Reservation confirmation code - FTKFNTC6MG
Guest name: Kathy Moley
Check in: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Check out: Sunday, September 25, 2022
Guarantee type: Credit Card
Number of adults: 2
Number of children: 0
Number of rooms: 1
Room description:
2 Full Beds |
Guest comments: FF
Subtotal: $391.97 USD
Taxes: $44.15 USD
Total w/tax*: $436.12 USD
When we arrived home after our trip and unpacked our belongings I realized that I had left a battery charger and one (1) battery (for my camera) plugged into the wall at Motel 6 in Salinas. I called the motel and spoke with the manager and explained my error and then asked if by chance the charger had been turned in to the office. She confirmed that it had. I then asked if she could return it to me and I offered to cover the expense of that request. I was then told that that was not motel policy. I asked her just what was motel policy. She informed me that they held recovered items for thirty (30) days and then threw them away. I pleaded with her to return my belongings again offering to cover her expenses; she finally agreed. I then mailed her our mailing address and a ten (10) bill to cover postage. To this day I have not received anything from Motel 6; I have an $800 camera sitting on my desk with no battery nor charger. I would like this resolved.
Desired outcome: The best outcome for me would be the return of my charger and battery especially since I paid for the return postage and I would appreciate a response confirming whatever action will be taken. Thank you.