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CB Appliances Review of Aqualife Water Filters
Aqualife Water Filters

Aqualife Water Filters review: Scam 14

Author of the review
7:00 pm EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I own an aqualife water filter that was very advertized and as a family with children our family decided to have that system for better health. in 8 month after we installed that system wich is not cheeap and was with warranty for 1 year. water from that filter started to taste like a grass. i called the company if they can come and check, they came changed the filters charged me another 140$ and after 2 weeks the water started to taste the same. it the worse company i ever deal with.they do not provide costumers with what they promise to you. the warranty does not mean anything. they will make you believe that its your falt that the water like that. not the filters they gave you. i recomend not to buy those filters from that company. it is a big scam.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Feb 22, 2010 4:56 pm EST

I know of someone who got there Aqua water tested, and the results were not good. She is suing to get her money back, but they have not responded.
It would seem that 2 different people had the water tested, and they were both acidic.

Woodstock, US
Mar 11, 2010 3:02 pm EST

I have an aqualife system and could not be more satisfied!

Manalapan, US
Dec 16, 2010 5:31 pm EST

Aqualife customer service is the worst. Russian representatives have the worst attitude and after they receive money for the filer they could care less. Aqualife water systems cost 1, 000 - 3, 500 and for that money they should care about their customers. What a shame!

Brooklyn, US
Jun 28, 2011 10:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I got totally opposite story. I bought filter from online site. The box came, my husband ask our super to install the system. It leaked two times, and we had to call him every time to fixed it $$$. After the third time we flooded our neighbors we shut it down. We had a lot of our family members and friend whom had Aqualife for a long time and were Very Happy, but my husband wanted a chipper way out. Finaly we called Aqualife and got their system. From the moment their representative came to do water test, to installation of the system, to customers service, its been very professional and pleasant. So in the end you get what you pay for. I'm very happy with Aqualife.

Brooklyn, US
Feb 12, 2012 9:02 pm EST

Thanks God, that we have in New York Aqualife Company!
My family is very happy with their service and professionalism. We do not buy bottled water anymore, we enjoy pure and tasty water in our kitchen.
The system needs maintenance, like any equipment and we knew it from the day one,
Again, Aqualife, thank you for service, thank you for product!

Newark, US
May 10, 2012 10:39 am EDT

It the worst company to deal with . Crooks and bandits.
We installed the filter for $3, 5k in hope to protect our health, we were so naive and simply stupid., knowing in advance that dealing with a Russian company could be a problem. The system during these 3, 5 years broke twice (leaked), and to change the filters we needed to pay more and more every year (not a couple of dollars to cover for inflation, but twice as much as for the first filters replacement) .
this year maintenance costed us $300, leak stop broke and we were without water for a week. On my question to the manager to if we can replace this system, I got a response with an attitude, implied that it's our fault, we didn't call on time or we simply bought this overpriced and not a good machine, so we deserved to have this bad service. Yes, you deserved this, you jerks! So, people, don't buy it, search for better product and better company.

Brooklyn, US
Dec 23, 2012 6:37 pm EST

The filter itself is great, although there are other cheaper companies. One big problem is dealing with unethical businesses for example, someone named Edward in New York Aqualife was extremely rude and refused to change the filter after the Hurricane Sandy storm, claiming that it is not the company's responsibility. I faithfully change filters and did so in July (Its December now) and pay no little money for the service. This Edward character was extremely rude because once they receive their money for installation they are not sweet-talking you any more. You should've heard the sweetness that came out of them when they were selling, and how nasty they turned once they sold. Unethical, unprofessional company. Do research, and find a cheaper way to filter your water. I am stuck with this Aqualife crooks, but even I am thinking of paying another company to reinstall.

Natalia Piper
Seattle, US
Jun 06, 2013 6:51 pm EDT

Do not buy from them and stop if you can business with them. This company should be shut down and should not exist in the US. They have no ethics, their point is to screw you up and to get most money from you. They totally scam you and their representatives are horrible lyers.
I bought their filtering system 3 years ago as a recommendation from my parents for health benefits. This Edward (Eduard) phone [protected] showed up and started maintenance program with escalating increase price for filters. Then he sold me chloride filter for whole house and told me that the system would be installed in 2 weeks, and that I would receive a call to schedule it. I did not receive any calls and called Eduard myself. He said that the plummer was not available and would be available in 20 days to install it.
At that time I told Eduard that I want to return that chloride system filter and get my money back $1000.
Eduard said that he could not take the system back and return my money. He
said that he only could arrange for somebody to come to install it. He was not sweet talking anymore... I called their main number, they did not return call back. Then recently I got a call from their other representative that I have to have whole kitchen filtering system changed for updated version! It'll would cost more $$$. I'm not going for this one. I have to get rid and free myself from all their systems.
So this people do not take their packaged product that has't been installed, how you can trust them that their system and water is good?
Now i'm thinking that with their filter you get mineral poor water, you get mineral deficiencies probably drinking water without minerals. I'll be getting water from well now and I would ### all their "health benefits pure water "(насрать на всех их фильтры и sweet talks) .

Elina Elias
Brooklyn, US
Apr 22, 2014 12:33 am EDT

Thanks a lot to Aqualife company, my kids are very happy, my family likes the taste of water. Yes it not cheap but it is fair because I'm cooking every day for my family, thank god we don't have to worry to carry gallons of water anymore! and i spent about the same money to buy those gallons!

Jun 04, 2014 6:40 pm EDT

There are different types of water filtration systems from on-the-tap faucet filtration systems dispensers and pitchers using carbon filters, to those using reverse osmosis technique.

Brooklyn, US
Nov 22, 2014 12:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The most horrible people and scammers. theya re the worst and I hope they shut down soon. They are trying to ruin my credit saying i didnt pay something I did.. Once again stay away from these Crooks before they ruin you life...

Sam 99
Mar 08, 2016 7:09 am EST

This is not a company you can trust, I installed the whole system in the house for $7+K, i have the water tested and the result is the same as regular using reverse osmosis technique.

Mar 26, 2016 2:49 pm EDT

Aqualife is a nice scam, and the biggest issue I have is with their sales techniques and "science" behind their products. They talked my parents into installing a k5 system, while I was there. The biggest issue I have with them is pseudo-science behind their selling methods. The fast-talking sales representatives are better salesmen than scientists for which they try to pass themselves. Their tricks, "comparisons" between samples of common sources of water such as tap or bottle, and a sample that allegedly had gone through their purification system during an 1+ hour long sales act, reek of high-pressure scamming. They wouldn't take "No" for an answer, or even let potential customers think for a day, because they know that time when they can be researched and exposed is not on their side. They've even gone to such lengths as insisting that if my parents had to talk about their decision to buy or not to buy their system in private, they'd step outside for 15 minutes! As to the tricks with "dirty" water turning weird colors while their "purified" water stayed transparent, after adding whatever chemicals they claimed were catalysers...the whole thing was fishy, and after I asked a simple question, I got a ### answer that didn't answer my question. After that, the salesman only addressed my parents. I won't speak for others, whose stories of having been ripped off, overcharged, etc. I have heard. If you want to get one of their systems (several thousand $ worth, plus $130 maintenance each year), I just want to suggest that you carefully research them. As for them testing water AND selling expensive purification equipment--many people see nothing wrong with that approach. Personally, I don't know how you can trust a man who's trying to earn a nice fat commission off your expensive purchase, to declare that your tap water, as well as any bottled water, is poisonous to drink. Sure, those pictures and numbers are a neat shock'n'awe strategy. Tell them you need 24 hours to think about it, and see how many excuses they will give you, insisting that the sale MUST be done at that instant. An unscrupulous company run by fast-talking, sleazy Russian Jews, who don't care about you once they've received their money.

Jul 23, 2024 7:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Where I can buy the 4 filters that goes under the sink aquasmart system?