The client, Ifeoma, wrote an accurate testimonial about Dave’s work (see This is a highly egotistical man who thinks he is highly intelligent and has no regard for cultural values of the family. My entire IEP team witnessed Dave Gaines belittled me in front of the IEP team. He did not allow me to talk. The district’s lawyer was not expecting that this was how unprofessional an advocate behaved. His role was to advocate on behalf of the child and support mom. Instead of supporting mom, he arrived at these assumptions about me. If mom doesn’t know, show mom! He complained about me sending him email. Intention of me sending him emails was to keep him in the loop of what is going on. Then he said I did not inform him that I brought an advocate. That’s because he did not want me to send him any more emails! There are people in my circle who know my child and their say is just as important as what I share with the IEP team. He shows little patience for dumb clients and he is quick at becoming irritable with me when I do not fully understand. He does not want to collaborate with my lawyer. He doesn’t care what others say. He’s very selfish. Given his poor emotional intelligence towards my administrator, my parent advocates, and especially my lawyer, I give a 0/100. If anyone wants to see the actual insolent language he said to my IEP team member and my lawyer, I will be happy to share the truth on social media. It is because of his rude comments that my district invited an attorney. This came straight from his mouth and he offered no apology for his words. I warn parents about this man’s advocacy style and use of insolent insolent language. You are better off hiring another person but it is not Dave Gaines and his team!
Below are the remarks from CEO Dave Gaines: "The 21st was agreed upon by the team at the last meeting. And numerous people can confirm that. I'm sorry you are experiencing memory issues. The 15th is not available for Thao. Federal law requires that all meeting times are scheduled in mutual agreement between parent and district.
Since you are reneging on the 21st, provide us another date and we will see if it works for us.
We'll go ahead and file a CDE complaint for your previous failure to hold an IEP meeting within thirty days when Thao requested one in writing at the beginning of the school year. I guess another memory issue.
I would advise having memory issues looked at by a medical professional but I can't compel that, so we'll do all discussions by writing going forward and we will audio record all IEP meetings going forward.
Thank you."
Here is the response from the administrator who was attacked by Dave Gaines. This is the type of relationship he created with my IEP. It became so uncomfortable that this was what was reported to me: "Good Evening Thao-
It is my understanding from Theresa’s last email this morning that we are “standing by” to hear from you. Once you indicate who will be representing you we will determine if the district attorney will be in attendance on Friday.
It is unfortunate that this where we are as we have worked very hard to build a collaborative relationship. I do however, do not excuse Mr. Gaines remarks. Adults with autism are capable of maintaining respect and treating others kindly. When he chose to personally attack me, he stepped over the line. I will not be treated that way and I will not allow for any of our team members to be treated that way either. Our team is going above and beyond to teach, develop and support your child's skill development. Our team is also working diligently to development this IEP with your input at the forefront of their mind. Our team will continue to work with your child's best interest in mind, as developing a good plan to support your child's learning is what is important.
Per your request, I will look into enabling transcription and get back to you with my findings.
Thank you,
Heather Guffey, Program Specialist
Note this advocate just lied in his response to the consumer when he was very abusive to my IEP team members. More than once, he insulted me. His verbal abuse will not be tolerated. Evidence of abuse was witness by my lawyer, my IEP teams, my roomate, and parents who were present at one of my IEP meetings.
Desired outcome: I request to remove comments from his Google site removed as he falsely depicted the client as abusive when it is he who was abusive to the client, IEP team members, client's lawyer, and client's parents.