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Starlec Engineering CC

Starlec Engineering CC review: No fibre internet service - bad attitude from service agent

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11:57 am EST
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Our fibre internet service were out for a few days and got a SMS on Sunday morning on the 20th of Feb 22 that the service were fixed but still had no internet service until round about between 17:00pm and 17:30pm after I called mweb support for help.

The person by the name Zukayr Hazi assisted me after I went through the standard telephone pre-verification process first. I was then asked by him verification questions such as the account address, ID number and my Cell phone number which I answered correctly. I also gave him our other account address as we have mweb services at 2 different premses. It was only after I have given him all the relevent information that he told me that I have given him the wrong information and he cannot proceed to assist. He refused to provide me with info of what information was wrong and insist to phone back again to get verified. This was after I have been waiting on the phone for anything from 5-15 mins I think the first time. I was very upset!

I then phoned back again and he answered the phone again after about between 5 and 15mins wait. He then started again with the verification process of my ID, Cell number and my adress. This time he asked me if I have another adress and confirmed that was exactly the same I gave him the first time. It was only then when he proceeded with assistance to help resolving the connection issue. By that time I was furious and I feel he was just very spitefull/disrepsectful as he could have helped me the first time if he wanted to on the first call when he saw I have 2 different addresses for both premmisess, information which I gave him anyway on the first call.

I am a customer of Mweb for many many years. I do not deserve to be treated with so much disrespect at all as I had only the best service from Mweb for many years. I have always been treated with dignity and respect and best service from Mweb for all these years.

Desired outcome: I want this matter to be fully investigated please and have a response to aviod such inconvenience and bad experience again in future. For the days that we had no services I want a refund please!

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