advance of the rental from the broker should have provided more than adequate coverage from such a charge and nowhere was such alleged damage an obvious nor stated exception of the Total excess waiver policy.

I am simply trying to guage, as I have now reached an impasse with the broker, if I have recourse to make a valid small claim against them. The Claim value is approx. £1100.00. Thanks very much for any guidance and advice.

Lee Bryan

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