This is my personal & direct experience of how a few groups of students from a catholic high school have been acting & behaving in a nearby Toronto Public Library branch every school day after school for hours.
I sent similar to the following email communications addressing concerning school principal, superintendent, trustee, TCDSB communication & Director Browne & even the Archdiocese of Toronto. To my great disappointment & much amazement, none of these people/offices answered & acted responsibly as if they do not care a bit of I reported to them.
''Dear (name/office),
I had attempted to communicate with both Principal Bisceglia & Superintendent Campbell of James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic High School re the original email text I emailed to them separately dated Nov 7/23 that follows below. I failed to hear from either of them further for weeks after their initial promises of some investigations & action.
TCDSB School Trustee Ms. Li Preti also stopped responding the very same date on Dec 4/23 after I sent her the email as follows below after I indicated to her that I prefer further communications in writing.
I feel that these school personnel have been acting quite inappropriately & irresponsibly by not answering emails further after brief initial contacts from a member of the public concerning ongoing & legitimate concerns of some JMC students in nearby community
''I would like sharing with you my witnessing & direct experience of how a few groups of JMC students have been acting & behaving in a nearby public library every school day after school for hours.
Once a few of these students indicated they are doing very much same in their school library, i.e. noisy on-going social activities, swearing, chasing each other, throwing heavy books or basketball at each other, & so on.
One of these JMC students responded about 2 month ago '' what rules?" when a library staff explained to them about rules of shared space, be respectful about other library customers who need a quiet space to work, study & research, etc.
I used a supposedly '' quiet computer area " on 2/F in this library & some of these youths wearing your school uniform march into this room after school every school afternoon , occupy & have their noisy interactions, yelling, swearing, watching porns, gossiping, game fighting with each other & turn this otherwise & supposedly quiet library room into their own social party & play room.
Three JMC students framed me of swearing at them when I asked them if they used the f-word with their teachers on Oct 31/23. They are well aware that I complain often about noises for months involving them & other few groups of ruleless students who are their friends.
I feel sad & disappointing how these young Canadians whose education we taxpayers fund & how 3 of them lied & framed a member of the public as a form of retaliation because he keeps complaining about them.
If you shared my sadness & disappointment about these JMC students, I am very willing to communicate with you further as this is indeed very concerning''