THIS IS A SCAM CALLED EXTORTION! THEY HAVE NO REAL JOBS, LIVE IN A TRAILER AND ARE BACKWARDS ### REDNECKS FROM MO. www.p.o.w.network.com, and the web site owners for a future 3.75 million dollar lawsuit resulting in their defamatory, libel remarks referring to me as a fake, phony, military officer on the Internet. The time duration came from having to get court papers filed to obtain the real names and addresses from web site programmers, and Internet Service Providers. When you finish this article you will be faced with a decision. You will either choose to ignore that this is going on, or you will help find a way to stop it.
One of the most common symptoms associated with combat related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is paranoia, the delusional fear that someone is out to hurt you. Recent revelations within the nation’s veteran community seem to imply these fears are not all that imaginary.
The Veterans Administration was originally established as a ‘non-adversarial’ agency, and our veterans have always considered the VA as a ‘sanctuary’. Those two words are at the root of this entire article. The VA was a place where a vet down on his luck could get a cup of coffee and a hot meal, or the place a sick vet could count on being treated and cared for without fear of ridicule or unwarranted scrutiny. The vet always knew he/she could find unconditional ‘compassion’, ‘understanding’, and ‘prayer’ within the walls of a VA facility. Any vet could walk through the doors of a VA and know they were safe and not in danger. Well, the VA has apparently changed their ideology and method of operation.
There is currently a group of self-appointed “government agents” targeting disabled veterans receiving disability compensation from the VA. Their objective is to locate and prosecute disabled veterans that are receiving VA disability compensation that they are not entitled to. Their main focus is on veterans with a PTSD rating. They claim that the VA healthcare system is being bilked dry by phony PTSD claims. However, they cannot provide data to support their outrageous accusations. They operate with the full support and cooperation of the VA Inspector General’s office and other major law enforcement agencies. According to Chuck and Mary Schantag of Skidmore, Missouri and owners of the POW Network (www.pownetwork.org), they have friends within the VA and DOD that will provide them with any personal information on a veteran they are investigating. In a recent email forwarded to my office, Mary Schantag wrote; “YES we continue to turn phonies and frauds and goldiggers into the VA IG and the FBI and law enforcement on a daily basis with a great team and huge support”. (Ed. Note: Misspelling, capitalization, and sentence structure are the results of a direct quote via email.) In another email, POW Network associate and group member Mr. Gary Assell of Montgomery, Illinois and owner of Viper’s Web Page made this statement to justify their operations; “All disabled veterans are NOT the targets, only those who have obtained benefits through fraud and misrepresentation, which is punishable under Title 38 USC. It is a proven fact that veterans who have fraudulently received benefits or medical care through fraud or misrepresentation HAVE cost the VA millions of dollars”.
This is not the first time we have heard of the POW Network and their questionable operations. Exactly one year ago, this same group harassed Mr. Gene Simes and myself and even boasted of acquiring our Social Security numbers without our consent. In an email exchange the Schantags made this statement; “We cannot afford to have some "friends" compromised as they search through files for the truth on this. And we meet with the VA IG Friday...” Mr. Simes and I filed a complaint with the VA Inspector General’s office and a formal investigation was launched. The investigation concluded the Schantags committed no crime, the case was dropped, and they continue their questionable relationship as informants with the VA IG today. The most notable and curious fact about our first encounter with the POW Network was Mr. Simes and I called our complaint into the VA Inspector Generals Office on May 1, 2006. On May 3, 2006 the Department of Veterans Affairs “announced they had lost a computer containing personal information on 26.5 million veterans (including Social Security numbers)…”
Another Key associate of the POW Network group is a former Navy SEAL with 27 years in the service. Captain Larry Bailey of Chocowinity, North Carolina is probably best known for his association with the book; ‘Stolen Valor’, which was about veterans claiming military service or awards they were not entitled to. The Stolen Valor book spawned a rash of individuals subscribing to the theory that many of our veterans were frauds and the budget short-falls the VA was experiencing was due to phony veterans within the VA system. In a recent email sent to my office by Larry Bailey, he stated; “far too many veterans and phonies are bilking the VA out of hundreds of millions of dollars, and Congress will not allow the VA to do the investigation that is necessary to stop the fraud. Unless and until the fraudulent VA claimants are ferreted out and dealt with, I will not lend ANY support to any effort to give that corrupt agency another nickel. I am surprised that you would advocate pumping billions more down that bureaucratic rat hole. In another email Bailey said; “Thank God that I don't have to depend on VA for assistance I really need, and I don't rip them off for false PTSD like a LOT of people do. And I have two good friends who are doing just that, saying that "I might as well get mine, " or words to that effect. One of them even encourages me to get some myself. It makes me sick. That is what I was trying to explain to Jere Beery; he clearly didn't want to hear that.” This author wonders if Mr. Bailey has exposed these two “close friends” as frauds on the POW Network website, or has he remained silent while these individuals continue to supposedly defraud the VA. A third possibility is that Mr. Bailey is exaggerating these claims in order to support his own position. Only Mr. Bailey can be entirely certain as to the truth in this matter.
These statements combined with the many complaints I receive from veterans stating they had been wrongly harassed, intimidated and publicly humiliated by the POW Network, paints a very ugly picture. Many veterans think the Schantags are using the sacred ‘Prisoner of War Movement’ to hide more sinister activities. Although the POW Network was originally established to address issues concerning the accounting of Prisoners of War and Missing in action, their objectives now have taken a very vile turn. They now apparently think they are a law enforcement arm for the entire veteran community. There is a VERY big difference between a person that illegally claims military awards they are not entitled to, and a sick veteran suffering from a medical condition (such as PTSD) which has suicidal tenancies associated with it. In this writer’s opinion, after many years of involvement in veteran’s affairs, it is not in the best interest of our disabled veterans to cast unwarranted blame on them, or to question any medical condition they may have which is recognized and diagnosed by the VA. Especially when sensitive emotional and mental issues are involved. The veteran community does not need this ridicule, scrutiny, or intimidation by any one, much less a self-appointed group of informants.
It is unknown if the Schantags or anyone else in the group receives anything in return from the VA for the veterans they turn in. However, they do receive donations and endorsements from private sources and a number of veteran service organizations. They have also reaped the rewards of their notoriety in connection with Stolen Valor. Unfortunately, their exploits now are causing mistrust within the veteran community and unnecessary pain and grief to veterans and their families.
Over the next few weeks ‘Operation Firing For Effect’ will be asking the hard questions of the VA, FBI, and several veteran service organizations. We want to know if they can verify that there is in fact a large number of frauds enrolled in the VA healthcare system, and if they condone, or participate in the ‘predatory’ tactics used by the POW Network. To date, we have spoken with 3 national veteran service organizations headquartered in Washington, DC; the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the Blinded Veterans Association, and the American Legion. All three stated they do not scrutinize the disability ratings of their membership, and they have no data to support the VA has experienced a high percentage of bogus disability claims.
If it is true that the VA has become so corrupt and inept that they are incapable of administering the rules and regulations governing the distribution of disability compensation, and that this has resulted in hundreds of thousands of disabled veterans receiving compensation that they are not entitled to, the American public has the right to know this as soon as humanly possible.
There are currently an estimated 12 to 15 million illegal aliens in this country taking advantage of our system and its benefits. One might think if the POW Network were truly concerned about exposing fraud on a large scale, they would devote their efforts towards a real threat to our country. The Schantags claim “They Support Our Troops’ on one hand, and then turn around and suggest a large number of them are frauds? The support we give our men and women in uniform must be unconditional. The disabled veterans that fall under the control of the VA are National Treasures and should be protected the same as ‘hallowed ground’. Remember the word ‘sanctuary’? If the VA is involved in ANY way in the current campaign to ‘shake down’ the disabled veterans of this country, they have totally lost sight of their mission and should be held accountable by the American people. If the VA is encouraging civilian ‘bounty hunters’ to find veterans that may not deserve all they are receiving, they are no longer ‘non-adversarial’, they are ‘predators’. This violation of our veteran’s trust would not look good on a recruiting poster.
Ask yourself these questions; Have we become so callus and bitter as a Nation that we feel the need to look for ways to discredit our veterans? What training or certification does the POW Network have that allows them to involve themselves in the ‘personal’ medical issues of a veteran? With the current URGENT needs of our most recent disabled veterans returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq is this ‘witch hunt mentality’ really helping the situation, or hurting? Does it really matter to the majority of Americans if a few boarder-line PTSD cases filed by ‘Verified Former Military Personnel’ fall through the cracks? Is it really worth the risk of targeting the wrong veteran with false accusations and triggering a tragedy? And finally, what does any of this have to do with accounting for our Prisoners of War or Missing in Action?
It is not the intent of this article to imply fraud is acceptable under any circumstances. And this article is not intended to protect the fraudulent from exposure and/or prosecution. However, PTSD is a very sensitive medical condition that is better left to the medical professionals to diagnose and treat, not the POW Network. There is very little doubt in my mind that the number of fraud cases within the Social Security Administration, Medicare, and Food Stamp programs far exceeds any possible number of cases within the VA.
If this article has upset you and you feel compelled to stop this unwarranted attack on our disabled veterans, contact your local media and ask them to investigate this story. Remember; if you do nothing, you can expect nothing to change.
would like to add my comments for the group here. I'm also listed on Mary Schantag's...pownetwork.org I was put on there in 2006 for what some screwballs from a website considered a phony. The pownetwork. org shows that I don't have any military records to be found. Well, lets see here. I count 72 pages of my military records, including 5 copies (certified) of my DD214, and a few photos in my old uniform made back in 1950's.
Here is what I am wondering. Can a legitimate class action suit be filed? How would one go about that? How would one find out if anyone was even interested? Thanks for all the replys, this is very much still alive issue with my interested peoples. I would like to hear more from others if there are any out there with similiar experiences. thx. I'm in good company here, when one can say "Their name is etched in stone on the P.O.W. Network" as a fake, phony, or just down right no good American according to the two "whizzbang" at P.O.W. Network website. I've been on there since 1999, and probably on of the first there. Here is the story on how that was done.
1998 in Hot Springs, Ark we had a Little Rock newspaper looking for WWII, Korea, and Vietnam veterans to share their story when they were in the military during those wars. There were about 200 or so that came forward to be interviewed. The local VFW put my name on the list, and a lady called to ask if I would take the time to share my years during the Korea war. During the interview, she ask many questions what service (Navy), rank, and what, when, and where did I serve my duty. I told her that I spent two tours on an aircraft carrier as a radio/radar technician on a AD-4W with VC-12 squadron from [protected], and three years more stationed on Guam, and San Diego base duty. and gave her some facts what I did during that time. There was nothing asked regarding of any combat actions. She asked if I received any medals during this time. I told her the Navy gave me the United Nations, National Defense, Navy Unit Commendation, China Service, and Presidential Unit Citation, Korean Service medal, Navy Good Conduct medal as per the listing on my DD214, which I shown her. Nothing else was said or giving to her, and she went on her way.
It was surprise the VFW post commander called me to tell me I was listed on the website...P.O.W. Network as a fake, phony as saying I was a Navy hero, and was decorated highly by the U.S. Navy for my Korea war combat action. He showed me the P.O.W. Network website where my name was listed. These people at P.O.W Network had be listed as claiming medal that I didn't earn...like two Bronze Stars. Also these P.O.W Network people shows that "there is no military service records to be found" for me at the St. Louis headquarters.
I called my state Senator to protest this website showing I was a fake, phony, and to have my name removed. To this day...2010, my name still is listed there.
From what I can put together, the newspaper lady must have written down my service number, name, birth date, and where I was born, etc. Also the two little "Bronze Stars" are those that is attached to the Korean Service medal for the two tours there, not the regular Bronze Star medal that is rewarded to those that was injured or saved the life of a fellow serviceman.
So, it's true there are many people listed on the P.O.W. Network..like me, that shouldn't be there. All due to these two individuals wanting to put a feather in their bonnet, to gain some gifts...money from man to fill their bank account. Plus play the game, they are some type of law enforcement body to put innocence people on their site, and proclaim they are the true FBI.
NOTE: Two years ago I filled out a Form 180 to get my military records. About three months later I received my records...about 47 pages, plus a new sets of all the medals listed above. So, I say to P.O.W. Network, your friends at the Navy Records didn't fill like sending to my records for your trash basket.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
my name is stephen jeeson hawkins. my company holds a gsa contract and i was informed by a liason officer that i was on the pow network as a fraud. ? i was never in the service. i checked and sure enough, pictures of me are there with someone's military info. the pictures are of milsim airsoft which my son and i participate. no uniforms, no claims of valor or medals...just pictures of me in camo's and someones military history. i tried calling and e-mailing mary and chuck but of course get no response. i guess its time to let the lawyers after them.
i never claimed seal status or any other type of status. my oquestion is ...how did they get pictures from my sons flickr album and then post them with some elses military record. the name on the record is stephen boe hawkins...my name is stephen jeeson hawkins. i know there are probably hundreds of stephen hawkins in the united states alone. could a disgruntled employee or ex-employee do this...maybe. My attorney stated that unless they can produce documentation, then i have suffecient grounds for slander and defamation of character.
are you pulling this out of your hat as you go? send me a link of where this is posted
ok...thats easy to find. now show me where i am claiming to be a navy seal.
you must be affiliated with pow network because you sure all going all out trying to defend them.
nice try. you sure have an answer for everything...by the way... why does the guy in that picture have air force stripes on his sleeve? i thought the seals were navy. you are truelly making no sense now.
don't get me wrong... i commend the work they do, but my concerns are 1. who is trying to say that i am claiming to be a seal 2.why is my picture with some elses record 3.he said/she said usually ends up with someone getting sued. ( which mary and chuck should know by now with all the past and current law suits against them) my attorney is trying to track down this stephen boe hawkins to see what he thinks about all this. i never claimed to be in the military or the seals. if someone has sent or made up things to say otherwise...as they say: what goes around/ comes around.
who said anything about florida bar? i was with mr.michaels when he placed that call and i serious doubt that anyone even attemted to call him back. all i have heard so far is a bunch of fairy tales with no one coming forth with any proof.
As well Steve you may want to think really hard about who you have all told your stories too. Being shot? and the what not? as well when did you have a son? I know you only have a daughter, who else is in that picture I know the one thats in it, I know his name. Maybe you should just cop to this crap get it over with and move on.
since you are accessing pow networks files soooo late at night, you must be part of them. you have said quite a bit but have yet to supply concrete evidence. alot of assuming and opinions. i really hope mr. roscoe and the others win their suit. it is one thing to help veterans, but then a whole other thing to slander and post false information ( which is punishable under law ). first amendment of free speech supports free opinion. once that opinion is posted then it no longer is free speech.
Look in the mirror Steve,
Fact is you made the claim(s) and somebody who caught you lying about it (likely many) turned you into the POW Network to be investigated for it and you were found guilty by reason of the facts presented against you and then posted on their website as the real SEALs have already informed you. It could have just as easily been the SEALs they went to in the first place and you would have then been investigated by them, posted upon their website then what would you have done gone here in protest the same way? Surely you would've!
It's time you man up if you can and accept that what you've said and done regarding being a POW/SEAL was wrongful on your part and apologize with the truth to those you've hurt with this then feel fortunate that you were just outed not prosecuted under the newly passed Stolen Valor Act of Dec 11, 2006 where you likely would have been found guilty and would be doing time for your lies instead.
If you did in fact have a GSA account it will soon be gone! GSA accounts me squat though an automatic car wash can have one so big deal! The tailor who sews patches on legitimate DoD/ Military uniforms can have a GSA account as well! Why you make reference to your alleged GSA account over and over? Does it hold the key to your lies?
Prove your legal birth second name is Jeezson and you will possibly be able to Wright wrong so to speak and get some of the watchdogs who are putting the screws to you (present company included) to take a second glance at who you truly are.
Until then, good luck! You are going to need it!
Just to let you guys know Steven Hawkins has said that he was Seal team six multiple times in multiple post. I did the research back then about a year ago and found that I was right, He has nothing better to do than create these lies of Valor. I have personally banned him multiple times from FloridaAirsoft.com forums for lying and then trying to re-event himself as another.
What he never realized is that we save all IP addresses for future use in cases like this. We have all of his post saved on our forums regarding him being a Seal team member.
It's funny when your lies catch up to you and bite you in the ###!
Oh yea he went as far as to make up a fictitious email and sent me an email saying that it was his CO and that he was a Seal member stationed out of MacDill AFB.
It never amazes me on how many guys I catch in these types of lies luckily I have the contacts to see through the Bull S*#T.
did a little research. i do find a legal name change to stephen hawkins about 3 years ago. no info so far on a prior name. did find quite a few complaints about a anthony lyons claiming to be a tampa police department member. any relation to sue or former daniel lyons?
No relation, And never claimed to be Tampa Police but I have done work with them as well as HCSO and other depts, Also worked as OPFOR for the Army and recieved an award just last week from Tampa Police.
Give me some info on where you have seen these complaints. I have everything from photos to certificates from who I worked with in the military, But I have never been in the mil/l.e. as a officer or soldier.
And never have I misrepresented myself.
Wow, Funny that you know Bobby, Hes not good, Its ahsame Bobby is one of the most stand up people that I have ever known.
Do I know you or do you just know Bob?
I have a feeling Utah Mike is possibly Hawkins with another user name, As in all his post everywhere he only types lower case.
Sorry for the multiple post, I relized I did not answer your last question.
It does ring a bell especially "Big Foot".
lol, good one tlyons. forgive my punctuations and sentence structure as i sit behind a computer for most of the day. i am awaiting a call back from a friend as to mr.hawkins satus with the military, name change, etc.
You should report your smelly ### to the junkyard.
POW Network is a SCAM. Would you like a donation?
Remember how you asked me for a donation to take all the info off your website?
why all the bashing of the pow network? They try and do a good service. True info is limited to what records are available from national archives, but why all the bashing?
LOL...They love to make up statements about people that were never said. I can understand exposing frauds...but the problem is they are half cocked and really don't have a clue about what they are doing. Well hopefully they get what's coming to them.
I know who and where this Steven Boe is if anyone is interested.
I know who and where this Stephen Boe Hawkins is.
These people are a composite group of current duty military using your government tax paid computers along with the American Legion membership enablers to cyber/harass and dishonor the combat disabled Vietnam War Veterans for the fun and profit. You too, for a mere $20.oo, can get your most hated Vietnam War Veteran "seeded" and "made a contestant" for public flogging or cyber/suicide activities. The real deal Vietnam War PTSD Vets are "the favorite targets" of the new millennial soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen trying "to get their benefits" already earned by those who went before them and "Be Damned" with the truth.