In early November 2008, Spinella Auto announced a contest “From Winter ALL THAT” in the Syracuse New Times. People were told to visit and explain why their car deserved a $5000.00 make-over. The contest was scheduled to end on 12/22/2008. I entered on-line.
Two days before the contest was supposed to end, I telephoned Spinella Auto. Office manager Michele Jones said that my entry hadn't been received. She gave me her direct email address and told me to resubmit my story to her. I did. I also took the extra precaution of resubmitting via the contest link on
On 12/26/2008, I telephoned Spinella Auto to find out the status of the contest. Internet Manager and Sales Associate, Billy Grasso explained that the winner would to be announced in a few days on the radio and on the Spinella website. I checked the website daily; there were no updates.
Using read-receipt on 12/31/2008, I emailed Michele Jones, asking about the contest. The email was read, but she did not respond to my inquiry. Feeling frustrated, I telephoned The Syracuse New-Times to see if they knew anything. A woman named Stephanie telephoned Spinella Auto on my behalf and relayed the following: the contest was going to have two winners, which would be announced the following week in the papers, on the radio and on the Spinella website. I checked daily; there were still no updates and it was still accepting entries into the contest.
Finally on impulse, I resubmitted my story on 1/6/2009 and sent a copy to Michele Jones. Michele immediately responded to my email. She said a winner had been announced the week prior, though she wasn't sure which newspapers and hadn't heard the announcement personally. I also received an email from Billy Grasso informing me that the contest was over. I replied to both Michele and Billy, explaining that I'd received conflicting information about the contest and felt troubled by the process. Billy quickly responded and implied that I was being a sore-loser. He said that the winner would be “announced all in good time” and suggested that I consider trading in my car. When he learned that I filed a complaint, he offered me a free New York State Inspection, oil change and complete auto-detailing. Presumably, he forgot the state of my car and why I entered the Spinella contest in the first place.
I feel that the contest was a scam. There have been many conflicting stories from Spinella staff members; a winner has yet to be announced and the website is still accepting entries. I feel victimized. I entered the contest in good faith; Spinella didn't. Spinella twisted the very rules they created and by doing that, they preyed on and played with the hopes of lower-income people.
spinellas is in big trouble they are selling and taking in trade ins and not paying the cars off there are people driving these cars and dont enen know it., they are now broke and heading for bankrupcy alot of people are going to be in trouble 11-3-09
12/5/09 any up date from any one since they were put out of business in nov 09?
we had a new motor installed in our car in july, they switched managers and mechanics in mid stream, not satisfied with work done
Tony Spinella was arrested and charged with a list of federal felony counts of grand larceny, insurance fraud, warranty fraud amongst many other charges. His Fat Buddy BILLY GRASSO should be charged as well because he was lying to customers about the banks requiring the extended warranties and then pocketing the money.
Oh yeah, Billy Grasso is the step son of North Syracuse Police Chief TOM CONNELLY, you know the guy that punched the Mayor of North Syracuse, NY in the face and still has his job. You know the ### I'm talking about.
Tom Connelly has a history of not only abusing his family, but a long history of police abuse when he was a New York State Trooper...but in NY, you get promoted if you beat someone until they die, or destroy a mans balls so he can never reproduce. Tom Connelly has been beating his wife and children for years. I know, because as a child, a group of kids used to stand outside his house listening to the screams of his wife as she was beaten to a pulp. Tom Connelly along with Billy Grasso both need to be sitting in prison.
Sorry, got off the topic of ### Anthony Spinella.