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West Coast Consulting LLC

West Coast Consulting LLC review: Fake company, double cross innocent people 26

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

West Coast Consulting LLC sponcore me a H1 visa. will all the fake document fake client fake promises. They have take money from me for my H1 and also call me here and did not provide any support and suddenly at once they said we can not find a project for you. please beware of this company. I will post more about this company...

they are cheater they spoil my carrier and did not gave me my salary...

Update by Deepak
Oct 06, 2007 5:17 pm EDT

Hello friends and my fellow H1b consultants,

I want to withdraw my earlier complaint posted on this site against West Coast Consulting, LLC. In fact because of some great miscommunication and wrong information spread about me by some people who had a problem with me I have gone thru a lot of problems. Information was spread about me that I am a fake resume. West Coast Consulting, LLC has a strict policy of not hiring fake resumes and because of that they let me go from their company.

Without going into facts and going by some wrong advices of people around me I transferred my H1 to another company which made big promises of giving me 80-20%. I immediately transferred my H1 to the new company. My employer got an RFE, which we responded and after 1 more month it got denied. I was found in a position where I would be deported. Not knowing what to do and whom to trust, I called West Coast Consulting, LLC again hoping they might be able to help me. Once I was able to clear with them that I was being a victim of bad information and I had genuine experience, they immediately got me in touch with their attorney and filed my H1 again, which made my status legal.

When I was in need of Money West Coast Consulting, LLC immediately gave me $2000 advance salary. Thanks to them and my good luck, I am back to my legal status. This is the best company and I take back my previous email and am more than happy to share more details with anyone who has any concerns about them. You can feel free to email me at or call me on my cell at [protected]

Deepak Negi
Proud employee of West Coast Consulting, LLC

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manish pawar
Oct 30, 2007 12:00 am EDT

hi,I am Manish pawar living in Chhindwara (M.P) i had lost my simcard and cellphone by theif.then i request to district dealer for duplicate simcard,i asked for the detail of dupl.sim to custmer care,amount of dupl.sim Rs.160 given by company.but the dealer of our city(YADUVANSI TELECOM)charged Rs.210 and give me any mob. no.[protected].Oher cantact me call on [protected].so, kindly foresight to my compliant.

Feb 23, 2008 3:24 pm EST

yeah r u mad ..some thing fishy

Mar 27, 2008 11:07 am EDT

something is real fishy from the first complaint to the second. In the first one, it is clear that English is def not this persons first language. Then, miraculously, he retracts his complaint in almost perfect English. Sounds fake to me and shady. Bummage.

Jul 08, 2008 1:33 pm EDT

Candidate is fake and so is the company

konda reddy
Irvine, US
Jan 02, 2009 2:59 pm EST

everybody knows What this Co is and many other desi companies are. I doubt this Depak is a fake-up in WCC's favour. I pity H1Bs and spt on Labr Dept & USCIIS.

Brian Meyette
Apr 24, 2009 8:59 pm EDT

I agree - the "retraction" certainly doesn't seem to be written by the same person who made the complaint. The person behind West Coast Consulting, LLC is Bhupendra Yaduvanshi, an individual with quite a history of cheating people who work for him. See for details

Jun 26, 2009 5:54 pm EDT

Check following link


Jan 15, 2010 7:00 pm EST

Lie is their major investment. Cheating is NOT their main business, Smart cheating is their main business

ravi kishor
York, US
Jan 17, 2010 11:33 am EST

These are stupid and looser individuals who have nothing better to do in their life thus they try to find meaning in their life by writing aobut others

reddy naidu
Jacksonville, US
Jul 07, 2010 5:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

These WCC LLC is one of the fake company in US & their behaviour towards the consultants is very rude & Nasty Judgement I spoke to the manager Rajath I don't how he became a manager He is not fit for the position all fake requiremnts no relations with clients to prove they are very good they can do anything

Aug 21, 2010 11:24 pm EDT

why WCC wants to respect people. Yes they are rude, because they know very well H1B people have many leagal constraints because of the existing law. To bring H1b people to their trap, they tell pool of lie, fake contract, fake mail etc., Once you come to their trap, you are absolute slave... Why do they want give respect to slaves... This is their policy.

Vijay Kathri
Sep 14, 2010 2:21 pm EDT

West Coast Consulting(WCC) is the worst company. They give all the fake information to bring people on board and then they treat them like slave . They dont even give I-94 Departure record with H1B if you do H1B transfer which is enough to shows there mindframe behind employment.
Be careful guys with WCC and good luck!

Sep 19, 2010 9:40 am EDT

Rajat Khurana is the big cheat in this industry right from the time of his college days .
West Coast Consulting(WCC) will charge the money from employees to do there H1B to bring people on board with fake promises that the money will be returned back after your employment, which is all fake he never returns the money back, I have already gone through all this and will never recommend West Coast consulting(WCC).

Nov 13, 2010 3:51 pm EST

Around for the past 2yrs, WCC deducting 10% salary from each payroll (Until to join WCC, they hide all this types of terms) and not specifying in pay slip(they said they will pay on year end). Every one knows that WCC not going to pay that money fully/partially. Same thing happened now. One employee resigned now and asked that money. WCC said some of their favored story and refused to pay major portion of the money. No evidence to take further action. He is planning to talk to DOL. Guys working with WCC, be ready to loose your hardly earn money. Now they are slowly moving to "Salary will be paid once in a Year" concept.

Dec 07, 2010 12:08 am EST

Recently found now they have same model of business(consulting - body shopping) with different companies names. These people are making mockery of the system . Guys please be aware of the LCA(Labor conditions approvals) from such companies . These companies can never be trusted .

Jan 18, 2012 9:40 pm EST

I worked with them. Never ever saw such worst people. Tons tons of lie, not paying salary, steal salary, very poor health insurance smart but heavy torture. Changing rules also often those absolutely kills their consultant (how they keep getting these many crim... ideas). They mostly import people from India. Now a days USCIS rules so hard. Their client base is very very tiny/zero. Wondering how they still bring people from India and escape from USCIS radar.

Jun 23, 2012 12:33 am EDT

Until few days/months ago, we had seen many poor reviews on WCC in MYVISxxxxJOBS site. One day all reviews went away. After some days WCC company info also disappeared from that site. Any reason for that?

San Antonio, US
Mar 27, 2013 3:03 pm EDT

Guys, , I am getting a project through WesCoast consulting and they are asking me to transfer my Visa with them to work on 80-20. They are not giving the rate I am asking on corp-to-corp. Please suggest if I should transfer my visa or not? I have to apply for my LC and GC as well. Please suggest if this is right company...

Apr 05, 2013 2:40 pm EDT

I would say think many times. The may play following tricks 1) Then will not give any written & signed letter or email 2) Once you give money to transfer your H1b then they will start their game smartly 3) after H1B transfer they will smartly force to sign contract & reduce salary 4) Withheld heavy portion of your salary 5) check their medical insurance and ask how much you have to pay and how much is out of pocket expenses 6) Smartly smartly they will block all of your escaping routes, then they will apply huge number of new rules OFTEN which will completely destroy...

Aug 20, 2013 4:57 pm EDT

This is a nasty company i have ever seen.Some of the worst, arrogant, rude people are running this company.Their only reason for keep in touch with you is money.Try to avoid working with this company

West Coast Consulting LLC
Salt Lake City, US
Nov 12, 2013 5:27 pm EST

I have NO idea what the hell everyone is talking about. It's in broken english and very poor communication skills and misspelling, etc...I am unable to understand what H1b is, transferring Visa's? But, I CAN tell that there are many irate people out there, regarding WestCoast Consulting LLC and I doubt very seriously that I would be willing to subject myself to such a fiasco. I started to, but looked at the reviews and it sounds like a big mess.

West Coast Consulting LLC
Salt Lake City, US
Nov 12, 2013 5:37 pm EST

Are you based in the United States of America? Do you even KNOW where you are and who you maybe dealing with? It sounds to me that you are used to taking advantage of minorities and people from other countries who are striving to make a better life for themselves and their families and may not fully understand their rights and legal avenues that are available to them. If you have anything you choose to say that would prove these complaints invalid, I would surely like to hear it. Otherwise, I appreciate the complaintants help in making my decision not to contact your company for employement.

Georgetown, US
Nov 12, 2013 5:46 pm EST

First of all great website WCC. I haven't dealt with you so I will not be able to say if you are real or not. With regards to people sending bad reviews, I don't think they are irate as you claim. And yes it is such a fiasco once someone posts a bad review about your business and you respond because others will follow suit. If they had a good experience they will make it known and if its bad same. I will have had doubt about their reviews if they were making referrals to other companies at the end. Such is not the case in your situation Mr. WCC LLC. So either genuinely set-up a team to inquire more and deal with their claim or just be quiet about it.

Redcrest, US
Jan 28, 2014 11:17 pm EST

West Coast Consulting, L.L.C., IS IN NO WAY related to one, West Coast Music Consultants/Jasmark Recording Studios d/b/a licensed in California, by Humboldt County Courthouse, approved and finally dated and recorded on Tuesday, January, 21, 2014. All licenses, federal and state tax numbers, and security bond are available for review as are my credentials for doing said jobs I will be doing as West Coast Music Consultants/Jasmark Recording Studios. I differ from above company also. I write % contracts, record in an up to date recording studio, and have the best of the best working for me as music talent. So, please read above carefully. Even though our businesses look identical, they are indeed not. If you call the Humboldt County Courthouse, in Eureka, CA, you will find indeed, we are so very very different. I don't defraud or lie for anyone. My credentials are golden. All you have to do is call anyone of the music artists I deal with. This comment is neither here to agree or disagree with the above West Coast Music, L.L.C. I don't even know them, and don't want to. Sincerely, Mark Bolton, Jasmark Recording Studio/West Coast Music Consultants (Copyrights Pening) Music, it soothes the Heart, Mind, and Soul. Listen to some today and see what it does for you. (Copyright pending)

Dec 05, 2015 1:46 pm EST

Total scam. They are doing business as TriStar Enterprises in utah, hiring tons of people, keeping all profits from sales and not paying employees.

Vivian Lopez
Dec 11, 2015 5:12 pm EST

***WARNING about a SCAM going on in Utah and they are able to get away with it.***
Address is 3780 West Temple, South salt lake city 84115
My brother started his training with West Coast Consulting LLC on Wednesday, December, 2nd 2015. This company sells "Air Purifiers" which are TRISTAR Vacuum's. He was going through his training process and he was really motivated and pumped to have found a good paying job they promised him $14.00 an hour plus commission and if he sold a vacuum within the first week he would become a manager and no longer need to sell them. He would just help in their office with training etc... On Sunday, December 6th, 2015. He sold his first vacuum and was really excited drove back fourth from Magna to South Salt Lake to get the vacuum and contract for his first sale. He was so excited that he did it and became even more motivated. On Tuesday, December 8th, 2015 his client he had sold the vacuum to had tagged him on a post on FB. The post stated the company was a scam and would basically use people and not pay them for their promised wages. The person who had bought the vacuum felt really uncomfortable with their purchase due to the FB post and no longer wanted their vacuum. Luckily they were within three business days to cancel their contract and return the vacuum. The following morning on Wednesday, December 9th, 2015, he went to pick up the vacuum from the client and went to his training. He went on with his day through the training and started showing other people in his training class the Facebook post he had came across that mad him lose a sale. The trainer caught on and told him to go pick up his display vacuum at home and come back. On his way out he and another co worker were approached by Mike the guy pictured below and asked them if they "talking sh**". First of all you do not approach your employees that way. He told him they weren't and how were they expected to work for a company with negative reviews. He went home to pick up the vacuum, and returned they were not available and told him to go and come back the next day. On Thursday, December 10th, 2015 he went back and they were still busy at this point he was frustrated and advised them he wanted to return the equipment and pick up his check for the hours he had worked. They still kept making up excuses and asked him to come back tomorrow at 12:00 PM. Well later that night they called my dad saying they were sending the cops over to arrest my brother because he had stolen the vacuum. My brother sat there and waited for the cops to arrive because he did not do anything wrong. An hour later Mike shows up to his house. I went outside because I was about to leave and he was parked behind me. He asked if my brother lived there I told him yes and I then asked him if I could help him. He started telling me he was going to put my brother in jail because he stole their vacuum. I told him why is he there if he had called the cops and why haven't they arrived. I told him he needed to get off my property until the cops arrived. Meanwhile they parked in front of my home calling and harassing my brother saying they would be putting him a in jail stating they were going to lie and say they had two witnesses the seen my brother go to their office, stole the vacuumed and sped off. Which is clearly not true, he was working for them and they supplied him with a vacuum to show clients to make the sales. Well we ended up calling the cops ourselves and they said the cops were never called to go to out location but they would have an officer on their way. They finally stopped calling and harassing my brother and drove away before the cops got there. We explained the whole situation to the cops, we were more than willing to return the vacuum but we wanted the cops to be there to witness the transfer since they were already making serious accusations and harassing my brother. The cops decided to call Mike to come pick up the vacuum. Well he told them no that he was going to file a police report against my bother the following day. The cops just advised my brother he clearly did not steal the it and to return the vacuum a the following day. They also advised him to have a cop meet him there so they do not say he didn't rerun it. The cops said they have had many report of this and unfortunately cannot do anything about. The victims of this fraudulent company would have to sue them in civil court for their wages. My brother has wasted his time and will not receive no payment for his hard working wages he earned.
I did a little research on this company. The way they work is they hire so many people that will fall for their scam. They will train them and have them sell their product which is not even worth the price they are selling them for. When pay day arrives they will find an excuse to not pay them. They also make you sign a contract that they will not pay you for 6 weeks so by time those six week come they find an excuse to fire you or not pay you. They make these people fill out their hire papers quickly so that they do not even have time to read what is printed. It's part of their scam. Do your research these vacuum's are worth $400.00 - $700.00 and they sell them for $2000.00 and will lower and say your getting a deal for $1500.00 and if you don't pay cash they will let you make payments with interest! The vacuum's work really well, your just getting ripped off by buying it through their horrible company!
The are a very dishonest and untrustworthy company. They will go to your home and threaten you and will even threaten to post your personal information such as your name, address and social security online.
This a brief summary there is more but I wanted to warn others of this scam and hope they don't fall for it.
If you already are a victim filing a lawsuit I have recordings and other things as well I can give you!

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