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CB Online Scams Review of Green Green Green review: Scammer 1

Author of the review
10:19 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I paid this woman, Imelda Green, at $200.00 for readings in February. I never got the readings and she will not respond to my emails or phone calls. Her website says she is in New York, but who knows. Imelda Green and trustedpsychicmediums is nothing but a scam. I want my money back and she should be prosecuted for "obtain money by false pretense."

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Aug 29, 2018 12:58 pm EDT

I read Imelda’s article on libra‘s who are born on the cusp of Virgo. I had to stop reading the article because nothing in it made sense. All she did was bash us and put us down. Called our process indecisiveness. The job of libra in the universe is to find balance in there is a process for that, we go in word and we find all the positive and the negative and all the in between in every situation and then present it, we are finding balance not being indecisive. It’s not called being lazy it’s called a process. Clearly you do not understand libras at all. I am a libra born on the Virgo cusp and my life has been full of decisions and adventures. I don’t sit around pondering choices and never making a decision. I think you need to interview a lot of libras to really understand us, we are very deep old souls who see the bigger picture and have a very rare gift that most don’t understand

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