I received one MP3 player at the seminar. It was charged as per the instruction and some audio
was downloaded. The sound is almost negligble. Checked the ear phones and found OK. tried on
different sources of download but the result was same. made complaint before also but no reply
from your side. I request a replacement. Please reply soon.
Ajit Randhawa Vancouver BC Canada.
Dear sirs,
As per my previous complaints I stated that my MP3 player is not functioning. There is almost no sound. As per your sugestion the Ear phones were checked on other device and found OK. I request for a replacement. Please let me know as to how it should be done.
Thank ou.
Ajit Randhawa.
Dear sirs,
My MP3 does not have sound. Checked Ear phones, found them to be alright.
Kindly replace my MP3.
Thank you.
Ajit Randhawa
5578 Tyne Street,
Vancouver BC,
Canada. V5R-4L4
I went online and radio shack refused to honor their advertisement on an mp3 player
My name is Antonio Webster. My wife and I attended your semiar and received two mp3 players, and neither of them have sound. What can we do about this situation? How can this problem be solved ? Requesting working mp3 players !
Thank you !
Antonio Webster
2324 Benton St
Granite City IL
My name is Doug in Mechanicsburg, PA. I just bought one of the XM mp3 and had sound for about 15 minutes and now have none. I will see what Pioneer will do. I wrote them tonight. Normally I would take it back to the place of purchase, but I bought it at Circuit City and they are going out of business. I hope Pioneer stands behind the product. I will keep you updated.
dale sartini,
received amp3 player from storesonline and can not find the instuctions for it, I look forword to
using it. Please email me the instructions for the player ASAP Because if they cant come up with it.
It makes me think about our business deal with storesonline. Storesonline has my contact infomation.
Hello, To Whom it make concern; I'm writing in the interest, of my mp3 player and my guest. we are sorry about not going to seminar. Any who back to what I'm writing about the mp3 player they don't work.What are you going to do about it today. An trying to get some music on this little bit toy box. I'm think we going to start walking to lost weight. So that not going to happen.Please tell me that things are going to get better.
Sincerely Your,
Barbara Beasley
Karen Surtian