I have been subscribed to Brighteon.io for eight months. The social networking site is quite unfriendly. Most of my posts are ignored, a few liked. The environment appears to be populated by posters who are artificially generated entities. My surmisal is based upon stocktype posters who post on the same topics nearly every day; each stocktype person has their specialty: cats, deep trivia, redundant news, hate-mongering, many repetitious reposts of news. There is nothing really original; there are frequently specialists who post feel-good nature photos which can be pulled from stockphotos; edited with maybe some rendering or music. The techies have an in-group whereby they all seem to know one another, so it is really very transparent they like one another's posts. Outsiders are ignored. Especially hurtful is if one is sharing a blog post or news article written by oneself, or even a book or website. They will ignore your hard work, and to the point that if you share a concern, they will mock you. There are also posters who have real issues with certain ethnicity, like they have hidden anger issues. It is not at all inspiring to interact or post there. They also hide or bury posts that they don't think are deserving of viewing.
Desired outcome: Please be wary of this social media website